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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 7:04:52 PM
Judy...I am so glad that your mama didn't have to have that last Chemo Treatment but sorry that she is having liver problems. That doesn't sound good. Did she get the fluid drained off yet?
I have been so tired this week...just trying to catch-up on all that fun that I had at Retreat. We didn't have Bible Study this week because one of the gals in our group her daughter was getting baptized at her Church and quite a few of the other gals wanted to attend. I used the Night to go to bed early. You all know me...I stay up until two or three in the morning. Not last night...went to bed at 10:00 and got up at 9:00. But I am still tired tonight. My hubby has a sleep study, I won't sleep real well tonight, glad I got a little caught up this week.
My little Sweet Grandbaby boy has to have surgery the first of Dec. He was born with with his urethra tube exiting too low on the penis...and he has a little down-ward they are going to change all that and then also circumcise him at the same time. They didn't do it in the Hospital because they thought they might need some of the foreskin to use in surgery. The Surgeon we saw yesterday, was just awesome and turns out to be a Christian. That always makes you feel more comfortable (at least our family because we are all born again Christians).
My oldest son wants me to come visit next, I am going to go up to Seattle. He said he was missing me. That always makes a Mother's Heart feel good...and then I get to spend time with my grand-daughters too. Which is the Frosting on The Cake for me.
I got my Swaps caught up this week. I made my Mail Art Piece and did 16 Halloween Cards for another Swap...that took me an entire day and one big mess all over my kitchen table. But I was glad when it was all done.
Well, has been so quiet on here during this past week. Hope everyone is OK!!! Praying for ALL of My Porchies.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 11 2013 7:09:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 6:29:43 PM
Hello everyone. Just wandered onto the porch and I have to say it seems a wonderful place to be. With the talk of chocolate strawberry tea, mint brownie, roast, beautiful sky pictures, sewing, and family I can't imagine a better place to be!! Right now I'm cooking supper waiting for my husband to get home from helping his good friend with harvest. He's been helping him for the last 4 days while I stay home and do our farming (milking 30 cows). I don't mind though. It gives me some more time to chat with my farmgirl sisters. I'll check back often - I'd love to become a regular on the porch.
Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 6:40:48 PM
We would love for you to become a regular. It is a nice friendly and safe place to come and share life, dreams, happenings, and just day-to-day Life. We share virtual food and drinks that have no calories in them. But we are all pretty much "Foodies" and love to share our favorite foods and drinks with each other.
So, come back often and stay as long as you want. We are all moving over to make room for you. Pick your favorite Porch Swing, Hammock, Rocking Chair or just sit down on the rail or the steps...we can always find room for a new Porchie.
Hugs and Smiles, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 6:42:51 PM
Thanks Peggy - I'll take the hammock for now. I've always wanted one but haven't gotten one yet :)
Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701
True Blue Farmgirl
5572 Posts
5572 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 6:58:44 PM
Peggy, It is so peaceful here on the porch, I love my rocking chair and the cool Autumn breeze and what great company! After mopping the kitchen, dinning room, and laundry room floors this morning, I so need to sit a spell on the porch! Heather, I wish I was your neighbor, I would love to put on an apron and help you Milk the cows. I love hearing stories from the Farms. Did you see that Shooting Star....... My granny would say, some celebration is going on in Heaven.
Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 7:34:26 PM
WELCOME CONNIE SUE...TO THE PORCH!! This is our lucky day with Two Brand New Porchies!!!
I love the Rocking Chairs too Connie. So nice just to sit, rock and let your mind wander. It always is so peaceful and therapeutic. I have a red rocking chair on my real porch at I picture myself in a Virtual Red Rocker here on The Porch. LOL
Sounds like you were pretty busy this morning. Work Work Work! Not me on a weekend.
I went with DH while he did some of his Process Serving...and one couple got in their car and chased us down and kept cutting us off in their neighborhood because she didn't want the Court Order she got...and then they (I guess her boyfriend too) chased us on to the Highway also and did the same thing, swerving around us and cutting us off. I thought they were going to get us all over kids (in their neighborhood) because three little girls were playing up on the side-walk. Or cause a major pile up on the Freeway. We were in my VW Bug so, we were able to get past them each time...but I took down their license and my husband is going to turn in a complaint with the Sheriff. A Process Server is protected under federal law. And I realize nobody ever wants to be served...but gosh, I mean REALLY ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Maybe I should have stayed home and cleaned and mopped and stuff too Connie! Whew!
Well, girlies I need to go start is later than I thought.
Hugs & More Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 12 2013 7:38:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
5572 Posts
5572 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 7:40:20 PM
Peggy, I would love to have seen that on film , you in your VW BUG(My Holly has a bug too !!and you share the Same Birthday!) being chase by crazy folks! Sounds like a Movie! whew! Stay in that Kitchen, where it is safe! and you still got 2-1/2 weeks of Peggypalooza to celebrate! LOL! HUGS! Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 8:13:22 PM
WOW you guys need to stay away from the crazies!!!! :)
Praying for Momma's liver. I know from experience that liver issues HURT. Give her a hug from me and let her know she's in my prayers.
I need some prayers Sisters. Now my to be ex has decided that he doesn't have to pay the spousal support, despite the fact that it was agreed apon and signed by a judge...... I'm sure my lawyer will do something about it but in the mean time I didn't get any money so far this month.
Got my animals moved today. So I'm feeling good about that. I'm officially moved into my HOME. Friend invited me over for supper so that was fun. Met a nice couple (their cousins) and had a nice visit. Threatened to take her 18month old home. :) This child is basically potty training herself!!! She can talk really well. And she's the cutest little nuggin. Oh and my Momma heart wants more children. :)
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
Sister #4045 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 09:21:49 AM
Good Morning Girls...
Connie that did remind me of something out of a movie...CRAZY! My husband filed an online report last night. All I can say is I am glad he was driving and not me yesterday. He drove a Taxi cab many many years ago (and oh the stories he could tell)...but you know those Taxi drivers can get out of any tight spot if they have to...and they know all the best routes to anywhere. I can't tell you how many crazy people he picked up over the years in Portland OR. and how many close calls him came to being killed by thugs. He did save a woman from a kidnapping and rape one time. But for his wife's sanity and for fear of raising our young kids by myself...he eventually quit and went back to being a Service Mgr in a Car Dealer Ship/and Preaching again/and then eventually went in to full time Christian Counseling as he has a PHTHD in Family/Marriage Counseling.
But now that he is retired and drawing his Social Security Benefits and I am on S.S. Disability for my Fibro/Chronic Fatigue...we can't make it on that, he is back to work at age 70. Actually he started back to work at age 65. To me it is sad when you can't make it on Retirement, I guess he never gets to Retire. At least it is his own business and he can set his own if he has a day he doesn't feel good he can just take it off and then work doubly hard the next day. But I am not so sure that it is much better than being a taxi driver. I worry that as the economy is so bad and he has to do Serves up in the Woods and Hills of several real economically depressed Counties...that some one might shoot him. He has to contend with no-trespassing signs posted everywhere, big guard dogs, angry tenants etc etc. But God keeps protecting him and He also keeps my worrying down to a minimum as I trust God to keep Larry safe. You all didn't know old people could lead such exciting lives did ya??? LOL Ex-DH just trying to be ornery? Why is it men never want to do what was agreed upon??? I have gone through that too and it's just not right. I hope you have a more pro-active attorney than I had. ~ Glad you got the animals all moved over to your new place and I hope you didn't have to do that all by yourself. ~ Stealen cute babies can get you arrested!! LOL We don't want to have to correspond with you through the prison system. Hee Hee! Just Joken girl! I am sure some day once your heart is healed, God will bring another man in to your life and then you can have enough kids for a baseball team if you want them. I am sure that isn't the place you are at and won't be for at least a couple of years. Just don't rush back in to a dating situation too soon or rush into a second marriage. A second marriage can be more disastrous than the first if you have a mind set to rush back to the alter. Take it nice and slowly and just enjoy your kids and let God be your husband as the scripture states and let him be The Father to the fatherless...your kids. I don't know if you went from your fathers home to your husbands home...but I recommend all women live on their own be fore they get married. And after a divorce no less than two years before you start dating again and longer before you re-marry. I go counseling again...SORRY Kim!!!! Once a counselor, always a's in the blood I think. LOL
Well, girls I need to go back to bed for awhile....didn't sleep well last night.
Love and hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 13 2013 1:13:24 PM |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 09:23:51 AM
Good morning ladies! Welcome Heather and Sue. The Porch is an awesome group for sure. I was just telling a woman yesterday about how great this site and forum are.
It's a bright, but cold, morning here. So much nicer then the cold, windy rain we've had for the past 2 days. I'm getting ready to brew myself a cup of tea. W*lmarts was out of my chai tea concentrate (how dare they!). I've sliced up some apples and am nibbling on apples with caramel dip (I know great breakfast right LOL) but feel free to nibble with me. Decided to go with Sleepy Hollow Pumpkin Chai, so pour yourselves a cup while we enjoy this beautiful morning before I have to go to work.
PeggyAnn - I've heard of stuff like that happening. A friend and her boyfriend use to do repos and were shot at on several occasions. Even though the money was great they got out of it because it was just too dangerous. As for M* reading the next book in the Hunger Games Trilogy - I only had a paperback of the first book and then got a deal on Kindle for all 3 books for the price of buying the 2nd paperback so he's been putting up a fight because he doesn't want to read it on the Kindle app. I finally got tired of him complaining last night that he didn't have anything to read and pulled it up on the Kindle app and handed him my tablet - he hasn't made a peep since and he's already reading it this morning LOL. Men and their quirks. By the time he finishes these two books, the books I ordered on Paperbackbookswap will be here.
Kimberly - sorry to hear your ex is giving you headaches. I'm so glad to be done with mine. Wish I didn't have to see him at my son's wedding but it is what it is.
Well after my late sleep in I better get some chores done before I have to be at work (5 weekends left and I'm done!). Have a great day everybody!
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 12:41:05 PM
 This fall in front of my sweet farm ladies. I just wanted to share with yall finally. I tell you my class this year wears me out. They are challenging and demanding and by the end of the day I am saying a prayer that I survived. I have parent conferences this week and they are probably not going to like their grades or what I have to say but it is needed. So prayers would be appreciated.
Today I have been playing catch up with laundry, report cards, and now time for tea and finish up my bible study homework so I can maybe crochet later. Hope yall are doing well. Enjoy the day. love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 4:09:47 PM
Welcome Heather and Connie. No place like the comfort of good friends, good food and resting on the porch.
Kim, If Ex doesn't comply we can send Larry and Peggy out to settle the score! Your lawyer should be able to attach his wages. If it's a court order he can comply or go to jail! Hope it works out.
Peggy, Knock it off! You're not Bonnie and Clyde! LOL! Scarey. The people get insane when they are the cause of it all. When I was a nurse at a prison, I heard and saw it all too! Of course they were all innocent. One time an inmate freaked out on me and the swat team had to go in and give him some schooling! I learned alot of new words that night.
PGTammy, Before I forget the Med I was talking about is Atenolol or Tenormin. I have been on it for a long time. No more migraines. Hope that helps you. I love chai tea! Yum!
TLTammy, Why do you think the kiddos are off the hook this year? Once the report cards are out maybe the parents will straighten them out! Cute decorations. I love fall!
Judy, How's Mama? Hope she is doing better. Prayers!
Well, I will let some turkey, filling, sweet potatoes, asparagras and salad for you to enjoy. I hope somebody has a dessert for us cause I didn't make one!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 8:08:00 PM
Hello everyone! Nice to see some new faces on the porch. Not doing much except sewing away. Still waiting on my mom's reverse mortgage. The appraiser comes on Tuesday.
Worn out tonight, just though I would check in so the posse doesn't drag me in by my ears.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 07:19:23 AM
Peggy, I used to do bill collection and sometimes had to go out and pick up payments. One time a real big guy, mechanic gave me a bad time about what would I do if he cleaned my clock. I was alone with him Told him fine, take your best shot but I'm gonna be out of the hospital a whole lot longer than you are gonna be out of jail. He game me the money. Kim, seems like the majority of divorced men do that little stunt. Don't know why. It's better to budget not having the money than counting on it. I know that is hard, but its the way it is. Lots of guys quit their jobs and go work under the table rather than pay any kind of support. Bunny, take it easy girl. But I know the drill. Tired is a way of life. Hi to all our new porchies. I'm around then not busy up here in Alaska trying to get ready for winter. Got to go pickup some fire wood today. Blessings all.
Blog Cherime |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 11:45:12 AM
Praire Gypsy Tammy...Oh, man Repo's would be even worse. Trying to take something back something from someone who wants to keep so much riskier than trying to give someone something they don't want. I am sure your friends got some really bad scares from that. You need a bunch of big burly guys to do repos. Like you see on TV. LOL My ex-FIL use to do Repo's for Zales Jewelry back in the 70's and he hated that. Just try to go repo some Ladies Wedding Rings and see where that gets you. He didn't stay at that job more than a couple of years and then he retired. He was retired Air Force and didn't really need to work...he just wanted something to keep himself busy. He went in to doing Wooden Toys for children in his basement to keep busy after that. LOL
Teacher your sweet little Halloween/Fall Harvest Decorating. Looks so cute. You Just need some corn-stalks to finish it off.
What are we going to do with those little butterflies of yours. Maybe you need to wear a big "Be Nice To Teacher" pin on your shirt every day. When I was a kid...we had actual Coat Closets in our rooms with doors on them...and if you got time out for bad behavior our teacher would move you and your chair into the coat closet until you decided to play nice student. LOl I'm sure these days it's just coat hooks and cubbies for the kids but hey...back then it worked. Who wanted to sit in a dark coat closet for very long? NOT most kids...even the smart-alack ones. LOL
Darlene...I know...I know...such exciting lives we lead. The weird thing was too...later that night we are sitting in the living room watching Antiques Road Show and somebodies car alarm was going off like crazy. Finally I got up and walked in the kitchen and said to my DH...could that be the VW alarm going off. Gallant man that he is...he says, "Go Out and put your hand on the hood and see if it is vibrating." Gee Thanks My Super Hero!! So, I go out there and it isn't the bug...but about five guys are down the walk-way standing around our Green Buick. I said, "Is that the Buick making that noise and they nodded yes." So, I go back in shaking my head because the Buick has no car alarm. What the, I tell Larry it's the Buick and he states the obvious too, "The Buick has no car alarm." And I said, "Well, then it is the Horn because the sound is coming from our Buick." So, he slips his pants on and goes out there and sure enough it is the car horn (just going off for no known reason). So, one of the guys goes to his truck and gets a tool and unhooks our car horn. Geesh!!! What a day!!!! So, we are Bonnie and Clyde with whacked out cars to boot. Hee Hee!
Hi how are your clothing sales going? Anything new and exciting going on???? I hate when Magazines hold your pictures and articles/because they could use them in the future and you never know if you will indeed even know about it. Or if they will just get stored away and forgotten about. I use to write for some Christian Magazines and I would find that pretty frustrating myself.
Cherime...I know what you mean. DH has been threatened before too. But my husband is a big guy. Even though he is 70 he is pretty darn strong. But my little sister worked for an Attorney one time and the attorney never could get paid by some she volunteered to process serve them for him and she got $70.00 per serve and she got ALL his collections caught up for him. She was 5ft 4 and 110 lbs but she had a mouth like a truck driver. She said she only had one time when a big guy and his big dog threatened her. He was going to sick his dog on her. And she said, "Hey, you think I would come out here in the sticks without packing heat? Your dog better be d... fast because first I will shoot him and then I will shoot you! Process Servers are protected under Federal Law." He called the menacing dog off...she made the serve and then high- tailed it out of there. She didn't have a gun on her...only her big mouth...but it worked. She is the one who told my DH (before she died) that he should get into that business. But she told him not to wear his badge because that made him an easy target for drug dealers, pot growers and the likes. They see a badge and they shoot first and ask questions later and then drag your dead carcass deep onto their property and just leave you out for the animals to feast on. So, he doesn't ever wear his badge any more. LOL
OK...well, it is a Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood (Mr. Rogers), I guess I should go get something done.
Love and Hugs, Peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 14 2013 11:54:06 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
5572 Posts
5572 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 2:32:37 PM
Peggy, Cab drivers are the best! You need to write a book! What an adventure!
Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 5:40:53 PM
Connie, How cuuuute is that! Is it your house? Awesome!
Peggy, Nice job Larry! Making my girl go check it out! I know someone else that would do it too!!! I would have been afraid to go out with all those guys there.
My uncle's funeral was today. He was 90. His oldest son, my cousin, has been battling pancreatic cancer for a year. Name it he had it. Complications, side effects, low blood counts etc. Every time I think about him I weep. Only someone that has experienced the horror of it all can get it. Please pray for Bruce. Pancreatic cancer is one of the really Bad ones! God is good all the time and all honor and glory are His.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 5:42:32 PM
Bunny, All work and no play makes Bunny Tired!!! Rest bunny!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 7:01:23 PM
Connie...I love that Porch with the white that at your house??? Too Adorable! Yes, I could write a book of my life...there is never a dull moment. But everyone would think it was fiction or a really bad soap opera. LOL
Wow...I am just watching the News and they are showing all the lost live stock in that freak South Dakota Snow Blizzard. One family lost 250 cows. It was so sad!!!
Darlene...I knew the guys that were out by Our car...which was a good thing. But the funny thing was...I was the only woman out there. Something wrong with that picture huh?? LOL
Got my garden cleaned out today. Will probably pack up my Porch tomorrow. I hate putting it all away because I enjoy it so much! But Oh well, I will just anticipate Spring all over again.
Got Dinner cooking...hope DH gets home soon or I'm going to eat without him. Lots of times he works until dark...but I didn't have lunch so I'm starving. Just fixing a sweet-potato, broccoli and a garden burger. Nothing too exciting.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
5572 Posts
5572 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 7:07:30 PM
Hey Peggy, We do a lot of garden Burgers at our house! No, that is not my porch, but I am blessed to have one with a swing and a rocker. I too have been putting up my clay Pots and snipping back the roses and my herbs. Nice to sit here on the porch and just be thankful for the many Blessings of today!
Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 08:25:02 AM
*collapses into a chair* I have MISSED this place! Life has been crazy, but it's good to be back!
Ric and I ended up taking legal action against his admirer/stalker, which is one reason my online activity has been limited to lurking or to a random FB blurb so folks know I'm breathing.
He finally started EMDR therapy, and the difference is amazing. He's not the angry man of the past few years anymore, he's the sweet guy (who thinks I hung the moon) that I've known since I was a child. I really missed him, and it's good to have him back.
His job at Sony is going well, and I have accepted a new job with a consulting firm. We're still renting for now (although we've moved into a much nicer place), but by 2015 we hope to own...and then maybe adopt. 
So how is everyone? What have I missed? I brought French silk pie, help yourselves!
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 08:26:49 AM
Peggy, that dinner sounds delish! We've been on a veggie-burger taco kick lately, yum!
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
922 Posts
922 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 08:28:04 AM
Darlene, I'll pray for your cousin. That sounds terrifying. :(
A hook, a book, and a good cup of coffee.... |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 08:42:00 AM
Wow, You guys are wearing me out just reading about your weekends!! My immediate family all lives in Michigan. This weekend my husband and I met my sister and her boyfriend in Fort Wayne Indiana for lunch. It was a nice visit, but not the best food. I prefer a nice homecooked meal not a buffet of food.
Anyway, Connie I wish you were my neighbor too. No one wants to help me milk my cows. Or if they do it's just one once and then they're done.
Peggy, I can't imagine being chased around like that. I'm too quite for that kind of work. I'm not good at intimidating people. Unfortunately I'm easily intimidates sometimes. It wouldn't work for me.
PGTammy, tea and apples sounds wonderful to me! I'm trying to figure out what's for lunch today.
TLTammy, love the decorations. I don't have much fall stuff. Mother nature usually decorates for me with all the crops turning and leaves falling. Hopefully next year we'll be settled on our new farm and I'll have pumpkins and indian corn in the garden for decorating.
Darlene, Thanks for the turkey. Tomorrow we're having leftover turkey and noodles with mashed potatoes for supper. I'm making apple cobbler for desert from some pie filling that didn't seal when I canned it!!
Unfortunately I've got a sink full of dished waiting so I better get off the porch and back to work.
Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701
True Blue Farmgirl
1430 Posts
Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 8:03:14 PM
Hi! Everybody just wanted to stop by and say Hi! I haven't been on the porch in a while. Glad to see new porchies. Welcome . For all you old porchies. Glad to see all is well you. Ive been praying for each of you. Talk with you soon!! Ruthie Ann
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |