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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 1:14:41 PM
LOL!!! Judy! I love it!!! It is below Normal temps for us ,for October! Heather I am working on Christmas gifts too!
Connie Imagine....#3392 |
Edited by - Killarney on Oct 20 2013 1:15:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 2:21:59 PM
Happy Sunday ladies, It is a beautiful fall day here. In fact this whole weekend has been beautiful. My parent conferences went well. God gave me the right words and I was so thankful for it. Apparently most of my parents know their butterflies are onry little brats but don't seem to mind. This could be a very long year. Then we went to a very boring one day conference on Friday. But we skipped out early and went shopping. I got the cutest purple purse. Very vintage. This one store we went to has an entire purple section. I thought I was in purple heaven. It was delightful. Then I got dropped off at Barnes and NOble had tea and read until hubby came as we went to see Keith Urban concert. Had a blast.
Last night we went to movies to see Gravity. The movie was good but very intense. Today bought groceries to get ready for week. I could get used to not having school work for four hours nightly. I feel refreshed for once and that hasn't happened in a very long time. Hubby said I was glowing with happiness. I told him it was because we got to have fun just him and I all weekend.
Happy birthday Peggy and judy you are a crack up. Welcome to the new gals. This is the place to be. I think it is the only place you can eat and not gain weight. Bunny how are you? What are you working on of late?
well I am off to crochet and finish my scarf and then finish my bible study lessons. Yall have a great evening. love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 3:55:38 PM
I have a favorite tree in my new yard right now. It's my favorite because it has a bunch of red/orange/yellow leaves! I let my son use my camera and here's a current picture of me:
And here's one I took of my lovely tree/bench
Well ladies we had a court day this week. Deal is done. So as soon as the final paperwork is done and signed by the judge I guess I'm a divorced woman. But as horrible as that is my Lord is still on His throne. And He has taken such good care of me that I know He'll continue to. So I'm peaceful.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
Sister #4045 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 4:23:57 PM
Tammy - it sounds like I should've come visit you this weekend! Purple's my favorite color and you can never drink too much tea or read too much!! Then to top if off with a Keith Urban concert and a movie! I would be glowing too.
Kimberly - great pictures! I love the bench. I don't your situation as I'm new to the porch, but hang in there. I know some people that have went through a divorce and it'll get better in time.
Have a great week everyone :)
Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 04:17:31 AM
It's been a while ladies. Hope all is we'll. My little man is doing ok in.first grade. He's struggling a bit but his progress report came back good. He has apraxia which is a disconnect between the brain and the tongue. He's about 90% 'understandable with about 5% of his speech approximations and about 1% or less unintelligible. The rest is just normal development. So we're having him tested to see if there's other development issues. Went north if Greenville (Maine) bird hunting. The colors in northern Maine this time of year are incredible. Wen
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 04:28:39 AM
Went mountain climbing on little kineo with my sisters in law, both brothers, one brothers girlfriend, both of my nieces and little man. 2 mile hike. Views of moosehead lake were incredible. Saw no moose or deer. Shot one partridge (that's what we call ruffed grouse in Maine) . Lots of moose hunters there on Columbus day weekend getting ready for the big hunt. I remember going up there ad a kid and not seeing anyone for the entire stay. It was almost like our own little niche. It was packed that weekend. Pumpkins and squash harvested. Sunflower seeds dried and ready for birds this winter.. heard coyotes early this morning. Got up at 5 this am. Two were still under the apple trees. Had to wait until they left before I could let the dog out. Well. I guess I need to get something done today before workmen till next time. Have a great day all.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 06:37:30 AM
Went out to get my deck put away ...coin and coyote poop was on it. Guess hubby needs to do some animal control work. Don't need rabies or a coyote hurt my little man or dog.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 06:38:25 AM
Coon and coyote poop. Darn spell check.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 07:34:03 AM
Sad news my friend's husband call, I haven't heard from her in weeks. I did hear a rumor that she was having confusion problems. He was offering me money to sit with her 3 days a week for about 6 hours. She stayed with my husband in ICU when I had to go to work so he wouldn't be alone. You bet I am going to be there for them. Please pray for Sheila that her body and soul would come into God's will. So Wed, Thurs and Fri I am going to be out of touch. Blessings all.
Blog Cherime |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 07:48:48 AM
Prayers for both you and your friend n
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 09:35:15 AM

Good Morning Girlies...Not a Picture I took but one I very much wish I it is very Beautiful and Peaceful all at the same time.
Kimberly...Nice picture of you, the tree and your great Bench! Can't wait to see more pictures of your lovely new place. Tell your son that he did a good job of taking your pictures.
I am so sorry that you had to go through the Divorce and everything sweet girl...but I am sure God will take what was meant for bad and turn it into good...for His glory and your benefit.
If nothing else...just being removed from all the tension in your last home...has got to be a huge blessing for both you and the kids. Allow God to continue to breathe peace and comfort in to your lives. He is Ever So Faithful!
Cherime...will be praying for your friend Sheila. Sounds like some very serious stuff going on in her body. And girl...I would expect NO LESS from you...that fierce loyalty and willingness to jump in and do what ever you can for your friend.
Lorena...thanks for the good chuckle over the coin and coyote poop. I needed a good smile for my morning. LOL
Is your son liking school? I bet it is an adjustment for you. Keep busy Mama and all will be well. was soooooooo good to read a couple of posts from you. You sounded more like your usual Funny Self...which always adds a smile to my soul. Hope your mama is doing better.
Yesterday...I went with 3 of my girlfriends (from my Bible Study Group) and we went over to Gresham/ just a bedroom community of Portland to see one of our good friends who has had several strokes over the years and just had her 60th birthday...a couple of weeks ago. So, we all went out to lunch together and then we went to a couple of our favorite Antique Stores over there. We all spent more money than we planned...but had such a fun day together. Katie is the friend we visited over there, and her and Nancy started our Bible Study Group about 24 years ago. So, we always remind her of the good thing she did opening her home up to 7 christian friends soooo many years ago and I have been the teacher for all this time ...and God continues to bring new women in to the study. We are now back up to 14 And one time we had been up to 22. But five of the Original Group of friends still attend the Bible Study 24 yrs later.
Katie was really struggling with having had just turned 60...she was not liking it one bit. I will be 62 on, I was reassuring her that it would get better after she had a year of being 60 behind her. It wasn't true but I had my fingers crossed behind my back. LOL
I need to get through two more days of "People" activities...and then I need a people break for awhile. I might just have to go do Serves with my husband to get away and re-collect myself mentally and physically. With my Fibro...I isolate more than I ever did in my entire life. I have always been a People Person...but I get warn-out so much quicker these days. Even having fun...feels like so much work! Maybe just too much of a good thing...begins to feel like I am on Overload. And the getting older doesn't help either.
Well, was suppose to go with my future DIL for a little Christmas Shopping this afternoon but she had a rough night with the baby and I'm tired from, all is good if she wants to do it another time.
OK Ladies...we are still having cold crisp nights but 70 degree Sunny and Gorgeous Days. So, I am loving that. Enjoy the rest of your Day and Make it a Beautiful One.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 7:17:32 PM
Hello ladies, Mama had her check-up today. Her blood tests reveal that some of her counts just don't want to come back up. Doc said that the liver doc hopefully will be able to tell what's going on. But that's not until Nov 5th. The doc himself is booked until March but his nurse practitioner will see Mama then. There are so few liver doctors around here. So the ones that are here are soooo busy. I wouldn't want a job where you can bring no hope to someone...would you? There's no magic pill or treatment for liver problems. Mama told the Doc that she is feeling better and she is more chipper and eating a tiny bit better. My follow up appointment is tomorrow morning at 11. Please keep me in your Prayers. I hope they don't need to draw any more blood. She didn't tell me to fast, so I don't think she will. My hand is still purple and sore from last week. Kimberly, nice pic of you. Peg, a very unusual pic to say the least. Me likey. Preeeety! Well, it's bedtime Buds! Nite!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 7:23:58 PM
Rough stuff with my friend Shelia. I really get the feeling that there is a lot bottle up inside her and I just keep on coming back to some kinds of abuse from someone as a child. Which of course she doesn't recall. Still working on it. Her DH and he is a great guy, loves her to pieces, retires in about 2 months. Then he can take over full time care. But she should not need it. Am asking god for a full recovery here. Judy, praying.
Blog Cherime |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 8:46:56 PM
Hi ladies,
Judy, As I emailed you, I would like to order one of your Padded fur lined bras. The Girls like to be warm you know! LOL! Maybe Bunny could make them! Keeping you and Mama in my prayers.
Peggy, Nice that you get together with your friends. Good for the soul. Happy BD tomorrow! Don't eat to much cake and ice cream. Save some for your porchies.
Kimberly, Nice picture. Time and your new surroundings will heal your heart. When God closes one door he opens another and makes it better than before. Stay strong and when you can't just give it to God and he will take over while you rest.
Cherime, Poor Sheila. Nice you for doing what she needs done.
Prayers to and for all of you.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 11:28:40 PM
HI My Porchies...
Judy...praying for you dear friend. Hope they find nothing wrong with you. We all know that your Humor works perfectly! LOL
My dad had to be on kidney dialysis...before he died. 8 Months of it. So, I know that Kidney and Liver malfunction is not good...and usually the result of medications for other issues. So, we continue to pray for your mama. Glad she feels better and getting a little apatite back.
Well, so far my birthday month has been great!! Lots of Love and spoiling and I Love it all. My Bible Study Group Celebrated My birthday tonight. Then my two boys here are taking me to dinner tomorrow night. With Sadie, Baby and my hubby too. My oldest Son and DIL sent me a train ticket to go to Seattle next Friday. They were both happy that I now qualify for Senior Rates on The Train Ticket (glad I could make them so happy) LOL Can't wait to see my Grand-daughters.
Cherime...I am continuing to pray for Sheila. Glad that she also has a good man who loves her.
I am tired from all my Partying but enjoying it all too.
I have a little bit of Delicious Carrot Cake left over from tonight. Leaving it on the Porch for anyone who loves Carrot Cake too.
Darlene...thanks for the Birthday Wishes dear heart. I am going to Party 'til I drop. LOL
Night Girlies, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 1:26:36 PM
Well, Hello porchies! I finally put your tea in the mail today for October! Ask I was really stressing over getting it to you in time. Hope you like the choices.
The wedding went really well. The sun was shining an hour before and an hour after the wedding. During the outdoor wedding it poured and hailed. This on the weekend of a full moon. We all had a great time and the bride and groom (my oldest DGD) took it in stride and just beamed the whole time!
Next day was my b'day! We celebrated by relaxing and crashing! Then on to a dance recital by other grand daughters. Next day was a band concert. Tuesday was a shopping trip to Minnesota. Tomorrow is baby shower. I think I can crash again after that.
Kim, I really like the pic of you on your bench. You, the bench and tree all look lovely.
Lorena, I envy your mountain climbing. I was so proud of the hiking vacation we took. We have coyotes also; but, I've never found their signs on my deck! Yikes!
Cherime, Bless you for being such a good friend. You will never regret being there for your friend.
Peggy, Thanks for sharing all those beautiful pics! And, bless you and your friends for sticking together.
Talk at you all later.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 8:35:45 PM
Well...God has other plans for me, or else He's telling me to eat healthier. My doctor put me on thyroid AND cholesterol pills. Crap!!! I hate drugs(says the gal who worked pharmacy for 12 1/2 yrs)I just don't like side effects of man-made drugs. I really intend to eat more veggies and less meat. I like turkey and chicken so I think I will be fine. A few years ago I went total vegetarian for 2 years and really enjoyed it because I love veggies and enjoy cooking with my wok. I had some intestinal issues back then and they straightened out completely, so I know I can do this. I had no idea that my cholesterol was so high. It runs in our family so I guess there's no avoiding it. I had thyroid problems years ago too from stress when I lost a job and was on synthroid. It straightened out, but now I guess it's come back for another fight(more stress). Well if it's a fight it wants, it's a fight it will get. Both drugs are the lowest doses, so I guess I can endure it. It beats the alternative I suppose. Mama still needs me, so I'm not ready to call it a day just yet. *giggle*Doc also wants me to go get tested for Lupus, but she doesn't think I have it she said. She just wants to know why I'm so sun sensitive and why my left knee is so achy. Really? Cause I'm old and have only had standing jobs all my life since I was 19, that's why! I did have an ultrasound on my knee to rule out a clot. All clear there.~whew~ Judith, I can't wait to see what you mailed us. It's tea weather here. Did I mention that we had our first snowflakes yesterday? Yup! I think most of us had trouble this year getting our teas out on time. Don't stress yourself dearie, this is suppose to be fun! hahaha Cherime, I am Praying for Sheila...that poor lady! Darlene, good idea getting Bunny to create some warm, fuzzy flopper-stoppers for us. We need all the warmth we can get this time of year. Maybe pockets in the bras for mini hot water bottles....that'll do it!!! hahahaha Put on a big baggy one will even notice. heehee Right? Well, I'm stressed and wore out enough for one day, so I'm heading for the roost. Nite Chickies!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
Edited by - herblady55 on Oct 25 2013 8:38:56 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 9:38:07 PM
Judy, you go girl. Not only do I dislike medication, I dislike those who dole it out. Shelia is such a sweetie. I really hate what has happened. My Grand Daughter went over to stay with her today and they got on very well. Ashley has such a good heart and is gentle and kind for all she is a bit of a flighty flake, there is not a mean bone in her body. So I had no qualms about her being with Sheila today. Peggy, glad you got to see an old friend as well. They are to be cherished. Hugs all.
Blog Cherime |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 10:34:52 PM
WOW...I'm Partied Out Girls. I am getting too OLD...To Dance til I drop.
It was a very Lovely Day and I am so spoiled by Family and Friends. It started out with a Video of my Grand-daughters singing Happy Birthday to Grandmama in their P.J.'s at the breakfast table. It was just too precious. Then later in the day my little Grandson showed up on my Facebook page...laughing to his Grandmama cuz that's all he can do at 5 months old...and it just delighted my heart to no end. Too cute!
Hubby and I went to the Book Store for awhile today...and then tonight was dinner out with my youngest son and family. We went to McGrath's Fishouse and I had, Steak and Coconut Shrimp, Red Potatoes, Fish Chowder, A Glass of Wine and Key Lime Pie for Dessert. I am going to need to add a Diet to my Diet...whew...I think I have gained 10 lbs over my Birthday Month. I have become Peggy Palooza who looks like a Baloonza! LOL And on top of all that I got gifts, gifts and more gifts. All my Favorite Gift Cards, Starbucks Cards, Starbucks Coffee and a new Starbucks Mug and lots of Chocolate. What more could a girl ask for? Besides a Nap! Ha Ha!
Thanks girls for all the Wonderful Birthday Wishes! You Are All Just The Frosting on My Cake!!
Off to go drop-dead now...more tomorrow!
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 12:50:34 PM
Hi girls, It is beautiful fall day here in Nebraska. I have been outside cleaning up a bit especially since the roof is done and then there are leaves, so I thought I must get started.
Peggy you are so funny Judy I am with you hate pills but have to do cholesterol ones and she is hoping to keep me off blood pressure ones so I walk faithfully every day at 5 am before school. After school doesn't work with the class I have I am exhausted. They really were naughty this week. Five other teachers got on to them for being naughty with them. I of course felt like a failure. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never had a class who thought rules were not for them and so far consequences mean nothing to them. GRRRRR!!!!!!
I am getting ready to start a new crochet project. It will be a blanket that only does single and double crochet. That is good cause so far that is the only stitches I know. Mama seems to not want to teach me any more so I haven't pushed it but I am sure there are videos on utube I can watch. For now I am glad I can start a new project.
well just heard dryer go off so I best skedaddle down there and switch loads over. love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Today Is The Day |
True Blue Farmgirl
5578 Posts
5578 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 1:19:34 PM
Peggy, You did have a Peggpalooza! Hugs!! it is cold here, in the 50's!, Tammy, those are the only 2 stitches I know too, I want to learn the Fany shape stuff that the girls do on the Dishcloth swaps, they are waay too skilled for me! All I can do is a square, but those are some tough dishcloths, they machine washa dn dry and so soft, we use only 100% cotton yarn for those. Family Dr. got it down to One and I feel better! Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 3:24:27 PM
Judy, you have the funniest comments... flopper stoppers!!! LOL. I just watched a movie about drinking fruit and veggie juices for a ten day cleanse. I don't know if I can last that long, but I ordered a juicer and am going to give it a try. I'm hoping it will help with all my aches and pains.
Peggy, so glad your birthday month was so wonderful. Your Granddaughters sound like sweet girls. Now go rest up!
Judith, I got my tea today. Love the recipe and some different teas to try. Thank you soooo much!!
Not much going on.. just homework and sewing up a storm. The managing editor liked the dress that is going in the magazine in February so much she asked to buy it. Of course I said yes! A friend of mine is chomping at the bit for the jacket that goes with it. So the magazine is sending it back as soon as they are done photographing it. Plus.... I got an email from a lady asking me to make her something for her in a 1X. I'm pretty sure I can pull it off and she will like what I make her. My mom's reverse mortgage is having issues. FHA refused to fund the loan because the underwriters didn't put the right code in until after the cutoff date. Of course FHA never told them it had to be in by the last day of the month like all the rest of the application was. They did this to a large number of other applicants. My mom's broker sent a letter to our local congressman and he is dealing with it. So, prayers are needed big time that this will resolve itself. Otherwise, my mom will lose her house when my stepdad dies.
Off to finish up today's homework.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
5578 Posts
5578 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 3:31:32 PM
Connie Imagine....#3392 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 6:50:33 PM
| the colbalt blue chimes. Is that your home window??? I never know with you always find such great pictures on line. Give us a hint when you post them girl. LOL
I did get rested from my birthday because Sunday it rained and the Fibro Flared and I was having myself a nice Pajama Day. Had to cancel dinner with my middle son because of it...but I asked for a rain check. (that is funny...I needed a rain check because of the rain...go figure!) glad people are finally discovering what we have all known on the Porch...that you are a very talented Seamstress/Quilter/Fabric Genius. All so exiting that is for sure!!!!
We are suppose to get our first freeze tonight. So, I had to finally turn the heat on. My husband has had it on in his room...but I wouldn't let him heat up the rest of the House. He sits around in his underwear and then can't understand why he is cold and I'm not. Duh! Men!
Teacher Tammy...what are we going to do with those little Flutterbies of yours...who want to fluster Madam Butterfly just for the fun of it. Bad Butterflies!
How is your Fall Bible Study going? Mine is doing really well and I am just so excited about how The Holy Spirit is working in the lives of each of my little Flock. They are Amazing Women! My own personal study by Margaret Feinberg "Wonderstruck" continues to Knock My Socks Off.
Your blanket sounds like a good project...and one you can take slowly and just enjoy. I just finished a Prayer Shawl for a lady who has Fibro and Neuropathy and seems to have it all so much worse that I do... and I think mine is bad enough. She is a Christian and I have only met her once...but Larry and I see her husband Victor frequently at Barnes and Noble. I had my Bible Study Group pray over the Shawl last week and then I mailed it out this morning. I pray she will feel ALL the many prayers wrapped around her shoulders and the Love of God comforting her in her times of pain.
Well, I started giving myself a manacure awhile ago...guess I better finish it.
More Later My Girls, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
"Believe in yourself and let the glitter fly!" P.Smith Mail Art Hostess |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 29 2013 10:10:38 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 7:13:26 PM
Connie, how neat? Bunny it always amazes me how things that can keep you from getting what you need are kept secret until after the old deadline. It was 50 here this morning and raining. Raining at the end of October????? How very odd. But thankfully it will keep the price of heat down for a while.
Blog Cherime |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |