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 Merit Badge Chit Chat
 Just a bit of merit badge chit chat

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Oct 22 2015 : 7:57:05 PM
I am excited to begin working on my merit badges and sharing my experiences with everyone! After much debating I was finally able to pick the top 4 badges I plan to accomplish first!
I chose….

1.Pampered Pets (Outpost)
-It’s important to me that my pets are healthy and will live a long happy life. Knowing what is best for them will allow me to enhance their life.

2. Bread Making (Farm Kitchen)
-I have always enjoyed cooking and now look forward to a better way of cooking.

3. Embroidery (Stitching and Crafting)
- Would love to make something special for my baby boy just like my Grandma Butters made for me.

4. Water Conservation (Cleaning Up)
- I love the idea of helping save the planet as well as help me save money on my bill.

With that in mind, what merit badges do you fellow farmgirls plan on accomplishing first? Or working towards right now? Any of them hold a special meaning that drives you to accomplish one over another?

Much luck and enjoyment in your merit badge experiences!
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jan 20 2025 : 1:14:09 PM
Wow Shennandoah! You are staying very busy! That is super amazing. I look forward to seeing all your completed projects. Keep up the great work.

Farmgirl Sister #528
shennandoah Posted - Jan 19 2025 : 5:08:09 PM
Oh yay that's good news Jill! I'm in Michigan for an executive offsite, but get back home to Texas end of the week and can get a letter out to you.

Making memories, building connections, and adding color and magic to every day life
Nancy Joplin Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 11:53:04 AM
Shennandoah, you are soooo busy! Keep up the great work! I can't wait too see photos of your accomplishments!

Nancy 8352
jillyd Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 8:55:50 PM
Shennandoah, our mail strike is over and I'm receiving lots of Christmas cards! I'm happy to get started if you are.

Farmgirl #6748

"When life gets super crazy, do your art. It helps you remember the exquisite, imaginary, delightful, lovely side of what is otherwise sometimes a bit much" Sylvia Olsen
nndairy Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 7:27:50 PM
You've been busy Shennandoah! I'd love to see some pictures of your finished altered jeans when you get them done.

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

shennandoah Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 6:49:43 PM
Hey Krista! I just submitted my intermediate Farmgirl Spirit and Gaining Ground badges. I need to submit my beginner community service badge and a few others and am about to start sewing some aprons. For my nellie Will Do I decided I want to learn how to mend, alter, embellish, and sew my own clothes. I took the "Mindful Wardrobe Project" from Sew Liberated as a starting point o I could define my style and learn some foundational skills for mending and altering. I also mended the hem on several pairs of my son's jeans (my first time doing it) I used a technique that will allow us to easily let out the hem later on if he gets a growth spurt. I darned a couple of holes in some sweaters, and such. So need to submit that one. For the intermediate I am trying out sewing pajamas first as well as taking some thrift store jeans and doing some patches and shashiko on them. I scored a bunch of free fabric so I can make some tops and dresses too but really trying to make sure I take a skill building approach and not try to jump to a difficult project and get discouraged.

I also need to build my little free library to do the expert bibliophile badge - I scored some free materials just trying to work out the design. And I have accumulated enough free brick to make a little patio for my garden hopefully over the next couple months while it's cool in South Texas. I am working on my Texas Master Beekeeper Apprenticeship Level and will get two new nucs in April. I found a bee club and actually taught a gardening class for them in exchange for store credit :-) I have two work trips coming up so will do some knitting or embroidery on the plane. I want to knit myself a top for my expert level. I found some super quite 1940's style patterns and some super soft yarn. Knitting my daughter a shawl for her birthday in September as well (that should be pretty easy). So basically working on lots of badges lol.

Making memories, building connections, and adding color and magic to every day life
shennandoah Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 6:38:03 PM
Jill I did see your email and hear about the strike. December was a very challenging month on the Homefront so I got behind on my correspondence (and everything else). Keep me posted on the situation (no pun intended lol)

Making memories, building connections, and adding color and magic to every day life
Tchr66 Posted - Dec 26 2024 : 5:48:20 PM
Thank you Krista.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Farm Girl #8042
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Dec 23 2024 : 2:53:33 PM
Terri, I am so sorry that all your findings are leading to negatives. It's awful that we are lied to so much. I am looking forward to seeing what your next step will be.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Tchr66 Posted - Dec 22 2024 : 7:18:25 PM
Thanks Marie. I am not sure what my next step is at this point. I know I am not done yet.
Thanks again.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Farm Girl #8042
churunga Posted - Dec 21 2024 : 11:35:52 AM
I hear you, Terri. There is just too much plastic to handle. In Minnesota, the Hennepin County Waste people are always having another reduce plastic challenge. They have good information, and I have not seen much progress from companies who make it or use it for packaging. I believe that the biggest influence on the use of plastics would be at the level of the business consumer of plastic packaging. We, as individuals, can only do so much. The next step as consumers is to reject products that have a large amount of plastic packaging and tell the companies why we stopped buying those products. I have started choosing to purchase food items based on how much of the packaging can be recycled. Recently, we have switched to a powdered laundry detergent in a cardboard because the liquid detergent we had been buying had a nice, cardboard outer cover which hid a plastic bag insert. Although the product is gentle on the environment, the packaging isn't, and I will tell them that. Because this company prides itself on being sustainable, I hope they will listen and make a change in the future.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014 and August 2024

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
Tchr66 Posted - Dec 21 2024 : 07:06:04 AM
I am about ready to give up on the concept of recycling plastics. All the information I find says that we are simply shredding it to the level of microplastics and allowing it to flow to the ocean. Even though some of my bottles are labeled as being made from 100% recycled plastics. I am reducing my plastics purchases which means giving up some of my favorite products. I have written to those companies and asked how they are reducing their environmental footprint.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Farm Girl #8042
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 25 2024 : 3:02:45 PM
Hilary, maybe you can do the origami badge? I can't remember if you did that one or not. Or maybe do one that requires research like the Community Action or International Civics Challenge.

Good luck with your build it green badge Rea!

Farmgirl Sister #528
Lacey Posted - Nov 24 2024 : 8:19:29 PM
Hi I am working on the build it green badge. The area I live in is a very green conscious town.
In my town we have several building that are awarded the silver and gold LEEDS certifications.
Here is the explanation of LEEDS.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the world's most widely used green building rating system.
LEED certification provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings,
which offer environmental, social and governance benefits. LEED certification is a globally recognized
symbol of sustainability achievement, and it is backed by an entire industry of committed organizations
and individuals paving the way for market transformation.

Rea Nakanishi
Farm Girl Of The Month Jan. 2022
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
– Pablo Picasso
jillyd Posted - Nov 23 2024 : 9:26:13 PM
Shennandoah, I'm not sure if you saw my email. I was letting you know that Canada Post is on strike, so your letter for the pen pal part of your Letter Writing badge might be sitting waiting somewhere. Of course I don't know how long the strike will continue. Hopefully not too much longer, but if you want to choose someone else so you can get on with completing your badge, please go ahead.

Farmgirl #6748

"When life gets super crazy, do your art. It helps you remember the exquisite, imaginary, delightful, lovely side of what is otherwise sometimes a bit much" Sylvia Olsen
debbieklann Posted - Nov 23 2024 : 3:39:12 PM
Hilary, have you done the crafty badges…knitting,crocheting, etc?? Or ones that require a bit of reading…I’m thinking it’s the bibliography badge? I hope all is well with you and being house bound is just temporary:)

Debbie Klann
Farmgirl Sister #770
2018 Farmgirl of the Year

"Well behaved women seldom make history"....Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
KnyttWytch Posted - Nov 23 2024 : 3:26:55 PM
Does anyone have any ideas of badges I could do whilst chair/bed/housebound?

#6958 Disabled knitter and stitcher (lover of real food!)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 20 2024 : 12:33:37 PM
How are your badges coming along? I have had to take a break from mine to get caught up on Christmas gifts. I would love to hear what everyone else is working on.

Farmgirl Sister #528
debbieklann Posted - Nov 07 2024 : 2:38:03 PM
Christine...I love your list! You are definitely on the right track!
Something else you might look into is reading through the badges and seeing if you have already done some of them without knowing it?
I would love to read your blog when you get it up and running!!!
Good luck and just have fun with them :)

Debbie Klann
Farmgirl Sister #770
2018 Farmgirl of the Year

"Well behaved women seldom make history"....Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Tchr66 Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 6:05:46 PM
Hi Christina,
Wow, you have quite a list. Looks exciting. Thanks for the inspiration. I had not noticed the Carpe Cocoa badge. With the holidays quickly approaching, it will be a perfect chance to earn badges and share the results with family and friends.
Thanks again. So glad you have joined us. It is a great group of which to be a part.
Terri in Ohio

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Farm Girl #8042
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 04 2024 : 2:11:14 PM
Welcome Christine! So happy to see you stop by! I personally bounce around and do a lot of the beginner badges and see what I like. If I really enjoy it I will move on to the intermediate level, but I have only done a couple expert badges. It looks like you already have a great list started. I say just work on what calls out to you the most and have fun! Keep us posted on what you are working on.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Bellepic Posted - Nov 03 2024 : 05:45:22 AM
Thanks, Marie! I needed a reminder to stay focused on the fun. Good to see MN farmgirls! (I grew up in Edina)
churunga Posted - Nov 02 2024 : 10:23:26 PM
Welcome Christine - Glad to have a new farmgirl here.

I haven't finished a badge although I believe there are some I could finish easily. Time is always necessary for anything worthwhile, and I haven't found a time to work on any badges. I like this list of proposed badges and the reasons for doing them. This is a good start and I see that there has been some planning. Whatever is chosen, don't worry about how long it takes to finish, ask for help whenever needed and have fun.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014 and August 2024

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
Bellepic Posted - Nov 02 2024 : 1:44:15 PM
Hi ! I am brand new and not sure how many badges to start lest they become UFOs and PhDs... Any guidance from veterans? Do you generally go deep on a badge topic (beginner through advanced) or sample a bunch of beginner levels of badges and decide what to double down on? Are there ones I should think about starting sooner because they take a lot of patience? Any "sleeper" badges that you found to be surprisingly rewarding in retrospect?

These are the ones I've short-listed so far--
* Outstepping - through hiking the Trans-Catalina Trail December 26-30, 2024 (Outpost 2)
* Let's Get Physical - training for Salem, OR Half Ironman 70.3 in July 2025 (Make it Easy 7)
* Blogging - this would help document my meritorious and mis-adventures (Each Other 19)
* Bibliophile - reading is my favorite recreational activity and several of these badges have titles to track down (Each Other 25)
* Carpe Cocoa - who could say no to a Truffle Party? This looked rewardingly short and sweet (Farm Kitchen 19)
* Get it Together - to hone my knife sharpening skills (Farm Kitchen 9)
* Gaining Ground - we have been lazy-composting for years but the current bin is almost full and I would love to quantify how much compost we generate to figure out how much garden bed square footage it could support, so this seemed timely (and requires a lot of lead time) (Garden Gate 3)
* UFO's - starting things is the easy part, so maybe having this badge running in the background would keep me going. (Stitching & Crafting 23)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 01 2024 : 2:16:57 PM
Shennandoah, I already feel like the holidays have become too crazy lol! From mid October on! Good luck with getting a few more done!

Farmgirl Sister #528

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