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Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Washington State
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Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 6:09:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by willowtreecreek
Cathy you started will smell very sour. Kinda vinegary or alcohol like. As long as it doesn't smell bad like a nasty gym sock or old chicken it should be fine. Here are a few things to check though: make sure you are using a ceramic (or glass in a pinch) bowl and a wooden spoon. Metal is BAD! Don't let it near your starter! Be sure you are measuring correctly. You started can start to sour too much if it is not fed enough. Check the temperature of your kitchen. The ideal temperature for your started is between 65 and 75 degrees. A little colder is fine but you want to avoid going much warmer. Do not set your starter to close to the stove or oven where temperatures can rise to over 100 when it's in use. Also be sure you are using Purified water. Bottled water is not necessarily purified so make sure it says so.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog Felt and Fabric Crafts
Darn darn! I've been keeping my Mother on the stove. I've moved her can she still be saved? Her bubbles are almost pinpricks right now!
Lara #327
"Boots" Becker Homestead Farmgirls |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 6:35:21 PM
Lara if her bubbles are still there you are probably okay. High heat will kill the natural yeast which is why you don't want to get it too warm. If you are getting bubbles after feeding her you should be good to go. Mine seems to have a mind of its own, small bubbles one day, big the next, hooch on some days and then not on others. Just stick with her! Near the stove is okay but if you are baking you probably want to move her away for a little while.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 6:36:28 PM
Melissa - the "free form" type loafs done on a baking sheet are going to spread more than "rise" especially with a young starter.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 6:40:57 PM
Julie it didn't even didn't move one bit. Do you think I should start a new starter? |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 7:02:18 PM
Okay I just saw what flour and water you were using so I don't think that is the issue although I am not familiar with that brand of flour. Since this was your second baking I am assuming that your starter is 2 weeks plus old. Are you getting bubbles on top?
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
Edited by - willowtreecreek on Feb 06 2009 04:34:39 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
170 Posts
Washington State
170 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2009 : 7:23:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by willowtreecreek
Lara if her bubbles are still there you are probably okay. High heat will kill the natural yeast which is why you don't want to get it too warm. If you are getting bubbles after feeding her you should be good to go. Mine seems to have a mind of its own, small bubbles one day, big the next, hooch on some days and then not on others. Just stick with her! Near the stove is okay but if you are baking you probably want to move her away for a little while.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
Okay good, thanks so much ladies!
Lara #327
"Boots" Becker Homestead Farmgirls |
Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts
4 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 04:47:02 AM
"In our most recent MaryJanesFarm Feb/March magazine (themed Simply Bee), we tell you how to make no-knead artisan bread the MaryJane way! If you don't have your magazine yet, click here for the article, complete with recipes and things like where to purchase organic flour, etc."
OK gals, after a false start and throwing my original starter away, I now am not worrying about the watery substance on top each morning. starter seems to get thinner each day - is that the way it's supposed to be? It's about the consistency of thin pancake batter now (6th day).
Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1102 Posts
1102 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 05:00:28 AM
Hi Julie kind of flour I use arrowhead mill organic unbleach white flour and dish I used ceramic and second time around using glass. House is about 68-70. now today taking care of my "mother" she has no bubbles on top . but I'm going to keep trying. My husband loves the taste but sure doesn't look nice and pretty to serve. Vickie yours looks so yummy! I'm just like you Melissa I could use it for a door stopper or the kids in are neigbhor could use it for ice hockey Hope to have my bread like you ladies. I will be back on Sunday. going dog racing with my husband
Worry ends Where Faith in God begins. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
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Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 05:52:34 AM
Jill it WILL get thinner as time goes on. Mine was really "doughy" at the beginning and is now more like a pancake batter. This is normal.
I'm not sure Debra. MaryJane mntioned some flours (even Organic ones) did not work well. Perhaps this is one of them. Check it about an hour after you feed it to see if you have bubbles then. Have fun at the races. Are you going to Scarborough? Were going to the horse races this weekend.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
True Blue Farmgirl
1102 Posts
1102 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 06:53:54 AM
Hi Julie I quess when I get back from dog sled racing in farmington I should pick up or use just white flour that I get at Sam's club. I will let you know how it turns out. Have fun at the horse races. Do you or your husband race? Have fun and I'm not giving up on this sour dough, I will keep on keeping on. Have a great week-end all.
Worry ends Where Faith in God begins. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
4813 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 07:13:35 AM
Debra as a Farmgirl Sisterhood member you can get up to 5, 5# bags of MaryJanes flour right now as the February Sisterhood special. You should have gotten an email. Let me know if you didn't and I can forward it to you. I have been using MaryJanes flour along with the King Arthur flours and it is my favorite of the three.
No we just watch the horse races.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
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80 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 07:27:41 AM
Ok I've kept my starter and added to it this morning and checked it and it has small bubbles. I'm doing the ceramic bowl and basically everything as according to the magazine. I keep the starter on top of the fridge its warmer up there . The flour is organic and unbleached. |
True Blue Farmgirl
22941 Posts

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urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 07:42:59 AM
Alee - there is just a few small bubbles and the batter is lumpy, normally I smash the lumps, this time I didn't. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4309 Posts
4309 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 07:58:29 AM
This is an article that I like about the "science" of sourdough... and it is a science, you will need to find flour, pure water source that work well for you and your area... If we had a taster test of Melissa's, and Julie's, Deb's, Jill’s, alee's, Lara's and mine... they would all be different even though we used the same ingredience.... This is a GREAT science lesson.............I haven’t had any issues with the bread MaryJanes Way, but we live close by and the climate is similar etc. Ceramic or glass bowls/jars work best to get the starter started and WOODEN SPOONS... metal can kill any starter... Water source is HUGE.........if you are using a source that has chlorine (in any amount) it will kill your starter (by the way, chlorine will kill the good bacteria in your body as well... just a thought)........I recently read that some water that has been in plastic containers could leach chemicals that would kill starter as well... They recommended, re-boiling the water.......letting it air stand to cool and then placing it into a glass jar to use while feeding the starter...
Dont you just love Science?
Rene~Prosser Farmgirl #185
Circumstances made us FRIENDS; MaryJane's has made us SISTERS :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
4813 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 08:12:51 AM
Also keep in mind that if you have highly chlorinated water and you are using it rather than the purified water to wet the towel you are covering your starter with this COULD cause some issues. My tap water has relativly low chlorine levels so I haven't had any issues. If you are concerned but don't want to use bottled water to wet your cloth fill a bowl with tap water and let it sit out at least 24 hours. If you have a sunny spot this is even better. The chlorine levels will lower somewhat (but not completely) as some evaporation takes place.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
80 Posts
80 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 08:15:25 AM
Rene', I basicaally went to Whole Foods and bought Arrowhead organic flour and used the ceramic bowl and of course wooden spoon and use distilled water. When I first started the starter I put the plate on, duh, and reread the article and it doesn't take much to confuse me. Well any way after a few days I was on the right track. It smelled sour and after the first week I made the bread and it never did rise and I baked it any way and it was a brick. This week same thing didn't rise and another brick. Your right this is definately a science project. I'm not going to give up though. |
True Blue Farmgirl
170 Posts
Washington State
170 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 09:16:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by prosserfarmgirl
This is an article that I like about the "science" of sourdough... and it is a science, you will need to find flour, pure water source that work well for you and your area... If we had a taster test of Melissa's, and Julie's, Deb's, Jill’s, alee's, Lara's and mine... they would all be different even though we used the same ingredience.... This is a GREAT science lesson.............I haven’t had any issues with the bread MaryJanes Way, but we live close by and the climate is similar etc. Ceramic or glass bowls/jars work best to get the starter started and WOODEN SPOONS... metal can kill any starter... Water source is HUGE.........if you are using a source that has chlorine (in any amount) it will kill your starter (by the way, chlorine will kill the good bacteria in your body as well... just a thought)........I recently read that some water that has been in plastic containers could leach chemicals that would kill starter as well... They recommended, re-boiling the water.......letting it air stand to cool and then placing it into a glass jar to use while feeding the starter...
Dont you just love Science?
Rene~Prosser Farmgirl #185
Circumstances made us FRIENDS; MaryJane's has made us SISTERS :)
Thanks for posting this link Rene you rock!
Lara #327
"Boots" Becker Homestead Farmgirls |
Edited by - lara916 on Feb 06 2009 10:42:07 AM |
urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
80 Posts
80 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 10:30:56 AM
Hey my starter is really looking good and I'm definately having a good feeling about it. Yeah Rene' your link is sooo cool, wish I lived near you. I love all the stuff you all are doing, right up my alley. thanks for sharing. |
chicken necker
True Blue Farmgirl
509 Posts
Eastern Shore
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Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 10:37:43 AM
I am so excited! I read the magazine as soon as I got it in the mail, and loved the thought of making my own bread, but I kinda put it on the bottom of the list of to-do's. Then I saw MaryJane's Sisterhood special on the flour and of course I just couldn't pass that up.  Now that my order is on it's way, I logged on this morning to see what you ladies had going on with advice. Holey moley! Since I've never made bread before, I decided to start with page one. Now that I've finished reading each and every post, checking everyone's blogs and pictures, I've rediscovered a couple of things... 1. Having all these wonderful sisters willing to share advice gives me the confidence to tackle anything. 2. If you are going to read that much while sitting at the computer, make sure you don't sit indian style for the entire time. Your lower half will go completely numb and the trip to the bathroom will be much more difficult. 3. I love MaryJane and all her wonderful helpers! My daughters can roll their eyes and tease me about being a member of the MaryJane cult all they want. If my first batch comes out too dense and brick like, I'll just threaten to brain dust them with it!
FarmGirl Sister #123
Crafty Bay FarmGirls Chapter
"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way, you're right." Henry Ford |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
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Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 10:46:13 AM
HAHAH Sherry! I hate when my legs fall asleep! So glad you are joining us in this adventure. I look forward to your contributions on this forum!
Melissa - I am glad you are feeling better about it!
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
Edited by - willowtreecreek on Feb 06 2009 10:46:54 AM |
Farmgirl in Training
27 Posts
Moreno Valley
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Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 11:00:27 AM
Julie - thanks so much for the info on the hooch that gathers on top. Helps to know it is OK. 3 more days till get to try 2nd loaf!! YAY |
urban farm girl
True Blue Farmgirl
80 Posts
80 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2009 : 12:02:25 PM
thanks Julie and this weekend my dh said we'll get the cast iron pot oh yeah!! Sherry my daughter called me a dork about this hey Whatever!! I absolutely love this whole thing. A few years ago I bought MJ's book and man she is my mentor. I just wished I would have joined the farm chat along time ago. |
Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |