T O P I C R E V I E W |
Rosemary |
Posted - Apr 20 2015 : 08:40:40 AM I just found this on a site I visit now and then. I love the design of this page, too. Reminds me of our MaryJane's "look."
I'm going to try this. It's especially nice that you can throw the used wipes in a bag to launder and re-use. I would use an extra openwork lingerie bag for this rather than a pillow case, though. I'm thinking of cutting up some white washcloths because I like the extra exfoliating quality, versus tee-shirt material. I can get packs of 12 for cheap at our local dollar store. They make great cleaning rags.
See what you think: http://happymoneysaver.com/gentle-cleansing-facial-wipes/#_a5y_p=1528898
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
ClaireSky |
Posted - Oct 25 2015 : 05:48:19 AM Thanks for the heads-up on this one, Rosemary! I am certainly going to try this out.
Julie  Farmgirl #399 May 2010 Farmgirl of the Month
Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog ... Charles F. Doran |
FarfromaFarmer |
Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 9:14:19 PM One thing I've been doing recently, which you can also read about in my blog, is Coconut oil. :) In the winter I get dry skin on my face. I decided to start using coconut oil on my face and one day I put too much on so I used some toilet paper to get the extras off and WOW. There was so much make-up that came off after I Had already used a makeup remover cloth from Burt's Bees! So now that's how I get rid of my make up. It's healthy, moisturizing, and does a good job!
http://farfromafarmer.blogspot.com/ |
Rosemary |
Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 8:02:25 PM My pleasure, Amy. |
Song Sparrow |
Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 7:28:42 PM Hi Rosemary, I love this and can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing!
Peace in our hearts, peace in the world Amy www.danaherandcloud.com