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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2016 :  12:54:32 AM  Show Profile
Sabrina...thank you for praying for Daniel. That means a lot to me and especially because you
don't really know the whole story...but believe me if you still would make no sense to
you...because it doesn't to any of us either.

Luanne...your guy sounds like a keeper too and that was so Sweet that he thought of your mama also.
Still praying for your job situation. Unemployment running out and no Insurance that sounds like a
very scary situation to be in. Keep us posted.

Judy...Yes, there sleeping quarters are like Sardines in a can. It is terrible. There is some
stuff I wish I could share with you all but I can't because I was told not to put it in writing to anyone because it could have repercussions on Daniel. Lets just say that the sleeping isn't half the problems
in there. We got a really sweet email from Daniel last night where he stated he was so happy I came
because I am so warm and wonderful (unlike his adoptive mom) and that when his Dad and I left he watched
us climb in the car and drive away and he got all choked up. I know because Larry is 73 Daniel worries
about his dad dying before he gets out in 2019. He kept saying, I'm so glad you guys are doing your
level best to get healthier and stay healthy because when I get out we are all going to do a family trip
together and just play and have some fun! And he also said, "If...I get called up and told that they have
over-turned my case...I hope you guys can come get me immediately." We assured him we would! We are trying
to arrange for Sabrielle (his 10 yr. old daughter)to be able to come down with the other grandparents to
visit her dad. That would do Daniel a World of good...and help Sabby not to worry so much about her daddy.
They still have not Authorized Karis (his wife) to have visitation...which is crazy. They do such cruel
things like that just to get to these guys and mess with their heads...and let them know that the Federal
Government plays by it's own rules. Anyway...enough about all that.
So, when are you doing your drawing Miss Judy? Just so we have something fun to look forward to.

RoDonna...Sorry about your little piggy. Hope this other one thrives. Yes, the Sweet Rose tea wasn't as
Sweet as I expected and it had kind of a Chai taste to it too didn't you think? It wasn't bad just not
what my taste buds were anticipating. The next bag I brewed I added some Vanilla carmel tea with it and
it tasted much better! LOL Judy taught me that you can come up with some good blends just by mixing
different flavors...I was always a "Purest" until Judy convinced me to live on the wild side. ROFLOL

Ok farmgirlies...I'm off to bed and a good cozy read!

Hugs and Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

985 Posts

Centerville Me
985 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2016 :  07:20:35 AM  Show Profile
Well it's been two months into the new year and I haven't been able to even say hi to you all. It's nice to see all the projects and pictures going on. I'm working on a baby afghan for a girl for 3 years. I get bored and put it down then pick it back up again. I'm not too good at crocheting but when I get a chance, I'll start a project or work on one that's 3 years old.

Our weather in Maine this year has been (excuse the term please) bipolar. Pun intended. Too warm then when it cools off, it's below zero in the double digits. Monday, I had to make an early run with a bus with a wheelchair lift. It was -8 when I left to get my bus. In a 3 mile stretch it went to -13. I did my run, but my hands were so swollen from the cold, it took them until afternoon time to thaw out and warm up and for the swelling to go down. Now it's 40 and the snow we had is all melted off. We haven't had much of a winter. I think the maple syrup is going to be down this year.

Regarding jails and prisons, I worked in a county jail for almost 5 years. The jails are like a micro community, sort of like a Lord of the Flies situation. There's a leader in each pod or block. What he/she says goes. There are enforcers. There are things that you cannot imagine that take place inside. Situational homosexuality is common. Inmates can be subjected to sexual abuse from same sex inmates. They take it or worse things can and do happen. On the outside of jail, they're normal. They wouldn't ever think of being in a homosexual relationship outside of jail. So yes, there are things that are not discussed outside the jail community. Bribery takes place. It's usually in the form of the canteen or meal dept. "If you don't want me to rat you out, you will do this...". Drugs can be as bad in jail as it is outside. My advice to the person who posted about a loved one in prison, as soon as he gets out, insist he seek counseling. Be reassuring and supportive. He may come back with ptsd. And his family should seek counseling as well to learn how to help him when he gets out. This is tramatic for everyone involved. Things may not ever be normal. So please be prepared. Prayers sent to your family.


Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2016 :  08:09:28 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone!!! So much is going on here - oh where to start... first, let me address a few things mentioned here on the porch before I forget...

Sylvia - I am so incredibly sorry - for your loss and for the inconsiderateness of others!!! I can totally understand why you are/were upset! Honestly, the one that me mad was your pastor, lol. Yup - I got heated up and mad on your behalf :) My hubby finally reminded me that I needed to calm down, hahaha. We have been a part of different churches that just do not take care of their flock. Thankfully we are members at one now that we love - that the pastor is a true shepherd to his flock that God has "lent" him to lead. Please know that our family prays for yours!

Peggy - Then I read about how your son is being treated and I was MAD all over again!!! That is so WRONG!!! Continuing to pray for him - and all of you - as well!

Grrr I know I wanted to comment to more, but it is on a new page, so I cannot go back and look. I know many posted of Valentine's Day... my sweet hubby made me that delicious dinner on Saturday night, then my oldest made us a seriously yummy cake. My kids really get into holidays, and sent their penpals Valentine's Day cards... and made each other and my hubby and I cards... Sunday morning I had a stack of cards on my pillow after I got out of the shower! Hubby also got me beautiful red roses <3 as well as a small rose bush for inside. To top it off, he ordered me two dozen chocolate covered strawberries. YUM!

Some of you may have already seen thing, but our family has a HUGE prayer request. My cousin's nephew was born late Monday night - without an anus. He will hopefully have surgery today for a colostomy bag, and then in 3-6 months have another surgery to attempt to fix it. To top it off, his momma is not doing well health-wise either. Your prayers are appreciated!

Today I will be trying to decide what I can plant for a "garden" this year. The flower beds are the only place I am allowed to plant, and they seem to flood when it rains :( Soooo not sure how we are going to handle that yet!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2016 :  11:23:58 PM  Show Profile
Hi Lori, I totally understand being too busy to check in, I"m trying to make more of a point to pop in and say hi but I've been rather sporadic over the last year! Nice to "see" you here though!

Shannon, we got letters from Ben and Sam yesterday! The kids are excited about their seeds!! What a fun idea. Sydney sent a letter earlier this week to Katie so that will be coming and we will get some replies written for the others soon! Thanks! The kids sure enjoy their penpals! Also we have been praying for the baby!

Hope everyone is having a good week. We are slowly getting back to normal. Last night the baby had two good stretches of sleep (3+ hours is good right now!). We have a couple possibilities for where to move our CC program. We had the babies in one of the classes with us yesterday and that DID NOT WORK at all. We must have a nursery. We don't meet next weeks so hopefully by the following week we will have a new place to meet. We got there yesterday and all our supplies had been moved around so I packed it all up and brought it home. I'm sad that the Chapel ended up being such a difficult place to meet. Seems like they would want it to be used.

We had to run to the ER Tuesday night. Daniel fell and bit his lip, it looks like it went all the way through :(. Luckily due to my bout with mastitis and daily trips up there I knew where to go and where to find parking. They put the surgical glue stuff on it and sent us home. He seems fine. We are about to work on weaning him because his teeth are killing me. Not really sure how to go about doing that since David basically weaned himself.

So that was our exciting week. Today I have to run the ER paperwork to the clinic, work on Dan's bday presents (hopefully the box from mom gets here today with the rest of the yarn) and we have a friend coming over to do AWANA work with the kids (she signs off on my kid's books and I sign off on hers since we are both volunteers there and it helps our kids get through their stuff faster plus all our kids are behind because we both had emergency trips to the states) and of course we will visit. Then I have to get ready for our coop classes tomorrow. My writing has been sorely neglected. I'm hoping that next week I can get a little better about that. Worst case we have 6 weeks of CC and 8 weeks of enrichment day left then life will slow down a bit and I can focus on writing.

I have a replacement for myself for CC next year, of course I'll help her get going and we will still participate but it frees me up to concentrate on getting ready to move. Now I'm just trying to figure out what to do about children's church....I'm really discouraged. We do not have enough volunteers. Dustin and I are doing it every week and we have tried to get others to volunteer but it just isn't happening. We are getting a bit wore out. I told hubby I am giving myself a new boundary-I won't volunteer for more than one thing at a time that requires me to manage people. That seems to be the most draining for me. Either way I need someone else to take over by fall and I don't think there is anyone right now. Plus we would like to do some traveling before we leave here....I'm just not sure what to do.

Alright, off to start my day. Have a great day everyone!


Farmgirl Sister #3275

Usborne Books and More!

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  12:24:00 AM  Show Profile
Lori...nice to have you back on The Porch. All the things you shared about the Prison System...I
already knew about from doing years of Prison Ministry. It is all very disturbing and gross and
not something one wishes to think about. But I have heard the stories. Our son had been diagnosed with PTSD
before he went into the system because of the trauma of The FDA's Siege on his home and family.
Our 7 year old Grand-daughter witnessed her parents arrested right before her eyes and she was
left with the Family who taught her that she didn't have to be taken into Foster Care. It was so traumatizing and
devastating for her and her parents. But praise The Lord her Teachers from the School were a
Great Christian Couple. You...are right about the whole family needing counseling when all is said and done. They need it NOW in all actuality.

Shannon...don't get mad about our son's is what it is and it's not pretty...but God has his back. Even if he has to serve all the 3 yrs he will make it. It isn't what any of us want but it is doable. God has Daniel trying to help an 80 yr. old inmate get sent home for Physical Hardship and Disabilities...that the Prison Camp isn't capable of properly caring for him. There are some hardship cases where white collar criminals can be released to live out their remaining days with their families to care for them. This man meets that criteria but no one there was advocating for him. He has a counselor and one other person that is suppose to see to his needs that work right there at the Camp...but they
hate their jobs and could careless about advocating for anyone needy or other wise. So, our son who is very empathetic and compassionate and caring is filing the necessary paper work to try and get this man
released to his family. Please pray that Daniel is successful at this.

Sabrina...I hope your Daniel is alright! Our little grandson has put his teeth through his lip twice in the last year. But he is one tough kid...he thinks he is Every Super Hero under the Sun. LOL I told him what I always told my 3 sons when they were growing up..."It takes 7 scars to make a Man and you are well on your way!" Tonight Elijah and I were sharing some cake (mostly frosting...our favorite part)and he got some on his face so he picks up his napkin and wipes his mouth and then he turns to me and says, "Grandmama can I wipe your face for you?" Of coarse I said, "Yes!" (+:

OK...enough about the depressing stuff. Tonight was our youngest DIL's Birthday. She turned 29 today.
We went to their house for a Family Birthday Dinner Party. No, she didn't have to cook. Our son brought in Thai Food and the most Amazing Birthday Cake on the Planet. Her Dad and Step-Mom were there too and it was just a really Delightful Evening. Mercedes is just an Angel of a Daughter In Law. We couldn't have hand picked
a better wife for our son. They've been together 7 years and are such a great couple together. Sadie's Dad said to our son tonight, Shane, I am always telling the kids at my School what a fine young man you are, so smart, so loving to my daughter, such a great husband and are a good example for these High School kids I work with. My son handled that so graciously too. The In-laws Love our Son as much as we Love their Daughter. It is
just such a Blessing that we ALL get along and have so much love and respect for each other. Sadie's Dad sang her his own rendition Of Happy Birthday Daughter...that almost had my husband and me in tears. It was so touching and he has such a beautiful voice. So, as you can tell our Family Gatherings are One Big Love Fest!
And it just makes my heart rejoice!!! We all feel so Blessed!

Off to bed...this has been one busy week and it's Not over yet! I feel like we have crammed two weeks into one and I don't do 'Busy' well anymore. I'm dragging my back-side. And yet, it has been quite an Amazing Week!

Blessings and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 18 2016 12:07:01 PM
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6821 Posts

Debbie L.
6821 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  05:32:00 AM  Show Profile
Sorry I have bee away a few days I seem like I have missed so much. We are dealing with so much with my hubby and his medical conditions, he is in just so much pain. Lots of trips to the VA Hospital in Denver which is 2 1/2hours groom home and VA Clinic Colorado Springs for appointments and tests which is an hour so it is hard on him. So that keeps us busy with not much time for much else.
But, the weather has been beautiful, so warm.
Tomorrow it is off to the Rheumatologist for myself, oh fun times.
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of all of you.
Have a beautiful an blessed day.

Blessed in Colorado

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado
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True Blue Farmgirl

9456 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9456 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  06:35:33 AM  Show Profile
It is quite nippy to be on the porch today. More like the fireside for me.Sounds like everyone has been busy.

We have been full up with doctor appointments for Dad. Family doctor, chiropractor, cardiologist tomorrow to end our busy week. Hoping next week is slower and I can get some things done.

Peggy, keeping your son and also the things he is doing for the other man in prayer.

Shannon, continuing to keep the little one in prayer. And his momma too. It is nice to hear that you have found a good church with a true shepherd. Hard to find. We have a good one we attend but is not local so the distance makes it difficult to be involved much.

Sabrina, I am surprised that they wouldn't want the chapel used. Most places, well some, are happy to have their places used this way. Will be praying you find something suitable.

Have a great day everyone!

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  4:50:36 PM  Show Profile
Wow - a lot has been going on since I've been on here! I've read through everything...please know I'm praying for each and every one of you.

Peggy - I'm praying for Daniel and will continue to do so. I'm so thrilled you were able to celebrate your dil's birthday!!

Judy (herblady55 to avoid confusion!) - i would LOVE to be added to your draw :) You are incredibly sweet.

Hubby started painting our rec room today - so exciting to give rooms a fresh look. Today I had a newlywed come over....she is quite home sick and lonesome as she is very social, so she stayed quite a while and just chatted and was cute :) I did eventually stand up though and head toward the kitchen as it was 5:30p and dinner needed to be started! It's a busy weekend - I've started conducting a church choir, we have church cleaning, it's pot luck Sunday and I need to do some reporting for home school. I dropped off some yummy oatmeal/peanut butter/chocolate chip bars for you all to enjoy on the porch :) With some home-made apple cider...enjoy!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  7:20:48 PM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies...

I am asking you all for another Favor. Daniel's Birthday is March 1st...he will be 46...and I would love to
flood his day with Birthday Cards. Again here is his address: Please be careful when addressing
the cards. You must write out everything long hand or type including your return address.
BUT DO NOT use Address Labels. There can be
no stickers on the envelope or the card. You can also not stick anything in the card unless you felt
led to write a letter. No stamps can be included to help Daniel Out. Any questions please ask me.

Louis Daniel Smith #74882-065
Federal Prison Camp Unit 5
P.O. Box 6000
Sheridan, OR 97378-6000

(remember address exactly as I have it here).

Thanks so Much!!!

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 19 2016 1:45:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  05:47:37 AM  Show Profile
I went to my mail box today and it was like Christmas with so many things to congratulate me for FGOTM, I feel so blessed!! I am about to put pics in the FGOTM thread when my computer updates the pics.

Deb, I am very interested in your etsy/amazon shops and am about to go check them out. I love vintage/antique item and am seriously considering trying to set up my own online shop for that sort of thing when we get back to the states!

The baby seems to be feeling a bit off today. He has however started sleeping better. We had COOP this morning for the first time this semester for us since we missed the first three weeks. It went well. Now we are just relaxing at home. I'm about to finish up some of Dan's bday presents-the yarn didn't come today from mom although I think hubby is going to check one more time at the end of the day just in case. I will finish up the toy and he will get the other present next week. Luckily he won't know or care lol.


Farmgirl Sister #3275

Usborne Books and More!

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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  05:57:38 AM  Show Profile
Sabrina - that is so special :) I'm so thrilled that you got spoiled!!

Peggy - I would be delighted to send him a card! Will get right on that.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  09:16:14 AM  Show Profile
Peggy, thank you so much, for explaining how to address mail to Daniel. He may not have gotten my Christmas card due to my using address labels. I try to use them when possible due to the essential tremors. However, I will hand write his b'day card. I love what he is doing for his older acquaintance.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  12:13:41 PM  Show Profile
Here is a pic of the dinosaur I made for Daniel's Bday, it comes apart in three pieces and goes together like a puzzle....

Peggy I will plan to send a card but it may take a while to get there coming from here....hopefully my unusual address won't throw them off!

Denise, it isn't so much that they don't want it used as they make the rules so strict and difficult it is hard to actually do anything and really makes everyone not even want to try.


Farmgirl Sister #3275

Usborne Books and More!

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  1:57:45 PM  Show Profile
Sabrina...That Dragon is sooooooooooo C.U.T.E!!! You are so talented!!!

Thanks for being willing to send cards everyone!!! That will really brighten his
spirits and lift his heart!!!

Judith...if you did not get your Christmas Card back then he probably got it.
Christmas is the one time they seem to let the rules slide a little bit. Even though
I received 4 letters from the DOP for sending Christmas Cards with Glitter...they
still gave them to the 4 prisoners. Except Judy included stamps...thinking that would
really help Daniel out (which it would have but is not allowed). Stamps are $ to the
Prisoners. They are allowed to purchase so many a month (not much) and then they buy
things from each other with the stamps. When Daniel first got in there he didn't get
a pillow or a blanket...but could buy them with stamps from a guy who worked in the
Laundry Room. Everyone has a "Con" going on in there. Daniel says that he doesn't have a
"Con" going...he hasn't found a legal nitch I guess. to do some cooling down...I'm still fighting battles with Wells Fargo on my
Aunts Death. I would never use that Bank if my Life depended on it. They have been one
big Nightmare at every turn and on every level. Death is a very messy business girls.
I don't recommend it! LOL


Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 19 2016 2:01:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  01:59:08 AM  Show Profile
I just signed up for our local craft show in April. I have lots of things left over from previous shows that I really need to get rid of before we move so I don't HAVE to make anything. That said, I've recently been frustrated by the number of glass jars and bottles we throw away (yes they get recycled but still). I am thinking if I could find a good, easy, inexpensive way to make something with them or dress them up for decorations that could be a good thing to take to the sale! So I'm on pintrest looking. I need to put a hold on pintresting to go write for a bit while D takes the boys to run errands so I can get some quiet!! Anyway, if any of you have any ideas for what to do with these bottles/jars (I have everything from spice jars, dropper bottles, spaghetti sauce, to wine jars. And other random jars. Oh and I have syrup jars. I just hate them going to waste (yes I know the are recycled so not really waste BUT STILL!!!). I may also do some other small crocheted items to use up some of my yarn but that is only if I have time. We also have what are called "boot sales" in the area, usually two in the spring and two in the fall (one at each of our local libraries, the one here and the one on the other side of the training area, technically a different post but only 15-20 min away). There will also be another craft show in the fall-hopefully.The boot sale is like a flea market/garage sale combination. I'm hoping to take advantage of these to get rid of stuff we don't need before the move and to cut down on my craft supplies by using them up!! It is crazy that it is time to start thinking about moving but a year isn't too soon to start planning for moving 6 people and 2 animals over the ocean....I just wish I knew where we were going!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Farmgirl Sister #3275

Usborne Books and More!

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True Blue Farmgirl

9456 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9456 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  05:58:55 AM  Show Profile
Sabrina that dinosaur is adorable! Did you find your pattern online? We are expecting a new grand baby in September and I think this would be so cute to make.

Peggy, I will get a card out to Daniel.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  07:31:23 AM  Show Profile
Denise the pattern is from a book but she has the basic puzzle ball and a few variations online, here is her website:

That goes to the basic puzzle ball pattern but she has others and the link to her book is on the side.


Farmgirl Sister #3275

Usborne Books and More!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  11:07:13 AM  Show Profile
Just Love that dinosaur!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  1:38:09 PM  Show Profile
Hey Gals, I haven't gotten any e-mail from MJF in quite awhile so I checked and I was completely off-line with MJF! What in the world?/! SO I had to go find the sight and sign back in. THAT was weird!
Joyce, I got you signed up for the Give-A-Way! Tomorrow's the day I have Dave draw a name. Yaaa!
Caught up with all the chatter but not going to try and answer each of them.
Prayers are going up where needed! Ca-ute Dino Sabrina!
OK gals! Later! Love Yuns!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!"

Edited by - herblady55 on Feb 20 2016 9:19:51 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

9456 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9456 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  2:29:41 PM  Show Profile
Sabrina, thanks for the link!

Judy, So nice of you to do a giveaway.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  2:37:57 PM  Show Profile
I posted tis on the prayer section, but am going to post it here as well...

This morning, Aly, our two year, tried to help in the kitchen. Sammi was making me a cup of tea, while Brad was working on breakfast. In the process, Aly dumped a scalding hot cup of water/tea (apparently the tea bag had not made it to the mug yet) down her left side. She has second degree burns from her left shoulder to her finger tips, as well as her left rib cage. She was taken to MUSC ER via ambulance. They scrubbed the dead skin off, in efforts to reduce risk of infection, and bandaged her up. On Monday we start seeing the burn center.

Our family greatly appreciates your prayers through this! We have no idea, as of yet, what we are looking at as far as healing time frame, dressing changes, etc. But our Father in Heaven does! And we are comforted knowing once again that this did not come as a surprise to Him, and He has it all under control!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  3:04:56 PM  Show Profile
Omgosh! Poor baby! The scrubbing is the worst! So, that part is over! I sure hope all heals well! Prayers for your whole family, you, and Aly!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6821 Posts

Debbie L.
6821 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  3:28:49 PM  Show Profile
Oh Shannon that sweet baby, I am so sorry. Keeping you and your family in my heart and thoughts.

Blessed in Colorado

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  3:45:07 PM  Show Profile
Shannon...'Oh, precious Lord heal this child with no scars please! And take away any guilt feelings
that other family members may have over this. Accidents happen! They just do...and no one should feel
guilty. Keep mom and dad calm, I know they will be amazed how well this little one does. Thank you
Beloved Jesus for being the Great Physician. In Your Holy and Precious Name...Amen!"

Oh, this brought back memories Shannon. One day when my youngest son was just under a year he was
riding on a little Scooter in the dining room. The oldest son was suppose to be setting the table
for dinner and I had made Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy etc. I had to run to the rest room
so I yelled to my step daughter to keep Shane out of the Kitchen...and NOT 2 minutes later I hear
a scream of Horror come from the Kitchen. I knew it was Shane! I ran into the Kitchen and there sat
Shane on the floor with The Hot Electric Skillet on his head and hot gravy running down his chest and
...onto his arms and legs also. All three older kids stood there frozen! I ran the Pan off
his head...whipped him up and ran to The Bathroom and turned the shower on cold water and stuck Shane
under the water. Then I started stripping off his diaper and t-shirt to his blood-curdling screams. I yelled for the kids to call 911. The Paramedics were just 2 minutes away. Then I told my step daughter
to call my husband, who was at the Grocery Store. The Paramedics and my husband arrived at the same time.
They wrapped Shane in some kind of medicated toweling and told me to get in the ambulance with him. They told me
that we were going to The Portland Burn Hospital. Shane wouldn't quit screaming so I asked if I could
pick him up and hold him and they let me. I started singing Jesus Loves You to him...and he quit crying.
But every time I stopped he started crying again. When we got to The Burn Center he looked so terrible
but he was calm. I can't remember how long we were there just an hour to 3 hrs. They taught me how to
unwrap his little body and change his dressings etc. And then we went home. Shane was wrapped from head
to toe in gauze...and he just looked so pathetic. But the very next morning...he was up and playing and
appeared to be in no pain what so ever. He had 3rd degree burns on his head and back and under one arm and one patch on his leg and 2nd and 1st degree burns down the rest of his body. But he never whined or whimpered or complained even when I changed his dressings and medicated the burns. When all was said and done he had no scars except on his head under his hair and those were small. Once in awhile in the summer sun those head scars would sunburn and
weep a little bit but even then it was minor. The Dr.s thought his back scars would always be there but they faded away over the years. OK...I haven't relived that for about 29 years. My older kids all felt guilty because each one was doing something they should not have been doing at the time.
My oldest son was slamming cupboards because he did not want to set the table. One of the doors hit
the electric skillet lid and knocked it all off the counter on to Shane (Hot fatty chicken gravy). Jen who was suppose to be watching Shane obviously had not been or he wouldn't have been in the kitchen under foot. And they all 3 froze in shock leaving the Electric Skillet on Shane's head burning him more deeply. husband and I laid no blame on the kids. In fact we did our level best to try and undo the guilt
that they felt all on their own. We didn't want them scarred emotionally over this trauma any more than
we wanted to see Shane physically scarred for life. Again it was one of those events where you share Grace and not Blame.

OK...I hope in sharing will find hope in the fact that it will get better. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.


Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

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Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 20 2016 3:50:06 PM
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6821 Posts

Debbie L.
6821 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  4:03:00 PM  Show Profile
Peggy you are just the best! You brought tears to this old girls eyes! I am glad your Shane was alright and keep
Aly in my heart that she will be too!
Nite, nite all!

Blessed in Colorado

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado

Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on Feb 20 2016 4:03:45 PM
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