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 Greetings from Sweetgrass Pond

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jun 01 2023 : 11:53:04 AM
Howdy from South Carolina! I'm Tara. My husband and 2 Siamese cats live in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Garden zone 7B.
I named my property Sweetgrass Pond. I love Sweetgrass and want to plant some in this space. I'm going to add a cottage garden to part of small space between side porch and corner of house. I thought I'd bring you along for my journey. This is my project, I'll be doing all the work myself. And this project will take months. I'm waiting on a potting bench to be delivered and that will go under the 2 windows. I have to work around meters, hose reel and cable lines. The 165 gallon pond has been installed in the back yard, 1 of many projects and my husband and I added a small beachy area. I'll take a picture of the pond and share it with ya'll soon. I'd like to plant flowers in colors of peach, coral, pinks and white
I love seashells, sea turtles, dragonflies and frogs. I can't live at the ocean , but I'm happy to be in the mountains again.
And I may share pictures of other projects or what's happening on the property. Suggestions are welcome for garden ideas.

Today's good mood brought to you by coffee

Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
StitchinWitch Posted - Jan 29 2025 : 12:01:08 PM
That's a great gift nowadays.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 29 2025 : 11:14:41 AM
Oh eggs are like gold these days. Enjoy.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

YellowRose Posted - Jan 29 2025 : 11:04:39 AM
Great gift, Tara, enjoy cooking them up.


Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jan 29 2025 : 10:47:51 AM

Visiting family out of town. Look at what they gifted!

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 3:54:29 PM
Sharon, it doesn't snow here often. Last snow day was 3 years ago.
Judith, my cat loves to chase birds too

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
VegiChik Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 2:24:09 PM
Wow! Ice & snow in the Carolinas! Does that happen often?

When asked “How are you?”, I reply, “Better than good!”
StitchinWitch Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 10:51:50 AM
Love the pictures Tara. Our cats love to sit on windowsills and watch the birds ad squirrels too. Fortunately no snow here.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 10:39:19 AM

Look out my window this morning. Ice overnight. It's mostly melted now.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 4:50:27 PM

My cat Monte watching the birds on a rare snowy day. Greenville SC doesnt see snow often.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
VegiChik Posted - Nov 11 2024 : 5:29:39 PM
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!!

When asked “How are you?”, I reply, “Better than good!”
StitchinWitch Posted - Nov 11 2024 : 3:48:03 PM
I'm glad you saved the lemon tree. I love the smell of citrus blossoms.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 11 2024 : 1:40:47 PM
Your tree looks great Tara. I hope you get many beautiful lemons off of it.

Farmgirl Sister #528
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Nov 10 2024 : 4:15:48 PM
I am pleased to have good food in the pantry.
The Ponderosa lemon survived the hurricane. The wind knocked the tree over, lost 6 lemons but several made it. The blooms are a wonderful scent. Outside in the sun during day and inside my garage with grow lights at night

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 1:32:29 PM
Tara, your applesauce looks great! Awesome job.

Farmgirl Sister #528
YellowRose Posted - Nov 06 2024 : 04:38:23 AM
Tara, well done on your chunky applesauce.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 4:34:00 PM
Judith, I planted 2 Abe Lincoln, 2 Hillbilly, 1 German Pink and 1 Brandywine for the slicers.
I planted 1 Sugar Lump and 2 Indigo Rose ( salad size), 8 orange cherry, Sun Sugars, Honeycomb and Sun Gold

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
StitchinWitch Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 11:47:33 AM
Your applesauce looks very good and your tomato harvest sounds like it was a great success. How many plants did you have and what varieties?


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Nov 05 2024 : 10:21:19 AM
Chunky applesauce. This time I used a light syrup. 1 jar didnt seal and was enjoyed next morning.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Oct 23 2024 : 5:44:37 PM
I was cleaning up small freezer. I knew there were chicken frames in bottom and everything needed to be taken out. I had bags and bags of frozen tomatoes. I went and got bathroom scale. I have 55 pounds of tomatoes!!!! I am so happy!!! I have enjoyed growing too many tomatoes this summer. I wish I had kept track of how many pounds we ate fresh , used on pizza and how much I had cooked for soup. In August I put 20 cups of tomato soup in freezer. I wanted to have enough tomatoes in freezer for soups, pasta and pizza sauce. I never expected 55 pounds. I have planned to grow more varieties next year. I'm sure many of y'all freeze a lot more than me.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
StitchinWitch Posted - Sep 19 2024 : 11:12:21 AM
I love my old canning jars. They line my kitchen counters filled with beans and such.

Tara -- let me know how the squash turns out -- sounds good.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
YellowRose Posted - Sep 19 2024 : 06:35:30 AM
Tara, your jar of veggies is beautiful. I must confess I haven't met a jar I didn't like and wanted to save. Overtime I have learned I can't hang on to all of them so I do my best to keep only the ones I will use or are really special.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 - Feb 2019 - Oct 2023

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Sep 19 2024 : 04:34:32 AM
Anyone else save glass jars?
Judith, deep fried veggies sounds good. I am going to air fry gluten free breaded squash.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Sep 18 2024 : 12:54:59 PM
That looks pretty Tara. And I bet it tastes just as yummy.

StitchinWitch Posted - Sep 18 2024 : 10:43:38 AM
I used to make end-of-the summer antipasto with the garden veggies. The final garden meal was to make a beer batter and deep fry anything that was left over, which isn't healthy now but was sure good back then. I miss not having a garden.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
windypines Posted - Sep 18 2024 : 03:21:57 AM
Very pretty!

Farming in WI


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