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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2012 : 2:10:28 PM
Peggy, Hi! Im doing ok still having some pain . Chiropractor took xrays on Sat. so going over the xrays tonight . Then I'll a better idea what's going on with me for sure. Curamin is an anti- inflammatory herb. It works good. It's pricey thou 60 pills for 44.00 . |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2012 : 6:35:03 PM
Oh Angela, My heart breaks for you. I do know how it feels to lose all that is dear. Nothing anyone can say will make it better. That I know. The only thing you can do is stabilize your life and MIL and then take stock. Try hard to look around and what is still good and what to be grateful for. You are able to move in with your mom. (been there, and still doing it). You have a place to live. Were you renting your house or did it belong to MIL? Hang in there. Take some time to do what is neccissary and hopefully some solutions will come up. It is hard to figure out what to do in the middle of chaos. I'll be praying for you.
Ruth Ann, hope you get a handle on your pain. Trying to keep busy while everything hurts is hard. I hope you get well soon!
Nan, how sad to have to deal with this poor dog. See if the owner will pay for the visit and you take the dog in. It seems the only solution. I hope you can decide what to do. I think we have all been there with a pet before.
Such a sad day for so many people. I hope everything gets better! Over on the Over 50 thread we are all on a virtual vacation in Rio. Our little coping mechanism for the winter blues.
Got to sew a little today. I'm working on a John Deere tractor quilt for my nephew. The pattern is my own and I have had the fabric for so long. It is nice to make a quilt for a person instead of a pattern I'm writing. Hopefully I can post a picture when it is done. Don't hold your breath though. It will take a while. :)
Off to make some dinner... Hope things look and feel better in the morning.
Farmgirl number 3738
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
1085 Posts
1085 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 07:37:33 AM
I can add some more to the aches and pains theme right now. Yesterday afternoon DD decided it would be a good idea to ride her bike down 5 steps off the porch. Since she still has training wheels you can imagine how successful that was. She got a 1/2 inch gash on her forehead and blood everywhere. I heard the bike falling and knew it would not end well and was out the door and scooping her up and running back inside the house and covering her head with a wet towel. I speedily wiped off all the blood and assessed the damage. Got her changed, settled on the couch, an ice pack on her head and talking to DH on the phone in under 10 minutes. She probably could have gotten a stitch or two put in but I didn't think it was that bad. She'll have a battle scar to talk about, though.
Last night when I was going to bed I noticed a spot on my hand was hurting. So leave it to me to sprain my hand doing housework. DH and I talked about having a maid come in on Monday mornings to help get the house back in order after I have worked all weekend. It feels a little weird but I'm tired of having "The Conversation" every Monday about how awful the house looks and how long it will take me to get it cleaned up. And he works all week long so why should he have to deal with housework on the 2 days he's off. Hopefully I can find someone soon and have glorious Mondays again.
Well, I'm off to get the daily chores done. The garden is coming in real nice. I have the French lettuces that are looking good. I was able to harvest some kale and other lettuce and chard yesterday. Inside the bell peppers and calendula are growing good. This might be a good year for me!
~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069
Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow |
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 08:47:46 AM
The owner of Sparky said he couldn't comr over yesterday but finally came over early this morning and said he wanted to see if she'd improve by tomorrow morning. She is eating a little of her wet food but hasn't touched any water for 2 days now. She still can't move her back legs and has been lying on her straw pallet since Sunday evening. We'll do what he wants for today but tomorrow morning, no matter what he says, we're going to give his wonderful pet a peaceful and humane exit from this life. I didn't think I could cry this much over a dog that isn't even really mine. There are so many tough things in life to deal with and this is proving to be one of the worst ones. Thanks for all the empathy.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
317 Posts
317 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 09:17:16 AM
Good Morning
I just finished the first book, Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. )That's the reason I have not been on here) It was really good. I could not put it down. I now have to find the next one. I could not find any of the Tea Shop Mysteries :( I am still looking. There are only a couple of used bookstores close. There is a really good one in "the city" I will stop there next time I am that way.
Penny I looked at the shawl patterns. I really liked a coulpe of them, but I think I am more the heavy shawl type. If you find one let me know. I may have to brush up my crocheting. I will ask my friend that Crochets a lot. Problem is she does not understand beginner. She has crocheted so long that adanced patterns are what she thinks of as beginner. LOL She never did come up with a beginer scarf pattern the ones she sent me were al intricate. LOL
Kimberly i am glad you bought the shawl. You will enjoy it and you are right, you can make one too. Congrats on scoring 3 pair of shoes. I hate shoe shopping!
Buny that was my thought when I went back to school. I think teenagers just have more energy than I do, or they think and work faster. LOL
Chermie glad to hear from you. Send your snow this way. We are way below what we usually have by this time. Keep the -20 though I really don;t want it any colder than the 12 degrees it has been.
Kimberly tthat was wonderful for them to do that. Sounds like you had a great time. Did you DH or your kids know? My Dh could keep a secret but not my kids.
Tammy with that list of books you made me want a Kindle. I love holding books and seeing them all lined upon a shelf. (Closet Librarian). So I have never wanted an electronic book. Do you think I could find them in actule book form? Get better soon!
Kimberly that shawl is fantastic. Well worth what you paid for it. I am really glad you bought it. Happy Birthday!
Angela I am praying right now for you , your family and your MIL.. Starting over is hard but hang in there. God has a plan. It's hard to trust when you can't see the light but He is there even in this. Praying for you.
Nancy I think I would offer to take her to the vet for the owner. Making her suffer is not fair or humane. I know it is hard because they are part of the family. I will support you no matte rwhatyou decide. Praying for you and the dog.
Julie I am glad your DD is ok. They didn't stitch my DS's forhead when he did something simular. They butterfly taped it. The Dr. said it would not scar as bad.
This is my last day off of my long weekend so I had better get off of here and head to my sewing room. I got the house clean with my DD's help and laundry down to the last load. Now maybe I can get some crafty things done.
Dianne (ID) |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 10:36:59 AM
Afternoon ladies. First day back at work is kicking my butt. I'm ready for a nap when I get home. Feeling better though, just no energy.
Nancy - That is just wrong about that dog. I would call animal control and have them come so they can euthenize her. It's just wrong to expect a dog to go through that because of a lazy owner. If you don't have animal control then you could take her to one of the animal shelters and they should be willing to help. Obviously the owner has abandoned her for all purposes.
Dianne - Some of the electronic books are available in actual book form. Some of them are so old there are no listings for any sellers. One book I would have liked to fine was priced over $200 and there wasn't any seller's for it either. I'm like you are, I love books and believe me my house is filled with them, but for those that are out of print or hard to find the electronic versions are great especially when they're free.
Angela - I feel for you girl. I hope something works out. Have you tried finding a farm or house outside of town to rent? Most apartments allow cats so I would keep them. I'm in a similiar situation trying to find someplace to rent that will allow all the dogs and my cat. Frustrating. Don't give up girl - we're made of strong stock! Keep us updated.
Julie - sounds like something one of my kids would have done LOL Hoping her head heals quickly.
Well, I need to motivate and finish up my work for the day so I can go home and relax. Have a nice afternoon everybody.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
True Blue Farmgirl
55 Posts
55 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 2:24:59 PM
Afternoon Porchies, I have been sewing most of the day. Finished a pillow for my brother, just a little surprise for him, and worked on paper piecing more snowmen, now on to icecicles-lots of them! Yesterday was a beautiful day here so a friend asked me to go on a trail ride with her. It was wonderful!! I rode one of her arabs since my gelding is really hard to load, and she gave me a beautiful ride. Today is pretty but very cold. Took my dog to the vet for one of her booster shots and blood work for heart worms. They gave her the shot first, then when they tried to draw blood for the HW test she went bazerk. We ended up not doing it, so will have to go back in about a week and try again! Ugh. Kimerly, Happy Birthday! I love your black shawl, it is beautiful. Ruthie, Hope your pain isn't so bad today. Tammy, be sure & take care of yourself. I know all of that coughing can year you out!! Nan, I feel so bad that you are having to go thru this with that poor dog! Sending prayers for you. Julei, OMG glad to hear that your DD is OK after that accident. What they can't think of to do!! Angela, Sending prayers for you. Well, have a piano student coming in a few min's so am going to go have a quick cup of tea. Have a great evening everyone.
Oh for the simple life: family, quilts, corgi's, horses, homemade everything. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 4:47:49 PM
Hi everyone! I hope that everyone is doing well! I kind of took a break from my computer over my long weekend after exams. I definitely needed it! Tomorrow is my first day back after a five day weekend, which was a great weekend. I had my last two behind the wheel lessons, so now I'm on my own as far as driving practicing goes. On Saturday, my friend had a sleepover at a very fancy hotel here, and we got facials, which were so very relaxing! I definitely reccomend a facial at least once in a lifetime, it was a great thing to do! We had a good time, and then on Sunday, two of my other friends came over for another sleepover. We played games and just had fun! Then yesterday my boyfriend came over and we hung out for a bit. Not exactly a bunch of big events, but they all came together for a great weekend! I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll be back tomorrow! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
409 Posts
409 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 6:14:38 PM
One way or the other, Sparky will be at peace in the morning. The owner isn't lazy or uncaring...just the opposite. He's had the dog since she was born 17 years ago and he's broken hearted. Like a lot of big burly men, he's really a marshmallow inside. He lost the house to foreclosure and when we moved in, he left Sparky here so that she wouldn't have to be moved from the only home she's ever had. He comes over to see her, or he did until she got so bad. If he can't bring himself to do what needs to be done tomorrow, dh and I will either give her a handfull of Lunesta with her food or take her to the vet in the next town.
"I've wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to someone's needs I've been blind; but I've yet to feel a twinge of regret for being a little too kind." |
True Blue Farmgirl
94 Posts
94 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 7:11:15 PM
I would love to come join ya on the porch. Im new and cant wait to meet everyone. |
True Blue Farmgirl
55 Posts
55 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2012 : 7:54:45 PM
Leslea, welcome. I am fairly new to the porch too. Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Oh for the simple life: family, quilts, corgi's, horses, homemade everything. |
True Blue Farmgirl
122 Posts
United Kingdom
122 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 02:34:22 AM
Hello all
Angela its so difficult when you feel you are moving forward in your life and then it is taken away from you for no fault of your own. Hang in things things will get better eventually.
Kimberley - we have had a very mild winter so yesterday was our first frost but in a normal year we get frost 2 or 3 times a week in the winter months but we don't get fog very often at all - maybe once or twice a year at the most - but rain yes! Its warmed up now so its raining today!!
Peggy - War Horse was really good - beautiful scenery but some very distressing scenes - be warned if you love horses you will find some parts hard to watch. What is amazing is that it is based in fact. The writer met three old men in his village who had fought in WW1 and merged their three stories together to write the book. I would recommend the film and book to anyone.
I'm having a lazy day today as i was in London yesterday and seem to walk for miles. I am taking my Grandson swimming later so that will be great. I was looking after him on Mon and he said the cutest thing - we were curled up singing (he is 2) and he suddenly stopped and said 'Nanny I've got sparkles in my foot and they want to get out' He obviously had pins and needles but i loved the way he described them as sparkles and his face when he was looking for them but couldn't see anything was adorable.
Hope you all have a good day
Dance like nobody's watching! |
True Blue Farmgirl
317 Posts
317 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 08:18:43 AM
Good Morning and yes it is a good morning. The snow is really coming down! I love it. I wish it had not waited till I had to be back at work, but at least I have a window and I can see it. YaHoo!!
Ok now that I have that out of my system.
Tammy thank you for the update on the books. I will see what I can find around here. I guess I will need to break down and get a Kindle for books that are out of print.
Leslea Welcome to the porch. Grab a chairand sit a spell. We are a great group. Lots of love, laughs, and support .
Hope all of you have a great day.
Dianne (ID) |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 09:02:08 AM
Good morning all.
Dianne, it is snowing pretty good here in Oregon as well. This is the end of my first year here and I did't see last years snow. Everything is closed today. It is strange for me to see all this snow in a town. I lived in the forest and just took it in stride. If you slipped a bit, there wasn't anyone or anything around in the way. My kitties aren't even going out in it. I'm hearing it roll off the roof right now in big chunks. I don't think I'll be going anywhere today. Glad you liked "Outlander" They are all wonderful. I gave away so many books when I moved away from my house. I lose books through the years and when I had my big dog Scooby, as a puppy he actually ate some of my best books. Having a kindle allows me to keep them and read them again someday without wondering which bookshelf or box they went to.
Sue thanks for the info on Warhorse. I was afraid it would be a tear jerker so haven't gone to see it. I hate sad movies and crying in the theater. I'll read the book. I love how kids come up with those cute sayings. My older son when he was really young would pass the oil refineries where we use to live and call them cloud factories due to the white plumes coming out of the stacks. We kid him about it now.
Leslea, Welcome! Everyone here is awesome and will be glad to meet you.
Julie, glad your little one is OK. Both of my kids have their own scars from childhood. If she does get a battle scar she will always remember how she got it. So glad she didn't knock out a tooth.
Nan, Glad you have made a decision about Sparky. It is never easy to say goodbye even if it is someone else's pet. I had to put my X husband's dog to sleep and felt terrible. But he was in the same condition as Sparky.
Anyway, snow or no snow, I still have homework to do. So later for now! Be safe driving those snowy roads!
Farmgirl number 3738
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 09:02:38 AM
Ruth Ann, how are you doing Lady?
Farmgirl number 3738
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 09:48:55 AM
Hello Porchies.
I'm here with my surprise from my very sweet Hubby! He surprised me with a Kindle Fire! He was gonna wait till my birthday, but figured with all this goin on I needed somethin now. I have a few books loaded on it and the movie 'The Help'. I also have season 4 of 'Sons Of Anarchy'. It's kinda my guilty pleasure. I won't be able to use it at my mom's place, but it will be easy to use at Starbucks or Mcdonalds. My laptop is pretty big and the battery is shot on it, so I have to keep it plugged in. Most places don't allow that. I still get to visit all my Porchie Sisters!!! YEA!!!
I have also found that the game Angry Birds is highly addictive and a decent stress reliever. Hubby is better at it than me. He's on the 3rd level. I'm on the 1st level.
Life has gotten really confusin right now. MIL convinced Adult Services to allow her to finish the apartment we were buildin on the back side of the house and they said it was acceptable. We still have to stay at my folks place, but there is a possiblity of not needin an apartment for us. Some people at the church have offered us some buildin materials which will basically cover most of what we need to finish. My dad is 'loanin' us a roll of electrical line from his remodel project, we will replace it at tax time. That only leaves the tub and the major apliances.
I am gonna put an ad on Freecycle and Hubby is askin around work. They tend to have alot of things just settin around the warehouse from jobs that is still good and free. I'm really worried about things fallin apart agian, but I'm tryin to be hopeful.
Adult services also said her diet restrictions weren't bein followed and she wasn't doin any of the exercises she was supposed to. So we have to figure out how to convince her she has to do things the right way. The doctor said if she would straighten up and get her other surgeries done she could live another 10 years. If she doesn't, she won't last another year. Her last 2 heart attacks were 1 year and 2 weeks apart. He said she is weakenin her heart and it won't last much longer if she doesn't start helpin it.
Hubby went and talked to her for hours last night and laid everything out on the line. He told her he wasn't gonna do anything until she agreed to do her part. We can't get the reverse mortgage insurance, or any affordable insurance, until she does what she is supposed to and the doctor can sign off on her health. I won't keep goin through this and he understands why and agrees with me. She is supposed to give us an answer today. She will have to agree to do the work and hand over her checkbook. She has bounced her account every month since my FIL passed and we have had to cover her. I had our bank pull her account ledger(perks of a tiny town), and totalled up how much she has spent where. 60% of her income for the last 3 years was spent at fast food places! She apparently can't be trusted to do the responsible thing, so we'll have to do it for her, or we have to get out of this completely. I also learned she could have had that apartment finished in less than a year if she had just spent her money responsiblely and used the rest for her new place. That has me steamin right now.
I am tryin to get past all this. I am tryin to hold on to anything good right now. I want to find a future plan and start workin as soon as possible to reach it. For right now, this moment, I'm gonna hold my Kindle and switch out books! I've finished the first one he loaded on for me before he gave it to me. It was the Storey's Guide To Milk Basesd Soaps! He knows me so well! Now I'm gonna switch to The Help and read it so I can watch the movie he has loaded in here!
By the way, the grandbaby is doin so much better! We got him into a doctor that is from Riley Childrens Hospital and she is oriental. She switched him from a few of the scripts to some herbal remedies and he is doin great! I love a doctor that does herbal and natural choices. She also wants to send him to a chiropractor. She said he is slumpin forward too much and might need a back adjustment. She said in her country all babies have it done due to the trauma of birth and they sit up earlier and sleep better for it. My DD is open to it, just not happy about the 2 hour drive to get to one who will do it. I'm gonna have my littlest looked at while we are there. She says her lower back hurts her ever since she fell down the stairs last year. I want to know if it's just a sympathy thing or if she needs it straightened out for her.
I'm off to get lost in my story for a while! I'll check back tomorrow. I think the kids would enjoy some time at the playplace at McDonalds. It would also allow for some good exercise!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 10:21:41 AM
Angela, I'm so glad you have some solutions to work on. Sounds like DH is in tune with helping you deal with MIL and is with you on a workable solution. Glad grandbaby is doing better. What a relief that must be. We rely so much on pills it is nice to hear about a doctor that looks at all the possibilities.
Peggy, are you snowed in? I bet it is a jammie day for you! It's a jammie day for me. I'm trying to decide if I should do homework or go down to the basement to do some sewing.
Farmgirl number 3738
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 10:59:45 AM
SNOW, SNOW, beautiful snow! It's finally snowing here. Kids are pretty excited to go sledding and the way it's coming down they're going to be able to. We're going to go make some snowmen too. Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Angela, so glad to hear that things are working in a better direction. Keep your wonderful attitude and keep going and hopefully everything will come together soon. I can imagine your frustration and doubt I'd be doing nearly as well as you are.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 11:47:59 AM
Afternoon Porchies, Yesterday I felt pretty good . I went out and stopped by the resale shop. They were having a bag sale I scored a food grinder,large boyd bear and 6 wool jackets for 2.50. Yes I scored. Well decided to go on to the next resale shop to see what they had to score. I was able large natural remdeies book,a old wisk and a book series by Jan Karon. What a fun day. Last night I saw the chiropractor and got adjusted. Today my shoulder blades and neck are sore. Im only sitting on the ice and taking my curamin once a day so all in all I think Im starting to feel better. Thinking I could use a curamin soon. Iam stiil having trouble with my elbow as I found out it has bursitis in it. Ug! Bunny-Thanks for asking how Im doing. Enjoy the snow and go sew. Tammy-Thanks for sharing the book info. Leslea-Welcome to the porch. Im new around here and have felt nothing but friendship and warmth here. Julie- Glad your daughters ok. Having a scar or two means to me that kids are happy and healthy. That they enjoy life and discover the world around them. Nan-Ive said a little prayer for you. I know this will be hard for you. Sparky will be going to a place free of pain and filled with peace. Angela-Ive been praying for you and yours. Enjoy your kindle. Im so glad things look like they are looking up. God is always with you. Kimberly-So glad your spending a wonderful day making memories with the kids. Peggy-Hope all is well with you . Enjoy the snow. Well Im off to work on my dishcloth for the Jan. dishcloth swap. I sure I can get it done on time. Can't seem to get forced for long. Have a sunshiny day everyone!!! Ruthie Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 4:44:55 PM
Hi ladies! long time no chat! To everyone who participated in last years ornament swap, I'm sorry to have dropped of the map for November. Unfortunately my cats decided to use my box of ornaments for,well, lets just say they didn't use their litter box one day. Everything I've been working on all year was ruined, including a paper with all your addresses :-( Let's just say it was totally gross and I've been trying to fix them, to no avail. So anyways, I'm gonna do something different so I can get them out. I'm so sorry to have taken so long to get on here. But I haven't forgotten and I will get them out, just late. Stupid cats, something must have smelled like my hubby as one cat doesn't like him much and when he gets ticked off, he'll pee on hubbys stuff. So if everyone could re-send their addresses to me, I'd appreciate it and I hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Dana-farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 4:48:19 PM
Ok, so now it won't let me update my e-mail, its 
Dana-farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Jan 18 2012 4:48:43 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 4:58:21 PM
Oh Angela, I'm so sorry. I remember well all you went thru with your MIL and I'm so sad for everything you're going thru. I'll be thinking of you. But you know in your heart it'll get better. Just try to stay positive, even if it's hard. Have those crys, bawl your eyes out, but try to remember it will get better.
Nancy- went thru the same thing will my old girl last year. It hurts for sure, but looking back she had no quality of life left and she is no longer suffering for me having put her down.
Dana-farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 5:29:58 PM
Evening Ladies, ladies continue to pray for as I was feeling pretty good the weather has changed and were getting ready for snow and Im real hurting again. Ug! Question: Do we do any swaps on the porch besides tea? If what type of swaps? Ruthie Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 7:18:22 PM
Hi everyone! It's so good to see so many new faces! Just a little porch business first, a while back I posted on here that I was going to compile a new list of porch addresses and birthdays, and I didn't get any! So if you would like to be on the list, I would be more than happy to start an updated list of birthdays and addresses! Leslea, welcome to the porch! I think you'll like it here! We're a fun group of women, and this is the perfect place to come and spend time. Sue, little kids are the cutest! Dana, no worries on the ornaments! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and that everything's well. Kimberly, glad that you finally got a little bit of winter! We recently had our first snow, too, and I was very happy to finally see some of the white stuff. Angela, I'm happy that things are getting sorted out for you. I hope your grandson's problems go away. This new doctor sounds good. Just never forget your porchie friends are here when you need to vent! Miss Peggy! I hope you are doing well, and that your fibro hasn't been bothering you too much. Also, how are your grandbabies? I remember you have a recently added one? I hope you're doing well! Today was the start of the new semester, and I really think it will be a new start for me. I like all of my classes, and I like my teachers. I also had my last driver's ed, so I'm all done until my road test! I'm sort of free! I hope that everyone had a good day, and I hope that Thursday is a great day for everyone! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1085 Posts
1085 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2012 : 10:05:50 PM
Sue- I like the bit about "sparkles" from your grandson.
Bunny- She's already knocked a tooth out! My little Rocky Balboa/Evil Knievel.
Angela- I'm so glad you got a Kindle and are playing Angry Birds. Isn't it just hilarious. I laugh and laugh whenever I play. I'm happy you'll get to keep coming to the porch. If all else fails, you know you'll live longer than the MIL. Lol! Maybe that's snarky but I know I'm not the only one thinking it.
Megan- Now I know in my ancient old years I would not have forgotten to send you my address. Must've been lost in the email...hee hee. I will send you mine as soon as I write this...if I don't get distracted by...oh look at the kitty. What was I sayin?
I had my 3rd bee class tonight. Tonight was very confusing. It was over hive management. This is a very in depth topic and the one speaker kept going a little deeper than he needed and bouncing back and forth on topics..."Oh I forgot, in the spring, which we talked about 10 minutes ago, don't forget to do this..." There weren't any unusual characters. I guess those lost interest after 2 classes. I have learned that beekeepers in general like to talk about their hive and their experiences and don't care so much what you experience. I told them about a plant I have, Winter Honeysuckle, that only blooms in winter and is swarmed in bees and butterflies, so they may want to have it on their list of plants. They rolled their eyes and yet had never heard of it. Really? It's in my backyard and I can stand directly next to it and observe bees and butterflies inches, or closer, from me and never get stung. C'est la vie! I may just end up with happier bees. Right now I don't see that I will be able to afford bees for this season. I have to get my hive(s) ordered and set up and then pay around $125+ for a set of bees. This could be a once in a lifetime purchase, but with other expenses I don't think I can pay for it all in time. I may have to resort to collecting a swarm or taking a split off a hive from a local person.
O.k. I have to get to sendin a message to Megan. I'll be sending my button fairie out to my farmgirl friend on case she was wondering. I have a special gift for a special farmgirl which I have tried to make 3 times and have had to rip it out. So, special farmgirl, one day when you're about to kick the bucket you'll receive a special gift from me...and you can say, "well, it's about time." lol!
~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069
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