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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2012 : 6:39:49 PM
Just thought I'd hop on before I do homework! Erin, a warm welcome to you! I hope things with your son's football league get better. It's not fun when parents get so serious and a little too involved. And it sounds like your husband is a good coach if other parents are complimenting him! Alyce, I hope your dental work was pain free! Peggy, I'm excited to see what the lashes look like when you put them on! Netty, homemade canned salsa sounds good right now! Yum! Judy, that sounds like a good church! And I will help myself to some cookies! Thanks for offering:-) Another normal day of school. That's crazy to be saying that and having it only be the fourth day of school. :/ But I'm enjoying my classes and learning, so it's all good! Another blessing I forgot to tell y'all about! I got my job that I applied for at the local grocery store! I'm very excited! It's been a great day, and I hope everyone has wonderful Tuesdays! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2012 : 7:05:28 PM
Peggy those eyelashes are too darn cute...gotta love them.
Just popping in for a moment. Have some papers to grade and then having a cup of tea and reading a book. hope you all had a great day love to you all tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Wings of Joy
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 12:02:25 AM
CONGRATULATIONS MISS MEGAN....on the new job!!! Have you started yet? What will you be doing exactly? I am so excited for you *doing cartwheels*!!! happy that you enjoyed the Sunday Night Bible Study. Like I say...they know how to teach the word of God...very indepth (which is good). ~ Glad that you and your mama are doing better. It is the pits to be down sick in the Summer. ~ You got back on Patsy is gone meandering. I'm goinna have to hog-tie you two girls to the Porch Railing...I'm thinken. LOL
Teacher Tammy...glad you found your camera! Hope your week started off well at school. I have such lazy easy days compared to you working girls. I feel very blessed and spoiled. I can sit out on my Porch every day with my dog and just enjoy watching all my neighbors. Do my housework when I want...not when I have to. Go hang out with my son when he calls. Today we went to the newly remodeled Starbucks at our Mall here in town...took our computers and each got some work done. Then I came back home and took a nap. All my days just kind of go like that...and I enjoy it. I had many years of working outside the now I enjoy my life of leisure. Hee Hee! Maybe a little too much!
Netty...I am very familiar with the Gospel Light Studies. I use to sell them in the Christian Bookstore that I managed. (both bookstores) They do a very well rounded overview of the Bible. Not as indepth as some...but very good studies non the less. My mom's bible study group uses those too. is probably pretty hard to knit mittens when the weather is hot...isn't it? That is why my granny square afghan is tucked in the closet. I need cooler weather to even want to work on putting it together. ~ Your dinner sounded good...baked chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. Tonight I made sloppy joes for my husband. His favorite! But I made nacho's out of it for myself. I haven't had nacho's for about 3 years and they tasted soooooo good. It was hard not to over indulge, but I didn't. use to always frustrate me when I have a bunch of things planned that I want to accomplish and non of it ends up happening. The older I get though, the better I handle it. I always, shrug my shoulders now and say, "Oh, well...what ever I don't get checked off today's To Do List...will wait for me tomorrow." Nobody is else going to do it that's for sure. LOL
OK...sweet dreams my lovelies I'm off for a little read and then nighty-night.
blessings and hugs, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 28 2012 12:08:27 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 06:52:39 AM
Congratulations Magan!!!!!! I am sure you will do just great with your new job. Glad school is going good for you. Judy, glad you and mom are feeling better. I never had shingle, but never know if and when I will get them. I know there is a vaccine for them, but my insurance does not cover any shots and they are expensive. Tammy, can't wait to see pictures of your new place. Glad school is going well for you so far. I will check back in later. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
522 Posts
Broken Bow
522 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 08:04:16 AM
Good Morning!!!
Today is my day off, so I decided to sleep in a bit. Normaly this doesn't happen, I'm not a very good sleeper-in. Actually sleeping and me have not gotten along very well. The last week and a half I've been fighting a fibro flare, so I have gotten very little sleep and needed to crash, and thankfully my body finally did! It was very lovely waking up and seeing the sun already up, then smiling and rolling back over to snooze some more.
Then there was banging at my front door. I had to jump up and throw on a robe. It was the plumber, I forgot he was coming this morning to fix an issue with our tub. Poor man felt bad for getting me up, and I started to feel guilty for appearing lazy! Then I remembered, I've had a hard week and there is nothing shameful about catching up on my sleep. So I sat down and knitted while he worked. Knitting seemed a good thing to do, it kept me from running around the house straighting up like a mad, crazied, guilty woman....and I had to go potty pretty bad (remember I just got up) and the poor plumber was in my only bathroom. So I knitted.
When he was finished, I (in my robe, hair a mess and knitting in hand) smiled grandly, said thank you, watched him walk out to his truck, then made a bee line for the bathroom! Ha!
Now I am dressed, I'm having my coffee and catching up with the web world. Then I'll tie on my apron and clean house. My DD loves to sleep in too, infact she missed the whole plumber production. But, she has schooling to do, so I guess I'll go poke her!
Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!
Farmgirl #4233 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 08:44:08 AM
Megan, good for you and your new job! I know you will do great.
Tammy, want to see pictures of your new house! Sounds like you are getting settled into the house and school.
Shanda, love the plummer story. Good thing he wasn't there all day.
Had a hard time sewing yesterday. Nothing was going together right. I kept forgetting steps. So I gave it up early. Had an interesting thing happen yesterday. I think my angels had to do a bit of overtime. With my truck broken down I had to leave my two big tables behind after my quilt class. I asked the sewing machine shop I teach at if they could take them to the shop afterwards and they essentially said no. But offered to help me find someone else who could. The local quilt shop owner said she would take them back to her shop for me. So monday my friend with a large suv took me to the quilt shop to get my tables. The owner wasn't there but the quilt class coordinator for the show was working for her. The president of the guild was there and they were discussing paying the quilt show bills and I asked when they were going out. The coordinator said "didn't I give you a check on Saturday" I said no. She then called the treasurer and had the old check voided and asked her to send me a new one. I really need this money as I have no other income. So the jist of it all is, if I had not had to leave my tables behind, and the sewing machine store had taken them instead of the quilt shop, and... If the owner had been there instead of the coordinator, I would have been waiting forever for this money I needed badly for bills and she would have not known I didn't get my check. So I think my angels had some fast maneuvering to do so it would all work out. Amazing how things come together.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: My shops: Handmade stuff Fabric
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 09:57:56 AM
So glad you found out about the check, Bunnny. That would have been awful if you had to wait and find out it was not there. Angels were watching over you. I just got done making 4 loaves of zucchini bread, so help yourselves,fresh out of the oven. I finally got caught up on my laundry, now the housecleaning. I am hoping to get to some craft projects next week. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 12:34:08 PM
Megan, so happy that you got that job. I'm like Peg....curious to know what you'll be doing...cashier, stocking shelves, deli...? Peg, it tickles me to hear a fellow-leisure-lover tell about how we worked so hard in our young years and now we don't have to,or in my case, with back problems, couldn't if I wanted too!I also love when DH is off, like today, and we can sit out on the patio(oh...with Rascal too) *giggle* and drink coffee and read the paper, magazines,books and just chat and watch the birdies at the feeders and birdbath.(Rascal made me add that lsat part)heehee. I feel so Blessed!! Shanda, thanks for the giggle about your morning. Sounds like something that would happen to me, just when I thought I'd gotten away with something.heehee Bunny, thanking your Angels too! Things like that never cease to amaze me! Janet, thanks for the hot slice of bread. I need a hot spot of tea! *giggle* LaterGators!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 6:03:06 PM
Hi everyone! Peggy, thanks for the cartwheels! And thanks to Judy, Bunny, and Janet for the congratulations! My specific title is cashier/bagger, which could also include bringing in the carts from the parking lot. Not exactly white collar, but it's the experience that counts for me! Shanda, sounds like you had at least a pretty good day off! Bunny, praise the Lord that everything worked out for you! I'm happy that happened to you! Another day at school, nothing new! I do hope everyone had a great day, and that tomorrow is fabulous for all! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 6:26:46 PM
Megan, Your job will give you experience for a better job down the road. It is a good place to start. Good for you. How many days will you be working? I am hoping to get some work done outside tomorrow, since it is still nice weather. I am ready to clean out my garden and collect seeds from my flowers that are done blooming. It will be good to get some of that fresh air, since it is feeling like fall now. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 8:15:54 PM
It's turning into "Wild-Kingdom" around here. We had a skunk walk right out in the open one night last week just about 20 feet away from us and Rascal, sitting on our patio. I made a hissing noise at it and it turned right back around and made tracks.Then tonight a raccoon came out of the same area(between garage&shed)and Rascal saw it first...again.*giggle* I hissed at it and it turned around and left(I thought). Then in 5 minutes it peeked around the tree and I said to Dave, "There it is again",and it pulled it's head in around the tree. Then 15 seconds later it peeped coyly at us around the other side of the tree, and slowly recoiled again. I had to laugh that time. It acted like if it moved slowly then we wouldn't see it. lol Pretty soon it streaked(as much as a butterball raccoon can streak)accross the yard, out into the street and toward the woods. Then when we came inside(because it was just all poor Rascal could stand for tonight) hahaha He just wondered what it was! I shone my spotlight out the upstairs window looking to see if the coon came back, and low-and-behold, there was that skunk digging maddly in the garden. There's nothing out there unless he likes tomatoes,since we didn't put a garden in this year and all we have are last years volunteers. I think I'll just sell tickets for our Zoo. hahaha Dave said we are going to Tractor Supply tomorrow and see if we can buy some coyote or fox urine or something like that to scare them away. Just thought I'd share our relaxing? evening on the patio with yuns! Knew you'd get a kick out of it. G'Nite!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2012 : 11:18:04 PM
Judy...Pesky litte varmits aren't they??? Them coons can be vicious too. We get a lot of racoons and possums here. They are always all over the roads (hit by cars). The possums are so ugly and scary looking...I sure don't know how people use to eat them. Glad that is a delicacy of yester year. LOL Hey, you might have a bright idea to make a little extra money...charging for your Zoo. ~ I am Medically Retired because of my Fibro. When I first had to quit working I was so bumed...I loved working. I was sooooooooo bored!!! Now, I love not working and I am rarely ever bored. And life is good at a slower pace. I know I would never be able to go back to being the energetic, go-to person, I use to be. But I do have very fond memories of my working years. Earlier this week my son and I stopped into the Christian Book Store at the Mall that I managed 11 years ago. The gal there said that they still get Sales Reps, and customers calling for me. And they still get business mail for me. That made me feel good. I really loved that store. It was my baby. I still dream about working there or working for the owner. He was a great owner.
Janet...I love fall! I don't think we are going to get it until about late Sept or early Oct. around here...because our summer started so late. I think we will have an Indian Summer here.
Megan...I think that is great that you will get that experience at a grocery store. I always thought it would be fun to be a cashier at one but never even tried to get a jobat one.
Bunny...don't you love when God has your back and it is so obvious!?! That was so those chain of events all had to happen just like they did for you to get that check. God is Good!!
Shanda...I loved your plumber story too. I've done that with The UPS drivers before...infact many times. I don't like, usually I just throw a jacket over my pj's and answer the door. I am sure I've scared a few too. LOL Now, not only would I have messy hair, I wouldn't have any teeth in either. LOL They'll think Halloween has come early.
Well, we have rain coming tonight. Not a lot just a drizzle they said...but it affects my body all the same, a little or a lot. This morning after I took Snickers for his walk...I came back home, ate breakfast, made my bed, did the dishes and then it was 10:00 am and I was so exhausted. I stretched out in my Recliner and slept for all most 3 more hours. I hate how the weather change does that to me. And tonight I feel like a walking zombie too. Barely have my eye balls open. They are at half-mast as my DH says. So...I'm on here early so...I can go to bed early. Nightie Night!
More tomorrow chickies... Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 28 2012 11:27:01 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
171 Posts
Lexington Park
171 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2012 : 06:56:09 AM
Morning girls, anyone want some coffee cake? I lived with a girlfriend once, and she used to make the best coffee cake. Just sounds good. And speaking of recipes - and this one is far from farm-ish - but I made myself an interesting breakfast this morning. I was packing the boys' lunches, and grabbed myself a couple of HB eggs to mix up for an egg salad sandwhich at lunch. I already had mayo and a roll stashed in the kitchen at work. I sliced one in half and put it in the boys' lunches too, and was about to sprinkle some salt on it, when I realized I was OUT OF SALT! Duh, how can a person run out of salt? I seriously don't think I've ever run out of salt before, but I guess the last time I filled the shaker, I neglected to remember to buy more! So - improvise right? Well, we had dinner with a couple friends at Buffalo Wild Wings a couple of weeks ago. DH likes to get the "naked chicken tenders" with the Salt & Vinegar rub on the side. You can actualy buy containers of that and other rubs at the restaurant too, so I picked up some on the way out. I sprinkled just a tiny bit of that on to the boys' eggs, and then decided I'd better put some on mine too. Then, after all this I remembered that DH and I planned to go OUT to lunch today. Ok, so improvise again - I'd just have an egg salad sandwich for breakfast! And you know what? That Buffalo Wild Wings Salt & Vinegar rub mixed in pretty well! Flavorful and a bit tangy mixed in! I'd eat it again. Living in MD, I've been known to put a little Old Bay Seasoning in my deviled eggs too!
My older boy started the "Boys Gymnastics" class at the center last night. I was amazed that there were 16 boys in the class! This is great, and he had fun, so I hope it's something he'll find pride in. Piano lessons ended last night too. Not his thing. My younger boy is still playing football, and DH is still coaching. This tackle football thing is just OBSESSIVE for all those involved. So many committments! So MUCH time! It's all DH can talk about, and I'm just sick of it. Unfortunately, there are another 2 months to go! It's not that I dislike football, and I really want to be supportive of DH and Younger Son (YS). It's just that it has monopolized much of our life, and it's becoming like nails on a chalkboard! <sigh>
My friend and I are going to try to pull off a quick and dirty yard sale this weekend in my garage. Yes, it's a holiday, but we have been trying all summer long to find a free date, and well - Saturday's it. We figure for all those folks who travel out of town, there are an equal number of folks visiting, who'll want something to do on Saturday morning. Problem is, that I'm supposed to take pictures at YS's football game, so I'll have to dash out for an hour and leave my friend running the show. At this point, it'll just have to be. I'm constantly telling myself, "Just Roll with it." I was hoping for a nice social evening with my yard saling friend and her DH and daughter, but no - Older Son (OS) has a local pool party to attend with Scouts! I might invite my friend and family to just come along. It's a small pack, and a neighborhood pool, so I don't think it'll be a big deal. Just gotta "Roll With It."
To boot - I can't even sit out in my backyard because the mosquitoes are so bad! I don't know what to spray either, because I don't want to harm my chickens. There doesn't seem to be an easy answer other than patience for a COLD NIGHT or TWO to kill the sucking fiends!
Ok, enough wining. I'm going to have more "virtual coffee cake."
Bunny, good that you got your tables and check. You didn't need that stress! Shanda, I'm so happy your tub was a quick and easy fix - both for you AND your bladder! Judy, next time I'm on the porch, I'll have to tell my "Baby Possum Story." Janet, I too, have put my knitting away for cooler days. I just got some embroidery supplies to work on my FarmGirl badge though! Tammy, thanks for being a teacher. I was one once. I taught 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Honors English and Social Studies. Grading Papers was my middle name!
Everyone have a great day, and if not, well... just "Roll With It."
^^^I'm a RidgeRunner, and will always feel best when surrounded by the PA mountains.^^^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2012 : 08:58:30 AM
Have been fighting off a lousy head cold. It's at times like these when you discover how truly horrible your mattress when you are sick and cannot sleep because the bed had totally died. I finally took the pillows and changed them to the foot of the bed and was able to get some sleep. It really did throw the kitties off though. They landed on my head instead of my feet. That sure woke me up. Bless the Bank of Boss. Blessing that he is he loaned me enough to get a new mattress which is to be delivered on Friday. Megan. Good for you. It sure is nice to be employed. Bunny, God had a hand in that one with the check. Thanks for reminding me about that tea. I will pick some up on the way home. I am in for a 1/2 day as I don't think I can take any more. Peg, I LOVE the eyelashes. I always thought that whiskers and ears would have been appropriate for VW Rabbit but DH nixed that idea. He was conservative about how vehicles looked. The plainer the better as long as the paint job was good and the vehicle washed and polished. Janet and Ruthie take care of yourselves. Blessings on all this lovely new day.
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2012 : 09:01:07 AM
Erin just noticed your Ridgerunner thing. My dad was a constructive curser and one of the most constructive I ever heard out of him was this one on mosquitoes "Ridgerunning, stump pulling, gully jumping, cotton picking, misery making flying hypodermic needles!"
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2012 : 6:49:49 PM
Hi everyone! Janet, I'm going to be working two or three days/nights. I'm going to try and work as much as I can on the weekend so it doesn't affect school. Judy, I don't know if I'd laugh or get scared if I were you! Rodents of the natural world scare me! Not squirrels or rabbits though, those little guys are cute! *giggle* Peggy, I'm really excited! I think it'll be great experience, and it'll look wonderful come time to apply for college! Plus a little extra pocket money never hurt anyone;) Erin, I hope you have a successful garage sale! I'm sure there will be some people looking for deals. Even with the holiday! Cherime, I hope that you're able to not get your cold too badly! And it definitely is a nice feeling to be employed, it gives me a new independence. Well, it's Wednesday! After Wednesdays, my weeks go faster, so hopefully tomorrow will be a good day! I hope everyone has great Thursdays! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2012 : 9:49:54 PM
|'s midnite and a city worker just rang my doorbell to hand me a paper saying that the water will be off until 7 in the morning ....AND boil it before consuming it for the next 48 hours. GREAT! I guess some old valves broke and have to be repaired. They were out here banging on the pavement making a hole(of course DH went to bed at 10 so he slept thru it all since he gets up at 4:30),so I had to tape the note to his bathroom mirror and leave his light on so that he sees it and doesn't try to take a drink in the dark.There's no water anyhow, but I don't want him to panic. Oh dear ....he will panic anyhow 'cause he can't shower before he goes to work. He can shower at work, he has that option. ~whew...that's settled~ Also, he bought some critter-rid stuff at the farm supply store today. It has dried blood and garlic in it. He sprinkled it all around the back yard perimeter and guess what? we were sitting on our patio this evening Rascals ears perked up and we looked and there was a young skunk only about 15 yards from where we sat just moseying around sniffing the ground and heading straight for us. We both just stared at it dumb-founded. Then I pulled myself together and hissed at it and it Stopped-Stared(in disbelief)Yuk! Smelly humans! and I think I heard it *gasp* LOL,turned around and did that skunk waddle-run they do, as fast as it's little short legs could go. If you could have seen Hubbys face (ROFL). He picked up his quivering lip off his chest and whined,"THAT'S where I sprinkled the heaviest application of that (stuff)....around that shed area!" *whine* The poor Dear! *giggle* I so badly wanted to say,"Maybe it has a head-cold and can't smell the (stuff)! Or he can't smell it over his own odor!" hahahahahahahahaha I controlled myself....I made ya'll proud!I just scooped up the cat and said..."Let's go inside." *sigh* That was your comedy relief for the night. Hope you enjoyed it! G'Nite!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
Edited by - herblady55 on Aug 29 2012 9:56:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
118 Posts
118 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 10:18:56 AM
Megan - congrats on the job!
Bunny - You sew so well, I can't imagaine it not going right for you! :) I'm glad everything worked out for you in regards to the check.
Janet - zuchinni bread? I'm there!
Erin - Your salt story reminded me that we're just about out of baking powder - better put that on the grocery list!
Judy - around here, groundhogs are plentiful and pleny destructive if they come upon anything tasty in the garden! There've been rumors of a famliy of skunks living in the little woodpile we have for campfires... but so far we haven't seen any. We have smelled one a few times. So far they've not gotten to the chickens or anything like that.
Cherime - that's a pretty apt description of those pesky skeeters!
Peggy - I saw something today that made me think of you - a minivan with - guess? - eyelashes on the headlights! I must say it doesn't look quite as cute on a Dodge Caravan as it does on a PT Cruiser or Bug!
Yesterday, my glasses broke in half... ugh! Thankfully I was able to go to the eye dr. and get an exam and order some new frames and they're putting a rush order on them so I should have them by Saturday. And I found out my vision has actually improved in the past three years so that was nice! Mom and I were able to figure out a way to repair my old ones enough that I can wear them when I need to, like for driving, until the new ones come in.
I tried the lacto-fermented carrots today and they were good! A bit too garlicky so I don't think I'll put as many garlic cloves in next time. I shredded most of them and added peas and a honey-vinegar-water dressing to make a nice salad and ate some of that for lunch.
In a little bit I'm going to head out to the library to return some of those books and the farmer's market - I heard there's going to be Honeycrisp apples available this week and those are my ABSOLUTE POSITIVE FAVORITE APPLE IN THE WORLD! So I'm looking forward to getting some of those!
"Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds." - Prov. 27:23 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 10:52:17 AM
Good Morning My Porchies....
I tried to post last night but my computer was being difficult and I ended up just shutting it down for the entire night and rebooting it this morning. It decided to be "NICE" this probably just needed a good nights rest too. LOL
Erin...thanks for the coffee cake!!! I am always up for food. ~ I know what you mean about parents getting too aggressive at their kids sporting events. My husband and I team coached Soccer...and it seems to me like the parents would have been better off playing just so they could learn a bit about Sportsmenship themselves. Their kids were better at it than the parents. My goodness some of them could get so worked up and bent out of shape. You just wanted to walk over and shake some sense into them. They were very poor examples for their children.
Cherime...Summer colds are the worst. Hope you are feeling better today. I think whiskers and ears would have been so cute on your Rabbits...and maybe a big fluffy tail for the rear end. LOL I got my eyelashes in the mail yesterday. My DH is going to go run the Bug threw the carwash for, I can put them on today. I'm so excited. The crystaline Purple eye liner is so cute on them. will have to share stories with us from your job. When you work with the public there are always funny stories and sweet endearing stories to share. I seriously could write several books about things that happened when I worked retail. People are just a hoot. My favorite are the stories I have about children, especially at the Holidays. They are just too precious. So, keep your eyes and ears open...and you too will have fun things to share. about funny stories. I'm not sure which is funnier the skunk or the city worker ringing your doorbell at midnight. Come on who does that???? And who answers their door at midnight??? Lol Besides you! We would never go to our doors here at might be robbed or killed. And it has happened believe me. Thanks for the comic relief though...I did get a good chuckle out of both.
Netty...I think you should put a cape on your would be cute.. super mom! Loved your possum story too. It reminds me of the commercial right now on tv where the woman goes out her patio door to bring her cat in for the night and she doesn't have her glasses on...and a raccoon walks back in with her. Hee Hee!
Janet...I love zuchinni bread and I haven't made any yet this summer. I have a good sized one in the frig. I think I will have to bake up a loaf or two.
Lidnsey...I am so with you, on the Honeycrisp Apples. They are my all time favorite. The prices are so high on them...but I must say they are worth it. Yeah, some how a Dodge Caravan doesn't seem like it would look as good with the eyelashes. I think the car has to have some of it's own cuteness to pull off those eyelashes. Hope you have a good time at the Farmers Market.
My son is coming over this morning to help me put a security lock on my front door. I thought it was so crazy that they didn't put peep-holes in our doors so you could see who was knocking or ringing the bell. So, that is why I wanted a chain lock besides the deadbolt, I have some protection between me and who-ever. So, DH got the lock last night for me. And son is bringing his we can attach it. But my son...said, "Mom there is a peep-hole in your door, you're just too short to see out it." I said, "See out it, I'm so short I didn't even see we had one." LOL
OK...have a great day girls.
Be a Blessing To Some One Today, peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 30 2012 10:58:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
317 Posts
317 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 1:46:30 PM
Good Afternoon it has cooled off a little here, but only for a couple of days. Back in the 90's latter this week and weekend.
Pam that is pretty material you used. I like the way it turned out too. I would love to do something like that in this house.
Bunny i am glad you had a good time with your class. Die cutters can be a lot of fun.
Peggy I love the eye lashes. My DH would never go for it, but I think they are great.
Judy I love the idea of adding rasins and seeds to the no bakes. I will have to try it.
Lynette Home canned salsa is the best. I hope I can put a garden in next year so I can make some.
Megan congrats on the new job.
Shandra LOL that has happened to me. Always when I want to sleep in someone calls or shows up. LOL
Bunny Glad you got the check stuff straight. Hope it does not take to long to get a new check.
I need to run. I have a meeting for training to work as the Homeless liaison. If you could pray for the students and me I would really appreciate it.
Dianne (ID) |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 3:22:43 PM
Netty, I have not been able to get out in my gardens. I want to collect the seeds to plant next year, but it is way too windy out, the seeds would be all over the place. It feels like huricane wind here today!!! But it is warm, and very humid again. Darn!!! Dianne, Prayers being sent your way. It takes a special person to do what you are doing. You go girl!!!!! Just got done eating. I made cobb salad and boy, was it refreshing. Also blueberry pie for desert. Help yourself if you want, I don't mind sharing. Now I think I will get back to my knitting. I quit making mittens for swhile, but now I am working on cowls. Alot easier to work on for now. More later,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 6:44:10 PM
Evening ladies, I do hope yall have had a great day. WEll my day started with not hot water..YIKES! Talk about a rude was. Apparently there was a loose wire and blown fuse..hopefull that is the fix and we are not replacing the water heater.. It was picture day and my little butterflies were so darn cute all dressed up. I am also getting another new butterfly come Tuesday. That makes nineteen pairs of wings a fluttering in a small room..but I will make it work. Will have to do some rearranging this weekend...too hard to do that with 18 butterflies telling Madame Butterfly how to do it.
This weekend the rest of the family is going to the state fair but I am staying home with the dogs and minding the home place. I don't really want to go...need some time to get ready for new student and just chill out a bit. I will have the house to that is my cup of tea every once in a while.
Megan so glad to hear you got a job. I am sure you will do well.
Judy...I don't think I should fly in your neck of the woods with all your critters...they might eat my wings.
Peggy did you get your eyelashes yet...I think that is just the darnest cute idea but my hubby said no to me...hehehehe
Well ladies I actually have my papers graded so going to have a cup of tea and just relax love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Wings of Joy
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 8:36:58 PM
Oh Peggy, harharhar....that's so funny about not even knowing that you had a peep hole in your door! Rofl...snort...giggle... My Mama had them put one in her door at a lower level too. Then she covers it up with tape she can lift up when somone knocks. She has the upper one covered up too. You can actually see in them from outside. Did ya'll know that??? It's true! The road crew was actually outside working in the intersection at 11PM last night. So when they came back at midnite, I knew it was them.(white city truck with annoying,flashing yellow light) And they saw my light on and my shadow moving around in there so they knew I was up. But, Yes...that was weird of them to do that. But then, like I told my Mom, if they just left the notice cards on the neighbors front doors, and all the neighbors go out their back doors in the morning,how may of them drank their water this morning and didn't know about the warning.How would they have known?? Oh, and DH said that the water was back on when he got up at 4:30. So he got his bath ok.hahaha We have a whole house filter on the line so there was no difference in the water color. But we have drinking water in the frige. Dianne, Prayed for you and your situation. That is a tough one. Tammy,You'd need wings of steel around this zoo! hahaha You obviously have nerves of steel already! *giggle* Well, we sat outside this evening without narry a whisker nor tail to be seen. *yeaaaa* I told Hubs that maybe the granules needed time to do it's thing. hahaha We'll see! Well, Patsy called this morning to tell me that Jim,my BIL, was having a gallbladder attack and had been up since 5:30 this morning. He was hurting so bad that he was doubled over at times. They have no insurance now that he's retired. She called their local hospital and told them their situation and they said that they couldn't recommend any natural remedies over the phone. But they gave her a phone number to call. I got my books out and gave her some ideas, but I haven't heard back from her.He was doing hot compresses. So, I'm requesting Prayer for the both of them. It's hard to watch your Sweetie suffer when you can't do much to help them.
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
Chapter Guru
1205 Posts
New Prague
1205 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2012 : 8:48:56 PM
I can hardly keep up with you ladies! Ya'll love to chat it up on this front porch! :) Ive had a busy past few days doing some canning. Put up some applesauce, apple jelly and some apple pie filling. Celebrated my birthday on Tuesday and enjoyed my favorite dinner from one of our local Mexican restaurants. The best authentic in MN! Got some laundry done, some tidying up and getting ready to enjoy the weekend up at the lake with the in-laws.
All your adventures with animals, and water and eyelashes and new jobs and more never disappoint! This is a very entertaining thread! Hope ya'll get a great nights sleep and I'll "see ya" in the morning!
~Hugs, April
Playing in the Sonshine
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |