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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2012 : 09:40:29 AM
Hello Ladies! Poor Peggy, here I was feeling the JOY of you getting those 2 bills paid off...then...*WHAM*... was shocked and angry at that man(or little boy in his actions)for being so immature,and in public no less! Ok...hands on my hips, frying pan in my hand! LOL *geesh* Must be his time of the month! hahaha I put out some pumpkin decorations yesterday on the porch. We found some nice light ups at Goodwill...and they worked too. hahaha I don't know anything about Meningitis myself, but I'll mention it to her. Ever notice that all the things that are a "Pain" to a woman start with men.Menses, menopause, meningitis,menace,mendacious(untruthful),mental...makes you wonder doesn't it?/! I'm painting MY house. Mom's is fine. It just needed some light cleaning. The land-lady cleaned the carpets and her hubby replaced the kitchen faucet.It was dripping terribly.We had them put in a goose-neck faucet. Makes filling tall things easier. So that's why I said I was so her place, painting mine,and worrying about Jim&Patsy! ~whew~ Hi Alyce, I'm just gonna sit here and have a cup with ya. I need a break! Thanks for the sweets. Make it a great day Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2012 : 5:29:55 PM
Im stoppin by to say hi! Tonight Im home cutting out items to sell for Katy's mission trip. Meeting a friend tomorrow for a sewing party. I will post pictures of the fun items we make. Hope All Is Well With Everyone, Ruthie Ann
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2012 : 7:35:04 PM
A quicky tonight. I just got out of the shower and heading for bed. I was up early after not sleeping too well last night with hubby gone to work the night shift. I am glad he does not do that all the time. I worked today and it was very slow. It was cold and very windy. Supposed to get snow tomorrow. 35 degrees right now, so will probably get down into the 20s. We are going from summer to winter, I think. Still praying for Patsy and Jim. I do hope that this new dr. will get to the bottom of what is going on. Ruthie, how nice that you are getting together for a sewing party. Sounds like fun. Can I come? More tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 12:19:32 AM
HI Alyce...we want you to come put your feet up on the Porch any time you can!!! Espcially if you are also coming with yummy treats! (+:
Kimberly...isn't it Wonderful when Papa God just makes everything better despite the circumstances? He is so good at it too!!!
I had one of those soul refreshing days today also. My gal who comes to clean my floors and bathrooms every other week...came today (she is part of my bible study group...and my adopted spiritual daughter)...anyway, she and her hubby got into a big ol' blow out too...when she got back from, we sat out on My Porch this morning and talked about it and prayed together about "husbands in snits" because wife went to The Mountain Top and them home alone or with the kids. It never fails that when we have to come down off that Spiritual Mt. Top and back to The Valley of Reality...Satan is waiten to see what kind of chaos he can stir up. He did it when Moses was on the Mt. Top of Sanai and he is still doing it today. Both Paula and I felt better after sharing and praying together...and I am sure others in the group came home to similar we prayed for them too.
Judy...I kind of liked the visual of you with a hand on one hip and a frying pan in the other hand. It was just the laugh I needed!!! God also blessed me with 7 hours all to myself home! It was wonderful. I am rarely ever alone...and I just really needed it. I putzed around, sat on my porch 3 or 4 times, finisned a good book (an Amish Read...loved it), did a couple loads of Laundry, didn't have to fix any meals, took a nap and just got a chance to be quiet and peaceful and restful. Ahhhhhh, it was just what the Dr. ordered. When DH came home about nine tonight.we watched a little tv together, chatted about our days and I worked on my YoYo Swap...and I'm thankful to God for orchestrating my day so beautifully. I even turned down a chance to go hang with my youngest son today...because God knew I needed an afternoon all to my little ol' self. He is so wise!!!
Hi Dianne...I am so sorry to hear that you got the crud....and you feel icky all over. I'm sending you a virtual bowl of chicken soup and a hug!!!
Judith...any more news on your skin cancer? We are all praying for you sweet friend. I am still so tickled over your tea pkg to us Tea Swappers.
Hi Ruthie Ann...boy girl, you stay so busy. No dust bunnies growing under your bottom...that's for sure. I hope your sewing day goes well and that you make lots of $$$ for DD's mission trips. and I both must have had bad nights sleeping last night....but for different reasons. I took a 2 hr. nap this afternoon and felt just as tired when I woke up as when I layed down. Not sure why...but I have been so tired this week. Hope you want snow...since you are suppose to get it. We have been having real high winds which is not good for all our Forest Fires...just fans the flames. We are staying in the high 70's all next week with no rain in sight. That is just really bizarre for us here....but I am loving it.
OK Ladies...I may have missed somebody but I am off to bed early tonight.
May all our filled with love, hope and peace, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 07:01:02 AM
It was supposed to clear up today so far no go. It has been raining all day and all night. But it is in the 40's up here. My son and I are going to try to get his motorcycle up away in the garage today and get some stuff to the dump. This deluge makes everything more difficult. Grump!Grump! But some more jewelry made yesterday, fixed the items that were falling off the lawnmower and fixed the jewelry tree display so that it no longer slops sideways. My GDD is staying over to supposedly help today. Right! She quit facebook at 4am because she feel asleep in from of the computer which is still on. I will rag on her a bit later. She is trying to get a job but needs to learn when to turn the thing off. I know she will learn in time but she needs a little seed planted now and again in the old gray matter. Janet sounds like your weather is a bit worse than ours temp. wise. I did a bit of preventive maintenance for sleep last night and had a very small juice glass of wine before bed. Slept right through. Bunny continuing to pray for you and Peg and all our needs. Going to take GDD to the Sat service at church and then home so she is not getting out of it this time. Blessings all.
True Blue Farmgirl
522 Posts
Broken Bow
522 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 07:46:37 AM
Wow, it took me two days of reading to catch up! I shouldn't stay way so long, but life has been messy and then my power cord to my laptop shorted out. No power, no -puter!
Just an idea, how about we post pictures of our fall porches...since we are porchies....I'd love to see everyones porch. (now I have to find my camera which has been missing a few weeks)
Anyway, happy Saturday! Blessings
Farmgirl #4233 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 08:59:47 AM
Judith, loved my tea packet! What interesting new teas and loved the little tea pouch with the sparkly button. Thank you so much. It is always uplifting to get a nice package in the mail.
Dianne, hope you get to feeling better soon.
I loafed around too much yesterday and only got part of my homework done. Just have to finish up today.
Weather here has finally cooled down. 70's during the day and 50's at night. Perfect weather. My son was dealing with upper 90's last week in Calif. seems like our seasons have shifted a bit to the right. It will be interesting to see what next year does.
My yellow squash is done. The leaves must be getting a bit of frost. Time to clean up the strawbales. I'm going to try again next year, only follow the directions.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm still working on my cards. Having some printing issues. But I know I'll get them all worked out soon. Just takes time.
Later all, stay warm!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 4:03:09 PM
howdy ladies, It is a fall day here so I made chili in the crockpot, homemade bread, and brownies for dinner. The house smells delightful and I had fun in the kitchen.
Peggy maybe you ought to tell hubby his butterfly wings can clipped if he can't be good...clip them for me
I actually had a weekend with no papers to grade. Butterflies are still quite a group but I tell you they know Madame Butterfly is the head butterfly. The one little girl came to me the other day and handed me some scissors...she said I believe I was naughty so I think you better clip at least an inch off my wingfs...hahahahahah I just laughed.
I started crocheting another scarf. I was working on a table runner but the other day my dear hubby forgot to close the sunroom doors and little Jax decided to play in the yarn basket. My project was in threads and the pup was wrapped in was a hilarious site. He looked up at me with a look that said help and I am sorry. Sure made it hard to be mad at him. So I decided to do a scarf. I crochet every day after school to help with stress from school. It is good for me.
well best check on the dinner and then watching Nebraska play with famly tonight. love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Wings of Joy
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 6:43:28 PM
It was very cold and windy here today, only got up to 48 degrees, was 28 this morning, that makes it real cold with the wind chill. We did not get the snow we were supposed to but a little north from here had snow on the ground. I had to break down and turn the heat on finally. Now it will not go off until May or June!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
522 Posts
Broken Bow
522 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2012 : 8:19:53 PM
Made a wonderful cranberry-apple pie with my daugher today. Have a slice with vanilla ice cream!
Everyone have a Blessed Sunday!
Farmgirl #4233 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2012 : 12:24:22 AM
Evening My Porchies... does take a bit to catch up on the reading if you miss a few days. I have done that before and about burned my eyes out of their sockets reading 3 0r 4 pages to catch up. Not worth, I try to read every day...even if I just lurke occassionally and don't post. But hey, you girls know me by now...I am Ms Gabby so I rarely miss posting. LOL
Liked your idea for posting fall pictures of our porches...mine is covered in leaves at the we have been having really windy days this past week.
Bunny...did you actually get any yellow squash from your straw-bales? I tried a new squash that I have never had before down at the Coast. Don't know the name of it but it was about the size of a med. zuchinni only fatter... the skin was yellow and bumpy with dark green varigated lines running the length of it. It was so naturally sweet that you didn't need to put anything on it but a little butter (or not...if you didn't want the extra calories)...It was so yummy. Now I need to look for them in our local grocery stores.
Netty...Sounds like you had a good time at the Football Game last night. I usually watch football on TV it's warmer that way. LOL Tonight we watched College Football...Oregon Ducks and Washington Huskies. Even though I live in Washington...I am a huge Ducks, I was very happy that the won. They slaughtered them actually 54 to 21. And the Ducks sort of used their B Team the last half of the as not to embarass the Huskies any more than they already had. It was a great game.
I still haven't had to turn on any heaters. I like to actually see how long I can go before I need to turn them on. It is a little game for me. But I will admit it is easier living in Apartments because you get the heat from the adjoining Apartments somewhat.
Teacher Tammy...I should clip my hubby's wings...but I have decided he is almost 70 so there isn't much use in trying to change him. At our age (even though I am 8 1/2 yrs younger than him)...we are both pretty much set in our ways. We both have a stubborn tend to butt heads on the minor issues of life and sometimes the not so minor. Ha Ha! Good thing we really love each other is all I can say.
I loved your little butterfly adorable. God love a child who knows when they've done wrong. (+:
Would have loved to see little Jax all tangled up in your yarn. I have had my dogs do the same thing. Not Snickers though...he does not tend to get into stuff he isn't suppose to. But both Sterling and Bella did...and they both loved my yarn.
Janet...oh my, you are getting Winter Weather already. Brrr!!!! That is one reason that I try to NOT turn the heat on until I absolutely have to because we stay on the cold to cool side until June. And Electricity is so high here in the winter months...even in Apartments.
Shanda...yummo, cranberry-apple pie. I don't think I have ever had that before but sounds so good. Thanks for the treat!
Tomorrow our Pastor is starting a series on the Book of James...which I am so excited about because I am teaching on James right now in my Bible Study Group. I hope he has some interesting tid-bits to share too.
OK my to bed.
Have a Wonderful Sunday, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2012 : 08:57:01 AM
Peggy, I did get a few squash from my strawbale garden. It took a while. We got so much rain late I. The spring the other plants didn't make it. But one tomato plant and this squash plant did pretty well. Unfortunately most of my tomatoes got brown bottoms. And were a bit too squashy for me. They all had a visitor sometime early on too. They all have a swirl of a brown path around the tops. I need to pay better attention next year. I was just thankful something survived.
Weather finally dipped into the 30's at night. Perfect weather for sleeping...finally.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2012 : 12:03:00 PM
Wow...I am still trying to catch up. I've been gone too long!
I made vanilla crepes (from the Watkins cookbook) for brunch; now I am winding down and watching the Packers. I am supposed to be apartment-hunting (we have had to postpone the house hunt ), but I think we have called every pet-friendly place in town already. Just have to wait for them to call back....
Wish me luck; I am hunting for a different job. The one I have is causing serious burnout, and I really don't make enough for it to be worth it. Our honorary daughter stopped by today, and she said she has been worried about me because I have looked so stressed lately. Eep!
Ric's napping; maybe I should just crochet. 
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2012 : 5:29:41 PM
Ruth, can't wait to see pics of what you are crafting. Sounds like everyone is having colder weather now(cept Peg)We had a high of 45 today....that's it.brrrr I turned my furnace on for the first time today. It was 55 in here, but a damp 55. *shivers* We took some boxes over to Moms and her place was miserably hot as usual even with the windows open. Like you said, the other apartments around her keep her place warm. At least in her new place, she will be able to control the heat herself. I gaurantee she won't use it much. The apartment below her will keep her warm. Peg, good for you getting yesterday all to yourself. I'll bet that did feel wonderful. You had to have felt pampered by God! I just want you to know that not only will I have a frying pan in my hand, but I also got my pearls back from the jewelers and my pumps shined and my chiffon dress cleaned so I am in full-gear. Look-out Mr Man!!!! hahahaha ..... and I won't muss a hair on my head either! LOL Lynette, I use to love football games where we had to bundle up and drink lots of hot chocolate and cider to stay warm and you could see your breath on the breeze. *memories* Tammy, oh no...bad,bad pupster!!! LOL I can smell that chili from here. mmmmmm... What a cute buttersly, telling on herself and accepting responsibility. I know a few politicians who could take a lesson from her! LOL Shanda, Yummm...cran/apple pie with ice cream. Can I have that recipe? We'd love that. Ok is it just me, or are we talking more about food since it cooled down? *giggle* Well Porch-Buds, time to get warm jammers on, make a cuppa tea and go read. Nite Gals! Stay warm! Sweet dreams!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 07 2012 : 6:19:00 PM
Sounds like most of you are now getting cooler weather. It was only in the 40s here for the high today. Right now it is 33 degrees, so it is going to be real cold before morning. I spent the day today making key chains for craft sale next month. Hope to get some necklaces made tomorrow. I am watching Steel Magnolias on Lifetime. So far, it is not as good as the original one. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2012 : 12:33:30 AM
Cherime...sorry, I missed posting to you last night. I watched the Alaska Troopers show last night and tonight and it always reminds me of my Friend up there in the snow. YOU!
Bunny...I am glad that you got something from your garden. I know that we had a really wet Spring and so I am sure that is what made veggies mushy or brown bottomed as you said. Have a good week at School and the Library.
Alyce...I will be praying for both your move into an Apartment and you finding a new job. Life is too short to work a job that is causing extreme stress or burnout.
Judy...That is indeed "Full Gear Girl"...especially the pearls and frying pan. Is that the female version of the Armor of God? LOL I'm with you...I would love Shanda's Cranberry Apple Pie Recipe too. Sounded so good.
So, ok...did you get all your rooms painted (in your house)? I was wondering why you had to paint Mama's new place....LOL...I am a bit slow sometimes.
Today...Church was sooooooooo good...except that it was one of those days that things touched me so deeply that I cryed off and on through the whole service. It was a beautiful day in the House of the Lord.
Then my kids came over and brought Sunday Dinner again. Poor 'lil Mercedies is so nausiated from baby. She did fine through Church but looked positively green through dinner. The very "smell" of food is still getting to her. They have their first Dr. Apptmnt this Thursday. Hope they can give her some tips on helping with the nausia as she is already sick of peppermints and saltine crackers. She is a slight drama queen with this pregnancy...but I love her so much...I just let her share all she wants with me.
I knit her a lap-blanket because she is always cold...and so she just cuddled up in it and layed back in my recliner while Shane and I put dinner on the table. We are all for giving her all the pampering she needs right now.
OK my to type my latest poem, read and then hit the hay. I am tired tonight.
This week, it seems everyone I know has been complaining of being exhausted....including me. Must just be a Seasonal Change...I don't know.
Love and hugs, peg
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2012 : 07:14:49 AM
Everyday I come onto this porch and just read about my friends' lives and it is refreshing and heartwarming to know you all a little bit. I like the idea of putting up pictures of our porches. Haven't done anything spectacular with mine yet but it's there!!!
I just have to share this with you all. I'm just bubbling with excitement and actually prayed today that the Lord would make me more like my daughter. Yesterday I took the kids to a park to play. I sat on the bench and watched over them. My four year old daughter found some big girls (teens) playing on a bouncy type toy and she ran over asking if she could play with them. I was rather impressed with the girls because they were so welcoming and friendly to her. So there's my little girl bouncing with the big girls, a smile plastered to her face. All of a sudden she comes running to me, "Momma, Momma, I'm being a missionary!!!" She told me that she had asked the girls if they knew God and when they said that they didn't she told them God loves them. My heart swelled with love and joy and pride. I told her that was great and she ran back to play some more. She's four and she's planting seeds. I spent a great deal of time this morning praying to be more like my little girl and asking the Lord to keep His love in her so that she'll only grow in it and be more of the same. Sometimes I think God allows us to be parents not because we have so much wisdom to impart but because He has so much to teach us through our children!
Well, I've got to go start my day. Blessings to all
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
Sister #4045 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2012 : 4:53:59 PM
Hi all, had a dr. appointment today for yearly pap and physical. Glad that is over. It is so windy here, 35MPH with gusts at 45-50MPH. I am glad I am indoors and not out in that, it would blow me out of town!!!!! LOL!!! Rain is heading this way. Peggy, how nice that your son brought dinner. So sorry your future DIL is havingch morning sickness. Hopefully it will not last too long for her. I know it is no fun. Kim, yes, your daughter is an amazing child. You have every right to be proud of her. Netty, Sounds like you are down in the dumps. Hope you cheer up soon. I have been busy making key chains yesterday for craft sale next month, today finishing some crocheted hats, but my hands are sore and don't like crochet too much. Will probably have to stop that for awhile and go back to knitting. It is easier on my fingers. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2012 : 7:38:29 PM
awwwww Kimberly, that is just the sweetest thing. You should be proud of your little girl for sure. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You HAVE taught her well.I asked God to make me more like her too.She surely is an Inspiration to us all! Bless her little heart! Well, Jim is able to put on his shirt by himself and was able to step up one step the other day. That's some progress. I guess the doctors want to do some further testing on him at yet another learning hospital. They are undecided what to do(Patsy&Jim that is). The docs are just so baffled by all this. They keep saying that he is such a healthy man and don't know what or why any of it happened. Well, hubby & I got the kitchen done today. We went from a beige to a bright white downstairs. It's amazing how different it looks.Next....the upstairs! ~woohoo~ Well, that's all for this "Pooped-Painter-Porchie!" Nite all!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 12:41:23 AM
| should be proud of your daughter. Praise God that we can all learn from her Missionary Work. Out of the Mouths of Babes...
Netty...don't be so hard on yourself. We all need somedays that we do "Nothing"...I don't care how long our "To-Do List" is. Just ask yourself...who is going to do it besides me?...if you come up with the answer "Nobody"...then don't fret, it will wait for you.
Janet...we have had those same type of wind gusts for a week. When I walked the dog today...I could see some of the damage in the local neighborhood...branches, pine limbs, leaves, everywhere. I have arthritis in my hands and crocheting always hurts me more than knitting too. So switching back to knitting for awhile will probably help. Have you ever heard of the Product "Joint Juice" ? It is sold through Costco if you have them in Michigan. It is a liquid conjointen product that I take once a day and it helps. It does NOT make it go away...but it really takes the edge off the pain. You might give it a try. It has a real nice pomegranet flavor.
Judy...oh, poor Jim and Patsy. I am glad that he is making slow improvements but it sure doesn't make sense that a perfectly normal healthy guy would come down with some freak "Mystery Disease" out of the blue. I don't think I would want to be a guenia pig for the research hospital. My little grand-daughter was...and they had her so freaked out. I am glad that is all behind us now...but hey, doesn't it make you wonder if stuff is being purposely put into our environment? I mean she gets this rare childs disease, then Meningitis is going around the country, Jim has some mystery blood infection, and on and on it goes. Ya gotta wonder.
Well chickies...I'm off to bed! Quiet on the Boards today.
Love, Hugs, and Smiles, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 09 2012 12:44:37 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 06:21:55 AM
Judy, I am glad Jim is making progress!
Netty, I envy you...I could use a day like tht! 
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl
285 Posts

285 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 08:17:09 AM
*peeking around corner* Morning ladies!
I'm starting to miss my internet. Hopefully, soon. Josh will have his car paid off very soon, and our finances will be a bit more stable (I'm hoping). Just seems like we're treading water. We take two steps forwards, and a step back... maybe two...
BUT yesterday was a relatively good day, though I overdid it. I'm sore all over... who knew Laundry could do that to you! Well, that and bathing an 85 - 90 pound Catahoula.
We've been fighting fleas really badly to the point they are making the Rat terrier whine at night. Pesticides are so unhealthy and expensive, but I hadn't found anything that worked. The Apple Cider Vinegar just seemed to make everyone more miserable. Not to mention poor Train just looked at me with his big blue eyes like "Momma, I smell like a pickle". (Imagine Trace Adkins saying that... I nearly giggled out loud in my office HAHA)
Well, I got almost NO sleep the night before, so I wandered into the living room, and (being that it was Columbus day and the credit union where I work was closed) plopped down on the couch. Josh brought me coffee and wrapped me in the quilt my Grandma made me, and I was starting to fall asleep when I came across (of all things) an infomercial for a book about natural pest remedies. It was awesome! One of the remedies for fleas was to take the dogs outside and rub them down with an orange half. It sounds crazy, but the orange oil and Vitamin C made the fleas gag (I heard it!) and start jumping ship... er.. uh... dog. I took them inside and bathed them and I swear, some were big enough, I saw their eyeballs. Almost all were dead. The next suggestion was lavender oil, and I just happened to have lavender/vitamin e oil and after I toweled the dogs off, I rubbed them down with some of that oil. Penny started calming down very quickly and Train got frisky. I even rubbed some into the cats' fur, and they jumped around for a bit, but calmed down eventually and started bathing. A few hours later, all the animals were calm and napping.
I took some lavender/chamomile spray from Bath & Body Works and spraed down my sewing room (there was, for some reason, an influx of fleas in there, even though the room has been closed off for a month) and vacuumed. I went back in later, and no fleas! At least, none jumping on me.
Then, I started realizing something. Newcomb (my big, fat tabby boy, for those who don't know) has been getting up on the kitchen table. Well, unfortunately, that has been a stack-all for about a month, and I had four bars of Sprouts lavender soap sitting on one corner. I think he's been laying up there because the fleas won't move around as much when he's near the lavender soap. SO, next time the dogs get a bath, I'm bathing them with some of that soap! I think Train would rather smell like flowers than pickles, anyway.
All of this I figured out by watching a danged infomercial, hahaha!
I made molasses bread last night, and beef stew. The bread was very similar to what we got when I was just a kid at our local bakery, but I think they used black strap in their bread. We shall be experimenting 
Didn't get any work done on the wedding dress, but after getting the flea situation under control in my sewing room, several loads of laundry (sheets, blankets, clothes, etc) done, vacuumed, got a little better organized so I CAN start the dress some time this week or weekend... and I'll be working more and more through the week to get better organized and such.
That is, if allergies do not get the best of me! It was so bad this morning that I almost had a bloody nose. I've discovered plants around the farm that I have never seen before, and I GREW UP in this aread LOL
Well anyway, ladies, it's been a bit busy today so I'm going to close this out for now. Hope that everyone is doing well!!!
"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535 Pflugerville, TX |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 08:21:10 AM
Just popping in for a moment. Judy thanks for the good news on Jim. Some progress is a very good thing. Rain Rain Rain! We are all beginning to think we were translated to Ketchikan AK. They used to have wooden board walks there to keep people out of the mud. Netty I sure could use a slow day. Sort or tired this am. Woke up way too early and just laid there and talked to God. It is going to make for a very long day. Peg, I had morning sickness with every one of the three little dears. I lived on saltines and 7up in the mornings. Janet we have what amounted to a hurricane up here last month and it took out loads of trees. At one point there was not a chain saw chain to be had in either Anchorage or the valley. People were parked on the side of what amounts to our only freeway up here cutting up downed trees and loading them up. I think a few people got tickets for harvesting the State's trees but a whole lot more people got a bunch of wood for the winter. Good luck on the algebra Bunny. I think they make you take that stuff only to keep the profs in tenure. Kim, it is so nice when we see the fruit of our labors. Blessings all.
True Blue Farmgirl
317 Posts
317 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 4:01:52 PM
Hi All I need a minute or two on the porch. It has been a rough couple of weeks. I think I am better today. I can atleast breath and I am not caughing.
Peggy thanks for the virtual chicken soup. I don't understand the snit thing your DH had. When I come back from a retreat my DH always gives me a hug and says he missed me. It's the same when he goes on a hunting trip with friends. When he gets back I give him a hug and let him know I missed him. Then we listen to what each other did while the other was gone.
Ruthie Ann have fun sewing and let us see what you come up with. I love to help people who are going on mission trips. I lnow how expensive they can be.
Shanda now I have to decorate! LOL
Judith Love the tea! The little tea envelope is so cute. Just what I needed to perk me up.
Tammy thanks for reminding of one of the reasons I started crocheting and knitting. STRESS RELIEF!!!
Alyce good luck with the apartment hunt. We think we may have found a place. 15 acres and a 4 / 5 bedroom house. We have called to make an appointment to look at it. Then the whole finance thing begains. Ick!! :(
Kimberly Amen!
We are looking at property, but the financing scares me. We have had a lot of financial ups and downs. I have prayed over this property and I am leaving it in God's hands. If you think of it please say a prayer for DH and me. We would really love to have a place out of town.
Dianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2012 : 5:42:26 PM
It rained here all day and last night, windy and just plain miserable. I just cannot get out and get my yard and gardens winterized, of my halloween decorations out. More rain in the forcast for all week, except snow on Wednesday. My porch is only big enough to open the door, that is it. Cannot put anything on it, but I do have a patio area and a nice big yard. Dianne, prayers that you find just the right place at the right price. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |