So glad I read this post as we are getting a ton of spiders in our house. I don't want to spray as the pesticides are harmful to humans and animals. I am going to try the hedge apples. There are some people I know that have some on the trees that they grow on so I guess putting a few around the house is worth a try.
Farmgirl 7774
Never miss a sunset
Lori Beck
True Blue Farmgirl
7202 Posts
7202 Posts
Posted - Oct 05 2019 : 04:23:33 AM
Here in Texas we call hedge apples horse apples. I didn't know they repel spiders but I do use them for roaches. They will ooze a sticky milky substance so put in plastic container or on a paper plate.
I grow and use pennyroyal for insect repellant. It's in the mint family but not edible.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
Sara, we are having a terrible time with spiders this year. I know they are good for some things but I just don't want them in the house. That is interesting that they call hedge apples horse apples in Texas. I will make sure to put them on something so I don't get a mess. Thank you.