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Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 07:32:01 AM

Here is my Cinnamon-Raisin bread! It was pretty dense but that is probably because it is only the first week. It tasted really good and wasn't very sour at all. I would actually like it to be more sour, so next week I'll try the Farmhouse bread. BTW, it took more like 45 minutes for that loaf. I just kept checking it until it was done in the center, though it only got to about 180F.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. Pro 31:30,31 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 07:41:29 AM
Welcome to the forum, Olive! I hope your baking goes well! How old is your starter now?
I just followed MaryJane's Farmhouse White recipe, but I did cheat a little bit. I used my Kitchen-Aid to mix the dough for me! It only took about a minute to put it all together, mix it up and put it in my baking dish! I am very excited. She is rising on top of the fridge today. I will check on her at 6 hours, but if not she can wait the whole 8 hour rise :D I definitely need to get some raisins in the house so I can do the cinnamon raisin recipe. I bet Nora will LOVE that one!
Here is was Ma Stonefeld (our starter named by my husband) looks like after I took today's baking out. Oh and she is starting to smell beery! Yesterday she just smelled more sour than beery- but today the beery smell that MaryJane talked about is starting to mature!

This is what she looked like last week so you can see the difference that maturity is bringing:

Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
Farmgirl in Training
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Missouri City
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 08:10:26 AM
Thank you Chessie and Alee. It's really nice to be here with all of you. I have read so many of the different topics and there is really a very nice group of women here. It's a very nice place to come and spend a part of my day.
Alee, to answer your question about how old my starter is, I started it last Sunday so she is very young. I made the basic Farmhouse White recipe. I really wanted to make the Cinnamon Raisin but discovered I was out of the wheat flour.
My bread is all mixed up and rising in its new little cast iron home. I had a really difficult time finding a pot to bake it in. I never did find the good old fashioned kind. I had to settle on a Cuisanart enameled one. I hope it works okay. I will be in tears if it doesn't.
I was so inspired by all of this I hauled out my Breadman machine. I had lost the instruction manual for it but managed to pull up directions on the Internet. Modern technology is just great. I made an egg bread in it and we enjoyed that toasted for our breakfast this morning. I don't think I had used that machine in 5 years and was delighted to find out it still worked.
Well, I'd better get myself in gear and get on with my laundry. I think it breeds in the laundry hamper. There is a never-ending pile. I don't know how two people can generate so much in a just a few days.
Have a great baking day everyone. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Farmgirl in Training
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Missouri City
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 08:53:36 AM
Thanks Alee. I just checked my rise and it is just sitting there doing nothing. It is rather chilly here today so I put it in the oven to keep any drafts off it. Keeping my fingers crossed.
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye |
True Blue Farmgirl
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kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 12:05:19 PM
I made my first bread this morning. It's on the mantle over the fireplace. It's the warmest spot in the house right now. OMG! I just went to look at it and it's in a small cast iron skillet with a corning ware bowl over the top and the bowl won't come off!! Now I,m afraid to take it off. It might fall. Oh, what have I done? It is so big now. HELP!!! I went ahead and got it off. I guess I won't do that again. Wow. It got big fast. It's been rising since 9 this morning there. So I guess I'll let it go a little more. Darn, it was so pretty. Now it's jagged aroung the edges. It'll make it look more rustic, I guess. Kris
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. Maori proverb |
Edited by - kristin sherrill on Jan 31 2009 12:17:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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1102 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 1:47:55 PM
Thank you all for helping me with the bread starter. Thanks for The pictures they are great for me and I'm so excited being part of this family. Looking forward to see how my bread will come out next week. I'm letting the starter age for another week before trying it the second time. 
Worry ends Where Faith in God begins. |
Farmgirl in Training
10 Posts
10 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 2:46:59 PM
I started my mother yesterday with organic flour and purified water. Then today when i added to her i forgot and used tap water instead of the pure water. How soon will i know if it's ruined? Plus, my starter looked really think compared to the pics i see that you guys post. Does it thin down as it ages?
I'm new here and i love reading thru all the posts. :) You guys already sound like some of my dearest friends. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 3:20:01 PM
Kristin- I bet it will taste fabulous!
Debra- I bet you can hardly wait for another week to go by! I find feeding the starter ever day feeds my addiction to sourdough!
Anne- Welcome to the forum! I would go ahead and keep feeding you mother every day. And switch back to the purified water. She should recover!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
Farmgirl in Training
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Missouri City
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 3:59:05 PM
Update on my first loaf of bread:
I did not get a very good rise. It just kind of sat there in the pan all day and rose just a smidge. I understand this was a very young starter.....only a week old and others have had this happen too.
I waited 8 hours and then I baked it. It is very dense and looks a lot like some of the pictures that some members have posted. It was flat and about 2 inches high at the most. Hubby and I dove right into it and had slices with butter and pumpkin butter. It tasted great. I hope next time I will get more of a rise. I am not giving up.
roselake, Mine was never too thick except maybe the first 2 days and then it tended to thin a out little. However it still stayed bubbly and did get a little separation of the liquid on top. That is normal. Good luck.
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye |
Edited by - olive610 on Feb 01 2009 07:18:14 AM |
kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl
11303 Posts
11303 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 4:52:22 PM
I am going to have to see if my DD can post pics on her computer tomorrow. I let the dough rise on the mantle over the fireplace. It rose beautifully. And fast. Faster than I expected. Way over the top of the cast iron skillet. Anyway, I put it in the oven with the muffin tin of water. Note to self: move tin to the back of the oven, not right UNDER the bread. Because more than half way thru, I checked the temp and kind of picked it up a little out of the pan and it was not done on the bottom middle. And I had to put tin foil over the top also b/c the top was getting so browned. Anyway, it turned out so good! Came right out of the skillet. I took pics of everything.
Now the only problem is the whole middle is one huge bubble! After I cut it I could pick it up and squeeze the sides and it smiles! Big ole crater in the middle. But it's not heavy at all, either. Just so good.
I must admit I did knead it in my grandmothers old wooden bread bowl. Just had to do it. Did that maybe cause the big bubble? I did pat it down really good, though. Maybe it's because I had the tin of water right under it.
Sorry this is so long, but it's been a very nerve wracking day for me. Was anyone else on pins and needles over their first bread baking venture? I'm just glad it's over for now!
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. Maori proverb |
True Blue Farmgirl
199 Posts
199 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 5:49:04 PM
Today I used some whole wheat flour I had on hand and added some cinnamon and raisins. The whole house smelled sooo good. In fact, I couldn't wait for the loaf to cool off. I had to cut a piece off and devoured it as soon as I took it out of the oven. It is only getting better! I posted a pic at my blog site today. I added enough extra this past week that tomorrow I'm also going to try some pancakes again. Yummmmy!
Buffalomary Farmgirl Sister #293
You can take the farmer's daughter off the farm but you can't take the farm out of the farmer's daughter!!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 6:05:11 PM
Kristin- you and I had the same problem. I put the tin of water right below my bread on a rack instead of on the very bottom of the stove and it cooled the area just below enough to not really cook the bottom as quickly. The top got a bit browned waiting for the bottom to develop some color.
Here are some pictures. The inside is more bubbly than I can show right now...I just had to cut it when fresh out of the oven so it smooshed a bit. Also sorry the color on the second pic is a bit off. I had to turn off the flash to get a good picture and that dimmed the whole scene a bit.
Here is my loaf with a section already cut off. We just couldn't wait! LOL

And here is a picture of the cut end:

Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 7:26:17 PM
I just started mine this morning. It is sitting on my breakfast nook. It is not a real warm place. Will that be a problem? Also, I did not like the way the towel left open gaps so I made a band with some 1 inch pant elastic to keep the towel on the bowl. Will that be ok?
Kathy H Farmgirl Sister #81 "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world..." (anomymous) |
Farmgirl in Training
10 Posts
10 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2009 : 9:07:59 PM
Thanks Alee and Mary-Alice. I'm setting the purified water next to mother so i don't forget again. lol If my bubble action is low at the end of the 1st week i'm thinking about adding a little yeast to the first loaf i make. I've read thru all the posts and it seems it takes most people a good two weeks to get a good growth of the good stuff. I'll decide when i get closer to it, but i thought i'd rather add a little yeast than feed the dog with the first loaf. lol ;)
I am so in love with this site. My friend ordered me the magazine and i can't wait until it comes. You guys are awesome! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 12:13:01 AM
Hi Kathy!
Warm is great as long as it doesn't go over 97 ish Fahrenheit (that is as hot as yeast can stand it before they start perishing). As long as the fabric covering the starter has some breathing ability, your should be fine. When you stir your starter ever morning it might be a good idea to waft the air towards your starter. That will give more air passage than normal and a greater chance of catching some native yeasts and bacteria! If after a few days you aren't seeing any bubbles you might want to re-address you covering, but I really think it will be fine.
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 04:58:32 AM
Alee, I think the fabric will breathe fine. It’s a thin cotton dish towel. The bacteria are a little creepy to me. I know its good but it makes me think of mold. Will I get sick from it? This is a very new adventure for me. My bread always came from the supermarket. I never thought twice about it. My idea of home baked bread was that frozen loaf from the freezer.
Day two: Just added the 1/3 of flour and the 1/4 of water. Everything looks ok. It was kind of gluey. And I had a little dryness at the edges.
Kathy H Farmgirl Sister #81 "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world..." (anomymous) |
Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 05:14:05 AM
Hi Mary Alice... Welcome to the friendliest place on Earth! I'm in Tyler, TX. You're going to love it here!!! Where is Missouri City? I'm sure I'll be seeing you here around the farm. Welcome again! Kate
Heart of Texas Chapter AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234
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Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 05:48:48 AM
Ann/Roselake, My mother is in a cool place and when it was time for my first bake I was a bit hesitant because I didn't think she had captured enough yeast. I used Ronna's San Francisco Style Sourdough French Bread recipe. It's the last post on page 13 of this thread. It does call for yeast and kneading....but I really felt I needed the additional yeast at the time. It's a wonderful recipe. I just made my first "no knead" loaf a couple of days ago and it turned out great. I think patience is the key. This is the beginning of my 3rd week of having "Ma" my no knead loaf was at the end of my second week....which coincides with the successful loaves all the girls are producing now. Also.........Julie/Willowcreek, I made your Sourdough Pancakes yesterday morning and they were wonderful. I don't know how many times my husband mentioned how good "those pancakes" were. We're going to "Canton, TX....First Monday Trade Days today....and I will be searching for some nice old ceramic bowls....that I can give away to friends and family. I think a start with a nice vintage dish towel and a new wooden spoon....along with the instructions and recipes would make a cute "gift". By the way.......I've been using cheesecloth as my cover......with a 3/4" wide rubber band to keep it in place. See all of you's off to Canton. Ciao, Kate
Heart of Texas Chapter AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234
Today is my best day! |
Farmgirl in Training
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Missouri City
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 07:22:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by Quintessential Kate
Hi Mary Alice... Welcome to the friendliest place on Earth! I'm in Tyler, TX. You're going to love it here!!! Where is Missouri City? I'm sure I'll be seeing you here around the farm. Welcome again! Kate
Heart of Texas Chapter AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234
Today is my best day!
Kate, Missouri City is just outside of Houston on the southwestern edge of the city.
I already love it here. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday reading a great deal of the many threads on here.
Thanks for the welcome and have a great day.
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye |
True Blue Farmgirl
127 Posts
127 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 07:40:08 AM
Ok, I did this and I don't think it turned out the way it was supposed to! Wahhh. It is so heavy. My husband thinks it is because of the weather? Could that be right? I will cut it up and either make croutons or feed it to the chickens. But I don't want to give up. Any suggestions? |
Rebekka Mae
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 09:12:26 AM
Mine looked great, this is only my first week- a nice sourdough taste and a thick crust which I love (My family will have to learn to love)!!! I am switching from the Bob's Red Mill flour I was using to the King Arthur Breadmaking Flour- organic of we will see what results next week. After that I am making double the amount so I can bake twice weekly and try a variety of recipes.
I love the idea of having lots of crockery bowls on-hand to send some of your mother home with friends in and I am on the lookout for a 2 qt iron saucepan now though I do love the loaves without it.
As a woman I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.
Virginia Woolf |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 10:05:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by khartquilt
Alee, I think the fabric will breathe fine. It’s a thin cotton dish towel. The bacteria are a little creepy to me. I know its good but it makes me think of mold. Will I get sick from it? This is a very new adventure for me. My bread always came from the supermarket. I never thought twice about it. My idea of home baked bread was that frozen loaf from the freezer.
Kathy H Farmgirl Sister #81 "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world..." (anomymous)
No you won't get sick! In fact the unique PH balance that the symbiotic relationship between the wild yeasts and certain bacterias (namely the lactobacillus strain) create an environment that is very unhealthy for bad bacteria.
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |