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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl
452 Posts
452 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 3:45:47 PM
Hi Ladies! Hope all is well with everyone! Peggy, I sure giggled over your pic with your Grandson! TOOOOOOO sweet! Heather, your calves are BEAUTIFUL! Missing ours sooo much that we're on the hunt to bring some home. A lot of work but who could turn down a jersey face!
The weather has turned a bit warmer which is a treat. Finished off a small dresser for my sewing room today & finally got a hair cut. Yippee! Looked like a sheep dog gone wrong. LOL Pepper seedlings(140) are up & 9 different kinds of tomato plants (140 seeds) started today. It sure will be nice to have FRESH spring greens!!!! Watching the Sweet Sixteen tournament tonight.....always a fun time Smiles Judy
country wishes! |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 4:13:58 PM
Hey Heather....your new babies are beautiful!!! And you don't have to respond to everyone....we just want you to visit and let us know what's going on in your world! :)
Got my first Etsy sale today, thanx to Janie from the Over 50 board!! I am doin' the happy dance!!!
Country Treasure.....sure sounds like you are ready for planting mouth is watering just thinking about all that wonderful fresh produce!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 08:12:01 AM
Good morning ladies.
It rained last night and is still sprinkling so my world is looking and feeling fresher. I love it when it rains at night, unless I have hay on the ground!!!
Yesterday I cleaned up and transplanted the raspberries. I look like I got in a fight with a feral cat! I planted a few things that would survive if a frost came along. Still working on getting the yard ready. My raised beds have soil in them, now I need too p/u some manure for them. Also want to build some potato boxes. Oh and I'm researching a cheaper/easy way to make a root cellar when I have a high water table. Planted some tomato seeds in the house. We'll see if I end up with tomato plants for the yard. I'm thinking about making a cement patio in one area of the yard using those forms. Anyone have an opinion on those? Anyone used them?
Went through my seeds yesterday and I'm dying to plant stuff, DYING I tell you DYING!!!! But I'm told most things need to wait until the third week in April around here. So I'll be a good girl and wait. Saw some really cute boxes to build and hand on my fence for a herb garden.... I'm no carpenter but I may have to give that a go. Now that I'm down to 1 acre my little yard needs to produce a lot of food in a small space.
Peggy, I'm so sorry you can't use EO. I love them!!! But I get the allergic to weird things because I'm another who reacts to things. Your grandson is ADORABLE!
I just can't say how precious Levi is. Your loss is too great to put into words.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
Sister #4045 |
True Blue Farmgirl
516 Posts
516 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 11:14:09 AM
Afternoon Porchies!! Wow! Love all the pictures. Heather the babies are so cute!!
Tomorrow I will be going to get my silk flowers to do the flowers for my brother's wedding. I have four bouquets, a corsage, and several boutonnieres to make. Only one more week! AH! I will post some pictures of them when I get them done.
Tammy~ I so understand the price of things going up in the grocery. I don't like going anymore. I'm going to make sure to put a lot more than I did this past harvest this year. We go to a butcher about an hour away to get meat. It's fresh daily or maybe just a day old. He does everything right there. I think it's the same person we send our deer meat out to when I want something other than what I can do. I've already got my sweet potatoes started. They are sitting in mason jars of water on my window seal. I've got sprouts that I need to transplant now.
I'm so ready to get outside and get the yard cleaned up and things planted. We added two more raised beds this year. We're going to be adding some more made out of tires too. That's usually what I grow my sweet potatoes in. It helps because they grow downward and you'd have to dig to China to get them out of the ground if not. We put some cardboard under the tires. Hopefully that will help. Last year I had to take apart the tire beds to get all of them. It was comical.
Well, so much to do and so little time. Hope everyone is staying warm and excited about spring. Have a wonderfully blessed day my sisters!!
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me
"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25 |
country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl
452 Posts
452 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 4:23:18 PM
Evening Ladies! Just finished feeding the calves doing the "cold wind shuffle dance"! sunny out be tooo cold. I should have said I started the tomato seeds not the plants...long ways to go yet to get to the greenhouse stage. We're still very buried in snow.....the big wigs are calling for a cold April so a while before garden greens here.....but better than -49 out!  Heather, you're baby pics must have been good luck because this morning I've found a 2 yr old Jersey! Freshen a month so should have a long life. Milk!!!! Cream!!!! Everybody is going to be happy on the farm again! Just waiting right now for the guy to phone back...cross your fingers! Cut out some pin cushions & aprons for some gifts down the road. Hope all a great night Smiles Judy
Oh, great news about the first sale!!!
country wishes! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 7:07:53 PM
Hello My Porchies... Bad Fibro Day...but I did get out for a little while...but then came back home and got back in my PJ's.
Heather...your new born babies are just precious. I love those beautiful Jersey Eyes. They just melt my heart!
Yeah My Country Treasure are going to get more Jersey's. Yahoo! I was so sad when you sold the girls but that is because I loved being a part of naming one and everything. ~ Isn't my little Grandson a doll? He is just the sweetest little guy. And He loves his Grandmama and is always so happy to be with me. Makes my heart happy.
Kimberly...3rd week in April is spot on for growing in Washington State. That is always when I plant too. I am excited to do my little Container Planting. I can get a lot out of my little postage stamp garden. Enough to feed us, share with son & his family and with the neighbors.
PG Tammy...I totally agree that the Grocery Store prices seem to go up each time I go there too. It is just terrible. It is hard to imagine that it won't level out here some time soon...but I don't know. And even going out to Restaurants here now, the prices are high and the amount of food is less. I use to not mind going out because I always got two meals out of one. I would eat half and take half home. Now I only get enough for one meal. Oh, is what it is!
RoDonna...sounds like you are chomping at the bit to get your hands in the dirt too. Sounds like you are all prepared to do more home grown food too with your new raised beds and tires. Such a good feeling to know you can cut your grocery shopping way down in the summer and fall months.
Hi Mel...Congrats on your first Etsy Sale. I went on and checked it out. Good for you getting it up and running so quickly.
Well, DH is hungry and he doesn't seem to know how to re-heat, I better go fix dinner for him. Men! I spoiled him years ago and now I am paying for it. LOL
More Later Porchies!
hugs and blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 7:40:33 PM
Just had a scary conversation with my parents! Seems my Daddy had a reaction to some medication that caused him to swell to the point where they were scared his throat would close off. Then the medicine they gave him caused his blood pressure to go so low that he passed out and they couldn't find a blood pressure reading or some such thing. Next thing they gave him led to what looked like a heart attack. But the test said, no heart attack. I'm so thankful that the Lord was watching over him and spared him. I'm so glad the Lord takes care of things even when we're not praying because we're not aware of the problem. I'm just so thankful.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
Sister #4045 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2014 : 11:09:47 AM
Kimberly, sorry for the terrible scare for your dad. Hope he gets better soon.
Sounds like everyone is having major spring fever. It is pretty much here in The Dalles OR. The weather has been pretty decent. We got rain the other day but the temps are staying spring like.
Praire Tammy, you have to watch that overtime work. I have a cutoff time when I sew. I know if I got past it I will pay. So happy you enjoy working at home though. What a blessing.
Heather, what sweet babies!! This time of the year is so fun with all the new babies being born. When I lived in California, I use to drive from my home in the foothills through to Modesto on the backroads so I could see all the new babies along the way. Everything from lambs to calves.
I'm looking forward to San Diego next week. My youngest finished the crucible this morning. I keep waking up. I know at midnight he got to sleep. Then I woke up again at 4am.. that's when they will wake him up and he climbs the last hill for the ceremony where he is awarded the emblem and is finally called a Marine. Then they go for a major breakfast that lasts until almost 10am. He still has lots to do today. They don't get to sleep until tonight. I know I'm going to cry when I see him. I know he has accomplished so much in the last 3 months.
Mel, congrats on your first sale. If you have a smart phone. Get the Etsy app and sign in. Then when you get a sale, it makes this "chaching" sound. It is AWESOME! I never get tired of that sound and it almost scares me when I hear it. I got one last night!
Off to the sewing room for my last few days of sewing for almost two weeks. School starts on Monday and then I'm off. My mom arrived last night to take care of the kitties while I'm gone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2014 : 12:49:58 PM
Hi Girls...hopping on here quickly to ask for prayers: A woman that Larry and I have known for at least 14 years turned up missing three weeks ago. Her car was found abandoned at Beacon Rock State Park on the Washington side of the Gorge. She is 46 and has two kids. A Son 18 and in College and a daughter 14 in H.S. Daphne was divorced and split up from a boyfriend recently too. I know she loved her kids very much and I don't see her taking her, I am suspecting foul-play. They are doing another search for her body along the Columbia River today. I just found out about this Thursday Night at Bible Study as one of the gals from her Church ask for prayers for her family. I said, "Who did you say is missing????" And she said,"Daphne Christ." You could have knocked me over with a feather...I was so stunned. She is a Christian...does suffer from Bi-Polar Episodes but for the past two years when ever DH and I would see her she was always Happy and Rejoicing about her new life and new Christian Boyfriend. Any this point we just pray for her body to be found and comfort for her family. Her 18 year old son is leading all searches for his Mother as the State has suspended all their searches for her. But her Missing Persons Case is still open and active with the Sheriff's Dept. I can't share my reasons because my husband counseled her and her family for so many years...but I pray the police are checking out the ex-husband very closely. He did something very creepy and sinister towards my husband one day about 4 years ago...and I truly believe he intended to physically harm him. And I could be a widow. The Holy Spirit had given my husband a gut feeling of something ominous about to he reversed where he was headed and got out of harms way as fast as he could.
I am leaving a news feed on here if you want to check this story when it was first aired on the News here.
Kimberly...praying for your dad's health. And for Comfort for your family. happy you get to go see your son. Love On Him and Enjoy your never know about life these days. It is fragile and priceless...that is for sure.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
Edited by - LadyInRed on Mar 29 2014 12:56:01 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2014 : 10:29:47 AM
| sorry to hear about your friend....certainly does sound suspicious. Praying. sad the meds were interfering with your dad's health rather than helping. Praying.
Bunny....Thanx....I do have the Etsy app but didn't know about the 'chaching'! Do you have to somehow set it up to do that? I am getting excited for you to see your son!!! :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 30 2014 10:31:19 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2014 : 3:25:11 PM
Peggy, praying for your friend. How scary for her children. I hope her son isn't the one to find her body.
Mel, I don't know that you have to do anything special. You could test it by putting something on etsy for .50 and then under payment setup, mark "other" as another form of payment.( you will still end up paying etsy 3% of the .50. I do that so if someone wants to pay by layaway. Anyway, then buy the item and mark other for your form of payment and see if you hear the chaching! make sure your volume is high enough on your phone and notices are turned on. You'll know if notices are turned on if you get bleeps or sounds when you get emails or comments on facebook. Sorry, I guess this is more than you wanted to deal with. But trust me...that chaching is an awesome sound. Hope this works.
I did have a sale today. But then she needed me to do an alteration. It was a dress made from an oxford type woman's blouse. She wanted the collar cut off and the neckline rounded. I have never done anything like that so it was a stress! And of course she paid for it so I stressed even more hoping I didn't mess up the dress too badly. But I pulled it off.
I'm all ready for my trip. Can't wait!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2014 : 6:18:59 PM
Hey. I only have a minute to jump on. I have no way to get online unless I'm at someones house. I am living with my parents while I go through what is turning out to be a very nasty divorce. He turned very violent 2 days after I recieved a notice sayin I had breast cancer. Me and the girls left immediately. I am tryin to piece together a new life for us without any help from him. It's been very hard but much more peaceful. I can only read and send standard typed email on my little phone. I will be hopefully returning to internet and computer in a few months. Then I will be able to come back alot more. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! I miss you ladies!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
673 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2014 : 6:55:39 PM
Hello sweet ladies! Haven't been on in a few days!
RoSanna, I follow the Good Morning Girs as well:-) I wish we lived closer! I would have loved to participate in your study.
Alicia, looking forward to visiting with you when you can!!!!!
Farmgirl Sister # 241 |
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
673 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
673 Posts
673 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2014 : 7:28:13 PM
Angela, I'm glad you are able to stay with your parents through such a difficult time. It is hard to put everything back together. One day at a time. The path will come clearer as the days go by. I say this from experience. If your library has computers, you can go there. This is a safe place to vent.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 08:49:04 AM
| sorry for what you are going through! It's great that you are able to stay with your parents. Praying for a great outcome for you and the girls!
Thanx for the info Bunny! I think I just needed to turn on the notifications.
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 09:11:48 AM
Hi Gals, Peggy, so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope some relief comes SOON Bunny, You are amazing. You fixed it. There's not much that you can't do with a machine in front of you and a will to work. Great job! I was just going to tell Angela the same thing...use the library computers if you can go there. Angela, so sorry to hear about all this stress girl! BIG((((HUGS)))) Well, I'm taking Mama for yet ANOTHER Pt scan of her jaw. I told her that IF I had taken her to the Vet(joking of course), at least it would have been done by now. She said that in the old days the doc would have taken it out in the Drs. office, sent her home with pain meds and sent the offending piece off to be looked at...end of story. Now, because we have all this insurance, everybody wants a piece of the action and they drag it out. Stupid! In the meantime it gets bigger and bigger. *sigh* At least we have a beautiful day to be out. It's sunny and going to be very warm, 60's they said. Well, I have to go get ready. TTFN!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 10:03:15 AM

Hello My Porchies...just had to send these pictures of our very first Rhode to bloom just outside our Apartment.
Angela...Good Grief Girl I was just thinking about you the other day and wondered where you went. Well, I must say for all the problems you and DH went through over the years...this turn of events does not surprise me. BUT it is NOT something I wish for anyone to have to go through. Our prayers are with you. How is that grandson of yours doing? I bet he has really grown. good to see you on here, I thought maybe you went back to hibernating for the rest of winter/spring. LOL I am sorry to hear that mama's cyst is growing. But I think they are putting her through way to many PT Scans. Those are very harmful if done often. She can get cancer or a whole new set of Health issues from those things. If I were you...I would tell them that she is having NO more PT Scans or Scans of any type. They are going to kill her trying to keep her well. ~ Glad you are having nicer weather there. ENJOY IT! ~ Hey is your sissy off traveling???? Didn't hear back from her about the March Tea Swap. Rattle her cage for me OK? LOL
Cecily ...don't you just love auto-correct??? GRRRR!!!!LOL Drives me crazy several times a day.
Alicia and Mel...(and others) thank you so much for your prayers for my Friend. I don't think they found anything on Saturday in their search...but I have a gut feeling that her car was parked at Beacon Rock and not by her...but to throw off people trying to find her. We shall see...but this is not looking good. Is almost a month now that she has been missing.
Bunny...that sale sounded stressful. I would hate to create and then have to re-create the same thing. Hope she likes it in the end. ~ I forgot that someone would have to watch your good thing you mom came home huh? Is she home to stay or just for a visit? ~ Enjoy loven on your Son...and some warmer weather in CA.
Well, Sunny Day today...looks like it for now anyway. This time of year you can get every type of weather plus a rainbow or two in s 12 hour period of time. LOL
I have decided to start another Bible Study Group on Tuesdays during the Day. This one is for the soul purpose of incorporating Weight Loss and Healthy Living with Faith. I am using Rick Warren's The Daniel Plan. So far I have one man and 6 women signed up, with possibly another woman coming on board too. I am very excited about this for not only my health and DH's but also for the people that have signed up and all need to make a Change in their lives.
Well, off to BnN with hubby. You Girls have a Great Day and enjoy doing something fun today.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
Edited by - LadyInRed on Mar 31 2014 10:10:24 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 12:46:34 PM
Yea!!! My oldest messed with my settings on my phone & got it to open the forum!!!
Thanks for all the prayers! We need them!
Peggy...My grandson is 2 now! He is my little loverboy! He will be joined by a granddaughter in just a few months! Yea!!! I get to babysit him alot & he spends time with me nearly everyday. I love it!!!
Well...I really need to get on cookin dinner. I will be back lots now!! Dailly!!! Yea!!!!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 4:45:26 PM
Evening everybody! We're getting hit with a blizzard, expected accumulation is up to 18"! Payback for our not getting hardly any snow this winter. M* has a small S-10 truck and nearly didn't make it up the road it's so deep. Should be interesting to see how he's going to get to work tomorrow. He might have to take the snowmobile.
I finished my rug this weekend. Ended up ripping it totally out and starting over and then ripped it partially out because it wasn't laying right but I think I got it pretty good for a first rug. M* apparently is impressed enough with it that he asked when I was going to do a 8'x10' one for the living room! He's totally insane lol.

Well I've got to get supper cooking. M* is out shoveling snow so he'll be hungry when he comes back inside. Wanted to post the pic though :O)
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 7:02:10 PM
Well... Dinner is done and it went over way better than I thought. I made baked spaghetti but I didn't have any shredded cheese for the top. So I crushed cheese -its and put them on top! Everyone loved it! Lol!
I guess I'll give a quick overview of the last year. I've lost my gramma, grampa, 3 uncles, and a cousin. My husband threw a table across the room on april 16th last year at me, so I threw him out. I was told I had breast cancer and needed an emergency hysterectomy just 2 days before that. I was just able to get my followup mammogram done last week due to him cancelling the insurance. I'm still waiting for our first divorce hearing. He keeps cancellin them! I am still without child support and am unable to work. Both my younger girls are under treatment at the Riley Childrens Hospital. It's been a long hard road of protective orders and hiding in the house but we are managin as well as possible.
We do have a wedding bein planned for my oldest daughter and a baby girl on the way! Yea! My first granddaughter! I am also plannin a big plot in the community garden and we have a little spot at my folks house. I am hopin to start gettin some child support in the next month or two. That will get me back on my feet.
My soon to be son in laws family has really shown their colors through all this. They have helped us out with clothes, shoes, coats and food. They are all a little crazy but we love them and they love us. The girls even call his mom "momma leah" and his gramma "gramma cindy"!
We are gonna be alright. God has given us all the right people and opportunities to pro ide us with whatever we need and even a little extra for the occasional dinner out or ice cream!
Well...I've wrote a novel agian! Lol! I guess I better get my behind to bed! See you all later!!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |