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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 10:35:49 AM
Oh Pam, that is a scary thing to be going through. I know all about those panic attacks and I can't stand when I get hit with one. I'm sending a good luck/be well prayer and a bit farmsister hug of comfort.
Love and light!
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13 Palouse Prairie Girls Chapter
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 4:43:27 PM
And My Darlen Pam...I didn't even know you were going through all of that (but God Knew!) I am so sorry about that stinken job of just keeps getting worse doesn't it? Well, I am glad that you are seriously looking for something else and Christmas help is a good place to start! It might just be a good fun break from a really stressful atmosphere! Then after the Holidays you can go search out a new life for yourself. Just let me caution you NOT be looking for anything in the same field. We tend to get comfortable with what we know and think that is all we can do...but that is just not true! I will be praying that God gets you through this and into something light-weight for awhile so you can more easily transition. For now HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS AND MORE HUGS! LOVES AND KISSES TOO. IF there is one thing I don't want is for my Farmgirl Daughter to be Blue! Angela...oh, what a wonderful, wonderful blessing that $400.00 was. And you, being our resistant Miss Thrifty Homemaker-with God's help, stretched it farther than the normal person could have or would have. We are all very proud of you. Hope you and DH are continuing to do well. I have a story I want to share with you, it is a bit long so will probably have to email it to you but I believe that you will find it a source of spiritual strength and encouragement. Annika...I hear you about the de-cluttering girl...I have a bedroom that looks like a Moose rampaged through it! Been doing Swap stuff and paper work etc...and it looks bad. Wish my Fairy-Godmother would wave her magic wand and clean it for me. (Like that could ever happen!) LOL Luanne...I hope you have a Wonderful Vacation and come home energized and renewed!
Well Porchies, my bedroom is calling me... but not to clean it...rather for a nap! Think I will heed the call!
There is Nothing That You Will Go through Today, that you and God together cannot handle!
Blessings, ~Peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 01 2010 4:47:07 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 5:16:31 PM
Hey Porchies, I am so proud of you Angela. You are a spunky girl. Hang in there.
pam my dear so sorry for all you are going through. I will be praying for you. Wish I could just give you a big hug.
Darlene put your swap package in the mail today. HOpe you like it. I sure had fun getting to spoil you. are just the most lovely porchie. YOu make us all feel so loved. Thank you.
I had an inservice today. Then I helped a dear friend with a project she needed help on and had some lunch with her. It was a good afternoon. I felt good for being able to help her as she needed it. Hugs from her made my day.
well time for tea and planning my menu out for next week.
love and hugs Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 5:33:00 PM
Pam...I'm gonna smack your bosses face right off..In the name of Jesus of course! LOL! Get away from Mr. Evil as soon as you can. I know it's tough but God and all your mothers and sisters on the porch will help you through it. He better watch out cause God is powerful and with all our prayers and big group hug he's in trouble. All things work for the good to those that love the Lord. I feel a love fest a brewin!
Angela...Good for you. Whew a little relief and alot of stuff!!! How was that canning class. Are you a Professer now?
Luanne...Have a great time with your Mom. Cherish her while you can!
Peggy...After your Fairy Godmother is finished at your house send her my way!
Love to all my porchies!
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 7:57:36 PM
Pam, I know what a bad boss can do to your stress level. I use to work for someone that owned the company and would come to work falling down drunk. And he was a mean drunk. I hope you can find something to get you out of that place. Life is too short to be treated badly at work. Angela, it must of felt good to make that money go so far. Good for you! I hope things look up for you and your family.
Peggy, I laughed at the fairy godmother comment. I just told someone today at work, my wand was broken and my money tree has died. I think we all could use a fairy godmother about now. Too many Cinderella like days for our porch sisters.
So far one of the ladies that was interested in my inventory changed her mind. I haven't heard from the other one yet. But sales have been decent. I just keep putting money away. It will be tight but I think I'll make it.
Everyone take care. I pray for peace in everyone's life soon. Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2010 : 8:11:12 PM
Pam, I managed to out last one of the partners where I work. Horrible personnel manager, and the lady who back stabbed anyone and everyone. But I pray for provision for you and for God's protection over your. May that peace that is past all understanding settle on you and keep you centered in His love.
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2010 : 4:45:44 PM
Hi sisters. Sorry I haven't posted until now, but I have been physically exhausted from school for the past few days, and I had a tough day at our rugby games today. We lost, which puts everything up in the air for state, but we deserved the win more, and a lot of my rugby sisters were frustrated, as was I. There was crying, and it was not a pretty scene. Our coach was POed, and then me and my B side had to go and play another very tough game that we lost. It was tough, and right now we are in a very beat up place, so I'm glad that the team is taking the next few days off. On a higher note, I'm doing very well in my classes! I'm really starting to get into a routine, and I'm happy with my choice of high school. Angela, God really surprises us in good ways. Pam, I'm so sorry that you're dealing with that, and I'm sending a (((Hug))) to you and prayers. God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 12:19:27 AM
| crack me up! "I'm gonna smack your bosses face right off...In the name of Jesus of course!" Then her boss is going to turn the other cheek, you can do it again???? :0) Funny girl!  Pam...we are all tightly holding you in prayer, I think that might be a little more powerful than Darlene's approach; but who knows, I've never seen her right hook! LOL Megan...I am so sorry honey that your teams all took such a beating this weekend. BUT that is what sports is all about. You Win some and you Lose some but it's the Team pulling together for the next game that really matters! It's all about Sportsmanship and Team Playing NOT about POed Coaches. The Coach will get over it and so will all of you! It is disheartening this week...but the next game is a brand new opportunity to show your stuff! Knock their socks off!  Cherime...your prayer for Pam was a great one. We all need that Peace that Passes All Understanding...but Pam really needs it at the moment. Hers is NOT the typical job and the stress can be a killer! There is good stress and bad stress and her's is horrid at the moment! So, let's all keep praying for her. She needs a new JOB! are the Butterflies doing? Did that one little girl get to stay in your class or have they moved her to a different school? I know it doesn't hurt to lose a fish or two but it always hurts to lose a child that you really wish you could help. ((((HUGS))) to you Teacher Tammy. (notice I stole Megan's radiating hug? I loved that! It implies so much doesn't it?) Bunny...I forgot to mention that I mailed out your package last Thursday. I hope it will be a blessing and a hug to your heart. I think you said you mailed out yours first, I will let you know when I get it. Oh,and by the way my Fairy Godmother didn't show up! Maybe I'll ask the Tooth Fairy instead...yeah, I am starting to lose my teeth might work out! LOL  Luanne...I got your adorable picture today! Thank you! We have so many pretty, cute, attractive and fabulous Porchies (and farmgirls in general) photo journal is looking pretty Smart and Sassy, if I do say so! You All are making it Beautiful! Thanks!
Well, I am tired and need to get some sleep. Hope you all have Sweet Peaceful Dreams and No Restless Nights, Love,Hugs and Joy, ~Peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 03 2010 12:27:49 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
157 Posts
157 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 09:46:18 AM
Good Afternoon Porchies. I read through all of the pages of posts from my time away. All I can say is "Thank you God for knowing what we need and providing it for us- peace that surpasses all understanding, mourning that turns to dancing, joy in the midst of pain, guidance in times of confusion, love that gives, provision in time of need, wisdom when everything looks like it is falling apart around us and His own love when our comes to it's end."
Hugs and prayers.
Lida |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 2:15:14 PM
Good afternoon porch ladies. I had a wonderful sales day yesterday. Things are moving along nicely. I still haven't heard from the lady about purchasing my inventory. But I'm not worring about it. It rained all last night. I opened my glass sliding door in my room. It was wonderful to smell the rain. Peggy, I mailed your package off and have your birthday gift ready for later this month. I have been having fun thinking up things to make for you.
I pray all of you porch ladies going through trials have a quiet and peacful weekend. God will hear our prayers and lead you to where he wants you to be. Be strong.
Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 2:38:10 PM
| didn't have to make me something for my birthday...a card would suffice girlfriend. That was awful thoughtful and sweet of you however. I will look forward to both pkges.~ I am glad that you had a good Shop Weekend! How is the packing coming along at home? Or are you still just in the sorting phase? 
I am having a difficult Fibro, will be heading back to bed soon. I have only been up an hour but it hurts to sit or stand very long, so stretching out in bed is better on my muscles. always have the Perfect Words of Encouragement! Thanks...they uplifted me and I don't even feel needy at the moment. BUT we have a lot of Porchie Girlfriends who really could use those words right now! Bless YOU! 
Well, better go stretch out...I will check back in later.
LOOK UP! Remember He is always watching over you!
Blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 03 2010 2:40:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 3:07:53 PM
Lida-your words of encouragement are so beautiful. I printed them out and I'm keeping them with me.
Bunny(I just love your name!) I'm glad that you had wonderful sales. Yahoo! That's great.
Oh Ms. Peggy-I am so sorry that you are having a bad day. Please call me if you need anything. Get some rest and some stretching in. I want to thank you again for being there for me and for all my sisters being there for me.
Lola had an upset tummy last night and got sick in our bed. We cleaned it up but once I'm up, that's it-I'm up. So at 2:30 I got up, surfed the net, watched some old movies and then finally went back to sleep. She is doing much better. I've made some pumpkin chocolate chip brownies and some cheese straws so everyone dig in!
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 3:23:13 PM
Bunny, glad that things are looking up for you! Ms. Peggy, you will be in my prayers. Also, thank you for the encouragment. Our Coach did get over it, but he was very mad at the ref, who was in definite fault yesterday. It was just not a good day to be on my rugby team! I'm having too much fun vegging! I don't want to go to school! lol, but it must be done! I can't wait to see my friends, though. God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 6:20:30 PM
Hi porchies, Just came in from my evening walk. VEry cool and crisp. Time for some tea to warm up.
Peggy~so sorry you are having a bad day. Prayig tomorrow will be better. My little butterfly you asked about is going to be staying with me for the whole year. God knew what was best. She is hanging in there. A plan for her to get extra help is still in the works.
Bunny~so glad to hear the sales are going well. I love the smell of rain.
LIda~you are such a great encourager with your words.
Darlene~ I had to laugh my head off about slapping the face of the boss with JEsus help. I could almost picture that very vividly in my mind.
Well ladies I am going to have some tea and curl up with a good story before bed. Back to my butterflies tomorrow.
love and blessings Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 8:50:22 PM
Well, if feels like I have been away a year here. I have been working literally night and day for the last 4-5 days. I got my books finished about 10 Sat. night. Our meeting is tomorrow night. So, after that I plan to come and lounge more often here on the porch with you all! Angela, I am soooo glad that you and your husband are working things out. I can testify that with God's help, you can work things out. He put my marriage back together the day before we were to appear in court. I applaud you for your helping out your relatives as you do. My goodness, I believe God will truly bless you for your thoughtfulness. You truly have a big heart, girl. Pam, I am so sorry about your job. I will keep you both in my prayers and I certainly pray for his guidance and strength for you two.
Have a great and blessed day! |
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2010 : 9:00:58 PM
Oh I forgot! Peggy - I plan to write you next week. Thanks for understanding the busyness! I have missed you! Lida - I sent you something Thursday. Please let me know if you don't receive it.
Everyone, have a great night! It is going to be cold here - 38-40 degrees. The wind is blowing a little so it will feel a lot colder than it really is.
Hope yall have a good and peaceful week!!!
Have a great and blessed day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 12:15:20 AM
HI Janet...Oh I have really missed you!!! BUT I knew what you were busy working on! Goodness, I am glad you made it through that and I bet the Books are absolutely Perfect! Now you can take a big sigh of relief and come sit on the Porch with us more (or at least until your next big work project) LOL I was thinking about writing to you tonight too but ended up getting distracted by about a million other things that I needed to do. I slept most of the day so this evening I was just getting things done right and left. I found my bedroom beneath all the clutter. Got it all put back together...then inspiration hit me for My Oct. I sat down and whipped that out, making another mess...but I got that all cleaned back up. Now, I am going to crawl under the covers and read for awhile before I call it a day! Will write in the next couple of days. Tammy...I am so glad that your little Butterfly is still with you. Sometimes just plain old "stability" can make a huge difference in the life of a child. Is your school just not equipped to handle her special needs? I know that you are a Christian School and probably with limited budget and resources.
Well...I am off to the Land of Escapism (I love the Journeys we can take in books). 
Hugs and Deep & Peaceful Sleep For All, ~peggy
Lady In Red "I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 04 2010 12:17:20 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 05:54:21 AM
Morning sweet porch sisters. I feel like I've been out of touch for a month... Pam, it breaks my heart to hear of your stress/anxiety at work. I'm so glad you are able to come here and let us love on you and lift you up. I'll be praying for you to find the perfect position that supplies your needs and satisfies the creativity of your spirit. Peggy, I hope that you're fibro settles down and you have peace in your body today. Cherime, has there been any resolution to your situation? Praying..... Luanne, in case you haven't left yet - THANK YOU for the awesome package! I'll be in touch via email and snail mail and you'll have some things waiting for you when you get home. I'm praying for a safe and wonderful trip for you.
I just wanted to pop out to the porch and catch up - but work is calling... I hope everyone has a good Monday.
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Edited by - staci860 on Oct 04 2010 05:56:21 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 08:57:36 AM
The work situation is still iffy but with a bit of input from the other boss, it may be on a more even keel for the moment. I have to delve into some more of the ins and outs of this one today. It is such a big can of worms complicated by the fact that one of the parties is feeling the crunch of getting it done now because he is likely dying. He looks like a walking skeleton. Not good! So he is pushing for a quick resolution to something that has been years in the making. Pam oh yes! We do praise you Lord as you are the author and finisher of our faith. You bless us and we bless your name. We do declare that there is a New job Lord for Pam one that you have made specially for her. And Lord let that new job find her quickly. I heard how one lady survived a difficult job. As a chaplain she had to face death and bereavement on a daily basis. She took an Ipod with her and did not put the ear pieces in her ears but put then around her neck and loaded it with praise music. The music surrounded her and just sort of resonated through her body. The music wasn't very loud it was just there changing the atmosphere around her.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 09:14:05 AM
We had the most awesome thunder and lightning storm last night. I'm going to miss these. Although it did keep me up most of the night.
Pam I'm glad you take care when your fibro acts up. I have been working 6 days a week for so long. It will be nice to take some time and heal up at my Moms. It seems to be moving around me lately. Now it's in my legs and hips. I need to try stretching like you do. I'm having fun thinking of things to send you. They are all little projects but it keeps me in the creative mode. It also keeps me from shutting down. I'm also bipolar and I can feel myself going down a little bit at a time. I'm trying so hard to stay up and positive with the shop. But with so many people coming in and the sad faces and with every customer having to explain why I'm leaving, where I'm going,.."yes it will be find" "I can't wait to get to Oregon". It wears me down at the end of the day. Honestly, making little things for you makes me happy and keeps the creative spirit alive.
Anyway, off to get ready for another day! A big deposit at the bank and probably a quiet day at work to get things done! Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 2:18:01 PM
Hello everyone!
Pam-I'm so sorry to hear of the anxiety you are going thru. Although I've never been thru it myself, I have seem close friends suffer from it so i pray that you find the path to heal your spirit
Darlene- I do remember about your wood stove! I'm still slowly working on hubby agreeing to it (but I have been looking at them on-line for a while now). How tough is it in the summer as far as heating up the house? That was my husband's biggest worry.
Luanne- So cool you are a beekeeper!! When we finally get up to our land in Idaho, I plan on trying my hand at it. I'm trying to educate myself now so that by the time I'm ready to go, I'll have at least half an idea how to do it. That issue of MJF on bees was the catalyst to get me thinking about it
Peggy- All is well here, I hope your fibro isn't knocking you out too badly. Have you tried any meds for it(can't remember if I had asked or not, still have a bit of pregnancy brain)
Lida- I always love and appreciate your advice and guidance, you always seem to have the perfect words
Bunny-Seems like everything is progressing nicely, just remember you are in our prayers. I woke up at 3 this morning to a thunder and lightening storm. I usually love them but I thought someone was trying to break in at first!
Cherime-Sending positive thoughts your way for the work pickle!
So my trip up to Idaho was wonderful, just too short. The well is going in after the driller gets back from his elk hunt (about 2-3 weeks). The weather was beautiful...68 and sunny with all the birch trees turning in the midst of all the pine. The air had that amazing clean smell with just a hint of smoke from the area chimneys. I can hardly stand thinking about it, just want to get up there permanently! Both of my little ones are sick, with my oldest going on 9 days. I finally started her on some antibiotics after 6 days because she just wasn't getting much better. So when the younger one started with the same symptoms, I just started her on the same stuff.Not generally a fan of pills (ironic considering my job) but enough was enough. Did a breast cancer walk yesterday and it was fun but rainy and the girls had had enough by the end of the 5k walk so I had to leave. Today I'm just trying to relax with a cup of tea and enjoy the rain
well wishes to everyone!!
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Oct 04 2010 2:21:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 2:27:25 PM
Well ladies-Those prayers are working.I sent out my resume last week and got two calls for interviews. One is full time with a construction company as a receptionist and one is part time bookkeeping for a chiropractor. I really want the receptionist job. I told my husband to pray extra hard. I have both of my interviews tomorrow.
Peggy-how are you doing today? It's kind of chilly out there today so stay nice and warm and comfortable.
Cherime-that is a wonderful idea!
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2010 : 3:16:33 PM
Pam- Sending prayers your way!!! Good luck tomorrow and please let us know how it goes
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Oct 04 2010 3:17:02 PM |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |