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 The Flamingo Palace is OUT!

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katmom Posted - Jun 15 2021 : 10:17:40 PM
Yippee Skippie.. the Flamingo Palace is outta the Barn,,
Not totally set up yet,, thanx to rain and crazy winds...

By the time we leveled her,, the winds started kicking up,, Go Figure!
Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to set up the outside deco.. I still need to do some vacuuming inside,, and wash the dishes and glasses,, yep, even when in storage,, the dust gets inside.. uugh.. Thank goddness I put the pillows and bedding in trash bags with lavender..

Happy June...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katmom Posted - Jul 01 2021 : 10:00:59 PM
UUGH! it was almost 90' degrees in my trailer today... Hot Hot Hot!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

katmom Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 10:41:19 PM
Oh how I would love to go camping,, but right now, to mqny reno projects...and the temps won't go down for another week..

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 2:06:23 PM
Awful high temps out your way! I hope things get back to normal and then you could take your Palace out to a nice area and enjoy a bit of camping.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
katmom Posted - Jun 29 2021 : 8:28:31 PM
Well with todays temps topping out at 109' degrees,, I won't be napping in my trailer,, to bloody hot.. but I keep the door open so air can ventilte through., UUGH it's hot, to hot for glamping right now.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 21 2021 : 2:21:40 PM
Grace, that is a perfect idea! I may actually steal your idea to hide away too. Some days I need a break lol! Good thing those trailers are so inviting!

katmom Posted - Jun 18 2021 : 2:05:51 PM
Krista,, I took a couple of dish towels and yarn out to the Flamingo Palace.. so I can chillaxe and crochet when I feel like it... and hide from the world! lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 18 2021 : 11:21:53 AM
Thanks Grace! I'll have to share some pictures!

levisgrammy Posted - Jun 17 2021 : 04:30:36 AM
She's a beauty Grace! I know your going to love spending time there when you get her all set up and spiffy!
Hope you'll share some photos.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
katmom Posted - Jun 16 2021 : 1:02:47 PM
Sara... Oh how I wish we had an ALDI up here in WA... I got spoiled this past Winter when we were down in SO. CAL...

Krista... you guys have a Blast!!!!

Winnie.. just wish the winds would die down... uugh!
I popped out into my trailer with my new issue of Birds & Blooms,, this issue is all about Humming birds.. so I relaxed and enjoyed reading in my Glamper...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jun 16 2021 : 12:30:12 PM
Grace, I am happy that the weather has finally cooperated(well sort of) so that you can bring out your Glampers and enjoy them in your yard. Can't wait to see photos when you get her all set up!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 16 2021 : 12:26:43 PM
How exciting! We are getting all our stuff cleaned and loaded into our new trailer. We bought one in March and have been dying to go camping. We will be leaving on Friday! I totally understand your excitement!

YellowRose Posted - Jun 16 2021 : 08:13:40 AM
Grace if you are looking to add to your flamingo flock Aldi has metal flamingos, cranes, and peacocks all just under 3' for $10.99. I ordered a crane to be delivered this afternoon after lunch with my sisters.

FarmGirl Hugs, Sara
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 2014
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.

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