MaryJane's Farmgirl Sisterhood

Apply for a Farmerette Merit Badge

Note: Before you submit your application, we recommend copying and pasting your task descriptions in a separate text or Word file. That way, if there are any problems submitting your application, you won’t risk losing everything you already typed.

Applicant’s First Name:
Applicant’s Last Name:
Email Address:
Mentoring Sister’s Name:
Mentoring Sister’s Sisterhood Membership Number:
Mentoring Sister’s Chatroom Name:
Merit Badge Category:
Merit Badge Task:
Merit Badge Level:
Tell Us How You
Earned Your Merit Badge:
Tell Us How It
Turned Out:

Dates must be entered using the format: mm/dd/yyyy

Date Started: Calendar
Date Finished: Calendar

Photos are not required, but we love to see what you’ve accomplished earning your Merit Badge. Any photos you provide must be saved as jpegs (.jpg or .jpeg).

Upload Photo:

Now, just retype the words shown in the Captcha below, and click “Submit Application”.