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 The Reiver's Rest is going to have to be sold

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ceejay48 Posted - Mar 10 2023 : 2:39:42 PM
It's been a long time since I've been on this forum page but I come here now with sad news.
I'm going to have to sell my sweet little glamper trailer. I started cleaning some of the things out of it this week. That is no small matter either.
Because of some serious health issues for me in the last few years I can no longer manage glamping.
It makes me so very sad but I find that I no longer have a choice. Hope to have her ready to sell by April and hope to have a buyer that is REALLY interested.

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

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from my heart -

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ceejay48 Posted - Jun 15 2023 : 08:14:47 AM
Yesterday I saw the lady bought my trailer. She took it to Idaho for her son and said it was "breeze" to tow. So, my sweet little trailer is in Idaho somewhere!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

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from my heart -

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Apr 19 2023 : 12:36:49 PM
I am so very sorry, CJ. My heart breaks for you. Sending you many many hugs.

ceejay48 Posted - Apr 18 2023 : 12:59:39 PM
Well, I watched my cute little trailer go down the road this morning . . . new owner, who is a sweet lady!
Just makes me so sad, but it will pass.

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

my aprons -

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from my heart -

ceejay48 Posted - Apr 15 2023 : 4:40:07 PM
Thanks for your kind comments.
Yes, Nancy, it is hard to part with it. I "unnamed" her from the "Reiver's Rest" . . . I just couldn't let her go to someone else with a name and especially one that is so closely associated with my Scottish heritage. So, I removed all the letters and repainted the surface.

The person who bought it and another lady who looked at it both complimented me on how "adorable" it was, what a fantastic job I had done in refurbishing and decorating. I did most of that work, however, my daughter did help me with the painting when she was here the summer of 2014. We completely repainted it and giving it a lacy look where a stripe had been, to make it our own. I will cherish the memories we made!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

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from my heart -

Nancy Gartenman Posted - Apr 15 2023 : 11:05:40 AM

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, but glad that after all the ups and downs you found a good buyer and home for your camper. Some things are just really hard to part with.
Hugs Nancy Jo

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Apr 15 2023 : 10:17:37 AM
CeeJay, this is good news that your beloved camper has found a new home! I am glad it happened quickly for you too.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Audra Rose Posted - Apr 14 2023 : 03:26:42 AM
What a great feeling to know your little camper will continue to be used and cared for. Those other people were sent to accentuate how perfect that lady was.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
ceejay48 Posted - Apr 13 2023 : 7:41:41 PM
Well, my adorable little camper trailer sold today to a sweet Christian lady who was just so nice!
She was the first one to look at it.
There was another person from out-of-town who wanted it. She was very difficult, not reading my ad, not listening to what I told her and NOT understanding she was NOT first in line. Very difficult to deal with, but I managed to get through that.
I was "ghosted" by two other individuals, which is very rude and irritating. Made for a very stressful and exhausting day.

Had my prayer warriors praying for all of this and it was sold less than 24 hours after I posted it. I'm thanking the Lord!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

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from my heart -

ceejay48 Posted - Mar 25 2023 : 10:58:24 AM
I've had a delay in getting my glamper ready to sell. We have had lots more snow and some rain. Doesn't make it easy to do what I need to do and then there's the mud I have to slog through out there.
Hoping to make progress this next week. I'd really like to post it to sell the early part of April.

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

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from my heart -

ceejay48 Posted - Mar 15 2023 : 12:14:44 PM
Thanks farmgirls for your kind comments. I told my daughter that I'm trying to focus on the opportunities we had with both our tent and our glamper glamping, the fun we had, the people we met and all the crazy things that came our way.
Right now it's raining like crazy and I can't get back to moving things out . . I'd have to trudge in the mud.
I've moved most of the things out that need to be. But I still have some laundry to do . . . curtains, bed cover, etc. Also need to vacuum . . .lot of dead flies.
Yes, what fun times we had!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

my aprons -

living life -

from my heart -

Tumbleweed Posted - Mar 12 2023 : 5:30:38 PM
So sorry to hear this. I remember your posts about your adventures.


When life gives you more than you can stand.....kneel !
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Mar 12 2023 : 09:03:24 AM
CeeJay, I remember when you first got your camper and then how you fixed it all out and made it special. You would post such cute photos when you and Robin went camping every year. I am sure someone is going to buy your camper and then love it as much as you did. Anyone who looks at it will be impressed at how you fixed it all up. Good luck and I hope someone will grab up Reivers Rest early so that they can take advantage of the summer weather!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
katmom Posted - Mar 11 2023 : 4:46:42 PM
Well Bummer!!! but we all do understand...
I will put the word out to see if anyone is looking for a sweet Glamper..
Still too much snow on the ground here for any Glamping... but I am counting the days!
hugz to you and RR

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
craftingram Posted - Mar 11 2023 : 06:21:19 AM
CJ, I am so sorry you have to sell your sweet little camper and that you are still having the issues with your health. I miss seeing you on the forum. Hoping you will be feeling better in the future.

Karin Thomas
Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
Dreamer42 Posted - Mar 10 2023 : 4:27:11 PM
Hi Ceejay, I'm sorry to hear that you need to rehome your sweet little glamper trailer. She's darling and its obvious she has helped you create so many happy memories. Your pictures shared on the link you provided are so beautiful. I'm sending love and prayers your way - wishing you health and happiness. XO

Farmgirl Sister #7038

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