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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 1:08:27 PM
Catherine - oh dear! Do keep us updated please after the other moms have kidded. How sad. We had to leave our goats behind in PEI - and I sure do miss my one special girl, Queenie, so much.
Sabrina - Congratulations!!! He is SO precious looking :) I'm so thrilled for you that it's all done and over with - and I will be praying for a quick recovery.
Shannon - it's DONE!!!! The shelves are up - and my canning is all neatly lined up :) I just can't tell you how thrilled I am - I think, for me, that was the most exciting room to get done :)
PeggyAnn - I should have visited the porch to read your comment before I started cleaning - lol! I fear I was a bit tired, and cranky, but she didn't say anything. She also brought my nephew - and the kids sure had fun together. My nephew jumped on our llama and started riding her - I think that was a highlight for him!
I'm off to spend the rest of my day resting - I'm always so thankful for the Lord's Day - a day of worship, and then rest :)
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 3:00:41 PM
Howdy all.. munching on that wonderful iced cake that Judy put out.. and one of Shannon's blue iced cupcakes.. and the tea is heavenly.
Welcome Daniel Wayne! Congrats Sabrina and family! What a precious picture of him resting.
Welcome to the porch Maryellen and Katherine! I love reading all the posts too.
Judy: Wish I could have been here to walk with you in that snow! How's Dave liking his lil Jeep?
Ok, need to go nest on the couch.. we had rain all night and it's just plain damp and chilly. Love and prayers and hugs to all...
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 4:21:44 PM
Oooo....Shannon left cupcakes? How did I miss those. Definitely getting one of those. Thanks Shannon! Patsy, Dave loves his lil' jeep liberty. It goes everywhere. *giggle* -zoomzoom-
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
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516 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 8:10:47 PM
Hey porchies!!! The 10-12 inches of snow I think is starting to melt. I love snow but geez!! Right when you start planning the garden and looking at seeds God's got other plans. The best thing is that the electric never went out. That's good because there were no kerosene heaters left in the entire town. Now if you wanted air conditioners Lowe's can hook you up. LOL!!! I did get some swaps done and now I'm getting ready to work on a Jubilee banner. I'll probably get ahead of myself on some of these swaps. I wish I had the same love for cleaning the house. :)
I believe I've gotten the itch to start repurposing flea market, Goodwill and yard sale stuff. That seems like the thing now. Which is awesome because I can always find uses for everything. Maybe I can sell some of it and make a profit..who knows. Being a homeschooling parent I try to find a way to help out with the budget.
Catherine- so sorry for your goats. :( I'm hoping to get some goats later on. I was thinking of pygmies. It's something for the kiddos. Looking into chickens too. DH and I are trying to expand on the land we're on. It's my MIL's property so hope she doesn't mind. :D
Shannon- My parents' pantry is in one of their closets too. In fact they use the one in the dining room and part of the attic stairway. There was an opening there and looked like a good place for some shelves.
Sabrina!!! - Congratulations on the new baby boy! He is so precious. Get some rest! I know how it is with multiple children though. Rest can sometimes be few and far in between.
Well ladies, I guess I will head off to bed. Ya'll stay warm!
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me
"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25 |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
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North Dakota
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Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 06:19:25 AM
Catherine - Sorry about your goats. I'm assuming it's not typical to lose that many in a birthing season? It seems odd you're losing the mama's as well.
Shannon - He was able to complete the MRI this time. They found 4 areas where the bone spurs are compressing the spinal cord so it will probably be surgery to grind the spurs down to prevent damage of the spinal cod. We're waiting for a call from the doctor. Unfortunately Jordon is still with the girl. Hopefully he'll get a clue soon.
Joyce - I didn't realize you were from PEI. I was just listening to Anne of Green Gables and started Anne of Avonlea on Librovox. M* has been there before but I haven't. Would love to visit it some day. It's too bad I didn't visit when I lived in Maine, it would have been a lot closer.
Work system is not working this morning so we're waiting for a repair. Wish I knew how long it would take because I could really use some more sleep. I'm still not feeling well. I spent yesterday in my PJ's wrapped in blankets in my chair or on the couch. It's weird because I'm not carrying a fever or anything, just don't have any energy and don't feel well. I'm noticing some wheezing also. I didn't even have the energy to knit or read yesterday. I doused myself in eucalyptus oil yesterday and it helped with the coughing. I have to work at second job today and tomorrow, hope I can handle it.
Well the good news is there was no diarrhea on the carpet this morning. Saturday and Sunday morning we found little diarrhea droppings on the floor in the bedroom. I suspected Oreo as she's been having loose ones but couldn't figure out why she wasn't waking me up. Diarrhea can be a side effect of the anti-inflammatory med she's on. Saturday M* admitted he'd heard her whining but didn't wake me up or take her out himself so he really had no grounds for all the griping he did about it. He thought it might be Tip still having issues after the candle eating fiasco. I added pumpkin to all their bowls twice a day and it appeared to have worked last night as there were no accidents this morning. Crazy critters. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if it happened again.
Weather wise we're plunging back into arctic temps again. High today is supposed to be -7 with low of -24 (without windchill). Local rescue sent out a FB notice showing the wind chill expected (-40 for our area) and showed how fast they can experience frost bite at the temps then asked people to keep their animals in. The pups are having problems with their paws freezing when they go out so I'm having to take them out more for shorter periods. I'd love some more snow so I could try out my snowshoes once I'm feeling better. I'm liking that it's getting light about 7 am again. I hate getting up and having to work with the light on until the sun comes up.
Due to the sun coming up earlier I had to put blackout curtains in the master bathroom. I think it was Thursday that M* yelled at me from bed. When I went in to see what was up he told me I'd forgotten to turn off the bathroom light. As I hadn't been in the bathroom in a couple hours I wasn't sure what he was talking about. I pointed out that the light wasn't on to him. He then asked me what all the light was spilling into the bedroom so I had to point out it was called sunlight lol. I'd put up blackout curtains in the bedroom early summer last year because I kept waking up as soon as the sun started coming through the blinds. Once I put up the curtains I was able to sleep until I needed to get up for work. It also helps when I have a migraine and need blackout conditions. I can only imagine the problems people in Alaska have in the summer with the sun being up so many hours and problems sleeping. Wish Cherime was around to comment.
Well I best get motivated or I will curl up on the couch and sleep. Maybe make something to eat. Hope everybody has a great day! Sabrina - hope your enjoying that new baby and hopefully getting some better rest :O)
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Etsy: PrairieGypsyCrafts Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 11:20:33 AM
Well My Porchies...
I never made it back yesterday as I took advantage of hubby being gone and did some Spring Cleaning. Mostly in my bedroom. De-Cluttered mainly...but also went through all my Tote-bags and purses and got rid of some of them. Finally got the Grocery ones put back in the trunk of the they are there when I need them for grocery shopping. All in all...I filled one large trash bag with paper and card- board and one large trash bag for the thrift store. It is nice when I walked into the bedroom it feels so much more airy inside. I love it. Also, put away Valentine Decor and got out Easter. Like I've said I decorate for everything!!
Catherine...I was so sad to hear about your goats. That seems strange that you would lose so many at once. I saw a cute short video clip on FB yesterday and it reminded me of you and your goats...but it was these Teenage girls and they come running out of what looks like a garage and right behind them is an entire herd of pigmy goats running after them. You just couldn't help but laugh and smile at them. The ones that brought up the rear of the race...looked like, "Gee, really?? Come one this is not what I was wanting to do. Wait up...Wait up...did you hear me I said WAIT UP!"
Patsy...since I didn't get back yesterday...I hope you and Judy saved me some of the Cake, Cupcakes and Tea. They would have tasted so good before I fell asleep in my chair last evening.
The Porch looks so cute with all the Baby Boy Blue...Announcing young Daniel Wayne's arrival!!! David got a new Jeep huh? Does he let you ride in it with him or is it his man chicks allowed??? LOL Your VW Bug was probably cramping his style. (literally!) LOL I think you said Dave was 6ft 1 or 2 right? Every time my husband and I go some where in my bug and he has to fold himself into it... I just chuckle...these bugs are not made for men over 6ft to be comfortable in. Now me in all my 5ft 1 1/2 inches It's PERFFECT!!!
RoDonna...yes, I'm sure that snow put a tamper on the gardening plans for a little while. Here in WA State we don't plant our gardens until May because if you plant sooner than that...then sure enough you will get artic weather that comes down and gives your frigid temps and destroys everything you just planted. Mother's day is kind of our Holiday to think Planting!!! I have planted in April before and been lucky...but I have also lost it all too. It's just safer to wait. You can still plan and drool over everything in the Seed Catalogs though. That is always fun. Planning and day dreaming about what you want to do differently this year is half the joy anyway.
Prairie Tammy...sounds like Matt is in for some not so fun surgery! But I am sure he will feel much better once it is over with. ~ Speaking of Anne of Green Gables with Joyce...I loved those books and movies too. I think my all time favorite chick flicks. ~ Sorry to hear that you are still feeling sick. Glad that you had an entire down day yesterday...your body probably needs more of those. I can honestly say that it took me almost two months to get over that crud we got at the first of January. My husband still has the cough and wheezing you were talking about. I got over that part faster than he did. But he is 8 years older than I am...and I think it just takes longer the older you are. ~ I love black out curtains and have them in my bedroom too. I do not want to be awakened by sunlight streaming in through the windows either. I want to get up when my body is good and rested...and being retired I have that option. LOL I even thumb-tacked (just 2 thumb tacks) the curtains to the wall and then put a couple of pins down the center to close the two panels the light can't peak in. Like you said, that really helps if you suffer from migraines too. David Baldacci writes action/political thriller/special forces type books. They are really good if you like those type of books. Which like I said...I read a wide range of books. ~ Glad to hear that fur-babies are doing better. I didn't know pumpkin helped with the loose stools for dogs. Good to know.
Well, girlies...I need to get off here...get dressed and go walk the dog, so I can get out of this house for awhile. Then when after I do that...I'm going to drop off this big back of donations and go do a little shopping.
Hugs and Blessings, Peg
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 1:54:03 PM
Hello from 'Freezin Ohio!" We have a high of 6 with a wind chill of -11 or some such craziness! Hubby is at work and kitty and I are NOT moving much today at all. Can't get warm anywhere. Yes Peg, Dave got a 2004 Jeep Liberty. Being a BIG 'n Tall guy(6'3"), it's a tight fit for him, but he said he was trying to lose weight anyhow. Now I've heard of folk buying clothes snug and using that reason...but a CAR?? WHAT?? I told him to let me drive and chauffeur him around. There's more room on the passenger side. Those things are narrow. Silly! He fits in my Beetle better, believe it or not. Well, I need some nice, hot tea. Gonna go make some and read a bit. Patsy bought me a book for my birthday called, "The Paradise of God" by Norman Wirzba. I heard a review with the author on one of my 'Christ'-ian radio stations. Well, as it seems that most of us are facing some kind of freakishly cold weather right now, put on your fur-lined unmentionables and your warmest layers Porch-Buds. We can ride this cold out. We are tough 'Farm-Girls!' Right? Spring IS in our future ....somewhere! lol
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 5:35:18 PM
hello ladies, I have been MIA and thought for sure the posse might be out. It has been a few busy weeks. My sons are in scholarship mode, finishing wrestling season, and taking care of the farm and of course keeping my butterflies at school in line. We had parent conferences and those went well. I have been hitting the wrestling meets as they are over after this week and so one son and I hit the bleachers and cheer and father (coach) and other son hit the mat. It is hard to believe it nearly over.
The weather here is very cold and I am ready for spring. My dear grandson turned five this past weekend and I found out he is going to be a big brother in July. We are very excited. Dear mother in law had a wee accident in front of our house, so we had to take her car keys. So I spend time with her. it has been hard without Grandpa.
Heather thank you for the tea package. Love it Welcome Daniel...what a cutie.
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Here is a senior picture of my handsome boys and our dear beloved dog Shadow that is no longer with us. I must say I am one proud mama. well that is all for now. I will try to check in a bit more. I seem to loose my wings in the dust these days..hahahahahahh
love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 7:27:57 PM
You girls are making me cold...just thinking about all your cold weather and snow. We are still having nice sunny warm days...but our nights are getting cold. But nothing like some of you are just above 0 or minus 0 weather here. We all feel very blessed and very sorry for the other half of the country.
Well, today I went out and dropped my thrift store donations off. Then I went to Target and then to the Dollar Tree. I go to the dollar tree once a month. While in Target I thought I think I will go treat myself to lunch/dinner out today. While at Target I thought; "Boy, Cisco's Mexican Food sounds so good. Maybe I will go treat my self to a nice Late Lunch/ Early Dinner." That probably doesn't sound like any big deal to most of you but to me it really is. I am such an extraverted person that I never go out to eat by myself or go to a movie by myself...that just has always seemed such a lonely thing to do to me. BUT one day I was thinking about life...and If like my mom and aunt I out lived my husband what was I going to do, never leave my house or go out to eat or to a movie ever again? And that seemed absurd. So, since hubby is out of town...I decided to go out to a nice Restaurant and give this whole idea a try. Well, I found out it was quite nice. Not as good as being with my hubby and going out for a nice meal with him. BUT...I did find out that I could go out and be comfortable with my own company and of coarse my Kindle too. LOL I spent a leisurely hour in the Restaurant... and left glad I had gone. So, now I know it won't be that lonely some day. ~ Then I came home and took a nap. Now I am catching up on Laundry. My gal who does my bathrooms and floors comes in the morning...and hubby gets home tomorrow night. So, I feel good about the things I have accomplished this week. This weekend we go back to Spokane as the Trial of my Stepson starts on Monday. Not looking forward to this at all. I keep praying that a Miracle is going to happen at the Pre-Trial Court Motions tomorrow....and this will all be shut down and thrown out before the Trial Starts. That would be my wildest dream come true.
Teacher the picture of your two cowboys and their dog. That is a neat picture. Congratulations on the News of another grandchild on the way. That is always exciting. So, sorry to hear about your Mother In Law having her accident and having to have her keys taken away. That has to be hard. My mom is in her early 80's and still drives but I know she has had a few minor accidents. Don't look forward to the day when I have to have that conversation with her.
Judy...I can't believe Dave's Jeep has smaller seating space than the Bug. What kind of Jeep is that? That is just wrong. LOL Oh, well maybe you will have to become his new Chauffeur..just so he can have a little more head room. What is your book about?
OK...Need to go clean out my refrigerator and move the laundry over.
Love and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Prairie Gypsy
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Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 8:50:41 PM
Well I broke down this afternoon and went to the walk in clinic. I was so tired after working a couple hours this morning that I took a 2 hour nap and woke up feeling worse than when I went to sleep. Doctor feels it's probably an early sinus infection setting in and put me on an antibiotic. She was concerned about my chest tightness and is hoping the antibiotic prevents a case of bronchitis or pneumonia. I'm crossing my fingers that it helps. I called into Walmart tonight and stayed home and watched a couple episodes of Midsomer Murders and an episode of Rosemary & Thyme.
Judy - That's funny because M* is 6' and he's always complaining about how cramped my Jeep Grand Cherokee is. He had an S10 for 15 years and somehow managed to fit into it. Now he's got the Suburban he's realizing just how cramped he was before LOL I can't even imagine M* fitting into a bug.
Peggy - I totally understand about your not wanting to eat by yourself. I was so used to eating out with the kids before my divorce that afterwards it was really uncomfortable going out to eat by myself for a while but I started to enjoy taking a book and sitting reading while I people watched. Tonight I really wasn't up to cooking so I went out for some Chinese. For some reason I crave hot & sour soup when I'm sick. Unfortunately I haven't found one in town I like so I went with wonton instead. I was also craving lo mein for some reason. With M* working nights now, I've put off going out to eat when I want to thinking him and I will go out but it rarely happens. So now I'm thinking I need to just start treating myself out once a week or once every two weeks without him. I'll keep your stepson in prayer.
BFTammy - Great picture of your boys.
Well I need to get some sleep. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. Judy - you're right - we're farmgirls and we'll get through this cold spell :O)
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Etsy: PrairieGypsyCrafts Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
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1423 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 03:17:46 AM
Thought I posted this here yesterday, but come to find out I somehow started a new topic with it! Anyway, if any of you ladies have info on this area, I sure would appreciate it.
We are thinking of taking a vacation this summer to the Sugarcreek/Berlin area of Ohio and are wondering about places to go and things to see - or places to avoid. I found what looks like a nice place to stay called Blessings Lodge, but wonder if any of our Ohio girls are familiar with it - we don't need fancy, just quiet and clean!
Thanks ladies! Luanne
beekeepersgirl #691
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 5:05:49 PM
PGTammy: My hubby is going thru the same thing as you...tight chest.. wheezing.. tired and no cold symptoms.. weird. wonder if walk in clinics are cash only or they take a medicare card. Sure hope the meds work for you.
We woke up to 4 inches of fresh snow this weird. Yesterday, we got laundry done and groceries too and it was 50! I was wearing a sweater jacket over long sleeves and very comfy. Today I never got out of my jammies and it stayed in the 30s all day and I can't get warm.. spring is coming...spring is coming.. just keep saying it over and IS coming.. I KNOW it is!
Peggy: Hoping and praying that all works out in this trial situation.
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
206 Posts
North Carolina
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Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 6:10:19 PM
Sabrina hope the baby is well and the family is adjusting nicely. Tammy I hope that you are feeling better. Black out curtains are amazing. They really make such a difference. Judy we are freezing here in North Carolina as well. School was out again today and we are suppose to get hit with another arctic blast. I felt so bad for the birds. The feeders were empty and I made myself get out and buy 80lbs.of bird seed. Those birds just sat at those feeders all day. I am praying we keep power! Tammy those are some handsome young men. Good luck on those scholarships, the applications alone can take hours. I remember those days. Peggy congrats on de-cluttering. I always have such a great sense of accomplishment after getting rid of things. Peggy I love and I mean love to go to a restaurant by myself and just sit there and read. Maybe it is because I raised 6 kids and feel like I never had any alone time or maybe I just started liking peace and quiet. I am a very outgoing person and love my family and friends but there is just something to be said about alone time even in public. So I say enjoy it and try it more often. I will be praying for your family in regards to your stepsons situation. Patsy stay warm in Franklin, it's coming again!
I am working on some paper wreaths for classes I will be teaching end of April. Also a decoupage collage. I will try and post pictures when I finish. I also actually made a menu for the hubs and I for meals for the next week. I made the grocery list and did the shopping today. I did this to stop eating out, try to eat healthier and save money. It is all very frustrating because the groceries cost a fortune. And I still have to cook it. Blessings Maryellen
Maryellen Benton |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 7:42:34 PM
Tammy - what an absolutely gorgeous picture of your boys!! I was just thinking of when my kids will be old enough for their senior pics - and I got all teary eyed :) I love having them home with me all the time, and what an adjustment that will be, when the time comes.
Today my in-laws are over (they live 5 hours away) and we had a wonderful day - it was my birthday, and I definitely got spoiled :) I got to go antiquing, then walked on the ocean in beautiful sunny 10degree (cel.) weather. Then I got some wonderful presents too! My two oldest have been doing odd jobs for the past month to earn money to buy me a present - my daughter got me a crystal candy dish, and my son got me a tea cup - as I have a fetish for teacups :) It was all so sweet - and I feel so special :) I'm so thankful to God for my family.
Hugs to all of you - and wishing all of you cold states warm weather soon :)
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 8:50:25 PM
Happy B-day, Joyce.....sounds like it was a good one! I too was blessed on my birthday!
And thanx to all that wished me a happy birthday....sorry this was delayed! :)
After the ice hazard that closed all the school districts in almost all of North Texas on Monday and Tuesday....we have warmed up to 37 this evening. Expecting up to 2-4 inches of snow by the AM but 40 by afternoon!
Peg....Keeping your stepson and the family in my prayers!
PGTammy....hope you are on the mend.
TLTammy....your boys are cuties....
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Feb 24 2015 8:57:55 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 9:10:21 PM
Happy Birthday Joyce! Glad it was a good one!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 08:00:18 AM
Thanks, Judy & Mel :)
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 11:53:28 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Joyce!!! Glad it was a good day for you.
My step-sons trial got delayed and that is a good thing and answer to prayers. This entire mess has been going on for 5 years and it will be good to have it done and behind us...the only problem is that there is no one in Spokane WA who has the knowledge and skill to try this case against the FDA. And the Judge won't allow the two different higher powered attorneys the Daniel picked. One is from California and the other one I'm not sure...where she is from. The Judge needs to recuse herself...but she won't. The Federal Prosecution totally has this Judge in their pocket. Anyway, enough said. Thanks for your prayers and I know I will be calling upon you again in the not so distant future...until this is all said and done.
Husband got back late last night and I am going to go work with him this morning. So, more later girls.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 12:45:50 PM
Happy Birthday to all the February gals! There! That should cover

Have some cake!
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 12:56:19 PM
Yummy cake Sissy! Cool design too! *licking finger full of icing*giggle* Peg, been keeping you and yours in Prayer! Loved the video b.t.w. Amazing how many countries got involved! God is good!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 1:28:35 PM
I have decided I have become a Southern wimp, lol. This cold weather is for the polar bears! My hubby is in the process of trying to start our fire place (it is gas) for the first time this year. Looking forward to a warm living room and cuddling up with a book :) And I must try some of that gorgeous looking cake! Thanks Patsy!
PG Tammy - so sorry to hear about his back! Surgery is always rough!!!! Ugghhhh and I'm so sorry to hear about Jordan! Will continue to pray! I hate that you are so sick! Hopefully you will be feeling better soon!
TLTammy - lovely picture of your boys and dog! I'm sure you are a very proud momma!
Joyce - Happy late birthday! So glad you had such a lovely one!
Peggy - hoping the trial is a FAIR one, because it certainly doesn't sound like it set up to be one! Continuing to pray!
Well we got our dog's ashes back yesterday. Broke my heart again! But at least I am not feeling as guilty!
~ Shannon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2349 Posts
Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 5:15:41 PM
Peggy, thank you for updating us about your stepson and the trial. I often want to ask about it but don't want to bring you down or pry. I will continue to pray for God's all powerful guidance and wisdom.
Shannon, I have always been a wimp in our version of 'cold' weather. When it dips below 40 I act like I want to hibernate. I'm glad you're healing a bit with the loss of your dog. Getting the ashes probably helped to bring some closure.
Patsy, that cake is beautiful!
Happy Birthday Joyce!
Maryellen, I know what you mean about the cost of food...whether you eat out or cook at gets expensive. It's disappointing that a head of organic lettuce is $2 and the other is less than $1. It's kinda that way with all the produce. There are some things that I insist on buying organic, like lettuces and apples. Things I don't eat the peel of like oranges and bananas, I just buy regular. Stick with your budget! It'll work out.
TL Tammy, your boys are handsome. Dog, too.
P Tammy, I hope y'all are feeling better.
Me? my knee is healing a little bit every day and I'm walking more. You know, I finished homeschooling our last child last year. We have 3 in college and you'd think I'd be done with helping kids with homework. NOT! Actually, it's not really helping. It's more like being a bouncing board for ideas and conversation.
I hope all y'all have a terrific Thursday tomorrow!
Catherine Sister #76 (2005) One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt.
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 5:22:27 PM
Thank you Patsy for the delightfully lovely and sooo delicious cake!!
Shannon...hope you have warmed up with the fire in the fireplace.
PGTammy....sorry Jordan has not passed on the girlfriend....we will continue to pray that he comes to his senses sooner than later. How are you feeling?
The weather-guessers said 2-4 inches of snow last night....woke up to 34 degrees and wet pavement everywhere! Not such a bad least we got through the heavy ice on Monday and part of Tuesday with not too much problems. Ended with 48 degrees.
Hope Sabrina posts more pics soon! :)
Peggy...continuing prayers for the family.
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Feb 25 2015 5:23:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 5:25:19 PM
Maryellen: IT IS HERE!Got about 2 inches so far...and still coming down..woohoo! I LOVE IT!
ok gals, before you get all mushy gushy over my cake, it's a DQ ice cream cake that my grand daughter's parents got for her birthday last summer. It WAS good!
Nesting time... NOW! lol toodles
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2015 : 6:54:09 PM
Patsy...I will have to pass on the cake...Lactose Intolerant...but it does look so pretty!!! Nice of you to post an ice-cream cake for all the February Birthdays.
Mel...thanks for the prayers!!! can ask anytime how things are going with our son and the trial. I try not to allow myself to get to overwhelmed by it all because of my Fibro...but God is always Faithful and I believe whatever happens will be God Allowed. We know that even in the Scripture Godly men had to serve prison time sometimes but it was always for Gods Glory and to help his people in some way. That is why I think it is so important to surround our son with prayer from every christian we can. We know so far that there are people in 100 different countries praying for him. That gives me such peace and comfort.
Shannon...I don't know if it will be possible for this Trial to be fair. The Federal Prosecution, The Judge and The FDA are only caring about the money to be made by the Pharmaceutical Companies if they shut down all Alternative Medicine Trades. They are both looking to make a name for themselves and to use Daniel as The Case that will become the Precedent to eventually shut all Supplement Shops, On-Line supplement stores, All Tinctures made, all homeopathic sales, etc etc. It is just frightening. ~ Hope you finally got warm with your fire. It is rainy here today. I got my walk in before it started pouring so I felt good about that. Then when I was out with my husband my pain started flaring and the fatigue hit and so he brought me home.
Judy...I am glad that you found the Video on Daniels Case Interesting. There are three or four out there on FB. David Wolfe (a health guru) put one of them on his Blog yesterday and he has a list of over 300 Thousand followers on his Blog. So, all that exposure is helpful to educate people about which direction our country is going and how we will ALL be affected. We don't need the Government coming into our kitchens and telling us what we can use to treat our families illnesses...and that is exactly what they are trying to do.
Maryellen...where do you teach your papercrafting classes? Tell us a little bit about what you do and for sure post some pictures.
Sabrina...we are all holding out collective breaths to see a new baby picture. Hope he is doing well and you too.
OK...for some crazy reason my husband is insisting on dinner. LOL My eating out was fun while it lasted!!! LOL Glad I got so much cleaning done while he was gone. Judy can tell you that my hubby freaks out when he starts seeing me cleaning out and going to the Thrift Stores with big bags of stuff. LOL I never touch his stuff...or at least not that he knows of. LOL
Have a Lovely Evening My Girlies!!! Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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