MaryJane's Farmgirl Sisterhood

Earning Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badges

Farm Kitchen

17. Canning


  • Research the different types of canning available and how ph and heat relate to each method.
  • Find 3 different jars of canned goods in your home or the supermarket. Read the ingredient list, and from the packaging type and product inside, determine how each product was canned.


  • Gather the needed supplies for water-bath canning and can 2 different items using the water-bath method.
  • Share some of your preserved goodies with a friend and let them know the recipe you used.


  • Can 2 different low-acid foods with a tested recipe in a pressure canner.
  • Share some of your preserved goodies with a friend and let them know the recipe you used.

April, 2024 Edition