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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 27 2015 : 6:36:35 PM
A couple of cuties!!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2015 : 6:50:04 PM
I think I have a minute to write a longer reply... Only time will tell ;) We finished the old house on Saturday. What a relief! It was so nice not to have to go there yesterday for any reason! Today we had some p rofessional cleaners come out... Tomorrow are the professional pictures, and then it will be listed :) So happy about that! I kinda miss the old house... It was more conducive for our family and the yard was huge. I really miss my old garden. With all that said, I love being able to send the kids outside and not have to worry about their safety! I also enjoy it being a o be story opposed to a two story. Plus it is closer to church.. About thirty minutes closer! Not that we have been able to go for the last couple Sundays. Looks like I have a sinus infection and pneumonia. I am one that detests antibiotics, but will be starting one tomorrow so that I can be healthy prior to Emi making her debut. Hard to believe she could be here any time in the next six weeks! I am struggling to get the kids to get in a routine and rhythm... So much has happened and s going on, with the move and getting ready for Emi! Then you add me being sick, and they are taking full advantage of it! We tried doing school today and only got done about half of the day's worth! I always find that so frustrating! I will probably get in a really good routine right before Emi is born, and then poof it will be out the window ;)
PGTammy - I am so sorry to hear about Tip! It is so hard when they have seizures and there is really nothing you can do! Our dog, Stephie, had them for YEARS before we ended up putting her down due to cancer. It was at least four years of them... Towards the end, she had one just about every day. It use to break my heart! I still miss her terribly! Glad you had a good vacation though!
Peggy - oh my heart hurts for you! You have been through such a hard time lately! I know you are, but keep your eyes on Jesus. He will carry you through this valley in your life! Know that I am praying for you!
TLTammy - I am so thrilled for you! What a special bundle of blessings! I will be praying for momma, as I know how difficult recovery from a c-section can be! I am sorry to hear the other teacher is being difficult. Hopefully that changes in the near future!
~ Shannon |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2015 : 12:24:33 AM
Congratulations Grandma Tammy!!! Two darling Grandsons!! I know your heart must be bursting with happiness. Go Spoil them Grandma and enjoy every minute of Loven on Them!!!
Thanks to ALL My Porch Buds for your thoughts and prayers. God provided His Supernatural Strength today because I was only running on one cylinder as I could not sleep last night. Had a total of 3 hours sleep. My son and I got a good start on stuff today but we want everything out by Friday so we don't have to pay Aug. rent. One good thing...since my Aunt lived in her Apartment for 30 years...we will not have to clean it. Just remove everything. Which that in itself is huge. We are taking a few good antique pieces and donating all the rest to charity. She has an Antique Victrola with a Cherry Wood Cabinet, a Blanket Chest, a Curio Cabinet and a small upright freezer...which I think I will take. The rest I will have my son help me sell. Oh, and her dining room set is in good condition so we will sell that also. I took all her Jewelry last night (I case her land lady or friend from down stairs came up to help themselves). And someone did...but what they took I don't care about. I was going to invite the friend to come up and pick out somethings for herself anyway. Yesterday, I packed out 6 big Jewelry boxes of costume, antique and good Jewelry and today I found 2 more bigger Jewelry boxes. Man I thought my mom, sister and I were bad when it came to Jewelry...but my Auntie had us all beat. I am going through every piece of Jewelry and separating them by value and individually bagging them. Some I will sell, a few pieces I will keep and the rest of it I will let my friends paw through and then donate what isn't taken. That in itself is a huge job. But I have plenty of time to take care of that. Today I cleaned out her kitchen, and bathroom and started pulling things out of closets and cupboards. WOW!!! All I can say is I will be glad when this event is over with.
OK...heading to bed girls. Keep praying...we need it.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2015 : 07:56:09 AM
Peggy - I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know you are grateful to have your son to help you and your friends too.
Shannon - I know what you mean about your one story house. We lived over 22 years in a 2 story house & it just killed my knees. It got to the point where I wouldn't go back upstairs until I was going to bed at night. I love my single story home now.
I figured out how we got an extra egg the other day. Our ducks have finally started laying! They must be following the hens to the nesting boxes, because we've only found a couple eggs on the floor. We are now getting 4 to 6 eggs every day. I'm planning on selling the duck eggs at our local farmers market. Hopefully, we'll have duckling someday too. Did I say, I love duck meat too!?!
Later ladies. Keep your head up, my dears.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2015 : 11:47:43 AM
Peggy-praying for you!
Tammy-got your tea package and congratulations!!
More in a min when I catch up!
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275
Norwex Usborne Books and More!
~~~Blog coming soon!!!~~~
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2015 : 11:51:22 AM
Oh this was the last page!!
So sorry I've been MIA. I have been SOOO BUSY!! My kids have taken hubby leaving again very hard. He is only gone for 6 weeks but my mom thinks they think he is deployed even though we have told them and told them he isn't and that it won't be that long. My middles are having a hard time obeying and my oldest is having an attitude and being flaky about her responsibilities. Add to that the baby is super clingy and fussy lately and it has been hard. And this is the worst time for that with all the things I have to get organized and going over the next couple months!! So I may not be around much for a few more weeks!!
I will get my tea package out in august but it may be the end of August before I get it out. Waiting in line at the post office with 4 kids is something I try to avoid!!
Otherwise we are doing ok.
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275
Norwex Usborne Books and More!
~~~Blog coming soon!!!~~~
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 07:09:20 AM
Oh my it has been quiet on the porch! My oldest has been in a Christmas song mood, so I brought along a CD from the Piano Guys... Christmas themed of course ;) Maybe for those of us drowning in our own sweat due to the crazy heat, t will help us think of cold thoughts.. or at least cooler ones. Life around here has been busy. I finally finished my antibiotic... it did wonders for the sinus infection, but still fighting the pneumonia. It is better, but I still keep having massive coughing fits and wheezing. My energy is pretty far down as well... Usually when we go grocery shopping, we go to Costco and then EarthFare... this weekend we went to Costco on Friday and I was done for! So on Saturday we finished shopping at Bi-Lo, and that trip drained me as well. I ended up spending most of yesterday sitting on my bum doing a lot of nothing. Thankfully today I have a little bit more energy. We did manage to get the clothing for Emi washed. I always enjoy pulling those back out and remembering when my other girls wore them. They are so tiny, and I have to remind myself how small Emi will really be to start off with! It just goes by so quickly!
I think today I am going to try to finish up my bedroom, or at least work on it. I need to do some school with the littles, though I am not pushing it as much, with Emi coming shortly and 4 of the 6 are still sick anyways. I figure we can get in our full schedule after Emi is born and I know what kind of baby she is going to be.
Peggy - been praying for you! How are you holding up????
Sabrina - deployments, TDYs, and missions are so hard on the little ones. I'm kinda nervous, as they say even good transitions cause a lot of stress. We just moved, will be adding Emi in August or September, Brad's family will be visiting in September, and then in October, hubby will be gone for awhile. I'm not sure how the kiddos are going to cope. My second child is having issues just with the move, so I know we are in for a whirlwind. He is also the one though that has heavy food sensitivities and does horribly with change! Has it gotten any better for you???? I am trying to remember how old your oldest is, and am running a blank, but could it possibly also be due to hormones??? My oldest is 11, and oh me oh my has she had attitude lately and been flaky! And when I remind her of her responsibilities, she either gets more attitude or the tears come :/ My second and third children are hitting that age where all of a sudden they are realizing.... wait for it..... that I am a FEMALE! I went from being mom to a woman... and both have made "round-a-bout" comments about how men are suppose to lead and not take "orders" from females. OY! Apparently most boys hit that stage between the ages of 9 and 11. My boys are 8 and 9 (he will be 10 in December). I was hoping they would wait to figure it out at separate times, lol. And then there is Sammi, sweet Sammi, my 6 yo, who is STRUGGLING with her JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis). This is always the worst time of the year for her, with high humidity and crazy storms. She is so whiny, and her speech is horrible (she has difficulty annunciating when she is affected), not to mention she tires easily and doesn't have the strength. She hardly ever complains she hurts, but once her speech goes south and she gets whiny, we know what is wrong with her! And then there are my 4 yo and 2 yo. Trying to keep those two occupied and not into everything, while getting done with the older ones is sometimes such a chore! I usually try to do busy bags, but they have informed me they are bored with the ones I have and need something new :/ Oh to have time to make them more! Suggestions, anyone????
~ Shannon |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 08:42:55 AM
howdy all...been having good weather here in Maine. a few thunder bumpers here and there, but has been a good summer all in all. liking my new job. Peggy, sorry to hear about your losses. Just thought I'd pop in. Have a good day all.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
7601 Posts

7601 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 09:25:04 AM
Shannon - You have a lot going on. Just that is overwhelming, but with a pending delivery date I can't believe you aren't just sitting back and resting.
Lorena - I wish we'd get some rain here in Texas. Had a lot earlier this year, but need it now!
Hugs and prayers for all you who need them.
Farmgirl hugs, Linda O Lone Oak, TX Farmgirl #1919
"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 4:02:04 PM
Afternoon, sisters. How ya'll doing? Everybody hanging in there? This heat has been horrible, here in Tennessee, but today we had a lot of rain and it has cooled things off quite a bit. The ducks are really loving splashing around in all the puddles, but the hens are as mad as.......well, wet hens!! They spent most of the day in the barn, snapping at flies. We still got 6 eggs today. Rain and all. Well, I'm off to start dinner. BBQ short ribs. Yum.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7601 Posts

7601 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 4:04:58 PM
In the 100s for past 4 days and staying there for another week here in Texas. HYUCK!
Farmgirl hugs, Linda O Lone Oak, TX Farmgirl #1919
"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 4:31:01 PM

A Little Purple for My Day...and Yours too!!!
Hey, My Porchies...I am still alive but just barely. I am now doing all the Legal Part of My Aunt's Estate and that is just as hectic and frustrating as the Moving Out of her Apartment. Everyday it seems like I have to make phone calls, meet with people, and go take care of this or that all to find out we don't have the paper we need to cancel this or close that or get to her $ to pay bills. ETC I am sure This Too Shall Pass...but I am ready for it to be done. I am discovering how complicated Death can be.
Thanks girls for all your prayers and sweet comments. They keep me God is giving me his supernatural strength. Today was my first day with out an Appointment and so I have relaxed.'s back to Apptmnts.
Not much exciting to share. I have read all the posts and keeping you all in prayer too.
Love and Hugs, Peg
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 9:00:58 PM
Love your purple Peg! Can you believe my sweet Mama has been gone a year already? I can't! Dear BIL has been gone 3 months already!* sigh* Tuesday was a very hard day for me... but God... He showed me today in my devotional that I'm not really an orphan...I Am His! He's there for me! Praise His Wonderful Name.... ...That beautiful name, that beautiful name, from sin has power to free us... that beautiful name, that wonderful name, the matchless name of Jesus! I've always love that chorus. So pretty.... so true!
We've been having beautiful weather. Today was 75. The next couple of days are suppose to be low 80's. Who can complain about that, right? Patsy has been at her daughters for a couple of weeks so it's been quiet around here.*sigh* Can't wait for her return. Down there she has 2 daughters and their families, her FIL, a BIL and a SIL so she's in her element. Have a good night Porchies.Love yuns!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2015 : 09:49:22 AM
Judy...Our weather has been much cooler too!! I love the song "Wonderful Name of Jesus". I went to Bible Study/Summer Crafting last night and it was good to laugh and share together. Our new books came in for out Fall Study. Beth Moore's "Children of the Day" a study on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. I'm excited to Teach another Beth Moore Study.
Glad Patsy is having some FUN Family Time!! That will help her through her grieving process. Glad to see that you are doing a daily Devotional too Judy...hope it is one that gets you into The Word also. There is so much Truth, Love, and Power in The Word of God. I can't even begin to share how God has gone before me and smoothed the path and brought the right people at just the right time...with my Aunt's Death. I am so Amazed at how personally He cares about the Big and Little Things of our lives.
Well, I need some more sleep. Take care and keep Trusting In Jesus for ALL of your Days Girlfriend!
Loving and Living Deeply In Him, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2015 : 09:46:04 AM
Morning all. Well noon in Maine. Sun is shining. Total of 14 pints of beans canned. Got to do some training an hour from home this coming week. Lucky my parents live near where I need to be. Dealing with an estate is difficult. It will be over soon. And you'll be able to get back to normal as long as you don't have heirs fighting with you tooth and nail. Blueberry season isn't so bad this year. It's our small harvest year. Well, I need to finish lunch and get back to housework. Then off to rake a couple boxes for my family and me then some barn work. Have a good weekend all.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2015 : 2:05:25 PM
Afternoon ladies, Hope all is well. Peggy I love the pretty to this purple girl I will keep praying for you dear one. Judy glad Patsy is enjoying family and hope you are doing well too.
It is nice here today really has been all week. I have been busy in my classroom getting it ready. Next week is our county fair and the last one the boys will show their livestock in. Then they are off to college a few days after that and hubby and I begin school as well. My sweet new grandson will be here next week for me to cuddle with. I of course can't wait. Can't believe he is almost two weeks old. Time flies.
well I best get moving as I have flowers and yard work to do. love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2015 : 8:31:17 PM
Hi Girls...
Tammy...I just got back from our County Fair today. It was hot and crowded but we had fun!!! We went into the Events Center as our last building as it had everything we love see. Some Fairs would call it the Judging Center. The Quilts were spectacular, The Needle work was amazing, the Produce was fun to look at, the Photography was my favorite, And The Flowers. We stayed in the Events Center for a couple of hours. The Fair Food (which usually we like) was way over priced and not that good this year and there was something in the air around the BBQ Pits that just really smelled terrible and burnt our eyes. We didn't do any rides as we are all too old to appreciate them any more and Elijah is way too young for them! LOL But all in all it was FUN!
Lorena...the whole Estate situation is frustrating and time consuming. My son and I met with Bankers today at two of the Other banks she had (who does business with 3 banks...that is just crazy to me) and all we accomplished was having to set up two more meetings for Monday. So, Monday afternoon my son and I have four meetings to go to. 3 with banks and 1 last meeting with the Funeral Home. It is all so crazy and we didn't even have to mess with Probate because she doesn't have that much money. If this is the easy way...I NEVER want to see the hard way. LOL
I'm very tired but did have a Fun Family Day. Hope you girls all have a Fabulous Weekend. Fall is going to be here before we know it. So lets enjoy the rest of summer while we can.
Love and Sweet Dreams, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 08 2015 8:38:02 PM |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2015 : 8:36:48 PM
Evening ladies! I typed up a post the other day and I lost the whole post when my computer crashed (sigh). Unfortunately haven't been able to get back in to repost. We just got back from eating at a local Chinese joint that has a very small hibachi grill. Oddly none of the Chinese places serve tea here in town so I'm sipping on some Jasmine tea while I catch up with everybody.
Dog Update: Came home Tuesday night from work and the dogs had gotten on the counter and pulled all the dog meds off. I suspect Tip ate Oreo's anti-inflammatory meds, thankfully there were only about 10 tablets and not all of them whole tablets. Both her bottle and Tip's phenobarbital were chewed open and the caps were unscrewed from the bottles. Tip's med was scattered all over the kitchen so I had to collect them and count them to see how many there were where. I was ready to kill some dogs. No animal hospital around here even if I could afford to take all three of them in. I thought for sure I'd lose probably Tip during the night. Tip made it but the next day he had almost no control of his back legs. I honestly thought I would end up putting him down. I was in meetings all morning so couldn't get him to the vet until late afternoon. Thankfully he didn't do any brain or organ damage but she felt he'd either pinched something or damaged his lower back so he's now on prednisone and getting laser treatments. The treatments are working great. I had to leave Thursday morning at 5am for a doctor appt in Fargo and he still wasn't doing well. Matt said he took him out at 9:15 and he wasn't doing well. By the time I got back from Fargo about 4pm he was walking around and taking stairs like he'd never had a problem. Only mild wabbles here and there which is probably due to the phenobarbital. He went in Friday for a laser treatment and has another one scheduled for Monday. He is a blessed puppy for sure. I'm taking Oreo in too Monday to have a laser treatment on her for her arthritic hips to see if that will help. If I could cut back on her meds it would be great.
Jordon: His girlfriend had her baby yesterday. She went in Thursday night to be induced but ended up having a c-section Friday afternoon. Jordon said he told them he wanted a dna test done but they hadn't done one yet. I instructed him not to leave the hospital until they did one and to have them send him a copy of the results to my address so she couldn't tamper with the result letter. He came over Thursday night for a little bit and I'm thinking he's starting to doubt her. He even mentioned he has thought about getting his own place!!!! Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
My endocrinology appt was Thursday. I got there believing I was there for a consult and was informed I'd been scheduled for a biopsy. I was trying to wrap my head around having a biopsy that I wasn't anticipating when the specialist comes in and then informs me that the larger of the three masses I have on my thyroid is filled with fluid and they're always benign and the other two are so small as to be almost too small to biopsy so he wasn't going to do a biopsy on me. He also looked at my labs and asked me about my thyroid history. He seemed really surprised to hear that I'd been on thyroid medication for over eight years and basically told me my thyroid levels are too high to consider medication. It was like he was telling me I don't have hypothyroidism now. There were a lot of questions I should have asked but I was in such a state of shock my brain wasn't working. I have no clue if I was misdiagnosed or how my thyroid could suddenly start functioning normally. It was a frustrating day and felt like a waste of a day having to take the day off work and losing a ton of sleep to drive two hours to get there so early to have nothing done and really be told nothing. I did get a bit of shopping in though so that was the bright side LOL
Peggy - I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. It's amazing the hoops one has to jump through to close out an estate isn't it.
Judy - Wish we were all closer so we could surround you as the anniversary of your mom's passing gets here.
I'm getting ready to start another rug. I've decided to try doing a toothbrush (also called Amish) rug this time. I've watched several videos tonight on making them. I ordered a pretty wooden toothbrush needle off Etsy and a pattern for the rectangular rug. After making it I'll decide which I like better, the frame woven ones or the toothbrush. Crocheting them is super easy and fast but I can't get the stitches as close together and as tight as I like so I think this toothbrush pattern will be the answer and the woman on one of the videos says she makes a rug a day.
Reading: I saw a Earthbound Series book by Feehan and despite my last experience picked it up to read. It was back to her normal style of writing and I enjoyed it so I picked up another one in the Earthbound series I found at Target while shopping in Fargo LOL. I guess I mail order books maybe too much because I went into sticker shock when I went to Barnes and Noble. I couldn't believe how much they wanted for some of the books. Guess I'll wait and pick them up used LOL. We went thrifting today and Matt picked up 8 books at Salvation army for $2.13. You can't beat that! I finished "A Buddha from Brooklyn" this week. It was a troubling read for me. It just wasn't what I expected (and wasn't what the author had planned on either) and wasn't matching the Buddhist views and beliefs. It drew me initially because she was the first American identified to be a reincarnated llama, she's one of a rare handful of females that was recognized, and she built the largest Buddhist center in the USA with the large number of monks and nuns (at least by 1998 when it was written). It was interesting because the day after I finished it I was talking with Matt about it and the things I found problematic. The writer mentioned at the end that one thought helped her and it was that the Dahlia Llama never recognized her, never visited her in his many trips to the US and when she visited India on several occasions would never receive her. I'd thought to send it to his mom because she's Buddhist but felt it would be too upsetting for her to read. I've been reading a book in the mornings by the Dahlia Llama on essentials and the chapter I read the next morning covered all the issues I'd been having with this book and supported my opinions. It's wonderful when that happens :O) One of these nights when I have time I'd like to research what happened after the book was written and if the center is still functioning. The Dahlia Llama mentioned that it can take up to 13 "YEARS" of watching and observing a teacher/guru to determine if they're worthy of giving your devotion to. So many in our culture tend to jump head first into thing without ever watching and observing. So many were drawn in by her charisma that they failed to see or refused to see the red flags. As within any religion there are good and bad teachers.
Well I'm done with my tea and it's time for bed. Night ladies and hope you have a great weekend!
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Etsy: PrairieGypsyCrafts Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2015 : 11:36:07 AM
Hi ladies! I thought I would have more to catch up on but apparently everyone has been busy lately and not chatting much! It has been crazy around here. One more week until hubby gets home, I think I can survive!!! And they are letting him have a four day weekend the weekend he gets home (not this coming one but the following Saturday through Tuesday). So I just have to stick out another week and I can get a bit of a rest.
Most of my cc planning is done. My last big task is to write out handbook. I'm about half way done. I was using someone else's as an example but decided it is a bit wordy so I'm going to simplify it a bit. Right now I'm sitting outside my middle kids' bedrooms trying to get them to sleep. Tomorrow we have our first day of our homeschool groups "enrichment day" they are going to be sorry in the morning that they didn't listen! I'm teaching home ec at our enrichment day, I hope it goes well!
Our cc program ended up with 18 kids from 10 families so it certainly has exceeded my expectations. I did my first tutor meeting and training yesterday. I need to meet with one of my tutors who didn't make it this weekend. Then we have our parent orientation Sunday (so I need to finish that handbook asap!). We start our first day September 2. I have to tutor our afternoon class myself so I do still need to prep for that but I will have time after d comes home thank goodness. So basically next week I don't have anything I HAVE to do! Looking forward to that.
I hear you are all hot, we are hot too. It has been in the upper 90s here (97 today) and we have no AC. And my bedroom is on the third floor so it is usually stifling. Hopefully some cooler temps are coming this weekend!!
Hope you are all doing well.
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275
Norwex Usborne Books and More!
~~~Blog coming soon!!!~~~
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2015 : 3:49:25 PM
Hi My are you all surviving the heat? It sure takes the energy out of me.
Well, I am still working on my Aunt's Estate. The first two weeks were incredibly hectic but this week I have only had two it is slowing down. It was really a hurry up and wait game. In Oregon it takes 40 days after the death before you can get any money released (to pay bills) or to get everything released from her Safety Deposit box. I did go in Monday for an Inventory of her safety deposit box and did find her original will and car title. They had to release the Original Will to me but nothing else. So, now the bills are coming in and I have to sit and wait. It is all a waiting game from here on out. But "This too Shall Pass".
It feels like my life is getting back to normal...which is nice! Normal is good!!! Today my DH and I went out to Lunch with my Brother In-Law who just lost his wife and my husbands older sister (only remaining sibling). It was nice to catch up on everyone's life. It truly was!!! Especially as we all get older and our loved ones are passing before our eyes.
My House cleaning gal couldn't come last week or this week because of illness and then moving her parents from a house to an Apartment. So, low and behold I mopped floors today! I just couldn't stand sticking to them any more. No, I don't have kids here getting Jelly all over the's my husband who lives obliviously to all his messes. LOL I also tried to Vacuum the living room and dining room and blew-up my vacuum. So, that didn't end up to well. Oh, well...such is life.
Sabrina...sounds like you are getting a lot accomplished while hubby is gone. Hope you take some time off and just enjoy the family time when he gets home. Sounds like you are also really prepared for the Home Schooling Year. It is hard to think that the summer is almost over. It has really been a long hot one here.
Prairie Tammy...good to have you back on the Porch girl. Sounds like you have been busy too. Your endocrinologist appt. sounded like a nightmare. No wonder you were in shock and forgot to ask more questions. I would have been too. That is craziness!!
Good to hear that maybe your son is about ready to move on with his life without the girlfriend. Did he get the Paternity Test results yet?
Hey when you get the wooden toothbrush needle...please post a picture of I have never heard of one. I use to make rugs too but can't do it any more with the Fibro and Arthritis in my hands. I like the ones you have made so far.
Are you the one that recommended the book "Murder is a Family Business"? I just read the first and second book in that series and really enjoyed them...I will read the rest for sure. I love the humor in her stories.
Well, My Lovelies...I actually get to take a nap today. I have been pushing through without them when the Fatigue hits each day for these last two weeks and then trying to sleep longer at night...which doesn't work so well.
Stay cool (if you can...I thank God I bought an A/C when we moved in here).
Ready to round up the Posse soon...just giving you MIA's fair warning! LOL
Big Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Aug 13 2015 : 5:02:55 PM
Oh I agree. The heat is just killing me. I went outside for an hour to pluck some very ripe tomatoes and my daughter had to come out in the garden on the 4-wheeler to bring me back. I sat for awhile in the shade in the barnyard, watching the teenage-boy-ducks go after the girl ducks. Talk about a good laugh!! Those poor girl ducks try to stay out of the way, but the boys just come strutting up & jump on the girls. Then, the boys chase each other around the yard, necks arched & feathers ruffled. Worked on oldest daughter's Christmas quilt for a couple of hours this afternoon until dinner needed me. Hubby took our little Jack Russell doggie for a walk. Daughter watching Wheel of Fortune. She loves trying to outguess the show. I'm enjoying the quiet coolness of being alone with BellaRose (daughter's tiny mix breed puppy). She doesn't "do" walkies. She's too tiny to go as far as our JR will walk with hubby. (Usually 2-3 miles). I heard on the news, about a killer heat wave hitting the western states heading east. I don't know how they can take all this heat back west. It's bad enough here in Tennessee. I was hoping for a cooler August. I guess I'm just getting old. The heat never used to bother me like it does now. Thank heavens for AC!! Later ladies. I'm going to watch a TV show about Mountain Men.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2015 : 06:31:59 AM
Good morning ladies. Computer issues this morning so while they're trying to sort those out I thought I'd jump on and post.
Peggy - I received my toothbrush needle in the mail. There are several kinds from plastic and wood to metal ones. I found this one on Etsy. I really like the feel of it, it's so smooth. I'll see how I like it once I start working on the rug

Here are the sheets I bought at the thrift store to use to make it. I stripped all the sheets on Sunday so now I'm ready to start working on it.

Kathy - Yes we're having some wicked hot temps, especially for us here in North Dakota. Yesterday was 98' and the western side of the state got over 100'. Thankfully we normally only have about 3 days of temps like this in the summer but this year has been a weird weather year. Usually we have a drier heat so it doesn't bother me as much as it did when we lived in Michigan but it's been a muggy hot the last couple days. We normally turn the AC off at night but haven't been able to. I have a JR mix (Jack-a-poo) who looks like a miniature wire-haired JR. She's 16 yo so can't take long walks any more, none of my geriatric crew can unfortunately.
Tip and Oreo hanging out with me while I work.

Not the best pic of Oreo. She's got her own pillow to sleep on next to my work desk that she sleeps on all day while I work.

I decided to join Weight Watchers this week and try and see if it can help me focus on getting some pounds off. I did the online and local meeting combination so crossing my fingers. I joined and went to my first meeting Wednesday night. There are several people from work that go also so that was nice to know somebody there.
Well think I'll see about starting my rug. Just got a text message that they'll update us at 9 about the computer issues so I have a good 30 minutes to work on it and maybe longer :O)
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Etsy: PrairieGypsyCrafts Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Aug 16 2015 : 5:20:05 PM
Evening porchies...Well training went ok last week. But I had this dumped in my lap Friday morning. My mom had been diagnosed with a tumor attached to her small intestines. It's near a major artery (I'm thinking mesenteric). This diagnosis was about 2 weeks ago. Fast forward to Friday...Mom calls. She's having surgery this Wednesday to remove it. I have a strong feeling it's cancerous. I've done a little research and it seems that most tumors near the small intestine are cancerous. I'm not looking forward to calling my direct supervisor tomorrow to let her know the story. 1 of 3 things are going to happen A: It's removed and she goes for treatment. I set up a schedule with my siblings to help out. B: They open her up, see all kind of metasticies and close her up and say there's nothing we can do or C: The last thing we don't want to happen...Anyway ladies that's what I'm facing this week. I hate these situations. I hate leaving my bosses out on a limb. My only saving grace is that I'm only in training. It's not like they're fully depending on me to fulfill a schedule. I have some online training I can do on Tuesday. So...
Anyway, Blueberries are good for us this year. One of the better crop years we've had on these particular fields. Beans are coming fast. Hoping to can some this week and can some berries.
Have a good week all. Please keep me in prayers as I have to work through this situation with my mom's health and work and my own family. thanks all.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2015 : 06:42:25 AM
Lorena...will be praying for your mom, you and your siblings. It is never easy to deal with these kind of situations. In fact non of what you think you maybe facing sounds like a picnic...but I've prayed that God will give you the Strength to deal with it...however it comes out. Life is hard, messy, difficult at best and death is part of living. In fact the older we get the more we have to deal with that heart-breaking reality. Yesterday at Church I finally cried for the loss of my sweet Aunt. It was the first time in 3 weeks that I have stopped dealing with her Estate long enough to actually feel her loss. Saturday we went to her favorite Restaurant in Gresham, OR. I thought I was going to have to tell all her friends that worked there about her death...but they had already heard through another that made it a little easier. But we had breakfast and toasted her with our various beverages and were consoled by a few of the waitresses there that knew and loved her. It was ALL Good!!!
Prairie Tammy...cute fur-baby pictures. Tip looks like he is aging a bit since you last shared pictures. I love when my dog lays at my feet when I am either on my computer, crafting or reading too. Our babies are such a comfort aren't they?
Well, that Tooth Brush Hook looks way different than I thanks for sharing a picture of it. Can't wait to hear how you think it works for doing the rugs. I also liked the color combination in your fabric (sheets).
Kathy...I'm with you on the heat!!! Ours is going back up to the !00's for the next two days. And I swear we are literally burning up here...Our State, OR State and CA all have so many dangerous fires burning...most caused by either Farm Machinery or Dry Lightening Strikes. Try to stay cool as you can girl!!! And don't stay out in the heat like you did the other's too hard on our aging bodies. ~ Oh, you have a Jack Russell Terrier huh? I think they are such cute dogs. Pretty hyper energy but really cute and fun.
OK My Lovely Ladies...find a cool spot, drink lots of water, and rest as much as you can. I don't plan to exert much energy today. Just stay in the house and work on projects that need wrapped up for my Aunt's Estate and Myself.
Be Kind To Yourself Today, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2015 : 07:14:34 AM
Oh dear, so much unhappy news. Here on the porch & on TV. wouldn't it be great to watch the morning news & have it all be good news?
"Good morning, Nashville..nobody got shot overnight and no stores got broken in to, and no cars were stolen. All lost children found their way home and there were no domestic violence cases. The drive time on the freeway is moving along smoothly and there are no accidents. The weather is wonderful-it rained overnight, but it's 74 and dry today. There were no riots, anywhere overnight and none expected today. All in all, everything is ok today, so have a great day!"
One can dream, right?
Well, try and have a good day, my dears.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
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