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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 06:21:46 AM
I have a new year's resolution I just thought of. Since I have become a real PRO at resting and napping...I'm gonna add healthy excercise to my Dr. strongly suggests walking 45 minutes a day...even if I start slow. It's been tempting to email and read and chat on internet for HOURS a day.... can't keep that up and stay healthy. :-)
Linda in Scranton, PA
I see trees of green and red roses too...skys of blue and clouds of white, and I think to myself...what a wonderful world. Louis Armstrong |
True Blue Farmgirl
613 Posts
613 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 2:07:07 PM
woo, i'm back after a long hiatus from MJF and the virtual porch... hope all is well with you this new year, ladies!
Linda, anytime is a good time to include excercise and movement into your life! i've discovered there's no such thing as slow... it seems society believes we have to go all out and get crazy with excercise! but i think any movement (this includes chores, gardening, any farmgirl speciality!) is conducive to health and happiness. may i recommend buying a walking fitness video for those days when it's very cold or snowy outside? i have Leslie Sansone's walking dvd and love it! but never underestimate the power of a good nap, too... they are enjoyable.
my new year's "intentions" include: being more humble and thankful for what i have rather than always wanting more. being more loving and caring towards DH. being nicer to myself and not underestimating what i do at home. and of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle!
I'm baking some yummy bread at the moment... when it's done and piping hot, I'll bring some over to the porch to enjoy with some butter and homemade strawberry jam!
"Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes." - Guy Clark
"The man who has planted a garden feels he has done something for the good of the world." - Charles Dudley Warner |
True Blue Farmgirl
88 Posts
88 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 2:46:44 PM
Hey, Tammy. I just looked through your blog, I love it!! You are very inspiring, and fun to read! Happy New Year! Just step over me if I am in the way on the porch.....! virginia
I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier.
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 2:55:39 PM
Hi good to meet you. Exercise is so good for each of us, especially as we get older. My doctor gave me an assignment last fall. He told me to look up the word INERTIA & make sure that it didn't happen to me. Here is the definition that I found in one of my science books: INERTIA: Latin- lack of art or skill, ignorance; Physics: the tendency of matter to remain @ rest (if @ rest),or,if moving, to keep moving in the same direction, unless affected by an outside force. A tendency to remain in the same fixed condition w/o change.
I liked this definition for exercise...not to just do the same thing, but accept a challenge. And April....I loved your samples of how to do something better for your family. I thought that was wonderful especially in this economic climate etc.. I will try to be proactive for my family and quit being inert. I am looking for ways to make home a comfort area for Dan after a hard day at work. I also want to do as much as I can to cut costs, so that the income goes further. I will rely on the Lord to give me energy to keep from staying inert. And this group of ladies who are grabbing a little time with each other (to recreate and replenish each other) is marvelous. Thank you for letting me share.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 5:06:47 PM
Diane, you have one of the most beautiful cities in the whole world!! My DH & I had our honeymoon there. Will never forget dinner and High Tea. We rented a car and drove all over the island. I have a great Aunt who lives in Parksville.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2010 : 7:33:33 PM
Virginia thanks for stopping for tea at my blog. I hope you come more often I keep the teapot on and I just write from my heart. Nice to meet you and maybe I will lay down with you...seems like a good idea.
blessings Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God. |
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 2:24:02 PM
I just finished reading the current issue (Feb-Mar 2010) of our magazine and lo and behold, our blog is in it! Yes, there I am, Nancym Indiana; and Nancy Jo, New York; MaryBeth, Washington; Alee, Montana; Di, British Columbiz; Joy, Kentucky; Marly, Louisiana; Jeannie, Florida; LaVonna, Texas; Rene', Washington; Melody June, Texas and Dawn, Ohio. What a hoot! We're famous!
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 2:25:59 PM
We might be famous but I still can't type...That's Nancy, Indiana, not Nancym, Indiana. Sorry. Hope I didn't mess up anyone else's name...I was just so excited.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 2:36:15 PM
I feel so fortunate that I am sipping tea, eatting some good food and sitting with celebs. I'm glad to be in your company. I do think that you guys should imprint your name in stars for a Walk of Fame or something. And while I'm at it, I only have this napkin, but could I get your autographs?
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 2:43:19 PM
Next time I'll keep my mouth shut and stuffed with cookies.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
613 Posts
613 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 5:10:19 PM
Congratulations ladies on making it in the mag! I always love how we are all incorporated into it... we are creating a part of it! very special, indeed!
must leave the comfy porch swing to go watch college football with the hubby. going to try chocolate strawberry tea later on... hope it's good and warming to the soul! if it is, i shall bring some to share to the porch!
"Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes." - Guy Clark
"The man who has planted a garden feels he has done something for the good of the world." - Charles Dudley Warner |
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2010 : 8:08:55 PM
I love strawberries and chocolate but as a tea, I have my doubts.
Will someone please throw another log on the fire and toss over another quilt. It's a little nippy on this end of the porch.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1277 Posts
social springs community
1277 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 06:15:51 AM
(Screen door slamming......) Oh, my Mercy! The group on the porch has grown! Randy, honey, can you go to the barn and get me some more rockers, please? Mornin', ladies! Sorry about this cold weather. It really is unusual for us here in the South to reach below freezing this many days in a row. Just be patient. It'll be up to 47 in a little bit. In the meantime, I've brought out more blankets, here's a fresh pot of Community Coffee (the only kind we drink, here), a fresh pot of tea and a carafe of hot chocolate. I just got through baking the Honey Bun French Toast, and there's plenty, if anyone wants to sample some. Oh! And I got a batch of seed catalogs in the mail yesterday. I'll just set 'em right down here and y'all share nicely. Dawn! Aren't you finished in that bathtub yet? You're gonna prune, darlin'! Oh. Alee! Go get Nora. We have two new calves for her to play with. One was born Christmas Eve morning, in that really nasty storm (we named her Miss Ruthie) and the other was born early early on New Years Day -- we named her Hope. So, ladies! Enjoy! I'll go serve up that french toast now. Any takers?
from the hearts of paradise... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 06:51:55 AM
Always being in the North, I've heard about Southern hospitality. Thank you Julie, as I think I am feeling it here!!
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
Oakland County
82 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 07:00:15 AM
Ooo... new calves! Good timing... they didn't want to miss any parties, it sounds like. ;)
*passes Nancy a quilt and a mug of hot cocoa*
~April Sisterhood #: 594
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
Oakland County
82 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 07:01:30 AM
And congratulations to our friends who are in the new magazine! Mine just arrive y'day so I haven't peeked at it, but I LOVED the cover. :)
~April Sisterhood #: 594
True Blue Farmgirl
223 Posts
223 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 07:02:32 AM
Oh Julie, I must have that recipe for the French toast thing. Love it! And I brought hot from the oven Monkey Bread. I made this for my brother and sister-in-law and family for the brunch on Christmas morning at their house. It was a huge hit. And just the right accompaniment for the after Christmas morning service we all went to. Gotta say, that early morning service was such a blessing. My brother and sil are in the bell choir and it was beautiful to listen to and to watch them enjoying their part of the celebration. Especially since my sil is battling for her life with illness but finds the strength to practice and play the bells. She is an inspiration to us all.
keep searchin'-it's out there somewhere. |
True Blue Farmgirl
278 Posts

278 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 07:59:01 AM
Oh the new issue is hitting the mailboxes, is it? Fantastic! I've got surgery tomorrow and will be in need of something to read at home when I'm recuperating. Never mind that now, I brought along some chocolate-strawberry tea for y'all. It's something else! Is there a bit of sugar in the house or some milk for the gals that want it sweetened? I like it just plain, myself.
Nan, the monkey bread is delish! I like to make mini monkey loaves for the kids - they gobble 'em up! These are divine. Your SIL sounds like a wonderful woman, being sick and playing in the bell choir. My church has a childrens bell choir and they are such fun to watch. |
Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl
9094 Posts
West Seneca
New York
9094 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 08:10:01 AM
Well I about fell off the Grammy chair to see my name in the new Magazine. I'm OK now. I couldn't be on my porch as this topic is all about, well I could be, but it would take a whole lot of hot coffee to stay out there. a hight of 10 isn't pretty good. But for the VIRTUAL porch, I will be there with a fresh pot of coffee, pretty china tea cups and a embroidered cloth for the table.And of course a three layer cake. Nancy Jo |
True Blue Farmgirl
2401 Posts
2401 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 11:16:18 AM
Ladies, is there room for one for porch sitter? There's nothing more enjoyable to me than sitting out on our back porch and enjoying nature. My husband and I do it quite a bit when the weather is good. We like to get up early in the morning and have breakfast out there on the weekends. Some of my favorite memories of my grandmother is sitting on her front porch. Sometimes we'd be breaking up beans for canning or something like that or just sitting around and listening to her and my granddaddy telling stories about our family from long ago. It's all very relaxing to me.
I'll bake some of those peanut butter with hershey kisses cookies to share with you all. I didn't make them for Christmas this year and I missed them.
Farmgirl Sister #25
An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.' |
Farmgirl at Heart

3 Posts
new douglas
3 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 12:31:26 PM
Howdy!,Howdy!,Howdy!,...I've been headed your way for a long time now, the closer I get the bigger the porch and all the wonderful gals carring food, drinks and handwork to show and share! I'm bringing flowers cause thats what I do! Worked with flowers for a lot of years, birthdays, anniversarys,weddings,...etc. Please pick out what ever flowers you would like, but you have to share what you take! I've got to big buckets full help yourselves!! Do I smell fresh baked cookies? Why yes, a cup of tea would be real nice,I've carried those buckets a long way. Thank you every one this is so nice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 12:41:54 PM
Nancy, I am new to the porch too. Boy, I am excited to see your flowers & share them. Since we have snow on the ground, and the garden books here to look at, I can't wait until Spring. Having the real thing is a marvelous gift!
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1277 Posts
social springs community
1277 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 12:58:50 PM
Welcome, welcome, Nancy & Claudia! We are so glad you finally arrived! Oh, Nancy! These zinnias are just the best! And Shastas! In the middle of winter! My Mercy, child. You DO have a green thumb! Claudia, pull yourself up a chair, and thumb through these seed catalogs. That'll add some go juice to your dreams of spring gardens!
from the hearts of paradise... |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
Oakland County
82 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 2:30:23 PM
What a lovely porch this is! It smells like... *sniffs air*...the promise of Spring LOL!
Here's my current Seedsavers catalog to pass around...
~April Sisterhood #: 594
True Blue Farmgirl
278 Posts

278 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2010 : 2:31:11 PM
Can I take a peek at those seed catalogs too? I am in the mood for Spring already and Winter just started! My dogs would trash anything planted in the ground unless I happen to build a fence or something to keep them out of the pretties, so I usually am stuck with potted flowers. bleh |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |