T O P I C R E V I E W |
YellowRose |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 05:52:00 AM Just for the fun of it let's come up with all the things that we might put into our Jubilee Egg Gathering Aprons.
Only one rule: To be fair only one choice per FarmGirl so everybody gets to play.
Here's my choice ~ a teeny weeny puppy
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
24 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
buzzn bee |
Posted - Mar 29 2017 : 04:56:57 AM CJ sent you an email. Buzzn Bee |
katmom |
Posted - Mar 28 2017 : 09:30:50 AM Renee' your apron is just adorbs!!!!
>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
www.katmom4.blogspot.com & http://graciesvictorianrose.blogspot.com
ceejay48 |
Posted - Mar 28 2017 : 07:27:11 AM Debbie, So GLAD to see you here! I've missed you soooooooooooooooooooo much! Hope things are going well for you! HUGS! CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665. 2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year Mother Hen: FARMGIRLS SOUTHWEST HENHOUSE
my aprons - http://www.facebook.com/FarmFreshAprons
living life - www.snippetscja.blogspot.com
from my heart - www.fromacelticheart.blogspot.com
from my hubby - www.aspenforge.blogspot.com |
Bonnie Ellis |
Posted - Mar 27 2017 : 9:00:48 PM Great at planting time to carry seedlings from one area to another. Also art supplies. Wear one camping to pick up "treasures"
grandmother and orphan farmgirl |
buzzn bee |
Posted - Mar 25 2017 : 2:12:19 PM My granddaughters rocks. She loves to collect pretty rocks. She wears egg apron. Makes collecting easy. She is catching on! |
firecatinc |
Posted - Mar 15 2017 : 4:10:02 PM Grapes, mill worms or bread scraps. My chickens think they get treats every time I open the door. In return, I'd bring it back full of eggs.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 http://firecatinc.wordpress.com |
missmoss54 |
Posted - Mar 15 2017 : 2:32:55 PM
 I'll be wearing my apron at the next craft show and taking orders for custom-made aprons...the pocket will hold my cash bank and my phone with the Square so ladies may pay for their aprons with a credit card.
Resident Green Arm |
kymomma4 |
Posted - Feb 16 2016 : 5:50:50 PM Veggies from the garden, sewing notions, gardening gloves and tools....I can probably put a whole lot of good things in my apron.
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me
"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25 www.pinterest.com/kymomma4 www.facebook.com/onthehomestead |
Daizy |
Posted - Feb 16 2016 : 06:04:30 AM Hay there, Cell phone for photo taking, water bottle (coz I'm out there so long) treasures from the yard and bits and pieces of old relics from the 100's of years this was an old homestead before me. I put my small snipes for trimming limbs (broke a pair of Fiskars last week and got them replaced for free!!) I have found all kinds of things in my pockets at the end of the day...... Deep pockets are a must. But to be truthful, my eggs go in a basket coz I'm afraid to break even one.....precious commodities!
Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093 Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.} A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron?? www.poorhouseparadise.blogspot.com |
Liscuva |
Posted - Feb 15 2016 : 6:54:29 PM chapstick, hand lotion and a book:) |
Bonnie Ellis |
Posted - Feb 04 2016 : 8:34:53 PM Teresa, send us a picture of you in your apron feeding the critters.
grandmother and orphan farmgirl |
Kangaroo Kate |
Posted - Feb 04 2016 : 6:46:53 PM Mine will be for sweet potatoe pieces for the wallabies and llama. If I don't have a apron on Tekoa the llama gets offended to not get his sweet potato treat. I have spoiled critters.  ''mama'' is always supposed to have a apron on. my aprons have ruffles and my roos like to play with the ruffles
farm girl #1506
Dance Like No One Is Watching. |
Bonnie Ellis |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 8:01:53 PM Mine could be used for yarn projects, quilting blocks, vegetables or other garden items (not at the same time as the yarn or quilt blocks) scrapbook supplies, art supplies, sketchbooks, coloring books or what ever you need a pocket for.
grandmother and orphan farmgirl |
quiltee |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 11:31:15 AM I love the design you posted on the Jubilee thread, and Smaller pockets would not work as well for me. For me I would use it for horse treats for my friends horses that are on my pastures, UFO projects and project supplies, knitting stitch holders and stitch counter, seeds and herbs for and from my garden, and other miscellaneous items.
Farmgirl hugs, Farmgirl #1919 Farm Girl of the Month August 2015 Linda O Lone Oak, TX
"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
ceridwen |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 11:10:27 AM Mine would hold treats for the "girls" (chickens) as I head to the coop. Chat with them a bit and on my way back, I would have the eggs I gathered from my visit! Cheers!
Carole Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011 http://www.carolesquiltingetc.com http://www.fibrejunction.com |
ceejay48 |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 11:03:42 AM -Gardening items: gloves, trowel, seed packets, felt-tip marker for marking plant stakes, paper towel/kleenex, cell phone, water bottle.
Not eggs for me, because I don't have chickens. Hmmmmm . . . what else?? CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665. 2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year Mother Hen: FARMGIRLS SOUTHWEST HENHOUSE
my aprons - http://www.facebook.com/FarmFreshAprons
living life - www.snippetscja.blogspot.com
from my heart - www.fromacelticheart.blogspot.com
from my hubby - www.aspenforge.blogspot.com |
levisgrammy |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 08:24:45 AM I would use mine when cleaning up around the garage. There are always things that need to be put back in their rightful places.
~Denise~ Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
http://www.ladybugsandlilacs.blogspot.com/ http://www.torisgram.etsy.com |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 08:13:29 AM Mine would hold my gardening gloves, plant stakes, seed packets, strips of fabric for tying up plants, a Sharpie and TISSUES!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
hudsonsinaf |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 07:49:56 AM Everything I confiscate from my kids when they are suppose to be doing school... so far today it would include a battery, dried flowers, legos, a bouncy ball, toy plastic snake, rocks, a car, and a potato!?!?
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 http://hudson-everydayblessings.blogspot.com/ |
KristiW |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 07:15:20 AM I'm constantly picking up little treasures around my yard and putting them in my pockets. I'm kind of a pack rat that way, you know, little eggshells and rocks and cool twigs and feathers. I could just wear my apron and collect to my heart's content.
Kristi Farmgirl Sister #6
Red Tractor Girl |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 06:16:30 AM I could see using it when I am doing projects inside and out. The pouch could hold scissors, tape measure, hammer, nails, work gloves, paper. Whatever I was working on, having a big pouch for toting would be useful. Plus, you know how we Farmgirls like to have a fun apron to wear!
Winnie #3109 Red Tractor Girl Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015 |
sonshine4u |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 06:07:14 AM Gardening Planting Supplies: Seed packets, scissors, twine, pencil, tiny notebook, handkerchief.
Did I just break the rules with my long list of planting supplies?
Farmgirl Hugs!
~April River Valley Farmgirls Chapter Leader
~Playing in the Sonshine~
Denise Ann |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 06:06:51 AM Since I can't have chickens, I think the association would frown on it... I would put my sewing notions in it tape measure, scissors, thread etc.
Denise Ann |
MaryJane |
Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 05:58:44 AM All the little things I need to milk my cows (wipes, iodine, udder cream) and of course, some cow cookie treats. I might make mine out of oil cloth.
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~