T O P I C R E V I E W |
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Nov 30 2005 : 5:02:09 PM wanted to share some photos of our home .. Cabin Creek Farm .. and the 'story of it'
This was my very first glimpse of Cabin Creek Farm -- September 1993 issue of Country Living. We were living in Annapolis, Maryland (capitol of Maryland and home of the U.S. Naval Academy) at the time. I was enchanted with the barn ..

and then i turned to the article and fell passionately in love! i told hank "i want to live here someday" .. i don't think i even paid attention to the fact that it was in Kentucky .. but for years .. it had been my dream to live in an historic log cabin on a farm.

the original to the property log cabin has TWO rooms .. downstairs and upstairs .. with a little 'lean-to' (that is open to the downstairs .. which was the kitchen and bathroom when the prior owners lived here. the logs inside were unpainted and the cabin stood alone. five years later, they whitewashed this room .. painted the wide wood floors 'yellow' and added an addition which brought the two cabins together.

i love the sassafrass tree twin beds that were built out of trees cut in the woods surrounding Cabin Creek Farm. These beds came with the house .. he had to build them upstairs .. and with the little windy staircase .. there would have been no way to get them out of here without totally dismanteling them. We even still have the little 'cat bed' made of sassafrass ... a 'teddy bear' now sleeps in it!

the little log cabin (that looks more like a tobacco shed) (circa 1876) was moved from 20 miles away in a neighboring Kentucky county. When this photo shoot was done, it had just been assembled .. you can see 'sky' through the slats .. the chinking had not yet been put in it. This cabin is actually about the same size as the original cabin. one room upstairs and one room downstairs. No windows are seen .. because this is actually the 'back of the cabin' .. the front looks off into the forest.
The BEAUTIFUL lush gardens are no longer here. Renters lived at Cabin Creek Farm for one year .. the husband did not like flowers and had a huge "KABOTA"??? (not sure i spelled that right) .. and wiped them all out! I am slowly but surely replacing them!

The left side of the picture is the view from the enclosed 'back porch' .. the right side is the barn at the top and the wonderful olde gardens (fence was reclaimed by mother nature!) at the bottom.

hope all these pictures come through ... will post some of Cabin Creek Farm ... 5 years later than these .. when it was again featured in Country Living Magazines .. when the two cabins were joined together with an addition that houses a large kitchen, small laundry room, our bedroom and bathroom and a long hallway. Shows the wonderful dream kitchen of mine .. and the newly 'white-washed' walls of the 1863 log cabin.
True Friends, Frannie |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
walkinwalkoutcattle |
Posted - Feb 22 2010 : 12:51:57 PM I'm so suprised at how many wonderful Kentucky gals I'm coming across on this forum!
I'm from Garrard county, about an hour south of Lexington, just outside Richmond. You have a beautiful story Frannie! And what a beautiful farm!
Starbucks and sushi to green fried tomatoes and corn pudding-I wouldn't change it for the world. www.cattleandcupcakes.blogspot.com |
mscountrygirl |
Posted - Feb 12 2010 : 3:41:19 PM Your story gives me hope to find my own dream place! thank you for sharing.
It's all good! |
remembrance farmgirl |
Posted - Feb 12 2010 : 1:56:41 PM I just wanted to say that I have admired frannie since I first came across this posting in 2005....before that I had not heard of MJF......Thank you Frannie!!!
I will work harder! |
Tapestry |
Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 8:11:52 PM Nancy I'm so sorry about your mom. Always so tough losing a parent. Big huggzz to you. I'm happy that you and your DH found your dream home! Next time you talk to Frannie please tell her she is greatly missed on this forum and even though I didn't know her well I sure miss her. I know lots of others do too. She was one of the reasons when I was a newbie here that I just loved coming in to read her stories. I felt so badly when she left. Please encourage her to come back and say hello. 
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles 
http://tapestrysimaginings.blogspot.com/ |
nabrown42 |
Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 7:54:39 PM Frannie and I "talk" almost every day. I, like Frannie, bought a home in KY. We have a place in Ft. Wayne, IN and had been looking for a retirement place in my hubby's home state. We closed 2 weeks ago on a 39 acre spot around 50 miles from Frannie's place. It has a small cedar cabin, lots of trees and the house is secluded. No other houses can be seen from the house and you can't hear anything other than birds, crickets or frogs. It's not a historical place like Frannies but a piece of Heaven non the less. Frannie had one of her gurl frenz weekends starting last Friday and it ended yesterday. I was planning on attending but my mother passed away and we had planned on going to FL for a reading of the will. I passed on the get together at Frannies but there was a change of plans at the last minute in FL so we ended up spending out first weekend at our cabin. What bliss!!! We couldn't see any house or street lights at night and we couldn't hear anything other than nature nodding off to sleep. Next time we're down there, we'll be sure to visit Frannie, if she's back from her trip up North.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
Julia |
Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 6:23:24 PM I do too, Cheryl.
For tomorrow and its needs I do not pray, but keep me, guide me, love me, Lord just for today. St. Augustine
http://www.myfeetaredirty.blogspot.com/ |
Tapestry |
Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 12:27:19 AM I miss Frannie's wonderful posts here. She could tell a great story ...smile. Does anyone still keep in touch with her?
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles 
http://tapestrysimaginings.blogspot.com/ |
Cheesemaker |
Posted - Sep 06 2009 : 4:33:32 PM I have been rereading the posts from Frannie at Cabin Creek Farm. Like many of you, I remain fascinated with that place. My DH and I are planning to build a small cabin soon and I searched for my old copy of County Living today just to find Cabin Creek. Frannie, if you are still out there I would love to hear from you and see what is happening in your neck of the woods these days. Cheesemaker |
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 9:01:17 PM no website dearheart .. jus' what i post here and to my TRUE FRIENDS list .. e-mail me if you'd like to be added to that .. it is mostly where i send my 'notes' and stuff .. i post lots of them here .. but not all. if you want me to add you .. jus' e-mail me your full name and e-mail addy. xoxo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 9:00:03 PM nancy darlin' . .i sure will .. but i will know more on wednesday after i've seen the doc. will e-mail you info now though! it woudl be SO grand to meet you!!! xoxo
ohhh .. you have to e-mail me your e-mail addy cuz' there are photos and such and too much to copy it here ... i think 'most of the info' is on previous pages in this thread though. xoxo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
nabrown42 |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 4:17:26 PM I told hubby about the gurlfren's weekend and he thought it would be good for me to join in. Please send me info.
I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind. |
nabrown42 |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 4:02:46 PM How I would love to join you on the 11th which happens to be my birthday. Unfortunately, we're supposed to be leaving for a 3 week jaunt into New England and Canada. I'll check with hubbie. I don't think it would take much to convince him to take a turn south and visit Kentucky at the start of our vacation.
We lived in Westminster, MD from 1999 to 2002. Before that we lived in Atlanta, I for 22 years and he for 5.
Is there a website that shows your farm? I've been trying to tell him about your property but would love for him to see pictures. Of course, I can pull up the ones on the forum.
I'll let you know about the gir;frem's get together.
I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind. |
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 2:04:30 PM nancy .. you are close enuff .. that i do hope you will come for a visit! you KNOW we are having a gurlfren gathering with about 30 of us .. october 11/12. think you can join us? if you wish .. i'd be happy to e-mail you info. would love to have you jon us. if you can't make it those dates .. anytime would be grande! where in maryland did you live?
MONICA .. thanks for the sweet words gurlfren .. oh my! you should see it NOW! we've made so many wonderful improvements! xoxo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
oldfashioned girl |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 11:49:58 AM Frannie, What a beautiful place! I am so glad you were able to get it! What a wonderful story!
Monica farmgirls rule!
www.justducky48.etsy.com |
nabrown42 |
Posted - Sep 22 2008 : 10:44:29 AM I can't believe I stumbled upon this forun as a new member. My husband is from Kentucky and we live in Indiana now after living in Maryland for a spell. I remember your homestead from the magazine's first article. I actually cried when I saw it again because it is the setting of my dreams...I actually see this layout when I envision my dream home. We're retiring soon and looking for a home in Kentucky and will be looking for a setting just like yours. I have spent the past few hours reading the whole forum of your continuing saga.
I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind. |
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 19 2008 : 03:54:46 AM thanks gurlz .. there are a few other new friends who e-mailed me and wanted to see it .. sooo .. here t'is! xoxo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
whiteraven |
Posted - Sep 12 2008 : 9:59:14 PM OK I know other people have posted this same thing, but I bought the magazine just for the picture of the beautiful barn on the cover about a year ago from a thrift store. I wanted it for the insperation of owning a farm. I'm glad to know someone who loves it is its caretaker. Great find Frannie!
farmgirl Sister #320
Life is what you make it! |
berryhill |
Posted - Sep 12 2008 : 8:47:58 PM Well, this is the first time I have read this story, and it is truly wonderful. It was definitely meant to be. Thanks for sharing...would love to visit sometime. It's actually not that far away from NW Tennessee! Linda |
homemom |
Posted - Sep 12 2008 : 07:37:22 AM Your story is amazing. I have truly enjoyed reading this post and seeing all the pictures. Ruth
Living the farm life in my heart. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Ruth
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 11 2008 : 10:19:13 PM betty ... here's the posting about how we came to live in Kentucky! xo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 11 2008 : 10:17:53 PM kathryn ... we're in GREEN COUNTY! come visit!
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Sep 11 2008 : 10:10:09 PM girls ... i'm sorry i missed your postings. dawn .. you probably know by now that we are smack dab in the MIDDLE of kentucky. lookin' forward to meeting you!!!
kathryn .. we are in GREEN COUNTY. come visit! xo
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com
LouisvilleMom |
Posted - Aug 20 2008 : 10:09:54 AM I LOVE your farm. Where are you located? I live in Jefferson County right on the Oldham County border. |
deeredawn |
Posted - Aug 20 2008 : 06:06:27 AM Olive Hillis on the far est end of Ky. You are more towards Louisville correct? Maybe next summer we will drive by, or when hubby goes to the farm/tractor show in Louisville in February....
Dawn M. Sista #279 (big grin!) www.harvestthymefarm.com
"I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one!"...Calamity Jane |
CabinCreek-Kentucky |
Posted - Aug 19 2008 : 11:34:24 AM

lower cabin that we call the 'CREEK'
adopt a 'rag-chile' http://sistermercysfoundlinhome.blogspot.com
treasures .. new and olde .. http://mudpiemanormercantile.blogspot.com