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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
522 Posts
Broken Bow
522 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2012 : 06:12:51 AM
Happy Saturday Ladies! I just dropped in to catch up and say hi!
Now I'll just sit a spell, drink my coffee and get some knitting done. It won't be too long before I start feeling guilty and get up to clean house and such.
Farmgirl #4233 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2012 : 1:45:48 PM
hello my dear porchies, I have been AWOL because my computer bit the dust. So had to invest in a new one. Of course I had to check them out and research etc. But now we have a laptop rather than a desktop and it is so much easier to manuever...and i am happy to be back on the porch.
Was a busy week with the little butterflies. They are a chatty bunch. I swear their wings are fluttering all over most of the day. I now have 19 as I got a new student this week. So we are a crowded bunch of wings, but happy and really that is all that matters.
It is beautiful here today. Nice cool day. It feels like fall I love days like this.
I cleaned my whole house today, graded papers, and finished up school work. So I can relax the rest of the week.
WEll ladies,time to go outside and enjoy the afternoon with dear hubby. be back later. love to you all Tammy
ps Peggy I have already decided after you and my moms ordeal with colonscopy I am not going down that road.
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Wings of Joy
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2012 : 4:29:34 PM
Boy o boy Peg, you musta been really "full o crap" to have to take so much stuff to clear ya all out! ~whew~ Girlfriend! LOL (I always knew ya were) *wink* LOLROFgiggling* Hi Shanda, Oh ...have a second cup....that housework ain't goin' anywhere! And we sure won't tell. hahaha Netty, good for you...being a caring,loving Mama Grizzly is ok in my book! LOL I'm that way about my Mama and Sister....and BIL too I guess! hahaha He's a good egg! ~whew~ Tammy, your little butterflies are making ME tired...and I'm not even in the room with them. There's no room anyhow! I'd probably get "Winged."....*WHAP...ouch* hahahaha We got our T-storm last night around 3 AM, and it really cooled off. We barely made 70 today. But it was sunny with BIG white fluffy clouds. Feels so much like Fall now. Guess it's time to put my Bikini away and drag out the woolies! hahaha Have a great evening Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
118 Posts
118 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2012 : 5:04:39 PM
Hello all! I've missed being here and hope you are all doing well.
I have a touch of the crud myself so I've been laying low toe past few days. So glad I didn't have to work today and could just rest!
We're supposed to have a big storm tonight, so we had to go "batten down the hatches." The goats sure don't like stormy weather because they hate being cooped up - poor things. Silly chickens don't mind the rain one bit. :)
Have a great night, ladies!
"Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds." - Prov. 27:23 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2012 : 6:00:15 PM
Today we drove 60 miles one way to go to a discount store to stock up on canned foods. We got 4 boxes full, now tomorrow I need to find room for it all. That is a start for winter. It was cool today, got up to 64, the low was 42 and very windy. Now it is raining again. Not supposed to get rain, but it is. Picked more tomatoes out of the garden. I still have quite a few left on the vines. They are ripening a few at a time. I have to get them ready for the freezer tomorrow, I have alot in the refrigerator waiting to put up. Hope all are doing well.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2012 : 12:38:34 AM
This is a Mail Art Piece I made a couple of months ago! I just love that little girl!
It's Saturday Night and we had a tiny little thunder and lightening storm today. You couldn't even call it a was "a moment in time"...and that's all.
Shanda...naw, you don't have to do housework...just sit on the porch and chat awhile!!!!
Netty...oh, I am so with you on the Dr. thing! I am happy that your dad is now out of pain and I am glad that he has you to advocate for him.
Teacher Tammy...wondered if your Butterflies were wearing you out already. You have had a lot on your plate this, rest when you can girlfriend. How is our little Jax doing? Been awhile since we have seen a pix of him.
Judy, Judy, Judy...leave it to you to point out the obvious! LOL (+: My little sister use to call me a little _ _ _ _ head, when we were growing up. Guess she was right after all. You would never talk to your sis like that now would you? Excuse my little sister's french girls!!
Lindsey...I am sorry that you don't feel good. Glad you didn't have to work today then., you had to drive a long ways to get your canned goods. I would stock up too. We have a new discount foods warehouse going in really close to our apartments. That will be so nice when they get it done. And we have a Chucks Produce coming to our side of town too. For the longest time all the good food places have been on the opposite side of, they have caught on to the fact that non of us want to drive that far to shop.
Well, our Pastor is suppose to be back to Preaching tomorrow...he took the summer off to write his third book. It will be great to have him back. My kids are making dinner and bringing it over after Church. Pot Roast and Veggies. Then we will eat and play board-games. That will be a nice afternoon. Hope you all have a Wonderful Lord's Day.
Nightie Night, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Farmgirl in Training
40 Posts
Western Middle
40 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2012 : 08:00:19 AM
I live!!
We caught the mastitis soon enough. I'm still down, but I feel alive instead of zombie-like which was how I felt last time. The last time I had it I was praying someone would shot me to put me out of my misery. I knew the signs of it this go around and knew I was in trouble when the plugged duct I had wouldn't budge and was becoming very painful. I called the doc and she didn't hesitate to call in the antibiotic. Mastitis is the only thing I've had in 4 years that has required medicine to treat aside from the blood thinner I use during pregnancy. She knew I was about to go down, lol. I took the first antibiotic pill and shortly after my fever started spiking and the infection set in. By that night - I was laid up upon the bed. The next day - I didn't take it as easy as I should have because I didn't feel as bad as I had the last time. Big mistake. That night my fever started to rise again. I've been taking it easy since and I have been fever free. Just lethargic with some leftover breast pain. The antibiotic is kicking it's booty though! I hate hate hate this infection. It's the worst!
We've had some storms out this way too and now my windows are open and there is a delightful breeze. I love fake fall! I even made super simple pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I hope y'all are enjoying the same good weather fortune and from your replies it appears most are!
Cassi Farmgirl #4371
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2012 : 7:24:34 PM
Evening Porchies, Hi! I just had a minute to drop in and sit. Im praying for each of you and your families everyday. Hoping all get well very soon. Life here is positive and very very busy. Im working 50 hours a week. Im very tried but am glad to have a job. Went to a birthday party and out to dinner for my cousin Susan's birthday yesterday. Morning grace bible study is starting. I can't wait to go.Tomorrow Im going to call and see if I can still get into the hand built pottery class. If Im able to get into this class I wil be able to scratch that off my finding me list aka bucket list. Please keep my dd in your prayers as she asks God if and where she would be going on a mission trip this school year. She's also needs pray as to were all the money will come from as well. She thinks she's like to go back to the orphange in Hungry or is thinking about going to India to Mother Teresa's orghange . She has to make a decisions this next week as they have sign ups during chapel as spots fill up fast. Well it's already 9:30 and better get to bed . 4:30ish comes very early. Have a wonderful Monday, Ruthie Ann
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 07:41:10 AM
OK....I just have to share this with you this morning while it's still funny! I got up at 8 AM....what's up with that?...That's soooo not me! I sleep til 10 EVERY morning! THAT'S me! I have all this energy. Why? What am I 'spose to do with that at this hour? Hubs is still asleep! Can't make lots of noise! So I decide to clean the upstairs bathroom. So I'm cleaning,listening to the radio...and I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Here I am, hair nicely coifed(my bowl((not toilet Peg))cut of last year has grown out into the Farrah Fawcet that I wanted when I was 20-ish,so it looks nice and I'm cleaning the toilet in my jammies...and white white robe....really? Who does that? Move over Donna Reed, I've taken your spot girl! ....AND, I'm listening to Swan Lake on NPR radio. Really?....and my robe is still white! Ya know, if Julie Child would have poked her head around the corner and said, "MonaMei, Your tea is ready.'BonaPetite"(sp) wouldn't have surprised me a bit! Now,just so you don't think I'm totally prim&perfect, let me tell you the Rest-of-the-Story,Paul Harvey! I made a pot of tea before I started my morning and was pouring a cup and admiring my little lady-bug drip catcher(it's so cute) and I noticed that I forgot to put the little metal "Dripless Teapot Gadget"(honest, that's what it's called on the package)in the spout and the ladybug is gonna need adjusted to catch the drips better if she has to do it all herself. *snicker* So, in mid-stream....MID-STREAM Girls....HOT TEA....not tepid tea...I put my hand under the spout to move my little bug up further. Now,I don't know about you Gals, but at times like these, I'm hearing God(He really does speak to us in moments like this when we are being totally(((STUPID)))...and He's saying, "Judy...your hand is...Judy, move your hand....JUDEEEEEE,move yo...." *ZZZZTTTTT* .... *OUCHHHH * I just poured HOT tea all over my fingers...and watched it happen, like a slo-mo film. And I'm saying, "Now, why did God allow THAT to happen? That hurt! And, where is my gaurdian angel when I need her?" Sometimes I really think God just shakes His head and thinks....That one can't be mine...she must have gotten mixed up at the hospital! This is my mother's favorite saying when my Sister or I do something really dumb. hahaha But, yeaaa, just thought I'd share that with you Gals this morning. I think I should go back to bed!(owwww, my hand hurts) white robe is still white, AND my bathroom is clean! *GiggleGiggle*
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
61 Posts
Rio Linda
61 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 09:16:52 AM
Oh, Judy, thanks for the laugh, and I totally understand the feeling. I have been there so many times. Have a great rest of the day. :}
Life's too short to sit in a box all day. Get out and do something creative.
Connie H. Farmgirl Sister 4152 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 11:17:42 AM
Judy...*giggle...laugh...snort...laugh!* OK Donna Reed & Mrs. Cleaver...did ya wear your pearls with your white robe too? Hee Hee! You wouldn't have been wearing that robe in "MY" bathroom last week. It would NOT STILL BE WHITE! ROFLOL!!! ~ Sorry you got burned but didn't ya hear "Papa" yelling at move your stupid hand? Yeah, your gaurdian angel...was sleepen on the job (obviously she is use to you sleepen in til 10:00 too). That'll teach ya to get up early.... messing up Heaven's schedule is just not a good thing! Ha Ha!
You are so stinken funny girlfriend! I needed that visual laugh today. 
I had a strange thing happen at church yesterday. The Praise & Worship part of the service had dealt with having an "awakening" in our souls and spirit for God. And I had asked God to deepen the Holy Spirit within me. Well, later in the preaching part of service I was just really zero'd in on the message and all of a sudden it felt like the person sitting behind me leaned over and blew on my neck. I whipped around to see who it was and no one was sitting behind me. So, I turned back around and thought..."Ok, that was strange!" Then about 5 minutes later it happened again. So, again I turned around to look and still the chair behind me was empty. Then about 5 minutes later it happened again. This time I didn't even bother turning around, because I just decided that was God trying to fan the flame of His Spirit within me. Three breaths...representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ~ Just had to share that!
More Later... peg
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 10 2012 11:19:27 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
171 Posts
Lexington Park
171 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 11:52:31 AM
Aftenoon Ladies! Things are brighter today. Had a nice weekend with my family. DH and I had a very nice lunch together last Friday. It was a little deli that we'd never tried before, and it was pretty good. A little $$, but hey, I had leftovers, so if I get 2 lunches for a $10 price tag, I won't complain too loudly. It did us good. It's nice to know that when our marriage really needs a little TLC, we BOTH agree to make time to give it.
Won the football game too on Saturday morning, so that always brings a smile to DH, and thus to the rest of us. He took both boys to get their hair cut, so I stole a nap on the couch after the game. Bonus!
My RIR chicken, who I'd given up hope of ever laying an egg, gave me a two beautiful brown eggs over the weeken too! It's funny - she used to take treats and drop them for the younger hens to scarf down, but now that she's laying, it's "every hen for herself" and she's far from generous now!
We never heard much more about that accident. It seemed really strange, but we prayed hard for the family, and I know eventually I'll run into my old young friend, and give her a special hug.
Well, my little "Porch Portal" just got shut, as I need to go fix a file that my boss just told me about.
Couple of quickies... my sister is giving me the old Honda 90 Trail Bike that my cousins and I used to drive all around the farm when we were kids. It needs restoring, buty my whole family supports it, so I can't wait to start tinkering with it! Is there an Automotive Badge for MJF Sisterhood? ;) Also, it looks like I'm going to help her move in a couple of weeks. They've been in the same house for 20 years. This is such a good thing, but sadly, I'll miss going to the local fair with my boys. Maybe we can crash one of the neighboring county's fairs!
HUGS to you... gotta go.
^^^I'm a RidgeRunner, and will always feel best when surrounded by the PA mountains.^^^ |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 5:41:58 PM
Had a dr. appointment today at 10, so got up and took a shower and got ready, 9 the dr. office called and asked if I could come in at 3 because the dr. had an emergency. I said okay, changed my clothes and went to Joann Fabrics. Went to the dr. at 10 minutes before 3, signed in, and waited, and waited, and waited. At 4:10, I went up to the desk and asked if they forgot about me, or what. They did not tell the nurse that I was there!!!!! I was so mad. I told the nurse that if one more person went in before me, I would have gotten up and left and found a different dr. office to go to. I just went for a 6 month recheck and to go over my bloodwork. Next week is mammogram, next month the good old pelvic and pap. It is fall here, today it was 33 degrees when I got up and warmed up to 68. Now it is very windy.Acorns are still flying off the trees. We need a hardhat on to go outdoors!!!! I am thinking I will need to get the rest of my garden picked and my potatoes dug up this weekend before we get a hard frost. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2012 : 9:09:45 PM
Cassidy, so glad that your ordeal wasn't as bad as it could have been, had you not caught it in time. And thank God for antibiotics at a time like this! We had 49 at 8AM this morning. It's gonna be 46 tonight too. I folded a flannel sheet in half and crawled between it last night. ahhhhh....just the right amount of warmth I needed. Gonna feel good tonight too. Ruthie,I have a bucket list made out too.There's just some frivilous things that are important to me, that I wanna do. *giggle* Keeping your DD in my Prayers. Wow! I would love to visit Mother Teresa's orphanage. Connir, Netty, thank you for making me feel better about NOT being the only one who does silly,absent-minded things. *giggle* My hand is a lot better now. I think the quick thinking on my part of putting a bag of frozen berries on it helped tremendously. Yes, Peg, I heard Papa God hollering at me, but it was like I was in a foggy stupor. I think you're right, that I shouldn't get up so early and mess up all of the Heavenly-Beings schedules! I'm sure that tomorrow I will sleep in. *giggle* Janet, so sorry that you had to go through all of the silly office mix-ups and that it made for such a day of turmoil for you. Big(((HUGS))) to ya girl! Honestly, they can be so unconcerned and nonchalant about it too sometimes. Our time is valuable too! Say now there girly...don't go gettin' lumps on yer noggin from squirrel artillery flying off those trees. LOL Too funny, but ouchy too! hahaha We had a busy day today,DH & I. We looked at an apartment location for Mama, went to Goodwill, Green Farms for fruit,and to a County Fair tonight.'s time for this chicky to hit the roost. I'm outta Go-Go juice! Til tomorrow my Porchies...Sweet dreams!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2012 : 8:07:17 PM
Evening ladies, been a long day and I need a rocker to rest my butterfly wings. I am having a hard time with this group of butterflies. They like to not follow rules, they can be so disreespectful and today found out that yes even teachers have feelings and don't like to be treated poorly. I feel like I am failing with them at the moment. I don't get much teaching in when I am in constantly in discipline mode...have had lots of prayers lately and few tears to God. Having a big class is bit different too. It is great for our school but leaves very little breathing room for Madame Butterfly most days. Trying to find some balance with going back to work full time home etc. Was to bible study tonight and that was good for a bit of me time. I am just so used to things being much smoother in my classroom by now.
ON a good note I received my Harney tea catalog. So I am poring over it to see their latest teas and of course I have decided some new teas are in order. Will have to let you know what I decide on. Been working on my crochet for stress release...I am working a table runner right now and it is coming alng nicely.
well ladies I love you all and am so glad there is sweet spot like our porch to hang out. Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Wings of Joy
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 12:22:11 AM
Evening My Porchies...
Figured I better get on before someone sends the Porch Possie after me. What happens when the Possie Sender Outer goes MIA? LOL I have been so tired from the weather change but not in pain. When I think I have this Fibro thing figured throws me for a loop by doing something different from the ordinary. Go Figure!
Today was a nice day. My gal came and cleaned my floors and bathrooms. I could just kiss her face-off because that is such a huge help to me!!!! And she charges me next to nothing to do it. What a blessing she is. 
Weather has been cooler in the mornings and warmer late afternoons. Just so pleasant...with just that little feeling of Fall in the air. It will be back up to the 90's on Thursday...then cooler over the weekend (in the 70's) and then next week it will be back in the 80's everyday. Nice Indian Summer. Just two weeks from Thursday until we go to Lincoln City for our Beach Retreat. I am really looking forward to that. 
Yesterday...I made a Tamale Pie for dinner and it tasted so yummy. I used the flower and cornmeal that we had gotten ground at the Old Grist Mill last month. And oh my it tasted soooooooo good. Much better than store bought. You have to freeze the flour and cornmeal since there are no preservatives in it...but it is so worth it. Takes up a bit of valuable space in my freezer compartment...but that's OK. My DH went nuts over it. You would think I never feed him. LOL I don't always make "Reservations". Ha Ha! 
Well girlies, last night I was in bed before 11:30...which is insanely early for me. I usually go to bed around 1:00 to 2:00 am depending on how good my latest book is and how long it has taken me to Post On The Porch. Tonight I am heading there a little later but still early for me. I need to catch up on my sleep. Every since we moved into this new apartment...Snickers wakes me up every morning between 8:45 and 9:00.  I am use to sleeping in until 10:00 (also Miss Judy), maybe I am just not getting enough sleep.
OK...more tomorrow girls. Sleep Tight!
blessings and hugs, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 12 2012 12:25:35 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 04:51:46 AM
Hi! Porchies, Today is the big day! Katy decides where she is going on her mission trip. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Called a pottery class sign up ask where to go and explained I may be 10 minutes and was told can't be bothered with me. The program is 2 busy. Then ask at work 2 go home at 5:00 till the end of Oct. and they said sure no problem.Guess what it was a problem as they came home 25 minutes late. I was wondering ealier yesterday what the message was that God was sending me and he showed me the answer crystal clear. Love when that happens. Did find a spinning class that meets 1 Saturday a month and Im going to try it oot. Can't wait as this on my finding me aka bucket list. Well better go my babies are waking up and need to get off to school. Have a wonderful day!!!! Ruthie Ann
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 07:13:12 AM
Today please pray for all our nations. Please pray for the family of the US Ambassador killed in Libya. Please pray for the families of the other americans akilled in Libya. God please be with us in these unsettling times in our world. Ruthie Ann
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 08:32:51 AM
10am is my getting up time too. Family used to call before then and I never answer, just let the machine get it and they finally got the picture.
Sounds like a lot going on around here. We've been having 50 at night, so good for sleeping and upper 70s in the day. We've been busy putting plastic on the windows, getting "winterized" around here. Dumped 3 out of my 5 water barrels. Used half a barrel to wash the outside dog, he was looking like a teddy bear. This is his time of the year to shed, weird i know, he's part golden retriever. After I used the clippers on him, he looks so much better, I know he feels better. Sure will be easier to brush him out.
It's almost time to put the top back on the Jeep. Need to get another ride in before we do. (yes, Judy, I will be thinking of ya) :)
DH is still dealing with his gall bladder. We're def eating better and losing weight, good news eh? teehee
The fallishness has us ready for bed earlier too. Usually, it's around 1 or 2, but been by midnight lately.
I play Scramble With Friends and Draw Something on my tablet, so add craftbug if ya want to play with me.
hugs n prayers to all
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
Farmgirl in Training
40 Posts
Western Middle
40 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 08:57:03 AM
AHHHHH! Someone save me from my housework. Seriously. Why is it when Mom's sick everyone decides it's a free for all. I've been cleaning for two days now and am just now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Poor dh...I put that ring on his finger and instantly he forgot he ever knew how to clean. LOL ;)
I am loving the start of the cool down here. Sooooo much better than 90's and 100's. You can even just barely start to see those leaves start their color change. Fall is such a magical time for me. I love it dearly. Dh proposed to me in the fall. I love everything about it: the colors, the smells, the cool air. I don't fair well in heat. I get lazy when it gets too hot. I'm loving the 55-60 degree nights. I've had the windows open at night all week.
I'm the odd one out it appears. I love getting up early. I'm not much for the sleeping in anymore. Then - I'm not much for the staying up late either, lol! I'm normally in bed by 11pm at the latest. I spent a long time (5ish years) sleeping because I was sick. I think that's the cause of my sudden early bird-ness. I don't want to miss anything during the day. I've already missed too much. Plus - I have itty bitties still. They are up by 7:30-8am.
Judy - I laughed about you pouring boiling water on your hand because I JUST did that the other day. It was one of those "did I really just do that?! Wow - that was dumb..." moments. I pulled the kettle from the stove, started pouring, saw something on the counter and leaned in to investigate, but didn't stop pouring. I poured it right on my fingers! Ouch! I'm sorry for your pain, but I understand completely!! LOL!!
We got our beef back...WOW. I knew it would be a lot...I just didn't really think how much it would be. This was a skinny cow too due to the drought. We'll be eating well for a good while!
I've got some more to do around here. Thanks for letting me sit a spell with y'all. <3
Cassi Farmgirl #4371
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 09:48:33 AM
Cassi, I guess we are both odd ones. I have been getting up at 4 am for so many years to go to work that sleeping in for me is 5 or 6 am. The dog as well. Well ladies it is fall in Alaska for real. Termination dust (snow to you all in the lower 48) is about a third of the way down the mountains. We had a good hard frost and it was time to fill the heating fuel tank. The sticker shock on diesel oil for heat always makes me gasp a bit for the first filling. After that I am resigned to it. $601.50 for 150 gallons, 150 is where you get a slight price break. I am not going to be riding the Share-A-Ride van on a full time basis after 10/30/12 as I am running into town way too much to make it worth my while any more. I wind up doing stuff for GDD and if I have to drive in I might as well quit paying the van fee. The way the kitties and the dog have been shedding and the thickness of the new stuff coming in leads me to think that this is going to be another snowy winter. But it is what it is so I am planning on a much larger area to push snow into this winter. Since I no longer have the sail boat parked off to the side of the drive way that is a perfect place to put excess snow. Well blessings all, I will probably be MIA for a while as we have to get the yard cleared up and my house mate on the other side seems to have run out of energy so I guess I am elected. There is also a bit of wood to get split and time is running out for all that stuff. Blessings all.
Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl
285 Posts

285 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 10:24:24 AM
Hey ladies, just wanted to pop in and say hey! I know I have been AWOL for a while.
Josh and I came up with our wedding date.... it will be April 13 next year. I'm hoping to start work on the dress this weekend. I've been putting off a lot of things because of the robbery trial coming up.
For those who don't know, the branch of the credit union where I work was robbed last August, at gun point. I was directly threatened by each of the two guys, guns about an inch from my face. Two of my coworkers were physically injured... one was beaten so badly, he could have been killed.
The guys plead guilty, but kept saying they were going through a hard time and "just desperate". It was really quite disturbing, hearing them cry about their hardships after the needless violence they bestowed upon us. And one of the men had family there that was quite calloused and mean toward us. The other man's family was humble and I honestly felt sad for them.
The Assistant District Attorney was apparently proud of me. I was quite strong through my testimony and I'm glad I did testify. I slept well for the first time in a long time, and I feel like myself again.
Now, it's on to planning the wedding. At some point today, I'll be calling the man who owns the ranch I mentioned weeeeeeeks ago, and see if we can come visit this Sunday, or soon.
Anyway, I'm at work and it's been a little busy, and my boss is getting ready to go to lunch, so I'm going to cut this a little short. Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know I'm okay. Talk to you soon, ladies!
"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535 Pflugerville, TX |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 10:31:28 AM
Tammy, so sorry your butterflies are having attitude issues. You might just need to get a little tough on them. Madam butterfly is not a pushover.
Peggy, I say your post the other night at after midnight. Unfortunately I was looking at it at around 2am. I just had to have a piece of the cheese cake I made for mom's bunco group and I was having a major indigestion incident. No more cheese cake before bed!
I have a funny story though. I cleaned the whole house for the bunco night and made the cheese cake. I was just putting the last touches with some chocolate on the cheese cake. I was melting the chocolate chips in the microwave when it made this loud explosive sound. I stopped the microwave, waited a minute and started again... Loud explosion again. Neither mom or I have the money to replace it. My mom said she walked into her bedroom and said to God she was really angry about it and now was not the time. I tried the microwave one more time...and nothing happened. It was working perfect and has been ever since. I guess he took pity on us and fixed it.
Anyway, I'm big time tired today. I'm going to try to head to the sewing room. I have two baby quilts to quilt and bind for a family shelter in Detroit. Friday is my bankruptcy appointment with the court. That will be a relief. Saturday I help the humane society with a big fundraiser. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll find out about my scholarship. I also have an possible opportunity to do work study at the college. I go to an orientation next week to see if there are any positions available. It would solve most of my income issues for the school year.
Hope everyone stays health and will pray for those under the weather.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: My shops: Handmade stuff Fabric
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2012 : 10:02:08 PM
Ladies, I'm in a real funk and am in need of a little farmgirl counselin.
I have been fightin with givin up my home in the country. I'm very unfulfilled livin in the middle of town. I miss so much and worry so about my girls bein here.
That I know is simply a frame of mind that I need to continue to work on daily till I can move back to the country.
I recently found out all the things I was worried about with hubby's family are definitely and concretely happenin.
We recieved a 5 page letter from his cousin, the one family member of his I felt comfortable with and really really liked. He doesn't live around here but we write alot. We haven't seen him in person in about 2 years. It was a scathing, hateful, extremely hurtful letter. I was so shocked I was cryin over the things he said. Hubby was cryin and rantin and pacin the room like an animal. I have been shook to the core and haven't slept very well since it came in.
He accused me of forcin my hubby to cease all contact with his family! Never happened! He accused me of causin so much stress on MIL it caused her heart attack! It was due to 95% blockages! He accused me of cheatin on my hubby! I've never kissed another man who was not family since we began dating, and then it was only on the cheek! He accused me of immasculating my hubby! I barely even disagree with him, even he says I'm almost a self-made doormat cause I rarely stand up for myself or push for my own opinions! He accused me of forcin his mother to live in the trailer instead of the house! Her idea that we said we didn't want, but that she and her sister had already set in motion before we knew about it! He accused me of spendin all MILs money! I paid all her bills out of my checkin account and she never paid me back not one single cent! He told hubby to leave me and never look back! He said I was nothing but trouble and was ruinin hubbys life and the lives of all around me! He said I was the very picture of all things evil!
Then he said something I just couldn't believe! He said I wasn't important because I wasn't blood!
I thought that marriage made you one flesh, one life, one blood! I was devestated. I have fought for four years now bein told I wasn't blood and I wasn't a Burnette because I just married into the family. So did MIL! She was a Presley before she married FIL! I used to think FIL was a hard and bitter man who thought he was a king and should rule everything down to who MIL talked to. I thought very little of him as a man. Now I am rethinkin the way I felt about him. I wish I could apologize to him for how distant and cold I was to him most of the time. He had to keep MIL somewhat distanced from the rest of her family to keep down on the lies and the drama. He was only tryin to protect himself and his son.
I am just absolutely flabbergasted at how this family tries to force out anyone who they don't want around! At the way they marry for the continuation of the "blood" and then they just push the married in family out! I knew they were all divorced except for MIL & FIL, but I never really put it all together till just recently. I spent almost a week silently terrified that they had finally broken Hubby because he was so distant and angry and quiet.
I couldn't take it anymore and tonight I finally asked him about the letter. I asked him if he felt that any of the letter was true. He was layin on the couch and I was sittin on my end of it. He sat up, hugged me, said he had thought about it ever since he read that letter and he couldn't think of a single thing in there that was true. He said he was sure that they had broken me because I usually talk to him about anything that's botherin me and I was bein so completely silent on the subject. He was angry because he thought that I was gonna leave him to get away from the abuse his family was dishin out on me. He was so glad that I had brought it up. He said that he was afraid to because he didn't want to hurt me agian by makin me think of all the lies agian.
He assured me that he doesn't feel that way at all. He said I cater to him and do twice my fair share of the work in our family. He said his family makes him feel like a little boy who did something bad whenever he's around them, but that I make him feel like a husband and father and the center of my universe. He said the guys he works with gripe about how their wives make fun of them or reject them or ignore them all the time, and he just grins and keeps his mouth shut because I am the opposite of everything they complain about. He said they usually end their gripin with some statement about how he wouldn't understand since his wife is a real wife. He said he is proud to be married to me and he wants no other life.
I know I should be feelin over the moon happy, but his family has caused so much trouble between us in the past. I just can't help but feel scared and hurt. I want to believe every word he says is true. I'm just so afraid he's gonna crack under the strain of his family pushin him to leave me. He swears he will leave them first, but that's so harsh and he's really just not the type to do that sort of thing.
When I left MILs house in december I did not ask him to come with me. I told him I knew his family needed him and that I couldn't live with them anymore for my own sanity. I told him he could come see his girls anytime he wanted and I would never stand in his way on that. He knew I meant it as I never stood in my ex's way of seein my oldest girl even though hubby had adopted her. I even drove her back and forth to his house no matter if I was sick or busy or anything. He knew I wouldn't demand any specific amount of support either since I didn't from my ex. I told him I wasn't askin for a divorce or anything, that I would still be there waitin for him when his family didn't need him so much anymore and I would welcome him comin to live with me at any time.
He told me after my stupid little speach that he was comin with me because he loved me and couldn't live without a heart. He said I would take his with me so I was stuck with the rest of him too. I laughed and cried and felt like we were really gonna be okay. Then this happened. Now I'm feelin uncertain and scared agian. I hate this! We have our 15 year anniversary next month! I spent most of those years unsure and afraid about us, mostly because of his family and his loyalty. I always felt his lay with his birth family. We have had more fights and problems due to them than due to anything between us. Since we moved out there has only been one real fight with a few fussins here and there. Everybody fusses sometimes and a couple of fights a year isn't any big deal. Especially since it wasn't long and we were able to find a compromise quickly. I thought that since the fightin about his family stopped when we left we were gonna be fine and safe. Now I'm not quite as sure.
I had just finished readin a book called "How To Be His Helpmeet" a few days before the letter came. I had been tryin to make sure I was doin all I could to make our marriage as good as possible. I felt like things were actually gettin even better between us. We were startin to loosen up and relax. We were plannin a trip of sorts for our anniversary since it's a big one. We were both sayin how proud we were that we had reached such a milestone. He was really braggin on it since only one set of grandparents and his parents were the only ones he knew of on his side who had made it past ten years. He kept teasin me that I came from a long line of swans since my family tends to mate for life. He says he's an ugly duckling that I fooled into believin he was a swan. I told him he was just like the book, and he was always a swan, he just needed to come into his own and realise it.
Things were so good! I was really happy even with all the problems we were facin. Both of our girls are havin some minor health problems, but we are workin on gettin them back healthy. We are takin a few bad financial hits, but we are weatherin through them together. We are both grievin the loss of a few family members, but we are doin it together. It's just life and we were actually pullin through it all together and in a pretty peaceful and healthy way. Then that letter came in and it was like a door slammin shut. The tension and the wariness around each other ruined it all.
He had to go to bed since he has to work tommorrow. I'm sittin up waitin on my little grandson to fall asleep. His mommy is sick, so they are here tonight while his daddy works. He told me before he went to bed that his family wants to cause trouble and ruin what we have. He said he doesn't want us to let them win. He held me for a few minutes and said to keep believin in us and he will make it all better. He said he was gonna handle each one of his family members that was causin the problems and he would put a stop to the whole mess one way or another. He swore it wouldn't ruin what we have no matter how bad it got with them.
I want so bad to believe him. I want to think that the last week was just fear on both our parts. It's just breakin my heart right now and I've lost that safe feelin I had. I don't know how to get it back. How do I trust that it's not just words? It's already wrecked my peace and happiness for the last week. I'm just not sure of much right now. How do I act like nothing happened when an earthquake has rocked my world?
I'm sorry this is so long. I previewed it and it all sounds so silly and so trivial. I feel like a silly teenager whinin about my boyfriend. I just have this wieghin so heavy on my heart. I needed to tell someone about it. I can't talk to my family about it. A lot of them already have hurt feelins or have been offended by someone in his family to the point that they won't come over anymore if hubby's family is here. They just don't understand a family actin this way anymore than I do.
I just don't know what to do about any of this. My girls love their grammy, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The fightin and comments really hurt them and cuttin them out will hurt hubby and our girls.
Any advice or thoughts would definitly be welcomed. I'm just so lost right now.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
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