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True Blue Farmgirl

839 Posts

839 Posts

Posted - Mar 16 2013 :  1:26:42 PM  Show Profile
Judy, I am so desperately sorry for such a tragic loss of life. I think I know how the trucker feels. My Daddy was driving truck one day when a vehicle suddenly swerved for him. He thought it was a kid showing off to his girlfriend and went onto the shoulder to avoid him. But he kept coming and Daddy couldn't get away. The vehicle took out the front tire, fuel tank and hit the pup he was pulling. Pup fell over and according to all laws of physics the truck should have gone over too. But it stayed up right and my Daddy drove it on fire, with one front wheel missing until he could get it stopped. He tried to save stuff from the truck but when he saw fuel on fire going under it he shut the door and said good bye to it. If the truck had gone over he wouldn't have been able to get out. He tried to help the man in the vehicle. But there wasn't anything he could do. It haunted him. He was relieved to find out it wasn't a suicide but rather medication that put him to sleep at the wheel. But I know it haunted my Daddy for a long time. A life was lost no matter what. I pray that the LORD comforts your family through all of this. The poor soul feeling so lost to seek to end his life. I ache for him. I hope he's at peace now. And I pray for the truck driver.

Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories

Sister #4045
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Mar 16 2013 :  2:26:05 PM  Show Profile
Life is so hard sometimes...and the lessons seem so painful! But praise God that
We never have to go through it alone. NEVER WILL HE LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US.

Love and prayers,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3043 Posts

3043 Posts

Posted - Mar 16 2013 :  5:50:56 PM  Show Profile

I am so sorry for your families loss. Natural death is so hard to deal with, but this kind of thing keeps everyone wondering. God said He would never leave us nor forsake us. And God never breaks a promise. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



"Country Girl at Heart"...
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 17 2013 :  4:33:35 PM  Show Profile
Judy, so sorry for all that your family has to go through right now. It is always so tragic. It does keep everyone wondering if there is any way this could have been prevented. Always so many unanswered questions. Praying for you all.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

522 Posts

Broken Bow OK
522 Posts

Posted - Mar 17 2013 :  7:40:30 PM  Show Profile
Praying for your family Judy!


Farmgirl #4233
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Mar 17 2013 :  11:56:05 PM  Show Profile
Hi Everyone...I am sitting here waiting for DH to get back from the Emergency Room. Son took him there
tonight because he couldn't urinate all day. Larry didn't want me to take him...which was ok with me
as I have to take him to 2 different Dr.s tomorrow. I am weary girls. But I praise God I have Him to lean
on. And all the prayers of friends and family.

good night,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His!
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True Blue Farmgirl

1222 Posts

Wasilla Alaska
1222 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  06:09:42 AM  Show Profile
Peggy, blessings. Hope you got a good rest.

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True Blue Farmgirl

573 Posts

Hemet CA
573 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  09:43:25 AM  Show Profile  Send HemetGardener a Yahoo! Message
How is DH doing today?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  11:52:49 AM  Show Profile
Peggy, hope everything turns out okay with hubby. I know how exhausted you must be.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

839 Posts

839 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  12:49:16 PM  Show Profile
Peggy, hope your husband is doing well and that you are too.

Judy, praying your family is finding comfort and peace.

I feel like I'm going to vomit. Divorce is literally about the worst thing to go through. I HATE making all these horrible decisions that are going to affect my children and my lives for so long. I HATE that our family is shattered. I HATE HATE HATE this. O LORD be my help.

Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories

Sister #4045
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True Blue Farmgirl

325 Posts

Sands of Time SC
325 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  1:56:07 PM  Show Profile
Went to the store and my card was declined.:( I was so embarrassed. There were people behind me in line. I'm short on cash due to extra med bills. I want to crawl into a hole and not come out. i called cc company and found out how much I had left. then I went to another store. I was able to buy some meat/veggies to get us thru til pay day this Friday

STYX the Band rocks!

Food for thought, no farm no food.

Edited by - lovecatsandsunshine on Mar 18 2013 1:59:16 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  2:09:05 PM  Show Profile
Hi Gals,Yes, God is giving us Peace&Comfort thru all this stress! Praise His name!Thank you for all the Prayers and sweet words of comfort.
Tomorrow is the calling hours and Weds is the funeral. He's already been cremated so there's no cemetary service at least.
Today is so cold and rainy that I don't know that I could stand out in the nasty weather at the cemetary. I had to cancel Mama's hospital breathing test because of icy roads. We don't need to be out in that!
Her Dr called and said that her tests showed Hypothyroidism.They are putting her on Synthroid. No wonder she's so tired all the time. Also, her white blood cells are low. Her Dr visit on the 28th will tell more. The poor lady is going to feel like a pin cushion.*giggle*
Well,that's all for now!
Take care and keep warm girlies!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

985 Posts

Centerville Me
985 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  2:19:26 PM  Show Profile happens more often than you think. Next time have the cashier manually type in the numbers and exp date as sometimes the card readers are to blame. Also never ever use your debit card as a debit card at the gas pump. Use as credit because your bank will tie up your account to assure funds will be there when you buy gas. It could go on for several days and you won't be able to use the card at happen

Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie
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True Blue Farmgirl

985 Posts

Centerville Me
985 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  2:21:20 PM  Show Profile
Mostly if you have less than a hundred dollars in your account.

Peggy hope your dh is better soon.


Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie
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True Blue Farmgirl

1432 Posts

Ruthie Ann
1432 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2013 :  8:40:19 PM  Show Profile
Hi! Girls,
Just want ot stop by and say hi!. Life for me has been busy. Im only working my nanny job and am very happy with that. I feel much better since Ive taken time for me . This week is my busy week library crochet,bible study,moms together were Im a mentor/craft director and happy hookers. A full week of fun life is good. Thank You God. Girls I have not told you all but 2 years ago my family went through a terrible drama my brother was staying with us and got drunk and he attack my dear daughter who is so sweet and won't hurt anyone. My mom stuck up for him and now doesn't talk to us. She blames my family for everything. Because we put him out and thinks we caused all the drama but we didn't he has done it to his self. I just couldn't talk with all about but I know if had before now you would all wrapped your arms around me and showed me love. I thank you for being here now. Over the last few months Im not sure going on with me but for the first time I feel like I have peace. Im changed but not how but I know it is the workings of God. I feel as if I have lost years but now have gained so much. In this short time. I have nothing but positive things happening. I don't understand but I know it must be God. I do want to say that even thou I wasn't each of you have been in my prayers.
Judy-Im sorry for your lose. You and your family are in our prayers.
Peggy-praying for you and your family. Hope all will feel better soon.
Tara- please give yourself a break as the same thing happen to daughter with her card and it has to do with the computer not you. Just gotta love computers.
Please know that I each of you had a prayer said for tonight.
Hope you all have a great nite,
Ruthie Ann

Farmgirl sister#4072
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2013 :  01:13:07 AM  Show Profile
Good Evening My Porchies...

We are all doing a bit better tonight. Things seem calmer and not so frantic. I have no news on Larry's
brother Doug. I imagine his family was bone weary today and that is why we got no news after the surgery.

Larry's Dr. appointment went fine. Nothing really different...but he is on the mend from the ribs. His lungs sounded good and he had lost 11 lbs. His other Dr apptmnt was moved to Friday. Which was good. Made today a bit easier. Thanks for all your prayers girls.

Janet...what a very sweet thing you did by making me the baby bonnett and booties for my Grandson. I want to pay you for them if you will let me....but what a Sweet Surprise in my Mail Box today.
It about made me cry. Thank You for blessing us that way.
You are such a Sweetheart!!! And they are so adorable and tiny. (+:

Kimberly...I couldn't agree with you more...Divorce is something to hate. But it is a condition that God will heal you and your children from. It is so hard very difficult to go through. Our prayers surround you sister!

Welcome Tara...I am so sorry that you had to go through that ugly gut wrenching discovery that your ATM Card was being denied use. Terri is right...never use it as debit at a gas pump. Big Mistake...and usually takes about 3 days before they will clear your $ for use. Sorry, that you had to go through the embarrassment.
But glad you came on the Porch and shared with, we could assure you that you are not the only one who has found herself in that situation before.

Judy girl...thanks for your encouraging emails of the last few days. They have helped get me through own pity party I guess. I feel like Nurse Rachet...instead of Nurse Peggy. LOL

Cherime and Terri...thanks for your prayers and encouraging words too. I feel each and every prayer like a warm shawl around my shoulders. was so good to see you on here tonight. I am glad that God has given you peace and blessings. And that you are getting some more time for yourself. You are a Wonderful Lady who had alot on her plate for awhile.

My son almost has the babies room painted...a very pretty green. I bought a Vynl Tree to put on the wall that has owls and monkeys and lots of pretty leaves. It isn't as big as I will look good on the wall over the crib though.

Well...I am off for a little book reading.

I am going to have to send the Porch Posse out if some of our regulars don't check in...Bunny is the only one with a good excuse as she is having Finals. LOL

You are Each such a Blessing in my Life.

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His!

Edited by - LadyInRed on Mar 19 2013 01:18:53 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2013 :  07:26:18 AM  Show Profile
Peggy, glad you liked the baby hat and booties. It is my gift to you, I enjoyed making it. I crochet and knit every day of the year. You can say I am addicted to it big time!!! LOL!!!! It is hard to believe babies are that tiny.
Ruthie, welcome back to the porch!!! Glad things are looking up for you now. Keep those positive thoughts and you will do fine.
Kimberly, sorry for what you are going through. I know it is not easy, especially when you have young children. I always said it was the worst thing to go through in life. Dead if final, divorce is not, but you will get through it and move on. Are you still venturing out to a new business?
Bunny, hope your finals are done and you get some time off for awhile.
Tara, hope things are looking better for you now.
Judy, still praying for you and your family.
We got 5 or more inches of snow overnight, flurries now, 1-3 inches again tonight and 2-4 more tomorrow. Only 17 degrees here right now and very windy.When is spring? The easter bunny has more snow than Santa did!! LOL!!!
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2013 :  08:39:36 AM  Show Profile
Ruthie, glad to have you back! Thankful things have calmed down for you. It is ok to remove negative people from your life.

Tara, hang in there. Credit and debit cards can be a bit mean at times. Technology can be cruel and unforgiving. Just count it as lessons about how it all works learned.

Kim, divorce is never good. Just go day by day. The most important thing is to be there for your kids too. It is so easy to be angry at your husband but he will always be their daddy. If you can, remember it is between you and him and keep the kids out of the trauma the best you can. It will pay off in the end. Of course he has to play nice too. Praying for you and your family.

Peggy, so glad hubby is getting better. Sounds like baby's room is almost done. I bet you will enjoy having a grand baby so close to home.

Judy, hope everything goes good with Momma's dr appointments. It would be so nice if they can figure out what is the problem.

Janet, I bet you can't wait for your traveling days. Hang in there.

All is well here. I got through 3 finals yesterday. I know I did we'll on two of them. The first one, not sure. I could have stayed and found out but didn't want a bad grade to ruin the rest of the day. I'll find out early next week what my grades are. I have one more to do online today. Then the rest of the day is cleaning house and getting ready for bunco night here. It is my month to host and I have so much to do.

Have a warm and cozy day.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Fabric website:

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2013 :  12:10:40 PM  Show Profile are so Sweet! Thank you...can't wait to see Elijah in them. They are just precious. I keep
picking them up and holding them and thinking how small they are and how fun it is going to be to have
a grandchild right here in Vancouver...just a few miles from me.

Bunny...Oh, I bet you did better on that one test than you think you think you did. You are one smart
cookie. Enjoy some much needed and deserved rest.

More later girls...I'm on the run this morning.

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His!
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Farmgirl in Training

10 Posts

Oregon City Oregon
10 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2013 :  3:36:06 PM  Show Profile
Hello to everyone on the porch. I am new here and just wanted to give a shout out and say Hello.

Once a country girl, always a country girl.
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True Blue Farmgirl

573 Posts

Hemet CA
573 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2013 :  5:08:13 PM  Show Profile  Send HemetGardener a Yahoo! Message
Hi Danielle,
Did you sign up on the Welcome Wagon page under the Forums?
Do that and get to know tons of the nicest ladies you will ever want to meet.
Hemet CA
Farmgirl # 4720
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Farmgirl in Training

10 Posts

Oregon City Oregon
10 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2013 :  6:07:16 PM  Show Profile
I did. Thank you so much for making sure though. It's taken me about the past week to start getting the hang of this. So looking forward to getting to know others.


Once a country girl, always a country girl.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2013 :  7:06:49 PM  Show Profile
Welcome to the porch, Danielle. You will meet lots of wonderful farmgirls here. Grab a seat on the porch and join in on the conversation. You will get to know us in no time.
Peggy, I do hope things are calming down some for you now. Hope hubby gets well real fast and with no other problems for him. I am sure it will take awhile for his ribs to heal completely.
Bunny, Bet you are glad to be done with finals. Soon you will be done and graduated with a degree, and hopefully a good full time job. You are a hard worker,and have alot of determination. You will go far.
We are all proud of you, girlfriend!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2013 :  12:34:43 AM  Show Profile
Welcome Danielle...we are so happy to have you on The Porch. This is a fun place to hang out and get
to know some really great Gals. Tell us a little bit about yourself. You live pretty darn close to
me...Do you ever come to Vancouver?

Janet...hubby is doing a little bit better everyday. The ribs are healing and really aren't much of
a problem except at night. He still can not lay, still sleeps in his recliner. The poor man
has so many health issues though...that it is just that time in his life where he is constantly going
to this Specialist or that Specialist. Me...I try to avoid Dr.'s at all cost....because I am so
busy going with him. LOL It is crazy! My husband is 8 years older than I am...and I just keep thinking,
geesh I hope that isn't what I have to look forward to in 8 more years. LOL

Boy the Porch has been soooooooooooooooo quiet the last few days. Where are you all hiding...under the Porch??? LOL Posse is rounding up girls.

Judy...I don't have my list out...but who is suppose to be doing Tea for this Month of March????
Maybe..they need a gentle reminder.

Today was a rather pleasant day other than our weather. We had everything today, rain, hale, sunshine,
rainbows, dark clouded name it we saw it all. Really crazy weather. The last two days we have gotten the most rain for this year so far.

We ran some errands today, went to Barnes and Noble and met our youngest son there. Left there and went out to dinner at I Hop. Usually I get a breakfast meal there (even if it's dinner time) but today I got
their pot roast. It was really good and just what this cold day called for. Warm Comfort Food! Then I
came home and read, knit, watched TV.

One of the little boys in our Apartment Complex got a new puppy today. So, he was out showing him off to
all his little friends. I was taking Snickers, we intorduced the two dogs. I asked the little
boy what his dog's name was and he said "Griss" you know like a grissly bear. I had to chuckle because this dog looks nothing like his name. He is a multi-colored border collie and something/something. Very cute pup though! Kids are so cute!

Well, I also spent the evening doing three loads of laundry so I better go put away my last load which
is on top of my bed at the moment. Then off to read a little more before dream time.

I'm leaving some White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies on The Porch and a pot of Chocolate Tea. Enjoy!

Sweet Dreams My Lovely Ladies,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2013 :  08:48:27 AM  Show Profile
Danielle welcome to the porch. You will love it here. Great place to just visit and tell us about you day.

Peggy glad hubby is mending up. It does take a while.

Finished up school for at least a week. It starts over again April 1.
I have been feeling terrible lately. I have developed a new symptom and my mom thinks because of it I may have lupus and or fibro. It actually makes sense. I also get low grade fevers from time to time for no reason. That is apparently along with a facial rash I now get, a symptom of lupus. Don't know what to do at this point. It is getting worse and I have no insurance for testing. I'm just trying to lay low and not do too much. It's hard when I need to earn money.

Other than that, all is well.

Later everyone. Happy Spring! Hopefully those in snowing places will see it soon.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Fabric website:

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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