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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us! |
Simple Living
True Blue Farmgirl
1404 Posts
Staten Island
1404 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 04:42:28 AM
I just had a family of racoons walking thru my back garden this morning...they are cute lol. I just love all kinds of critters from a distance (giggle)
Friends are the Flowers in the Garden of Life Farmgirl #3842 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 08:53:04 AM
Cute kids. Kim, Praying. Nan, it will all come out alright. Peg, like the curtains and that is the way I do things, take bite out of projects. Just popping for a moment. I am tired and a bit sad. The family situation is still painful and my sleep cycle is messed up big time for a couple of reasons that need to be gone. Did a bazaar with my DD and DS's girlfriend. She has calmed down amazingly. She was a great help and even if we did not make a profit, at least we did not lose much. I am going to have to tell the bosses that this is the last year. I am not getting enough rest. God is going to have to make up the difference between Social Security and what I need to make it. God Bless all.
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 08:59:56 AM
Bunny I meant to tell you that I know what lengths those big companies will go to in order to make sure that they do not have to pay any money out. Personally I think that our country's health system began to go down the tubes when health insurance companies were allowed to become for profit and began to be publicly traded on the stock market. That's when the bottom line took over and the rest is history.
Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl
285 Posts
285 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 09:31:31 AM
Morning girls! *yawn* Had a good day of mostly rest yesterday. Josh and I went on a walk at the county park. The dog and I spend most of our time closed up and were tired of it, so he took us for a walk LOL
I made cowboy pie last night (think Shepards pie, but with cornbread instead of mashed potatoes) with venison! I had a pound of frozen ground venison I got on sale at Sprouts... OH that was fantabulous! My brother needs to take another hunting trip... he takes his to a guy who cleans and prepares everything, and he'll freeze the unused meat from people who only hunt for trophy... Daniel soooooooome how manages to bring a ton of that home along with his *winkwink* and always shares with Momma and I.
I'm making myself hungry now, and I have 35 minutes till I can go to lunch and that's ONLY if everything goes right. I don't trust being able to go to lunch on time, any more!
So, I got the pattern for the wedding dress and looked it over last night. It's really not that complex, for what it is. I think I will add some detailing like beads or crystals to it... I'm going to get some ideas from the new MJF and maybe add some more color or something to it.
SPEAKING of that... "upcycling" is exactly what my sister did with HER wedding dress. She got it from a friend who was going through a divorce and was going to burn it (HOW SAD!) and dear lord... it was stained because she never bothered to have it cleaned, and our local cleaners (who closed a few years ago ) did a BEAUTIFUL job. Momma reconstructed it to fit Jennette and... to take the huge cream puff sleeves and multiple bustles off. I kid you not... a bustle on the butt and one on each hip... there was enough tulle and netting, we could have made four dresses from it! There were these fish fin things that stuck up from the cream puff sleeves that Momma somehow turned into sleeves... it was SO beautiful and all in all it cost my sister in law $40.
And oh yes... JULIE!! I was wondering where you've been! It's good to see your type again! :D Hope all is well and looking forward to hearing from you again!
Well, I better be off for now and go cause a little trouble before lunch time (yeah, right!) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535 Pflugerville, TX |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 11:38:19 AM
hello porchies.. pages and pages just keep adding on this thing. hope this finds you all well and getting a chance to be outside in this "summer" type weather. we will pay for it somehow later I'm afraid. been busy in my greenhouse planting teeny tiny seeds of herbs and flowers, then veggies. can't wait to put stuff into the garden, but right now to wet to do anything. have a great day, will catch ya'll later. :)
Make my words soft and tender, for I may have to eat them. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 12:40:50 PM
Hey all!!!
Bunny...B's are great! I wasn't able to pull off better than C's in a lot of my classes.
Everyone plantin and workin their yards makes me so jealous!!!!
I'm slowly reclaimin this house one room at a time. I have everything in the kitchen put away. Everything I have here anyway. I am workin on the bedrooms today. I have all the clothes sorted and ready. I just need to get the dressers set up and then fill them. I am slowly workin at a pace I can maintain for more than one day in a stretch. I seem to be gettin more done that way. I'm hopin to have the place ready in time for Hubby's Wrestlemania party on April 1st.
I will be gettin my big pots ready for the tomato plants in the next day or two. I'm gonna start with my patio plants and move on to my community garden, then add my raised beds beside the house. Hopefully I can move through it all in a timely fashion.
I'm off to work on dressers!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
978 Posts
978 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 2:31:40 PM
Hey chickies, Just waiting at work to head home. It was a slow day. Can't wait to get home and sit the porch for real! Been looking at brick houses on the drive to and from work trying to pick a color I like. Hope everyone is doing well. My boss is getting ready to open his newest store. He wants me to be there for the grand opening so that means I won't have to drive an hour to and from work all next week! YAY!
The car I repo'd last week is still at the garage. I hope they are just busy and haven't gotten to it yet. That would be awful if there was that much wrong with it!
Looks like it is going to rain here tonight. Lots of clouds building up. Hope everyone made it through the storms in the middle states today.
If it ain't red, leave it in the shed.
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts
2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2012 : 3:23:07 PM
I finally got to work out in the yard a bit today. We are way ahead with our weather. I now have the bug to start my gardens. I am hoping find a small greenhouse this week so I can start my planting. I have no room in the house to start plants. Bunny, you are doing great with A's and B's. When I went back to school it took me 6 months to learn how to really study and keep in in my head.Keep up the great job that you are doing. I hope to catch up with the rest of you later.
Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1429 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1429 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 08:21:42 AM
Morning Porchies, Another beatiful spring day filled vwith sunshine and a light breeze. Went back to the dr. yesterday. He gave a another shot in the hip and is scheduling me for another injection at the surgery center. Yes I didn't even cry yesterday when he gave my shot. Yes score. Dr. discussed a antiinflamator diet and white tea.
Kim-praing for you. Janet-So glad you got a good medical report Joan-That is so funny about your cat but sad for the other cat Peggy-Love your curtan Nan-Good Luck with the move Angela-Glad your back. Your house sounds wonderful. Congrats on the community garden space. I'll be coming to Anderson,In. in May to move my dd Katy home from college. Miss Miranda- Love friut cake aka dump cake.I make a mean bluberry one. Well better get off here as mister wonderful is here and complaining about the house now. I feel just alittle better he seem to think I'm super woman. I'm getting pisser by the minute. Ruthie Ann |
Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl
285 Posts
285 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 08:46:37 AM
morning ladies! *scraping mud off boots*
HOLY MOLY we had a storm last night! Parts of Austin still have no power, and 8 people in Williamson County had to be rescued from the floods! The sun's trying to peek out now... hope it stays out! The wind got so bad around 1 AM that the screen door blew open. Josh was about to try and tie it down to the front door hinges (the latch has busted off in a previous storm, and the new one wasn't holding any better) when he realized, it had already blown the bottom panel out! We couldn't find the panel so I suggested we just go back to bed (I was scared to death, living in a trailer with the types of storms coming). There was TONS of rain and lots of dangerous lightening... they even told viewers to stay off the landline telephones on the local news. I hadn't heard that in YEARS.
Well, poor little Newcomb even got scared by the storm and curled up with me, purring, trying to calm us both down, and at one point, my body tensed up really tight as I saw BRIGHT lightning nearby, knowing the noise that was about to come. It must have awoken Josh because he grabbed me and hugged me trying to calm me down. I finally got to sleep a couple hours later when the wind and lightning died down and this morning, found my potted bluebonnet on the ground I think I can save it, though. AND the panel for the screen door was wedged between two boards on the deck. I pried it out, but I have a feeling we need to replace the door now, anyway, as the top of the door is pulled back about an inch.
I just got an awesome tip from my best girlfriend about finding scalloped lace for the wedding dress.... she's half Vietnamese, and she and her husband go to Chinatown in Austin quite a bit. Apparently, there are outlets there where I may be able to get lace very cheap! *happy dance*
Well, I'm hoping I can get my errands done in time to get home and start cutting out the yellow and white full apron I have planned. I saw a picture in Cowboys & Indians this month that inspired me, so I am going to try to recreate the apron as best I can, with my own little flair.
OK Well, I suppose I should try and wake up before typing any more... either that or I will go grab a quilt and have a nap on the porch swing!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535 Pflugerville, TX |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 08:53:51 AM
Heard about the storm there this am on Klov. If it's a choice between snow and tornadoes I take the snow. Scary stuff that. Praying for all effected.
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts
2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1429 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1429 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 10:15:38 AM
Stoppin by on lunch, Well already got rid of 3 large black bags of trash in my kitchen. I also wrapped up my bastin pottery pieces that I want to keep but just not using right now. Need alittle help I have 12 tins that I store cookies in at Christmas time only. I want to keep 6 and get rid of 6 . Does that sound like a good idea? Not sure how to get ready for the sale of this house as we've been here 21 years. And yes I'm saying I'm a pack rat. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 4:34:26 PM
Ok Gals...rally round! Peggy asked me to relay her heartache to you and a problem too! She had to put Bella(Shi-Tzu)down yesterday. She was only 5,poor baby. She didn't give details as she's hurting so bad at the loss of her precious little one.We've all been there! She selected this Pup when she was only 3 days old, so their bond is very deep. She really needs our Prayers Girls! We all care about Peg very much and God knows we want His comfort for her!I Pray that he will wrap His loving arms around her and hold her while she hurts and weeps and recovers from such a Great loss! She won't be on for a few days as she is having computer troubles and Brian is working speedily to correct this for her,as it is a glitch on his end.But she can still read our replies and will be back on as soon as all is remedied. Let's hold Peg up to the Throne of Grace! I know God cares for her and Loves her very much! We Love You Peg! Hold tight to the hem of His Garment and pour it all out to Him! Oh Yes He cares, I know He cares,His Heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior Cares! We're here for ya Girl!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts
2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1650 Posts
1650 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 5:39:18 PM
Peggy you are in my prayers for comfort at this sad time.--Marlee
God is the painter, he paints the picture. And his son builds it, for he is the Master Carpenter! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 6:19:23 PM
Oh Peggy,I am so sorry to hear this. I am lifting you up in prayers. Dear Father, we ask you to lift Peggy during this time of loss. Our pets are precious to us and you know our hurt when we lose one. PUt your comforting arms around her now and give her comfort as only you can. Amen love you Peggy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Teacup Lane
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 6:41:15 PM
Peggy...My dear, sweet Peggy...We all love you and are hurtin with you...Here's the biggest cyber-hug I can give!!!!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 7:41:38 PM
Evening everybody. Busy day and absolutely beautiful out. Another record high temp, third day in a row. Today we broke the 1918 record. I'm a bit worried what the summer is going to be like. 80' in March is just too odd. Is anybody else concerned? I've been brewing my favorite iced tea and making up lemonade. I discovered I overbought lemonade mix last year and there's probably still 6 containers in the cabinet LOL
Bunny - any chance you're prior military or family member that's in the military? USAA has awesome insurance rates but it's for military and their families. I switched my accounts over to USAA about 2 months ago and I can't rave enough about their great customer service.
Angela - So glad you're back! I hope once you get situated and put your personal touches on the house you'll be more comfortable there even though it's not where you want to be.
This weekend we went to a gathering in Lansing for an all day gathering. Lunch was the basic hot dogs but for the evening feast was grilled rabbit that had been marinaded in olive oil, garlic and rosemary. It was absolutely delicious! I haven't had rabbit since I was a kid. It's going to definately be added as an occasional treat to the meal plans.
Well it's bedtime so I must say goodnight. I've been up late way to many nights for my age lol.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 8:24:45 PM
Hugs & Prayers for you, Peggy. Time heals all wounds, but I still miss my Sassy something fierce sometimes.
Make my words soft and tender, for I may have to eat them. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
317 Posts
317 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2012 : 8:43:50 PM
Good evening everyone. I don't come to the porch in the evening. At least not very often. My DH is out of town working. That hardly ever happens. He should be home tomorrow. So I am kind of lonly tonight. I thought I would see who was on the porch.
Angela i am happy for you. A place of your own is a place of your own, no matter the size. I love windows too. The sun shining in, you just can't beat it.
Kimberly I am praying every day. God is good all the time!
Miranda praise God that is wonderful news!
Angela he is sooooo cute.
Bunny good luck with the finales.
Peggy we never wish revenge on our children, but when it hapens we get to laugh and laugh and laugh. She is so sweet. Love the big hat.
Julie I know how you feel. Get some rest things will look better.
Miranda I usualy love storms but that one sounds like it was really scary.
Peggy I am so sorry for your loss. Girl I am praying for you.
Today was the first day of spring and we got about 2 inches of snow. Everyone is blaming me. LOL I told them I ordered it in Decmber and it has been on back order. LOL
Good night all
Dianne (ID) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1429 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1429 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1429 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1429 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2012 : 04:19:30 AM
I'm up and already at work on my job as a nanny. I have the windows open listening to the wonderful music of the birds.Oh how pretty it sounds. Hope each of you have wonderful day, Ruthie Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts
2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2012 : 06:48:04 AM
Good morning all. The sun is shining and it is so welcoming. The birds have been tweeting since daybreak. I love it!!!! Spring has sprung!!!! Our normal high for today is 38 and it is already 46. We have been hitting record highs for quite a few days now. I am afraid that usually means we have a cold and rainy summer. I hope now, we have alot of glamping to do. Tammy, yes, you are even warmer that we are here in the U.P. 80 is very unusual isn't it? Bunny, do you go to school in the summer too? Ruthie,I love getting up early when the sun is shining. I would be out raking, but I go out for breakfast on Wednesdays with my sister. Our tradition for 20 years now. I will get out later when I get back. Peggy, Still praying for you. We lost our dog last year and 2 months later we got another one, I could not get over her. They are our children, and we treat them like they are. We are here for you. Hope to catch up with the rest of you later. Have a wonderful day, Janet
Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2012 : 08:17:09 AM
Praying for you Peggy - I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.
Not much new here in PA - just keeping really busy with work.
Hugs to everyone!
beekeepersgirl #691
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us! |