your thread has to be straight before making stitches in tatting you just let go of the shuttle and let it hang till it stops spinning if this starts to happen not sure if this is true in needle tatting As I never had that happen when tatting with the needle
You need to hold the "straight ring" inbetween your thumb and pointer finger keeping it flat to keep all the stitches from twisting while you pull it into the actual ring. HTH if not I'll try to explain better.
Thistle Sprig Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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22941 Posts
Posted - Jun 13 2007 : 09:28:07 AM
ah! Thanks!
It isn't the stitches that are spinning because I am holding on to them, it is the loop of string that gets smaller as you pull on the needle.
Also what do you do when your loop of thread that is between the needle and the stitches gets way to short to make more stiches? I mean that can't just be the end of your project, right?
that is typically when you tye a knot and add more but you tie knots at the end and beginning of rings so if you don't have enough for the ring or the chain then you have to add before starting the next item any then you cut you can keep and use as the sting for your tags at least that is what I do with scrap string if my children don't grab it for craft nick nack projects.
True Blue Farmgirl
22941 Posts
22941 Posts
Posted - Jun 13 2007 : 12:59:19 PM
Oh that makes so much sense now that you mention it! Silly me! I was way over thinking that whole aspect! I am so glad you are here Sunshine! You give us such good advice all the time!
good to find a beading needle or some other skinney needle and weave the tails in and out the headband of the the little pants (larks head stitched or ds) you are making make the knot not so easy to unravel and just a knot by itself also go back a little like a back stitch when weaving in tails makes it even a little more stronger. Be neat when doing this as you are not trying to add bulk and uglies just strength
larks head is a double stitch I was giving multiple names for the same thing so in case you come across them you know what it is. It is the top of the double stitches that you weave in and out of right under them so it mirrows the top of the stitch
HELP, HELP... I can not find a tatting needle(s) or shuttle any place here....Is there a site that I can get supplies, thread, etc from.....I look every place....and find nothing......just tatting supplies and instruction books.....