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 Apple Cider vinegar really is a miracle cure all!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Farmgirl #549 TX
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Posted - May 21 2009 :  3:35:39 PM  Show Profile
About 2 weeks ago, I awoke one morning with a throbbing headache and a knot the size of a golf ball on my forehead. The pain was unbelievable. My husband inspected it but could not find any bite marks (we thought maybe something had bitten me in my sleep). I don't easily go to the doctor so I decided to wait it out. It only got bigger and more painful. No redness, no warmth, just swelling and pain. I tried warm compresses, tea tree ointment, ice packs and even a heating pad. I was miserable. I had read in a farm mag not too long ago about using apple cider vinegar for various ailments. I was to the point of going to the ER, which would have been only my 2nd ER visit in my entire 47 years of life. The swelling had gotten so bad it was putting pressure on my temple and making me nauseated. I decided to give one more home remedy a try and yesterday during my shower I pour a cup of the vinegar on my hair. By noon I could tell a considerable amount of the swelling was gone. Last night I put some of the vinegar on a gauze and placed it over the knot. Morning came and the knot was almost gone and no pain. This morning I rinsed my hair with it again. The knot and pain are now completely gone. The only bad part about the whole process is I've been asked at least 50 times if I had been eating pickles.

Begin each morning with a song in your heart.

True Blue Farmgirl

22941 Posts

Worland Wy
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Posted - May 21 2009 :  3:41:15 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Victoria- if you rinse a bit longer, the vinegar smell should fade more- or if you do another shampoo after the vinegar. So glad it cured your knot. I wonder what it was!!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bedias TX
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Posted - May 21 2009 :  5:00:07 PM  Show Profile
My husbands Aunt Patsy said if you have heartburn to take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, but it has to have the mother in it.

Glad you are okay Victoria. By the way where in Tx are you?

Breeder of Straight Egyptian Arabians and SportHorses
Farmgirl Sister #561
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Waynesboro Pennsylvania
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Posted - May 21 2009 :  6:22:00 PM  Show Profile
If you take just 1 TBLSP of Apple Cider Vinegar a day (or a pill they sell) you will notice much shorter nad lighter periods!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Farmgirl #549 TX
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Posted - May 22 2009 :  1:23:20 PM  Show Profile
Jacksonville is in deep East Texas. About 20 miles south of Tyler.

Begin each morning with a song in your heart.
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Farmgirl in Training

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nashville tn
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Posted - May 25 2009 :  08:46:03 AM  Show Profile  Send Jonquil a Yahoo! Message
Apple cider vinegar is wonderful if you want to shed a few pounds. Put a teaspoon in a teaglass of water, add a little honey, and your appetite will drop. I used it to keep down water weight when Aunt Flo visited, and it always worked!

An eighth of a cup in warm bathwater helps to stop itching and makes your skin softer.

A starry sky is the best roof.
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Hendersonville NC
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Posted - Jun 02 2009 :  4:03:48 PM  Show Profile  Send berrygirl a Yahoo! Message
My mother in law loves apple cider vinegar. She uses it to soak her feet where she has swelling and arthritis, it works great.

The good old days are the ones you live today...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Naperville Illinois
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Posted - Jun 03 2009 :  08:12:54 AM  Show Profile
I'm a huge fan of ACV too! I drink it twice a day in an ice cold class of water. It has helped me with so many things, that I have made it part of my daily routine these past few years. According to studies it helps many different things, kidney, liver,arthritis, and more! I have experimented with quitting for a few weeks and was amazed how fast my aches and pains came back. It works great for me!

Dawn in IL
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Carthage Illinois
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Posted - Jun 14 2009 :  07:43:58 AM  Show Profile
My Grandma swears it cleans out your arteries too.

Farmgirl Sister #607
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Odenville AL
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Posted - Jun 16 2009 :  08:33:23 AM  Show Profile
Jennifer, do you know where you can buy ACV with the mother in it?


"A thing is as simple or as complicated as you make it." --TT Murphy
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Farmgirl in Training

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Harrisburg Pa
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Posted - Jun 18 2009 :  2:18:10 PM  Show Profile
This is the brand you want to look for:

It's Bragg ACV with the mother. You can find it in most health food stores and probably in the natural food aisle of larger supermarkets.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Odenville AL
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Posted - Jun 18 2009 :  3:57:24 PM  Show Profile
Thanks much, Lisa!


"A thing is as simple or as complicated as you make it." --TT Murphy
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 18 2009 :  8:20:59 PM  Show Profile
I have to tell you I'm a believer in it too. My husband was having terrible leg spasms in the middle of the night after working outside all day and I read on the internet that acv will stop the cramps and it really did. He took a couple of tablespoons before bed and never had cramps. The nights he missed taking it the cramps came back. Just wanted Hi neighbor to eastTXFarmgirl! You probably don't live all that far from me.

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Farmgirl in Training

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Albany New Hampshire
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Posted - Jun 19 2009 :  5:30:00 PM  Show Profile
There was a book many years ago called Vermont
Folklore medicine. The entire book was based on Apple Cider Vinegar and honey. Just remember never feed honey to a baby under the age of two.

Pink is not just a's an attitude!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chapin SC
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Posted - May 23 2010 :  09:26:05 AM  Show Profile
You should read the book about ACV by Patricia Bragg. It's a very interesting book and gives lots of home remedies involving raw apple cider vinegar.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 23 2010 :  1:40:01 PM  Show Profile
You need to find out what it was. So glad it is gone, but what caused this?

Farmgirl Sister # 31

Psalm 51: 10-13
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Webster Texas
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Posted - May 24 2010 :  12:41:09 PM  Show Profile
I know that you can get acv with the mother in it at Whole Foods if you have one close by . . .

Farmgirl #648

"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb

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Heather B
True Blue Farmgirl

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Longmont Colorado
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Posted - May 25 2010 :  05:51:27 AM  Show Profile
My husbands Aunt and he have just started using the raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar for heartburn. They both have had miracle results! Its amazing!!! Hubby had trouble every day and was tired of taking pills that didnt seem to always work but the cider vinegar really works.


"Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty"
Farm Girl Sister #662
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True Blue Farmgirl

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San Angelo TX
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Posted - May 25 2010 :  09:38:05 AM  Show Profile

Where is Bedias TX?

To remain silent and indifferent is a great sin
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - May 25 2010 :  6:18:06 PM  Show Profile
I just got a bottle of the braggs acv at my local grocery store. I thought of all I had heard here on the farm about it when I saw it so I bought it. :) Not to sound ignorant here but what is the mother in the vinegar that you spoke of?

"All you need is faith, trust and......a little bit of pixie dust" ~Peter Pan
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Small Town MI
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Posted - Jun 28 2010 :  8:14:54 PM  Show Profile
I had bronchitis a couple of weeks ago & had to take anti-biotics. As always, the anti-biotics caused a candida issue. Sorry if too personal but it really worked & I have to share this! I started drinking some mixed with water 2x a day and would also 'wash' with it. I kid you not, it went away in 2-3 days without any returning symptoms. I get the Bragg's raw organic ACV. I think this might be the only brand that's raw with the mother in it? I am a huge believer. Recently, I've started using it as a face toner. Again, mixed it with water & put a few drops of tea tree oil. My face is looking nice with fewer break-outs. I also agree with the lighter, less bloated t.o.m. I thought something was wrong with me until I read this post tonight. It makes sense now.
Denise, the mother is the culture that turns the apple juice into vinegar. Kind of like a culture that turns milk in to yogurt. Like yogurt, it's loaded with good probiotics & other good stuff that I can't remember what it is. I bought & downloaded the e-book from Bragg's website & read it when I have a question about ACV. The e-book explains what's in the ACV that makes it so good for you. Think it was only $5.

Farmgirl Sister #1574
Mid-Michigan Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Ringgold GA
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Posted - Jun 28 2010 :  8:20:01 PM  Show Profile
I love acv too, but remember if you drink it daily it can wear away at the enamel in your teeth. I know someone that happened to, she switched to the pills. It is great in pet water to help discourage fleas.

Oh Mr Darcy!
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Farmgirl in Training

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Boise ID
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Posted - Jun 29 2010 :  11:51:34 AM  Show Profile
Hi Victoria, Glad the acv worked for the knot on your head. I want to thank all the farmgirl sisters for all of their post about the benefits of acv. I learned a lot from your posts. your husband I too suffer from leg cramps at night and since I have a bottle of Braggs acv in my pantry I'm going to start taking it every night before bed. Hope it works as well for me as it does your hubby.

Farmgirl Sister #1731
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Small Town MI
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Posted - Jun 29 2010 :  12:04:59 PM  Show Profile
Sarah, thanks for that tip. I never would have thought about the acid wearing down the enamel on my teeth. I do have veggie caps and a syringe. I can always make my own pills & take it like that. I'd just drink lots of h2o with 'em.

Farmgirl Sister #1574
Mid-Michigan Farmgirl Chapter
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Chapter Guru

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New Prague MN
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Posted - Jul 16 2010 :  05:50:26 AM  Show Profile
Lyn, How much did you mix with water for your candida issue?

Playing in the Sonshine
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Horicon WI
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Posted - Sep 11 2010 :  9:08:52 PM  Show Profile
I have tried apple cider vinegar for my relux, but it made it worse.
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