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Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl

285 Posts

Thrall TX
285 Posts

Posted - Aug 05 2014 :  5:31:08 PM  Show Profile
Just got home and saw my boys! They do not appear to be New Hampshire red as previously thought, but instead I believe they are Catalanas. I will get pics later on, once I have supper finished and they have settled a bit.

"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535
Thrall, TX

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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Aug 05 2014 :  7:00:37 PM  Show Profile
Dear sweet Judy and Patsy I am so sorry to hear of your sweet mama's passing. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

I am glad yall are getting your tea and like the poem. It just seemed fitting for the porch. I am in the middle of getting ready for school to start in two weeks. Yikes! I am going to have probably 23 or 24 butterflies....I am hoping for a better year and so I have been at classroom which at the moment looks like a tornado hit it.
Our county fair starts Thursday and goes to Sunday. So I will be watching my boys show their critters, work our school stand, the lemonade stand for hubby's organization, and walking the parade. I might need new wings by then.

Welcome nice to have you join us here on the porch. We love having new sisters join us.

well ladies I am off, want to read a chapter of my book (not school related) before bed.
love to you all

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Today Is The Day
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Aug 05 2014 :  7:14:42 PM  Show Profile
Thank you ladies for your sweet welcome! I am looking forward to visiting with all of you :) I haven't been out on my own porch too much this summer.... The humidity has a tendency to get to me. Instead the kiddies and I enjoy our time together doing crafts and school. We started studying Anatomy and Physiology this summer... We have made a cake resembling the cell (we used candies to represent the different organelles), and veggies to build a skeleton. Hopefully these will help ingrain the lessons into their heads. Our chickens are finally starting to lay frequently. We get a minimum of three eggs a day. I don't think one or two of them are laying quite yet. My youngest daughter had her test done today for cystic fibrosis. Hopefully we will get her results tomorrow. And I have my surgery date finally, so we are trying to prepare for that "adventure."

~ Shannon
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Aug 06 2014 :  8:03:26 PM  Show Profile
OMH I come back and Judy I am so terribly sorry. I wish we were all there to wrap you in a great big group hug. At least she went fast and didn't linger. Having worked in nursing homes believe me that's a true positive. I agree with you, there was probably a lot more cancer they hadn't found especially if she went that fast. At least she's free of pain and in a happy place now. I know the sorrow must be overwhelming for you and your family though.

Peggy - you always post the prettiest flowers. I love the owl vase. I collect owls. How is that book club you were going to do about the diet (Daniel diet?) going?

Bunny - keep taking deep breaths and you'll make it. Maybe try to find somebody in the class to talk with about assignments to see what they think she wants.

Miranda - I envy you your chickens. I wish I could have some.

It's been hectic here. Jordon got a job finally and started Monday. It's only minimum wage so he's not happy but it's a starting point at least and he'll have money coming in until he finds something else. I volunteered to be trained in Medicare Part A to help them out since they have a huge backlog and the training has been a nightmare. Programs we were supposed to have we still don't have and we're finishing up our second week of training. Now they're saying possibly more training next week. They told us originally training might last a week if that. In addition they discovered that one of the programs won't work with IE 9.0 and they had to downgrade us to IE 8.0 to then discover that our Part B programs that we all normally work with won't work with the IE 8.0 and require the IE 9.0. The training in my opinion should have never started until they had all the programs to us and working. On top of the training I'm pulling overtime. M*'s not doing well at his job and had me help type up an updated resume so he can start searching for another position. And we're leaving in 2 weeks for his niece's wedding in Michigan. I feel like a cat hanging from the ceiling by it's nails and I don't like it.

On the good side, I finished 3 scarves this week. I used the Sashay yarn and I made one with the knitted ruffle pattern and 2 with crocheted chain pattern. I really prefer the chain pattern myself, the ruffle scarves are just to bulky for me personally. I need to get pics so I can post to Etsy this weekend. Have I mentioned M* bought me a spinning wheel? Just got the maintenance kit in the mail so I can get it tuned up and waxed. Hopefully I can try it out soon. I need to order some roving too.

I've gotten a ton of reading done, my oasis of escape. Peggy I'm just finishing the book I won in the drawing, The Lacemaker and the Princess. I can't wait to finish it tonight. We have a large Hutterite community in our area. I know a bit about them but not a lot so when I saw I am Hutterite by Mary-Ann Kirkby on Amazon I grabbed it. The author returns to the Hutterite community that her family left to understand how she came to where she was and where she'd come from. It's a lengthy book but interesting. If you like a bit of romance, Every Day Needs a Dog by Billi Tiner is an excellent read. It's a nice light romance. City girl gets unfairly fired and ends up taking a job at an animal shelter. My Amish read was A Simple Winter by Rosalind Lauer. Excellent romance about a young woman who converts.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Etsy: PrairieGpysyCrafts
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Aug 06 2014 :  8:46:04 PM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies...Today was the Funeral/Memorial Service for Judy and Patsy's Mama. Hope it all went
well and was a time of Celebration and Sweetness.

Prairie Tammy...glad your son got a job. Minimum Wage is better than no wage and it is easier to get
a job when you have a job. So, tell him not to get discouraged. Same with Matt...tell him not to quit
until he has something else to go to. ~ Your job sounds crazy hectic and insane. I hope they get all
the bugs worked out of the system soon.

I love Sashay yarn too and I am with you...I like the chain better. Lacey is better than bulky. It just
looks better in my opinion and lays more nicely.

Sounds like you have been reading some good books. I will have to check some of those out.

Bunny...I saw your Men's Shirt Collar Roses today in Altered Couture. Nice! Liked your article about how
you came up with them.

Shannon...glad you came back. I would love fresh chicken nice. ~ Sounds like you have some creative
teaching going on in your home school. Those kinds of lessons make a more lasting Learning
good for you! ~ I hope your daughter does not have Cystic Fibrosis. And what is your surgery (female?)...we
will be in prayer for you.

Teacher, you stay so busy even during your summer break...and now school is only two weeks away.
I hope you have a better behaved group of Butterflies this year.

Have a good time at The Fair. Ours is going on right now. It runs for two weeks.

OK Ladies...I'm making a late dinner so better go finish it up.

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

452 Posts

452 Posts

Posted - Aug 06 2014 :  10:17:58 PM  Show Profile
Hi Ladies!
Haven't sat with you all for a very long so hope it's ok???

Judy, sending hugs your way!!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day full of sunshine!

Well, I just have to share thee best news:
Our kids are coming home Christmas! Not only that but staying the whole month of December! Haven't had a family Christmas for 10 years so we're pretty excited to say the least! CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since the kids were little they have always got homemade pjs to open on Christmas eve so I've already dug out the patterns & trying to find HOHO fabric to sew. Hubby says no way a tree is going up yet! lol Just pulling his leg or am I?????? lol
They're moving to Australia in Jan so won't see them for a while but not thinking about that yet. Just thinking about spoiling them & all the HUGS, laughter & sharing.
Our daughter's partner has never been in COLD weather let a lone how cold this area can be.....poor guy, he's going to freeze. Thank goodness for the wood stove. He's dancing to see LOTS of snow! LOL

Otherwise the flooding clean up is finished here....breathing a sigh. Sorry to hear of ALL the terrible weather for so many farm girls....thinking about you all!
The farm is doing good with BUSY days & too long of "to do" list but mostly loving every minute. Have to make the most of the sunshine while it lasts.
Butchered our chickens...sure nice to have our own meat
Canning up the of my fav things to do in life. I must have been a squirrel in my first life since I love stock piling LOL Real reason, tooooo far to travel for anything!

OOOOOOh Red, do I have a surprise coming.....will take pics as soon as possible. Cross your fingers, just in the planning stage yet.
heard the oven clock & it's the last bread loaves coming out so off for now
Sending hugs to those that need one
Smiles Judy

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  12:39:46 AM  Show Profile
Judy My Country Treasure...(I know I owe you an email...don't give up on me girl!) I am sooooooooooooooo thrilled for
you that your daughter and her boyfriend are coming for Christmas. Oh, what a Perfect Holiday to come home for. You
are ALL going to have a Wonderful Time! I am just so Happy for you that they will be there for the entire Month of December.
I can feel your excitement and hear the wheels a turning in your head...with all the fun things you will conjure up.
Walt may need to nail your feet to the keep you from flying high with anticipation. LOL

You are the busiest woman I know and yet you find time to be creative and make life FUN!
I have a pkg ready to mail to you...just have to go to our main post office and jump the International Mailing Hoops
to get it to you. Maybe I will send Larry... he jumps hoops better than I do. LOL! Anyway, girl be on the look out
for it. I know it takes a long time to get to you by Pony, I'm glad you have so many other things to
keep you busy.

Take care and stay healthy this year so those kids don't have do Christmas in a Hospital Room with you. No repeats
of last had me crazy worried.

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  05:23:34 AM  Show Profile
Prairie Gypsy - so glad to hear your son has a job, though sorry to hear he is only getting minimum wage. Praying he is promoted quickly or finds something that pays more than that soon, but praising God he has found something! Praying M finds something he likes better! How frustrating for him! And your job sounds bonkers! I am so sorry things are so chaotic in the work force right now for your family! Sounds like you are having fun in your creativity though! I have yet to learn to knit, but enjoy crocheting, though I haven't done too much of it. A spinning wheel? That is fantastic! Do you raise sheep? What is roving? I am not familiar with "Hutterites" either. Sounds like I need to do some research. I enjoy curling up with a good book as well.... That and crafting are my escapes ;)

Lady In Red - my surgery is actually for a mass on my adrenal gland. It is causing MASSIVE issues, including seriously low potassium that causes my heart and diaphragm to cramp up (along with every other muscle in my body) and my blood pressure to be through the roof (at times it is it he 200s over 100s). So the beginning of September we will be headed to Johns Hopkins to have that entire adrenal gland removed. And praise God, Aly's test came back negative for cystic fibrosis! Now to just figure out why she is not growing!

Country Treasure - oh how exciting to have your children home for Christmas! We are thrilled whenever we can go visit our families for Christmas and I am quite sure our parents are just as excited! I love that you will still do pajamas, though they are adults! I too make all my kids pajamas for Christmas Eve. Honestly, I shoukd probably start working on them now for this year... Or maybe I will wait until after my surgery. In any case, I have six kiddos now, so it takes awhile. I also make my hubby and I a pair. The last few years, I cheated and made everyone pajama pants and bought t-shirts to match, lol.

Today will be a normal day around here. I need to do some school with the kiddos and then my five year old has physical and speech therapy. She reacted poorly to vaccinations when she was a couple months old, and has been delayed ever since. But she is a true joy and blessing to our family!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

7019 Posts

Paris TX
7019 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  05:40:56 AM  Show Profile
Good morning FarmGirls, this is my first visit here on the front porch. I do like sitting in mine wicker rocker watching my street wake up.

Today I am having a 'piddling' kind of day. Only 2 things on my 2do list - Read my Bible & water plants.

Rest of the day is officially opened for me to do what I want when I want; 'official' because I gave myself permission to piddle, piddle, to my heart's content. A little of this and that. By the end of the day I will have accomplished something, but right now I have no idea what that will be.

Carry on ladies I got some piddling to do.

Hugs, Sara
Walk in Peace.
Live with Joy.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1423 Posts

Cresco PA
1423 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  06:05:08 AM  Show Profile
Welcome Shannon & Sara! There's always plenty of room on the porch for everyone, so we're glad you found us!

Busy back at work after vacation - still trying to catch up. We had a wonderful week's road trip thru the Adirondack mountains, Lake Champlain and Lake George in Vermont, stayed in a neat old fire house converted to a hotel in Barre, VT and got to see the famous vonTrapp Lodge in Stowe, VT (started by Maria & Georg vonTapp from Sound of Music fame). Nice place to look at from the outside - could never afford to actually stay there!. Ended the trip with a nice visit with my Mom for a couple of days before we had to head home. Here's a few pics - hope they download correctly this time!!

beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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True Blue Farmgirl

7019 Posts

Paris TX
7019 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  06:46:20 AM  Show Profile
Beekeepersgirl, thanks for the friendly welcomed. Wonderful pics.

Hugs, Sara
Walk in Peace.
Live with Joy.
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Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl

285 Posts

Thrall TX
285 Posts

Posted - Aug 07 2014 :  08:11:42 AM  Show Profile
Well, ladies, keeping this short today. Having a lot of trouble at work lately, and need major prayers.

More than that, our room mate, Jay, could use some prayers. Not sure exactly what happened - he's not either - but he was at his girl's house this weekend and cracked his head open. At first they said it was a mild concussion, but this morning, he got up to get ready for work and DH says he looked horrible. He was going to wait for his step dad to come take him to the ER but it would be a 2 hour drive for his step dad to come get him. Long story short, DH only had one thing on his schedule, so he took off and is taking RM to the ER, then to his VA doc. He's only lived with us since May, but he's become like a little brother to me. Prayers are appreciated!

Back to work for now, thanks in advance, ladies!


"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535
Thrall, TX

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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

452 Posts

452 Posts

Posted - Aug 08 2014 :  3:35:30 PM  Show Profile
Hey Friends!
Hope sunshine is surrounding everyone today!

Gosh Red, hubby & I call Peggy RED & love her to PIECES! She sends cute little jokes, recipes, treasures wrapped in love that keep us going! I think I've fooled you Red in believing I'm working too hard.....really just get up pretty early, 4:30 & hit the rack when this old bird drops! Getting earlier & earlier! LOL
Now Red, I love your treats but you shouldn't have! giggle......hubby's yelling in the back ground....."Love YOU RED"! THANKS sooooo much for your kindness & will sure watch the mail.....yippee a surprise! Tell Larry..... love him for jumping the hoops! How exciting!!!! Will let you know when it gets here for sure!

Shannon, gosh girl if I had 5 kiddos I'd cheat too on the pjs. Truth be told the kids don't wear pj tops any more so pants & t-shirts are what I make too.
Hope the physical/speech therapy went well! MY hat goes off to you for your "mamma love"!

Sara, "HUGE HI"! The porch ladies are soooo sweet & always welcome me hopping on & off with too long of pauses in between. You've found a lot of great friends here! The thing i love the most is there's no judgment just hugs for the low days or the high ones!
I LOVE your word "piddle"! It makes me I'll join you & have a piddle moment.

Luanne, goodness your pics are beautiful! I'd love to see that area! WOOOOOOW on the lodge! I'll put that one on my "to do" list when I find a million $! LOL

Miranda, sorry you're having a bad day all the way around! Sending happy thoughts your way!

Ok here's what's new today....shelling peas until I'm seeing too much green! 6- 5gallon buckets later & still shelling! I do love life or just plain crazy! Hubby is agreeing with the later one! LOL
Finished mowing the football field I call the yard before needing a herd of goats! I swear that thing grows faster than last year! If I ever got goats they'd probably eat the garden instead of the lawn......hey, light bulb moment....both problems solved! LOL
Finished making a dragon birthday cake for a 8 year old little boy. We've been invited to his party....giggle.....he's a sweet heart but is having so many issues he really needs lots of hugs! Since we don't have grands it will be fun!
Sent my baking orders out the door by 6 this morning! Had extras so hubby dropped some off to the neighbors & received the most beautiful bunch of radishes back. Yippee Most folks around here have gate posts, signs or some decoration at the end of their drive way so we leave treats for them to find. It took some a long time to find out who it was. It's a hooooot doing it! I think we get more out of it than they do!
Clothes are off the line & the floor washed so everything is right for now.....don't blink something will happen. lol
It's one of those rare moments (I mean REALLY RARE moments) that the cows are in, the chickens aren't scratching my flowers up, I haven't fallen over some cat on the steps, the garden is actually weeded, Lawn mowed, laundry done & supper cooking in the crock pot! Now that's a true testament that somebody loves me up stairs! Thank goodness!!!!!! LOL
We're even quitting early today.....miracles do happen! LOL

Sending hugs to those that need one
Thanks for the chat
Hugs Judy

Does anyone use oil cloth any more?? I always have a table cloth on the kitchen table buy found some cute oil cloth & it reminds me of my granny so much it makes my toes curl!
It's not big here at all...pity! It's blue with light pink roses on it.

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Aug 08 2014 :  6:58:41 PM  Show Profile
Missus Miranda - Most definitely praying for your roomie. How is he doing?

Country Treasure - It sounds like you are living our dream :) One day we will get there :)

Today has been fairly stress free. We worked on school this morning, had speech and OT for one of the kiddos, and spent some time as a family :) We got a massive storm that rolled through this evening, so I didn't make it out to the garden, but I'm sure the chickens are ecstatic that the grass will stay greener for awhile longer :) They are so cute coming out of their coop after a storm! I love hearing them squeak as they find earthworms and bugs after a downpour! I'm hoping the rain will cool things off around here! The humidity is pretty intense. Tomorrow I am hoping to spend the day crafting. We have nowhere to go :) Hubby and the boys are planning to cut the grass and I'll probably pull out the youngest's next size in clothing from the garage and get them washed. Though she is 13 months old, right now she is still in 6-9 month clothing! I'm pretty sure she needs 12 month clothing now, for the length. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to get them on the line - the rain is going to start late morning or early afternoon. I doubt I will have a big enough window. Hmmm I'll have to decide whether I really want to get them out or not...

~ Shannon

Edited by - hudsonsinaf on Aug 08 2014 6:59:26 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 08 2014 :  7:49:14 PM  Show Profile
I didn't realize I have been gone off the porch for so long.

Judy, my heart is breaking for you and Patsy. I cried when I read about your momma. I was so hoping she would get better. Just know we are all here for you and Patsy. Come back when you are feeling up to it.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3110 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3110 Posts

Posted - Aug 09 2014 :  1:26:28 PM  Show Profile
I've been MIA too long and was skimming through trying to catch up on everyone's posts. Judy & Patsy - bug hugs to you both. I'm happy to hear momma didn't linger, but I' sad at the loss you feel. Just remember we're all here for you.

It's unfortunately milking time, but I promise to catch up real soon!

Thanks for the tea and poem Tammy!!

Hugs and prayers to all and welcome new porchies :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701

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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2014 :  4:23:52 PM  Show Profile
Peggy - I finished The Lacemaker and the Princess. It was a good book. I just saw a book this morning on Kindle bargains that I decided I had to read called Bear in the Back Seat: Adventures of a Wildlife Ranger in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park by Carolyn Jourdan and Kim DeLozier. It looks pretty amusing. I will start it tonight. I found some Sashay yarn on clearance at W*lmart so I grabbed a couple skeins. I found a sequince Sashay in a dark red/burgundy color that is beautiful, I chained a scarf out of it and I think I'm keeping it LOL.

Judy - I'm so excited for you! I'd be putting up the tree today if I were you LOL, at least if it's an artificial one. My DIL has never seen snow so we have a similar issue if they come up in the winter LOL She's lived her entire life in Houston, TX so experiencing -50' temps will be quite a shock if they come during the coldest part of winter.

Shannon - No, unfortunately I do not have any sheep :O( I hope one day to be able to work it from animal to project. Roving is the fiber after it's been sheered, washed, and carded so it's ready to spin with.

Sara - Don't you just loves days you can do whatever you want or not do anything at all!

Luanne - I have been wanting to go there for years. I love the Von Trapp story. I've heard that it's absolutely beautiful.

Tammy - I received my tea. Think I'm going to try it tomorrow morning.

Today has been a productive day. I cut up a couple old pillowcases and used them to warp the loom to make another rug. I cleaned the spinning wheel finally in preparation for waxing it, which will be another day. M* and I did some maintenance on it and it's almost in working order. He needs to find a dowel rod to replace the one missing for my brake tension and she'll be set to go. She looks really nice even without the wax now she has all that barn dust off.

Jordon and I ran into a guy he works with and his mother. They're planning on having him come out for a bonfire and to hang out. It's great he's finally starting to meet people and make friends. They're also talking fishing so we'll need to get him a license. Last night the guy called and asked Jordon if he'd like to help him out. He had a job he needed help with taking down a trailer and they'd get paid for it so today he's working demolition. We had to run out and get him some leather work gloves as soon as the stores opened at noon. Any money he can earn at this point is good so he can get his own vehicle and work on getting his own place.

Well I think I'm going to go take a break and read a bit before supper is done. Got to love crockpot meals :O)

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Etsy: PrairieGpysyCrafts
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2014 :  4:49:51 PM  Show Profile
Oh Tammy! That spinning wheel is gorgeous!!!!! One day........ one day...........

Today has been another wet and rainy day here in the South. It cracks me up when I look at the weather. We had a 0% chance and then a 5% chance of rain - and it POURED! Everything is flooded again. But hopefully my garden will appreciate the watering from God. I've spent the afternoon trying to get the prep work done for the kids' school. We are starting a new unit study mid-September that all of us will be doing together. It is taking A LOT of planning on my part. There are times my brain feels absolutely fried and I need a break.... at that point I usually come check my e-mail and get on here, lol. My three year old wants to start school so much - oy! I am so not ready to add another one to the mix yet.

~ Shannon
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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

452 Posts

452 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  06:56:19 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness, your spinning wheel is outstanding!
Have you spun before or is this a new adventure? There's a winter fibre class that's 2 hours away which isn't bad but driving on snow covered gravel roads by myself at night is a bit worrisome so will have to get braver! May I ask what kind of wheel it is? I often see wheels at auction here but don't know enough to bid on one.

Stopped for my tea break now so today it's beans the whole way. I'll be a happy camper to have them done out of the garden. Went to a auction yesterday & caught up with friends which is the best part then headed to a birthday party. Haven't been out that late for a long time so dragging my butt a bit today. LOL Fun all around & a nice change for us!

Having big troubles getting the hay up with such high humidity this year. What a challenge for folks that have to put up with that every year. August here is usually very dry so no problems.....I guess it's just our turn. Baled up to moist there's mould which makes livestock SICK but baled too dry & the equipment shakes the leaves off leaving just the stems.

One of my fav things is happening right now: the barn swallows are teaching their young to fly. Love how they glide through the air! They line up on the power lines for a quick rest then off again!
Have a great day

country wishes!
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Missus Miranda
True Blue Farmgirl

285 Posts

Thrall TX
285 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  1:38:40 PM  Show Profile
Well, weekend had me hunkered down getting ideas for a new Etsy store.

DH took the roommate to the ER Thursday morning, and they finally did the CAT scans he was supposed to have had at the VA. All appears clear, and his vitals were good. We think that it was the heat from the night before when our power went out.

I've decided to open an Etsy store selling my paper crafts. I made paper flowers for my wedding last year and everyone went NUTS for them, and for the mason jars I decorated. I had a lot of fun with it, and though it seems very simple to me, a lot of people don't have the time, or just wouldn't think to do what I do. I have SO much stuff left over from when I was making wedding decorations, that it would be a good way to clear out some space in my sewing room, AND to earn a bit of money.

Well, my roosters seem to be doing okay (other than the rat terrier spooking them the other day) and they are thinking they may actually might possibly maybe like me (they are Catalanas, so they are naturally skittish). I brought them celery and pineapple scraps, and they tore into them! Meshach didn't even wait for me to leave before he tore into the pineapple. I'll take more scraps over tonight, if it's not pouring down rain.

And Sunday morning I got up and fed them, and as I left, Meshach let out a crow of thanks. Just one cockadoodledoo and that was it, LOL!

Well, ladies, it looks as if the rain is on its way. Kinda torn because we need it, and maybe my joints will quit hurting... but geez. SO much that needs to be done and can't be if it's raining!

Well, I'm going to go see what mischief I can get into for now while I'm waiting for 6 o'clock to hit.

Hope everyone is doing well!!


"I'm not trying to be mean or cantankerous. I just wish people would do the right thing, and use a little common sense." ~ Farmgirl 3535
Thrall, TX

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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  3:53:15 PM  Show Profile
Miranda - Sounds like you have the perfect items for an etsy store! I have debated a few times opening one, but it seems like I always have so much going on. Maybe as the kiddos get older I will venture into the etsy shop realm. Wishing you the best of luck! And so glad to hear your roomie's scan was clear! I am assuming he is feeling better as well!?!?

Judy - I guess I never thought about the issue of having your hay too dry. i know around here humidity is a HUGE issue! And oh what a glorious thing to have lots of beans to put up! We seem to pick and eat, pick and eat, etc. Too many mouths to feed I uses, but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

We are trying not to float away right now. Flash flooding has been a warning for the last few days and will continue tonight and tomorrow. Personally, in all seriousness, we are fine, but our backyard looks like a pond... now if there were just some fish in it, rather than mosquito larvae, we would be all set ;)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  3:53:48 PM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies I have been MIA for a few days because...I was getting no MJF Postings at all and I couldn't
seem to get on either. But I finally finagled all the right paths today and made it on. I will have to email
Brian Ogle and find out why I am not getting posts.

P.Gypsy Tammy...That Spinning Wheel is a Fabulous find! WoW! I know nothing about spinning but I would sure
take some classes if I had one of those. Can't wait until you actually get to start spinning...I'm excited for
you. ~ Glad Jordan is starting to meet some folks and take on odd jobs and perhaps take up fishing. That is
all so great. It will make him feel more independent once he can actually get off on his own.

Missus Miranda...glad the roomie is doing better. It probably was the heat...especially if he didn't keep hydrated.
I know I am guilty of that big time myself. ~ Be sure and let us know when you Paper Crafting Etsy Store is open...
would love to see what you make. I love paper crafting myself. ~ Good luck with your Roosters! I don't like roosters
very much...I had one attack me when I was 5 or 6 and that pretty much traumatized me.

Country Treasure Judy...I got your wonderful email. Hey, you need to get back on here and tell the girls your story
about the Black Bear. Whew! I laughed so hard when you said that you found you could still RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! LOL!
I love having you back on The Porch (3 times) in one page of Posts...Now, that is a Miracle Girl. Hee Hee! I just love
all the stories you share and you make HARD WORK even sound like FUN. ~ I found out this week just what a City Slicker I really am as my Electric Leg Shaver went out, My Steam Mop went out, and my Air-Conditioning went out!!! And I am pathetically lost without them. Especially my Air-Conditioner as today is suppose to be 104 degrees. Lord Help Me...
I'm Whining! And I can't STOP! ~ Your Neighbors are so blessed to have you making them Treats and little surprises.
You are just so Sweet to everyone! ~ Well, don't get too excited over that's just a little Something-Something,
nothing as cool as that Scotty Tote you made for me. ~ Give Walt a hug and hello from me and you two keep being your
Extra Special Selves...The World needs more Walt and Judys that's for sure! Hugs and Love, Red

Shannon...oh, my goodness the 3 yr old wants to do school work too. How about Color Pages, Painting Pages and find the
Hidden Picture books? That way He or she can feel like they are in school too without mommy having to really add any
more stress to her life. (+: Teach while they want to learn and you'll have a student who thirsts for more.

Hi Heather...well, jump back on here and fill us in on what you have been up to. Inquiring minds want to know. LOL have been off for a long time and we have missed you dear friend. Don't stay gone so long. We know
you are busy wrapping up that education of yours and making your Altered Clothing...but hey, take a break once
in awhile and blow a few minutes catching us up.

Sara...WELCOME TO THE PORCH!! Come back and let us get to know you a bit. We love having new Porchies to share
life with.

Luanne...thanks for sharing the pictures of your Vacation. Beautiful!! I would love to stay in that Von Trapp Lodge
myself. Did you at least go inside and look around it? How expensive was it? ~ There is an Old Firehouse in Oregon
just right across the bridge from Vancouver and it has been turned into a Restaurant too. We go over there a
couple times a year and eat.

OK...girlies I guess I better get off here and email Brian and find out what is going on with my MJF Postings.

More Later...Keep Cool...and Enjoy our last month of Summer!

hugs and blessings,

Farmgirl #1326

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 11 2014 4:02:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1423 Posts

Cresco PA
1423 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  4:58:12 PM  Show Profile
Peggy - we didn't go into the lodge because it was very busy - looked like they maybe had a wedding or something happening. We took a quick look at their website, and it appears rooms start around $300 per night - definitely out of this farmgirl's budget!!

We're more apt to go back to the reservoir and do the free camping on the island - that fits my budget just fine!!


beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

My blog:

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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2014 :  8:50:10 PM  Show Profile
Judy- I took a couple classes but switched to drop spindle for the last two classes after M*'s sister sent me a beautiful drop spindle. I knew a wheel wasn't in my budget anytime soon so I decided to work with the drop spindle since it's what I had. I'd love to take more classes but the closest place is 100 miles away that I'm aware of so I'll be going on what little knowledge I have and learning as I go. I'm not sure of the brand. We bought it at a junk expo for $75. The guy knew nothing about it. It's similar to the Ashford Traditional but the spokes are a little different and the bobbins aren't quite the same. It could be an early model of it though. It also looks like the Jenny by Sleeping Beauty which is no longer manufactured. I need to post pics of it on some of the spinning sites and see what I can find out.

Miranda - congrats on the Etsy store! I just opened one but need to get some items posted.

The electric company came by today tree cutting. Boy did they make a mess of my maple tree. It looks so bad I'll probably let M* cut it down. As it's the only tree in the yard I've been fighting to keep it for shade. I like sitting under it at the table. With the winds here an awning/tent type structure wouldn't work.

LuAnne - I'm with you, free is better than $300 lol.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Etsy: PrairieGpysyCrafts
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

7019 Posts

Paris TX
7019 Posts

Posted - Aug 12 2014 :  04:38:56 AM  Show Profile
Good morning ladies. Woke up to the fatigue of MS so I won't respond to each of your posts. I will say I enjoyed reading each and every one. They helped start my morning off in a very good way.

Today will be a slow one for me so I will be remembering good days, counting my blessings, and planning for more good days to come. One of my favorite sayings is 'this too shall pass'.

Hugs, Sara
Walk in Peace.
Live with Joy.
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