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 What is everyone canning?

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naturemaiden Posted - Jul 18 2015 : 1:24:20 PM
So far I've put up dilly beans, kidney beans and today is turkey stock. When I'm done today I will have canned 24 quarts. I still have 3 turkey carcasses to make more stock from. Handcrafted Soap & Candles My published books & other writing. Filled with everything I love! Vintage Sewing Machine Parts
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YellowRose Posted - Nov 10 2024 : 06:08:46 AM
Michelle the recipe I will be using calls for either navy or great northern beans. I prefer great northern beans but I have navy beans that I want to use up. I like this recipe because it calls for ketchup, apple cider vinegar, and mustard which is what I used when I use to make baked beans. Another thing about this recipe it calls for uncured bacon instead of salt pork. Salt pork is hard to find in Paris stores and when you do find it, it is so expensive.

Great job on juicing the cranberries and making Christmas jam.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
windypines Posted - Nov 10 2024 : 03:21:21 AM
Sara I had seen a recipe on facebook for "better then bush's baked beans". I will compare that to the recipe you are mentioning and see if they are close to the same or not. I was thinking about switching out the navy bean for great northern beans, as that is what we always used to make baked beans. Have not done it yet though. Yesterday I used a gallon bag of cranberries I had frozen, canning juice and trying some Christmas jam.

Farming in WI


YellowRose Posted - Nov 09 2024 : 11:49:44 AM
Michelle, I've been looking through my canning books for baked beans recipes, I may give it a try since I have navy beans on hand. What recipe are you using for your baked beans? I found one in my "The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning" book that I will probably use.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
windypines Posted - Nov 09 2024 : 03:24:13 AM
Krista you can find lots of recipes on pinterest for cranberry juice. It is so simple to do. Put berries and sugar, if you want in a jar. Add boiling water and water bath can. Then it sits for a month or two and you strain and drink. A cup to cup and a half in a quart jar, however much you want of berries.
Sara that is quite a variety of beans you do, amazing. I want to try a home canned baked beans next.
Lisa good luck with your canning.

Farming in WI


nubidane Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 6:32:42 PM
Thanks Sara! I need some variety in my beanage!
YellowRose Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 5:08:09 PM

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
nubidane Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 4:39:15 PM
The Bean Queen will be busy!
I forget what your source is? I may try some of these varieties.
YellowRose Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 4:20:35 PM
Lisa, here's the list.

Royal Corona - Italian large lima bean - I do not can this bean it is
too large for pints but it is one of my favorite beans

Pinto Beans

Mayocoba Beans - yellow bean kin to pintos.

King City Pink Beans - kin to pintos

Green Baby Lima Beans - I like them in veg soup & as a side dish.

Ayocote Negro Beans - first time to try this black bean - it's larger
than the turtle black bean I usually can.

Black eye-peas and eye of the goat beans were out of stock. I'm on their wait list.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
nubidane Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 3:38:11 PM
Krista, I can mine with no sugar, but it is easy.
Sara, what kind of beans did you order? I know you get quite the variety.
YellowRose Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 2:24:57 PM
I'm in the process of getting ready to start canning next week. Found a recipe for home canned sloppy joes on-line that I want to try. Will make 8 1/2-pint jars which is perfect for me. One jar, one sandwich for a quick lunch.

I've ordered 8 different beans to be delivered week after next, one bean won't be back in stock until the 12th. When I do receive my order, I plan on canning up a storm.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 08 2024 : 1:23:21 PM
Thank you Lisa. My family loves cranberry juice. Is it pretty easy to make?

Farmgirl Sister #528
nubidane Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 4:55:45 PM
Good job Kristin! Any amount of food in the larder beats buying it at the grocery.
I got apples SUPER cheap from the Amish and found cranberries on the cheap at Aldi's. I am thinking of canning cranberry juice and taking the leftover cranberries and mixing with some apples for some kind of a compote
Emily, I've never tried mandarin oranges. Are they fresh? I've heard if the pith is not completely removed, they turn out bitter. Have you done them before?
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 1:41:14 PM
I finished canning the last of my tomatoes yesterday. I ended up with 2 quarts and 1 pint. Now that the tomatoes are done and everything is out of the garden, I am done canning for the season. All in all I think it was a pretty decent year considering how bad my garden grew. Next year will be even better!

Farmgirl Sister #528
YellowRose Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 04:36:47 AM
Emily, well done.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
alterationsbyemily Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 4:44:24 PM
I did quick packing grapes for grape juice and then tonight I did Mandarin oranges.

Farmgirl #2951
2012 Farmgirl of the Year
TikTok: Awakenthedeadexperiences
ddmashayekhi Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 09:26:47 AM
Don't forget to share some pictures of your pies with us Michele!

Dawn in IL

“November always seemed to me the Norway of the year.” Emily Dickinson
windypines Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 02:42:41 AM
Blueberry pie filling filled four jars, all sealed. This recipe was just a little shy of filling the jars, so I made notes on the recipe. Nice to have them out of the freezer, and ready to use.

Farming in WI


YellowRose Posted - Nov 04 2024 : 06:14:00 AM
Well done, Michelle, I think that has happened with me only once or twice. Enjoy your cherry pies this winter.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
windypines Posted - Nov 04 2024 : 02:36:17 AM
got 4 perfect pints of cherry pie filling canned yesterday. I could not believe the recipe filled the 4 jars, with none left over and none a bit short. They taste great also. Yum. Blueberry today. Had a great time making jam and jelly yesterday afternoon with a friends.

Farming in WI


windypines Posted - Nov 03 2024 : 03:53:42 AM
Sara you got to do what works best for you. I steam juiced blackberries I had the in the freezer yesterday. Two and a half quarts, that are ready to make jelly with. I am supposed to show a friend how to make jam and jelly today. I would like to try making some cherry pie filling and blue berry pie filling. It would get some bags out fruit out of my freezer too. I have some empty jars again, should start filling them. Happy Canning everyone.

Farming in WI


YellowRose Posted - Nov 02 2024 : 07:22:32 AM
Great job, Judith. Pickle beets are one of my favorite things to can. Must do a batch for the winter.

I've gone back to soaking the beans overnight and boiling for 30 minutes to can. Over the last year I have had problems with some of the bean broth darkling. If I don't understand what's happening with my canned goods, I go back to what the Ball Blue Book says.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
windypines Posted - Nov 02 2024 : 03:32:56 AM
So pretty Judith, enjoy. Good luck Tara with the beans. Different ways to do them. I can them dry, so pretty simple. Beans, a little salt and boiling water, then pressure can. About a half a cup of beans in a pint jar. Pressure can 90 min.

Farming in WI


StitchinWitch Posted - Nov 01 2024 : 9:12:19 PM
7 pints of pickled beets done today. All pinged and sealed.

Now it's time to rest and be thankful.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Nov 01 2024 : 6:37:08 PM
I want to try canning navy beans, any advice? The store bought beans have a lot of salt.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
windypines Posted - Nov 01 2024 : 03:10:38 AM
I had my old All American canner lid tested. They recommend a new gauge. I have looked around some, but am not sure they would fit. As I have no numbers on this canner. I would think a gauge would be a gauge and fit anything, but I am not sure. I looked at the All American site and they recommend changing out the pressure relief valve as well. I guess I should call there and talk to someone who might be knowledgeable? I would like to get the gauge changed out in case I have to use it.

Farming in WI


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