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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 07:56:47 AM
Oh Luanne, that is good news. Thanks for sharing. Kimberly, I'm so happy to see that you are getting a place of your own now. May Gods' Blessing be upon it, your car and upon your little family. Well, we went to a county fair last night and met Patsy&Jim there where we watched the rodeo together. Since they've been sick and couldn't come up to visit, we decided just to meet them there and visit. They are going home(NC)this morning. With all of this gunge in their chest, they didn't want to spread it to Mama, since she has no immune system right now. We didn't get to visit as much as we would have liked too, but we grabbed our Hugs&Squeezles as many as we could, while we could. Well, I don't know what today holds...but I know who holds today. Make it a good one Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
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6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 11:36:12 AM
Hi Darlene...great news on The Mammogram Girlfriend!!! 3 Cheers and lots of Glory To God!!! It sounds like you have a really good son too. Praise God for boys who love and care for their mama's. My husband was that way with his Mother too. We use to always pick her up and take her places with us. She lived over in Portland. I think Shane was so much a part of that in his growing up years...that he just thinks that is what Loving Son's should do. And even though I didn't think about it being a great Life Lesson for him at the time...I am reaping the benefits.
Bunny...oh, yeah that sewing machine is smoking all the way to my house!! LOL I love going on your Blog and Etsy Store and gazing at all your amazing creations. ~ I hope you do sell all your Fabric or a great deal of it anyway. It will help fund your new business.
Judy and Everyone...Whoa, golly, gosh...I hear the wood splintering beneath you!!! Quick get off the chair before we have to reach down and pick ya all up off the ground. Oh, wait a minute...I forgot you are trying to show us how strong the chair is and how many people it can hold. OK...I admit...the man does good work!!! The bed ought to be amazing then. NO...we really don't want pictures of how many family members you can get onto a Bed. LOL No, I mean really!!!
Kimberly...sounds like God is providing Wonderfully for you and the Kids. I am so Happy For You!
OK...I have my computer on my lap and it is telling me it wants plugged in. Gotta go!
More later gaters, Peg
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 : 09:48:30 AM
Hi, Farmgirl friends! Yep, it's been awhile. Darlene, Thank you for the very neat teas! Have never seen either one. So they will be fun! Ooooh, your recipe sounds soooo good! I haven't month is my month! Peggy, I have enjoyed all your heart statue pictures! Wow! They are beautiful! Happy belated anniversary wishes! We celebrate our 40th next month. So happy to here of your Mom's success with the big C. Definitely called for that happy dance. Wish I could have seen that. Made me smile for you.Loved your pic of Gma with Elijah! Ok, so, really, how long did it take you to get up off the floor? The Christmas stocking sounds like fun and quite a challenge. My mom used to do sequined andbeaded stockings and tree skirts. Beautiful. I haven't tried that yet. Bunny, your talent just is amazing. I buy altered couture about 4 times a year. I don't sew much..just dream. I love your "browns" too. Also, love the way your site flows with a link to the dress that matches the jacket. Congratulations with the attention from the mag and MJ. What a wonderful step forward! You go girl! TLT, I get you with son's broken heart. Same thing happened to my DGS last year. He ended up going with other guys, met up with a girl who was ignored by her date. They had a blast. But, he was depressed for about a year. Judy, So glad your momma is doing better. I keep on praying. Love that chair and the picture of you naughty girls. What a sense of humor! Kim, Yay! Happy dance re your new home and car!!! Luanne, Happy to hear of your good news on Mom's surgery too! Cherime, nothing like a leaky roof to make you happy to have one at all. You just seem to take these things in stride. I'ld be laying on the floor kicking and screaming..why me, lord????
Well, ladies, I am just coming out of "my annual summer bummer". But, good things are happening here too! Step GGS Marco was born 8 weeks early. He is doing really well in the hospital. Can't wait til he comes home. Parents are staying in Ronald McDonald house in Des Moines. My first GGD was born Sept. 9. Melody Judith and Momma Lilly are doing fine! We will leave next week for a two or 3 week trip to the North..maybe Canada. Dear oldest GD is planning a wedding for Oct. 19th. That is our anniv. Guess who is in charge of wedding? Very small..thank the Lord. I'll sign off for now and hope this doesn't disappear.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 08:59:10 AM
Wow, hope I didn't say anything to offend...I've never seen the porch empty before..Please, come back.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 10:30:53 AM
Hi all. I have been lurking as very busy. Judith, it is what it is on the roof. So long as the dratted thing isn't leaking in my bed I can handle it. Otherwise I go ballistic. In the middle of three books and art work. My Grand Daughter is thinking about getting married. I like the young man, he has already served a hitch in the middle east, was in the Army. He is a certified ASE mechanic. I have watched them. He has a great sense of humor. She could do way lots worse. She does need to learn a few marriage skills however. We shall see on that front. She is to go into the hospital on Monday for the 3 days test thing. Humph! Darlene, thanks for the tea and fine words. God bless us all. Later
Blog Cherime |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 2:26:10 PM
Hi Gals! Well...chemo #5 down as of yesterday. We had to get up at 6 *yawn*.I told Doc, no more of that. We are not morning people. Mama is putting up a good front, but I know she's wore out. She got the Neulasta shot this morning so I know she will be in bed for 2 days, off and on...mostly on. The chills hit her hard the night of the shot and she has to turn her mattress pad on and pile on quilts. Then there's that dratted headache. Poor Mama. Only one more left...I hope and Pray. Darlene, thank you for the tea and encouraging words for Me & Mama. I appreciate that. That recipe sounds like something Mama use to make for our Amway meetings when I was a kid. Only I think she cheated and used angel food cake. It was soooo good on a hot day. Well, I need to get back to my laundry. Have a great day Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 3:49:14 PM
Hey Girls...look at this beautiful Sweater/Jacket that I received yesterday from one of our Farmsisters as a RAOK (Random Act Of Kindness) Gift. It is so Beautiful!!! My Husband loved it too. Just Had To Share!
Judith...oh, my gosh girl, you did not scare anyone away. The Porch has just been pretty dead lately. Some days I feel like I am the only one on here talking to myself. LOL Good thing I like my own company. So come on and join me any old time...I need some one to laugh with when Cherime and Bunny are just lurking and busy with their businesses and Judy is off helping Mama and holding her weary hand, head and heart and Teacher Tammy is trying to super-glue her butterflies to the ceiling because they just won't play nice or do their school work. LOL And everyone else just drops by about once or twice a week. I think they are trying to show me that I need to get a LIFE...but I'm medically retired and I want to just hang out on the Porch. This is MY LIFE! Even IF it seems rather Pathetic. (+:
Darlene...haven't got my Tea Yet but looking forward to everyone is chattering about it. All I had in the mail today was a bill and that really wasn't very exciting. Farmgirl Mail Is More Fun!! But I guess I can't get spoiled everyday! Got to get those bills and pay matter what fun lurks in the shadows.
Judy...this ought to really tick you off (as it does me)...Canadian Drs believe that they have found the cure for Cancer with a certain older medication that has been around for the Treatment of something else for years...and all they need is the Funding from Canada and The U.S. to make this affordable for all Cancer Patients and the Pharmaceutical Companies won't allow it. They would rather buy out that Drug Supply and Supplier so they can take it completely off the market...because it will take away from them lining their...oh, so deep pockets...from their own Sales of Cancer Drugs (that won't cure all forms of cancer). That just makes me so sick and angry and I want to PITCH THE WORLDS BIGGEST HISSIE-FIT! If you go on my Facebook page...I have a Video Posted About it.
Last night for our Bible Study Birthdays...I bought Costco's Death by Chocolate Cake...and I had one piece (which you know if you have had it before is about five or 6 layers) at The Party and left with a sugar migraine and then threw up this morning from it. It was a diabetic overload for me and a NO-NO. And I think it nearly did kill me. I don't think I will want that cake ever again...I was so sick from it. I had brought about 1/3 of it home and gave hubby a piece and then froze the rest of it. I told was ALL his! I am kind of thinking other than fruit and an occasional small piece of dark chocolate candy...that I am done with sugar. I need to just get my body to quit craving it every day.
OK...enough blah, blah, blah...I'm tired of listening to myself. Ha Ha!! Even if I do like me.
For all you gals who like a Thriller/Mystery...I am reading a good one now called THE LAST ALABI by David Ellis. DH is reading it too.
Off to read and sip my Diet 7-Up to keep my stomach settled down.
That reminds me...I think we each have our tried and true remedies for easing the occasional up set-stomach or the flu. Some use Chicken Noodle Soup for their go-to remedy but mine is Diet 7/up and if it's Flat...even better and Campbell's Vegetable Beef Soup. Not the chunky kind but the old fashioned one with Barley in it. SO WHAT'S YOURS????? Should be fun to hear what we each use.     
Huggies, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 20 2013 4:05:03 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 5:48:26 PM
Well, Judith you got quite a group of us back on the porch. Congrats on the new GGS!
Cherime, bummer about the roof. I can just see you up there with your fixit kit like a hearty Alaskan woman would do. Hopeful for your granddaughters relationship.
Judy, so glad Momma is almost over the chemo. You take good care of her for us!
Peggy, Peggy Peggy!!! Bad girl! Death by chocolate did you in. So sorry it made you sick.
My go to food when I'm sick is toasted French bread with mashed avocado on it and a cup of tea. I live on that when I'm sick.
Been sewing up a storm. I sent another dress to the magazine. They allow submissions at any time. This dress is just quirky enough I think they will love it. If they do it probably won't get back to me until after the first of the year. They are working on the Feb. issue now. I think they sent my red outfit back. They cashed the return postage check. That's ok as long as they keep my brown outfit.
I wish I could figure out how to submit dresses to MaryJane the same way. I would almost rather be in her magazine. MaryJane!!!!! Do you hear me!!!! Yoooohoooo!!
Anyway, I'm pooped for today. Later everyone. Have a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 : 8:17:22 PM
Peggy Ann, you silly girl...wasn't the name of that cake enough clue for you. "Death By" ...anything, should be enough to steer you in the opposite direction. Or am I the only gal who knows that? Since I'm not a chocolate nut anymore, I guess I just hear that title and say, NO WAY! I'd barf after one bite! Silly girl! I love that sweater. Lucky you. What a wonderful gift! Of course nobody wants anybody to find a cure for cancer. It's their goldmine. What ever would they do without their gold nugget?*grrrr* My tummy cure is a glass of water with 1/4 t of baking soda in it or a small glass of seltzer water or tonic water. Bunny, I'm doing my best for Mama. That would be great if Mary Jane would advertise your threads in her magazine...I agree! Judith, so good to see you on here. I'm glad that you remembered your Tea-Month next month. You Gals have been doing "So Fine" with remembering! I commend You All! It's been a breeze this year once we got all the months filled! "Salute!" well, time for this chic to roost. Nite fellow chickies!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2013 : 09:16:53 AM
The poodle sweater is Soooo cute! Peggy...I chuckled at the death by chocolate story. Sorry you were all sick by it. Glad you're all feeling better.
Mom came over Thursday. Ended up picking more beans. Canned 7 more pints but forgot to put the ring on one jar. We'll have that one with supper. Made 7ponts of dill pickles. Had a hard time slicing the long way as I wanted stackers like vlasick so I turned the mandolin upside down and pulled down the length of the cucumbers. Yes I used salad cucs. Hopefully they'll be ok. I've never made dolls before let alone stackers.
Dh picked up my sons cold and is resting. It's noon and I'm still in PJ's
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2013 : 09:21:26 AM
But I've been doing laundry, cleaning and stripping beds.
If you want to see a cool video Google farming hangman style. Saw it on Fb. It's a riot.
Well gotta get dressed and get grocs. Sometimes I think I get more housework done on my PJ's. Sun's trying to break. Maybe get the gardens in if it does.
Ttfn Lorie
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2013 : 09:22:49 AM
Farming gangnam style.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 08:21:32 AM
Happy Sunday yall. I just have to share this picture of my handsome boys before they headed off to homecoming last night. While they are twins, as you can they are very different. I am so proud of them.
 as you can see, they dress up well. have a great day Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 10:46:42 AM
Morning My Porchie Babes...
I am feeling better today...except for the Fibro. BAD WEATHER HERE!
Bunny...I can't believe they would send that Red-Outfit back...that is so Beautiful! Someone will scarf that one up quickly once you POST it on your Etsy Store.
I use to eat that Death By Chocolate Cake and have no problem with it...other than wanting more. My husband polished the rest of it off in three, it is gone, gone, gone. I never want to see it again. Remember girls when you were pregnant (and if you smelled certain foods it made you throw-up?) so you never could eat it that food for months or years later? Well, I am hoping this holds true for what I just experienced. I think God was telling me to GET SMAAAAAART and quit being so addicted to sugar and chocolate. The funny thing is girls...I am actually allergic to sugar, but does that stop me...Oh, no...not at all. I can have it in small doses but I crave it two or three times a day in one form or the other. Only a high diet of protein breaks that craving for me...but that is also hard on your, It is a catch 22. I know what I should do but it's hard as chocolate is my addiction of choice...sad as that sounds.
Darlene...I got my Tea yesterday and that yummy sounding Strawberry Cake Recipe. THANKS SO MUCH. Haven't tried the teas yet but I will today and they both sound delicious. Where did you find these "OH, so Different Teas?" I know I will love them...they're CHOCOLATE Blends!
Lorena...My Poodle Sweater is a Scotty Dog Sweater! LOL It is a very LARGE size I can wear it, if I leave it un-bottoned. In my dreams I will get down to that size again. Ruthie must have thought I was smaller than I am. I told my husband if all else fails...I will make it into a Pillow. He just glared at me and so "NO, don't ruin it". To me that isn't ruining is taking something nice and making it useable rather than just putting it in the closet on a hanger and forgetting about it. Up-cycle I say!! ~ Hey, Lorena have you ever made Bread n Butter Pickles? They are so easy and taste soooooooooooooooo good. I use to make those all the time and give them as gifts too at Christmas. My dad loved them!!! Made shopping for him go from a Chore to Easy Peasy! I also use to give him Hand-Made Gift Coupons...which I would write 12 of his favorite Desserts on a separate card and then each month...he could chose the Dessert Gift He Wanted me to make him. HE REALLY LOVED THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT!
Teacher Tammy...Your Boys Look So Handsome all spiffed up for Homecoming! Did they both end up with dates? Or did Mr. Broken Heart decide to just go alone and hope for the best? Neither one of those boys should have a problem getting dates...that's for sure. And Mama you look lovely too. You Little Tiny Pretty Thing!
Judy...I always thought that Death by Chocolate would be The PERFECT way to die! But I have changed my mind. Not much fun! LOL Those words were easy for you to say because you do not love and crave chocolate like MOST Post Menopausal Women Do!! LOL You My Friend are not Normal! LOL You can hide chocolate for 6 months on a shelf...for a rainy day treat...who in their right mind does that???? NOT ME! If I hid Chocolate...I might let it stay on that shelf for about an hour...then I would be hunting it down and God save the soul of the person who got to it before me. LOL ~ Hope Mama...will gradually get back to her Ol' Fun Loving Self after a month or two.
Judy and Bunny...your cures that you use are very interesting. Tammy and forgot to tell us what your "Go To Cure Is" for what ales you. Come on Inquiring Minds Want To Know.
Off to my recliner to sit and read for this is a STORMY First Day Of Fall Day!!! 
More Later Girlies, Peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 22 2013 10:57:37 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 12:06:08 PM
Happy SonDay Girlies! It is cloudy,breezy&chilly here.62 We sat out on the front porch this morning and read the paper(with our hoodies on...hoods up)hahaha Even the cat wanted back in after awhile. Just so cold, even for us. Hubby said that we'd be out there still trying to read the paper in the mornings until the first snowflake flew. hahaha Maybe(HE)will....not this chicky! lol I came in and hat a hot beverage. Gonna try Darlenes black cherry tea in a minute as I read my novel. Mama has been going thru her(hundreds)of Christian books and giving them to me and she also gave Patsy some while she was here....thru me of course, since they were sick. I had a shingles outbreak hit me Saturday morning. Great timing. Mama relies on me to take her to her appointments and I'm down with this. I thought I had eaten something wrong and had an acid bubble in my mouth Friday night. Throughout the night my right side of face started hurting and it was breaking up my sleep. By morning I had lots of blisters in my mouth, the whole right side of my face and head were tender to the touch and I had a headache too. What a mess! Stress brings this on ya know! One day at a time. We may have to postpone Mama's appointment. I won't go around her in her condition. That's ALL she needs right now! Peg, My hubby and I are very unusual people anyhow. He doesn't even like sugar in his oatmeal in the morning. So I guess we don't crave sugar like you do, ya poor thing! We would rather have savory foods than sweet. Lots of herbs and seasoning trips our trigger. LOL As for chocolate?....I don't have the foggiest idea what happened to me there. I just lost the taste for it. Dunno! It's a mystery! Well, off to read and try that tea! Can't wait! *slurp* hahaha
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
Farmgirl in Training
22 Posts
22 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 12:08:50 PM
I just wondered onto the porch.Oh divine deserts. I don't have a sitting porch yet either.This will do.
You can call me Mimmzie I am not the last one but I am unique. (Farm girl 5443) |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 12:20:33 PM
Hi Jonna, Welcome to the porch! What are you doing on this SonDay? Tell us a little about "YOU!" *giggle* Bunny, I see where Mary Jane said that her daughter LOVED your skirt, over on Raising Jane! Congrats Girlie! That ought to make you just..."ALLL Giddy!" I'm positively Giggly for you!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 12:21:00 PM
Peggy Hunter the dark haired one is the one who had the broken heart but he went anyway and had a good time. I was so glad he did. Heath took his girlfriend who is quite a cutie and they had a great time as well. Judy sorry about your shingles. I know my sweet mama had them and she said she wouldn't give them to her worst enemy. I am hoping I never get them. My cure all for aling is rose tea from Harney and plain toast. There is just something about that that makes me feel better. I went and got some pumpkins and mums to decorate for fall. I just love this time of year. When I have everything where I want it I will take a picture to share with yall. I hope you are having a great Sonday. love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 12:21:45 PM
oops Darlene, forgot to say thank you for the tea. I didn't want you to think I forgot. love to you Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 3:03:33 PM
Judy...have you had Shingles before? I feel badly for you. That is one of the most painful experiences I have ever had. I had mine on my left shoulder, down to my bra-line and around the trunk of my body, half way across the front. I would not want it in my Mouth...Oh My Goodness! I got mine when I was under heavy stress at work about 10 yrs ago. I literally did three peoples jobs for a month. I had to keep working because those three people were gone on vacation and in a different country. I suffered miserably and it wasn't until one gal gave me Lubraderm Patches to try...that her husband had some left over from his Shingles. Oh, those patches saved my life. I had to wear a bra to work...and so those helped a great deal. They are a medicated gel patch and you wear them twelve hours on twelve hours off. And they have a cooling gel affect and keep you from scratching yourself to death. ~ Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done for people who get them in their mouth, eyes or ears. You just have to suffer. I hope you went in and got the Shot Judy. Everyone once awhile I get a small break-out of them if I get seriously stressed about something. But curiously enough the break-out is usually on my legs. I am sure your stress is from going through the Cancer Scare and treatment with Mama. Did you have Flu like symptoms before you broke out? MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU GIRLIE!!! Hope it doesn't last long or leave nerve it did with me. Fortunately that doesn't happen with everyone.
WELCOME TO THE PORCH JOANNA...hope you find your way back on here. Some girls find it once and then they can't remember how to get back on. LOL Like Judy said...come back, sit a spell and tell us a little about yourself. You will find this a FUN and SAFE Place to hang-out and share.
Teacher Tammy...I think Hunter is pretty darn cute...I can't imagine he will be girlfriend-less for long. LOL ~ You will have to post some pictures of your Fall Decorating. I got mine all done a few weeks ago...but I am in a Fall Swap...and expecting more Home Decore soon from that. I will also take pictures once I get that box. I LOVE FALL...except for the R.A.I.N.
I am just getting ready to have a cup of Darlene's Strawberry Chocolate Tea. It is the perfect day for Hot Tea/and or Coffee. Had my one cup of coffee for the, now I am on to the Tea. OH, now that is a cuppa tea worth drooling over. Good Pick Darlene!!!! I even carefully cut the paper envelope it was use as part of a Valentine Mail Art In Feb. 2014. Yeah, I always have my eye-out for different paper things to make into Art.
OK...finished the Last was a Very Good Courtroom Drama/Murder Mystery by David Ellis. First of his books I ever read...but I will be adding him to my List of good Authors.
I downloaded a light read...called "Social Grace" by Barbara Scott strictly because it had a Scottish Terrier on the Cover. LOL Hope It is even half-way good. But if it isn't I only paid 1.99 for it on My Kindle Daily Deals.
Take care of yourself Mrs. Judy...and try to RELAX as much as possible. I know that is easier said than done. Don't know if sitting on Your Porch Freezing Your Behind Off considered relaxing or not. Ha Ha I think a nice Warm Bath or Warm Fire in the Fireplace would be better. 
Hugs My Lovely Ladies, peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 22 2013 3:12:07 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2013 : 8:04:34 PM
Peg, I think I mentioned my shingles on here before...but it was a couple of years ago probably. Isn't it hard to believe that we have been on here for a few years(some of us)? Sounds so funny when I say it. Wow! Anyhoooo, I get these outbreaks about twice a year. It is so miserable trying to figure out what to eat that doesn't irritate the blisters. Today I wanted popcorn w/butter and salt(hulls would be the worst, ya know?)...then I remembered I had left over cheese pizza(ooooo,that sauce would burn)there's a big juicy tomato in the fridge(nope...too much acid). So I settled on rice with carrots and broccoli in it and some watermelon. Bland&blaaaaa! I sure hope it passes fast. I do have a Rx for it, so I started those yesterday. Hubby gets cold sores all the time, so between both of us we usually have Acyclovir around here. Well, it's bedtime for me Gals. Nighty-nite!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
Edited by - herblady55 on Sep 23 2013 07:33:31 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |