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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 03 2016 :  11:40:20 AM  Show Profile
Judy...Oh my gosh...not your sweet mama! You maybe onto something with the whole hormone thing
I'm not sure. But my Mom just turned 83 and I'm still waiting for her to mellow out. LOL I
think my husband loves my mom more than I do...but then he never had to live with her. And at one
time he was the focus of her dislike. When my dad died husband being a Minister knew
how to handle he walked my mom through everything she needed to do. And he gave
her grief counseling info too. So, she has loved him for the past 16 years out of 31 we've been
married. Don't get me wrong...I do Love My Mom...I just don't like her very much. It is a fine line between Love and, I walk the line carefully! I always have to have my guard up with her...
because if you don't you will live to regret it. Call it Self-Preservation I guess.

More Later...


Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on May 04 2016 11:10:32 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - May 03 2016 :  7:19:20 PM  Show Profile
Hi Girlies! Well, tomorrow is a year already since my BIL, Jim, passed away! (BestBrotherEver...if I do say so myself) Still miss him so much! Hear his funny comments and hear his voice all the time. Keep Patsy in your Prayers tomorrow please! Her oldest son is coming to visit from KY., but not until Thursday, so tomorrow will be hard on her! Thanks Porch-Buds! Love yuns!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

9397 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9397 Posts

Posted - May 04 2016 :  07:28:14 AM  Show Profile
Prairie Tammy, those sound like good books. I'll have to check in to them.

Heather your photos are fantastic! Love babies on the farm. Thanks for letting us see them. Congrats on winning that wonderful purse!!

Our weather here has had 2 patterns, cold and cloudy or cold and rainy.
Unusual for this time of year usually it is sunny and warming considerably.

Understand about that Ohio gray.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - May 04 2016 :  8:48:11 PM  Show Profile
Hi Denise, it's been awhile, good to see you! Ya, our Ohio-Gray probably leaves here and goes right on over to NJ.(sorry bout that)* giggle* We've had that cold and wet and cold and rainy stuff too... lots more than normal.It has been a weird spring for so many of us.
I just talked to Patsy. Her SIL picked her up and they went running around today, so she didn't have to be alone. I'm glad for that!
Hope you Porchies had a great day. Ya sure are quiet.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 05 2016 :  12:24:59 AM  Show Profile
Hello My Porchies...

Judy...answered prayer that Patsy didn't have to be alone!!! And I am happy her son is coming to visit
too. She has loving people to help her out and that is just a God Thing and a lot of Love being shared
her way. Hope the day wasn't too difficult on you girlfriend. I know that you loved him like a Brother
and that is hard! Love You Girl and been praying for you too.

Denise...Weird Weather Every Where! I guess we should just all Praise God that we aren't that Town in
Canada that had to evacuate the Whole Town with that horrendous Fire Storm! Praying for all those dear
people too. Mercy Me! I just can't imagine that kind of devastation. ~ Just found out on our News tonight
that when and if we get the Big Earthquake (when not if) the Nuclear Power Plant that was shut down 24 years ago...has 40 Pods of Reactor Rods still stored there even though they removed the Reactor. Those
Pods will release enough radiation to kill us off if the Earthquake and Tsunami doesn't kill us first.
So comforting to know huh? Good Grief...Jesus Come Quickly!

Well, I had a very busy day. Set my alarm for 9:00 am but woke up at hopped in the shower and
got myself all pretty to go on my long walk! LOL No...I just needed a shower! Had to shave my legs and the whole nine-yards because we are going back to hot weather starting Capri's and Sandal
weather once again. I took my dog in his dog-stroller and went and did about a 3 1/2 mile walk. It was
cloudy and cool but actually was very refreshing. Got home and then I went Grocery Shopping. Hubby was
suppose to come help but he is still went by myself. I hate doing a Months worth of shopping by myself but it needed done. Got home and put all the groceries away. Then Hubby needed some prescriptions picked up at One Pharmacy. And then had to go to a second store and pick up something the first Pharmacy didn't have. Got home and made a home-made vegetable soup. Takes me 2 full hours to prep all the veggies (it is one of those soups that has everything but the kitchen sink in it) and have to cut the veggies really small or else Larry can't eat it. Once I got that simmering...I took the dog back out and there was a huge domestic
fight going on in our section of the Apartments and we are right by the play ground so all the kids are
hearing the F-bomb every other word and the couple is pushing and shoving each other around and he has a knife and he is kicking in the side of her car and she is throwing all his stuff out...and the Words that were flying were just horrible...and I yelled at them to take it somewhere else because we had kids gathering for a ring side seat. These people didn't even live in our Apartment Complex. So, I called the cops on my cell
phone and in about 3 minutes 3 Sheriff cars came screaming in. One of the Parents made all the kids leave and go to their own Apartments which was smart. So, because I called it in I had to remain out there for
the duration... at the Police Officers request. In no time they had them separated and hand-cuffed but long story short no one got arrested because he didn't stab her and no bunches were thrown. But they did
make the gal drive off by herself...and made the guy walk to where ever he was going. Geesh...what a day!
I am glad that it isn't usually so Crazy around here. The Manager came over and thanked me for calling the
cops and said, "You realize it's a full moon don't you? I have been dealing with crazies all day long!" LOL
And she looked like she had been too...she just looked wiped out.

Well, that was my exciting day! Hope everyone else had a more mundane and peaceful one!!!

More Later Girls...Good Night,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on May 05 2016 12:33:10 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - May 05 2016 :  5:06:53 PM  Show Profile's not full moon... that was last week when we all couldn't sleep... remember?
Sorry for all your drama, girlie!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - May 05 2016 :  8:59:22 PM  Show Profile
Evening ladies. The weather was unseasonably warm today. When I left this afternoon about 5:30 it was 91 so I'm not sure how high it got but I'm sure it was close to record breaking. I ended up turning the air on after I got back it was so humid in the house. We've had some birds checking out real estate in the tree by the deck in the front yard. I'm hoping we get at least one family of birds in there. The pair I saw was small in size. I'm going to have to pick up a ND bird watchers book and find out what they were and maybe keep a journal of birds I see.

Awesome news! I got my insurance for the company today. Found a company for half of what I was about to pay so was super excited to save some money. I also got my first client!!! It's actually the military guy who has Guards this weekend. He also mentioned that he has Guards 3 weeks in June and might need me for 2 of those weeks as his housemate only has to do 2 of the 3 weeks of Guard. I'd be so psyched if I got to do it. I could pay myself back a huge chunk of what I've put into the company so far. So I'm crossing fingers :O)

Judy - no it's not a full moon but it is a new moon tomorrow and that can be disruptive also lol It's hard to believe it's been a year already. Time passes so quickly as we get older. I hope Patsy has a lot of friends and family with her to support her through it.

Okay off to bed for me. I've been using Nature's Made Sleep to help with my sleep and it seems to be helping. I'm able to get back to sleep faster after getting up. Have a great night ladies!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363

Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 06 2016 :  12:03:01 AM  Show Profile are so right. I don't know what the Manager was talking about. She just had a regular
day of crazies...wait until she discovers it herself. LOL I'm so tired the last few days...I would
believe anyone anything. She could have told me the moon was pink and I would have believed her. LOL

Prairie Tammy...yeah, for the job with the guy who has Guards. That is Awesome and a start that could
really lead somewhere.

Ok...long day, I ended up walking my 5 miles all in one long two hour walk today. That is a killer
for me!!! My dog wouldn't go with me today even in his dog stroller. LOL He is getting pretty darn
stubborn. But it made it easier for me in the fact that I can walk faster not pushing that stroller.
We will see if he continues to rebel tomorrow. ~ Great night at Bible Study...we were studying End Times. Just great conversations on this subject matter.

Nighty Night...,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - May 06 2016 :  04:12:27 AM  Show Profile
Hey everyone! Wow y'all have had a lot going on!!

We are still working to find out where we are going next. I had to go update our medical stuff today but the clinic is being a pain in the rear and refusing to sign the paperwork until I do some other stuff, not necessarily stuff I am unwilling to do but that I don't think should hold up our process for WEEKS (which it will) and which is totally irrelevant to the situation AND that I am not comfortable with them doing because I don't trust them. I'm waiting for them to call me back and I'm going to tell them that it is wrong for them to refuse to sign unless I "comply."

It may seem like I'm being impatient since we don't leave until early next year but I just have had SUCH a hard time here and really need the hope that comes with where we are going next. The ironic thing is they are making me jump through all these hoops, I did that coming here and they never should have sent us here but they did anyway, they just ignored all that stuff so what is the point this time???? Right now the spots open for hubby are Korea, Japan, Hawaii, Kansas or Indiana. We do NOT want to be overseas again (not even hawaii) so there are only two slots he is trying for. These slots fill pretty quickly, more will probably open but who knows if they will or where they will be. And they can't put us in one until this clinic stuff is taken care of. It is INFURIATING.

Otherwise we are doing well. The sun is finally out and we are having decent weather. I've been working on planning VBS and other than that things have slowed down.

Oh and hubby got in a wreck. His car isn't driveable. It was the other guys fault but the police officer didn't fill out the report right so the insurance is trying not to pay. Having one car has been challenging. He can probably fix it himself but I think the insurance should pay!! And he doesn't really have time to fix it. So that is a huge frustration.


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - May 06 2016 :  04:12:58 AM  Show Profile
I see Shannon hasn't posted in a while, anyone know how she is doing?


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

Edited by - Sobyn on May 06 2016 07:59:40 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - May 06 2016 :  4:14:48 PM  Show Profile
Prairie Tammy, 91, YIKES!!! Too much too soon! Ya, we have about 4 bird books we use to identify birds around here. We just write in them, beside the pic of it, where we saw it and when. That way the next year we can check to see if it comes back. I'm so happy to hear that your business is on its way!
Peg, did you just throw(pink moon)out there randomly or did you truly know that last weeks moon was called a 'pink moon?'.... cause it was. Honest!!!lol
Sabrina, so sorry for all your stress. I sure hope your hubby didn't get hurt(you didn't say). He has enough health issues... poor feller!
We had 70, sunny, breezy....PERFECT!!! I took a drive to get outta the house. It blew me around a little but I'm not complaining.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - May 06 2016 :  8:42:18 PM  Show Profile
Hi Sabrina...nice to hear from you. We have missed you and Shannon! I could tell that you are very
frustrated at the Moment...but my question is "What Government Entity ISN'T Frustrating beyond reason?"
I haven't had to deal with the Service but just dealing with Social Security, Un-Employment, DMV, and
the List goes on and one is enough to make a Sane person CRAZY! Or a Crazy Person CraZier! I will be
praying for you.

Judy...ROFLOL, no my pink moon comment was tongue in cheek. I didn't know it was a pink moon too.
Too Stinken Funny Girlfriend.

Hey girls...I got an email from Judy Zobell today...and she said to tell all her Porch Buddies Hi!
She hasn't been on MJF for awhile because she has had to run the Farm by herself. Her husband Walt
had Hip replacement surgery in Dec. and then knee replacement surgery last month...and has a couple
other health issues to be worked on (he is going to be the Bionic Man by the time they get him all
patched up)...but Judy is one Tough Cookie. And also one tired gal. She said their farm is beginning
to get all the smoke from that horrible fire in Canada...that burnt the whole town down practically. Hi and Howdy from her. Please keep them in your prayers. She makes me tired just listening
to everything she has had to deal with on her own.

Off to color or read or both.

Love Ya's,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - May 08 2016 :  11:06:57 AM  Show Profile
Judy, He isn't hurt at all it was a very very minor accident (someone backed into him driving through the parking lot) but it did enough damage that he can't drive the car until it is fixed.

Peggy-yes that is true they are all frustrating. I just really hate it when I feel like people are trying to coerce me into doing something. I am refusing the "extra" stuff, I was told by the head nurse he would have to sign it but would probably make a note that I refused and that could raise red flags with the potential bases we are going to. Oh well, I don't care, I'm generally a pain in the hieny with medical care anyway might as well warn them. I actually plan to switch to the version of our insurance that allows us to choose our doctors when we get back (more expensive but worth it) anyway, wish they could just make a note of that on my forms.Actually I wish they would just let me voluntarily unenroll from the "helpful" program they put me in that is requiring all this paperwork in the first place (they enrolled me because I'm on thyroid meds) it isn't actually helpful at all.


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - May 08 2016 :  12:47:52 PM  Show Profile
Happy Mother's Day Porch-Buds!!!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - May 09 2016 :  1:42:37 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon ladies. Another day of them stressing how many claims we need to complete but there's no claims to work - can I say frustrating :O( Weather today is slightly cooler in the low 60's, cloudy and gray and the last time I took the dogs out there were some large rain drops starting. We're supposed to be down to 50's by tomorrow and nights dropping to low 30's for the rest of the week, which I'm looking forward too. Yes, I agree the 91' was way to high too fast. We rarely get that hot during the summer.

Matt worked on gutting out the camper Sunday. That thing was put together horribly. The nails that were supposed to go through the metal from the outside through the wood framing didn't go through the framing. It's amazing the thing held together. He also found some wasp nests that he had to stop demo'ing until I got some spray.

Dog sitting went fairly well. There was one glitch - the St Bernard broke out of his crate, basically used his weight and size to push the door open, and I found him out when I arrived Sunday morning. I hadn't gone upstairs since there was no need to but had to check everything out and found he'd gone poo in 2 of the upstairs rooms. I didn't see anything destroyed but the one room looked like something had exploded in it and I doubt it was the dog that did it. Bachelors LOL Unfortunately it might have been partially my fault for being later than I'd planned Sunday morning. I'd planned to be there by 8 am but overslept. I'd woken up about 4 and was coughing and so congestion I couldn't sleep so I finally got up about 6 and went out to my recliner where I finally fell back to sleep and unfortunately overslept. A lesson learned that I need to set my alarm and not rely on the fact that I typically wake up at a set time nearly every morning without an alarm.

Happy Belated Mother's Day to everybody!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363

Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - May 09 2016 :  7:14:01 PM  Show Profile
Hi Gals! Please continue to keep Patsy in your Prayers! This is a delicate time for her right now!
The 4th was when he passed away, the 7th was their Anniversary and tomorrow(10th) is his Birthday. A triple whammy for her poor, aching heart!
Thanks Buds! Love you!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 10 2016 :  01:17:08 AM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies...

Hope YOU all had a Great Mother's Day Weekend! Mine was beyond Amazing!!! Youngest Son took
his wife, his Mama, and his MIL all out to a Fancy Brunch at The Heathman Lodge. Same place we
had gone for Thanksgiving last year. Oh, the Food, the Atmosphere and The Service are all just
really Wonderful!!! My Favorite of all the Food was the Salmon, Crab Cakes and Prime Rib...oh,
yes and Amazing Desserts. ~ My Oldest Son and Family from Seattle were traveling through and
stopped at the Lodge to give me Hugs and Kisses, Cards and Gifts from them. It was a brief visit
but I am going up to stay with them for 5 days the first week of June. Madeline and Naomi had
brought me a Mini-Mouse back from Disney Land...which was so sweet. ~ After Dinner we all headed
to Woodland WA to go through The Lilac Ladies House and Grounds. This has become a Mother's Day
Tradition for the last 3 years. But low and behold...because we had Spring a month early here
all the Lilacs but one Tree were dead! Sadness!!! But they have such Lovely Grounds there and
many other variety of Flowers. Patti (MIL) had never been there before but she loved it!!! Mother's
Day is the Last Official Day of Their Having the House and Gift Shop that made it FUN!~
After that we went to Burgerville (Local to our area only) and they were giving away free Strawberry
Shortcake with Ice Cream or Yogurt on top to all the Mothers and it was sooooooo Good! Then they
brought me home after that very fun Afternoon and I was pooped but loaded down with all kinds of
Fabulous Mother's Day Gifts from My Kids. I won't even share everything I got...because the Blessings
were beyond Words. Just suffice it to say...They Spoiled Me Something Fierce. I am a blessed woman to
have such Loving, Giving, Sweet Kids and Grandkids. Even hubby spoiled me and he didn't even join
the Afternoon Celebration. I also heard from all three of my Step-kids and My DIL (Daniels Wife) from
Spokane. Daniel sent me an email from The Prison Camp. He told me out of his birth mom, his adoptive
mom, and me...I was his favorite Mom. That made me cry! He told his dad in a separate email to give
me a big hug and kiss! It makes one feel good to know that you have had a positive affect in the lives
of your step kids too. ~ So, I still have "After-glow" today...from an Amazing Mother's Day.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that the DOP is moving Daniel out of Sheridan Prison Camp. We don't know
when or where but it probably means we will not get to see him any more until he is released in 2019
unless the move him to The Seattle/Tacoma area which is 4 hours away. I am not sure why they are doing
this unless it is just vindictiveness. Only the Parents were allowed visitation with him twice a month.
Paul and Wanda went to see him once (they live 6 1/2 hours away) and Larry went Faithfully every 2
weeks and I went several times. But everyone else was denied visitation rights. It is a "Control" thing
I'm sure!

Judy...been praying for Patsy. Boy, I didn't remember she had all these back to back Events of Remembrance. That has got to be so hard to deal with!! Poor Sweet Girl! Big Hugs Patsy dear!!!!
And to you too Judy. Love you girl!

Prairie Tammy...The Trailer sounds like it was poorly constructed! It will be like a brand new one
when you guys get it all put together properly. ~ I guess Nothing...could actually keep a determined
St. Bernard in a Kennel/crate if he was wanting to get out and roam around. LOL I can see that there
could be some challenges caring for Pets. Like what if the Dog or Cat didn't like you? That could be an
on the job hazard. Are their breeds of dogs you don't like? Like I'm not fond of Rottweilers or Dobermans or Some German Shepherds. Anyway...I am sure we will continue to hear some Animal Stories as your business

Today when I was out for my long walk. I saw what I thought was a dog coming up the sidewalk about a
1/2 block a way from me...when all of a sudden it stands up on his hind legs and then yawns and stretches
like a man who just got out of bed. As I got closer I saw it was a Huge Raccoon. I whipped out my cell
phone to get a picture but about that time he saw me too...and ran off. That was such a surprise to see
it stretch get up and stretch like that.

OK...I'm pooped! Time to call it a night!

Hugs and Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - May 10 2016 :  6:06:34 PM  Show Profile
OMGosh Peg, that raccoon acting like that would have scared me silly!lol

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1423 Posts

Cresco PA
1423 Posts

Posted - May 10 2016 :  6:13:16 PM  Show Profile
Hi ladies - tea packets are finished and ready to mail, but with the new job starting this week I won't be able to get to the post office until Saturday to weigh and mail them.

Job is OK so far - tons to learn, but hopefully I'll be up to the task!

Hugs to you all,

beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

My blog:

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - May 11 2016 :  12:14:30 AM  Show Profile
Judy...I looked for the Racoon again today but didn't see him. I want his picture! LOL
Nice week here this the high 70's to High 80's. Possible 90's on Friday. Then rain for the weekend. ~ With all this nice weather I have been running the Air Conditioner everyday...
but this morning I get up and DH has the Heat on in his room
and the Living Room and Dining Room. What???? He claims he is always, I told him that I don't care if he heats up his room but I want the rest of the Apartment least no heat. So, I He said, "Well, I was cold when I was out making my smoothie(which takes him a whole 5 minutes) and the dog was cold." I'm sure the dog told him he was cold! Men! LOL And it kind of irks me to have to pay for both heat and air conditioning in the late Spring. Nobody warned me that men were going to revert back to little boys when the got Older. Shouldn't the Marriage Vows warned us about that or something? I've raised enough kids!!! I want to retire from child-rearing. LOL are fine on getting the Tea out anytime in your, don't sweat it girl. Glad the
New Job is going fine. The first Month is always a learning experience. I'm sure you will do great at anything you set
your mind and heart on.

I got five new coloring books this week...all Mother's Day Gifts. I must have 20 coloring books now.I think I'm good!!!
I do color everyday for relaxation though. Besides walking 4 1/2 miles per day and coloring...I must be the calmest person I know. LOL But I need to be relaxed to deal with my husbands Depression. He gets very grumpy and easily agitated. The medication changes have not helped. He goes back to his Dr. the end of the we will see what he says. I'm about ready to ask The Doc. if he wants to trade jobs with me. LOL

Hey, I heard on the Local News tonight that a person that was recently murdered In Oregon...was wearing A Fitbit Fitness Tracker and so they were able to tell the guys exact time of death. Now, that is one benefit I didn't know I would have with my Fitbit.

OK...girlies...I'm kind of thinking I might need to send the Posse Out for some of our MIA Porchies. Like Teacher Tammy, Shannon and a few others. Round 'Em Up!!!

More tomorrow My Lovelies,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on May 11 2016 12:25:30 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

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Posted - May 12 2016 :  09:23:21 AM  Show Profile
Judy and Patsy-definitely praying for Pasty, what a rough time.

Peggy-praying for your son. The whole situation sounds like quite a mess. Sad they are making it harder for you to visit.

Well the Doctor finally signed the paper I needed to update my info so that we can get our next orders. Now we have to wait 3-5 business days for it to get processed then hopefully D can get them on arranging his next assignment. We have our eye on two slots so hoping they don't fill fast!

That is about all that is interesting around here. Still been busy. Trying to figure out how to balance all my interests and things I want to do plus the kids and their school and all that! I guess that is a constant thing at this stage in life!!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - May 13 2016 :  4:02:41 PM  Show Profile
I can't believe it after the 90' weather we had a week ago that we're back down and there's been snowflakes teasing us all day! Mother Nature needs to have a talk with her sons, Jack Frost and Heat Mizer, and get things back on track. Tonight it's supposed to drop to 24'. Crazy! It's cold and gray out again. I had to pull one of my parkas back out for when I took the dogs for a walk it's so cold with the wind. I'm making broccoli and cheddar cheese soup for supper to warm us up a bit. It's good comfort food as well. I think it will be a curl up and read type of night.

Peggy - I agree, with a dog that large if they want out they're going to get out unless you have some major steel holding them. It's also one reason why I wouldn't start until I had insurance in place. I don't particularly like bully breeds. I'm okay with most of the others though. If someone wanted me to care for one I would determine on a case by case basis if I would during my initial visit. If I wasn't comfortable with the dog or other pet then I would decline and probably just say I'm already booked for that date. I won't do reptiles or rats either (shuddering). It does sound like you scored with all those color books. I need to invest in more colored pencils. The set I want is about $50 on Amazon. What medium do you like to use in your color books? I have oils, pencils and crayons. I'm not a marker or gel pen type though.

Question for you gals. Matt mentioned to me today that we need to keep an eye on our neighbor that recently lost her husband of 2 years. He said she told him she's having dreams about killing herself and she's considered taking a bottle of something. I'm trying to figure out why she said this to him. I don't know if it's a cry for help and she needs counseling or if she's looking for sympathy and wants him to do stuff for her (she has a history of manipulating neighbors). I have no idea how to get ahold of her daughter to let her know and see if she can get her mom into counseling. What would you do? Unfortunately I've been around way too many who use this to manipulate and I'm somewhat jaded. We obviously haven't known her that long so I have no idea if she has a history of depression or not. I may go over to another neighbor's and get her opinion since she's known her for many, many years. I'm also suspicious as she's only telling Matt these things. He said she told him she's lonely and when he invited her to come over to have supper and hang with us for an evening she told him no.

We got a package in the mail today. I don't want to call it a care package as it had things of Matt's mom in it that we'd requested. I don't think I mentioned that his trouble making brother went in and stole a ton of stuff that had been promised to other people. They'd opened an account and several were donating money to help with her expenses and he took all the money out of the account and closed it. I would hate to be him when this catches up with him. To do such a thing to one's family is unthinkable. On a positive note, his sister also sent me some candy coated fennel seeds. I got addicted to them when we were staying at her place. She'd gotten them while she was over in the Middle East with his other sister. They are so yummy. They're meant to be eaten after a meal. The fennel is good for digestion and good to cleanse the breath. They have a very mild black licorice taste would be the best way I can describe them - sort of like really little Good N Plenty and about the size of a candy sprinkle. I guess they put small bowls of plain fennel seeds on the table after you finish eating so people can nibble on them for digestive purposes.

Sabrina - Sorry to hear the military is being such a pain. It seems with the current President it's just become worse and worse. I did receive good news this week. The 1SG promotion list came out and 2 of my soldiers, who also happen to be husband and wife, were on it! I was so happy for them. I was super excited for Charlene as he always gets promoted at least one cycle ahead of her so she's caught up with him now LOL

Okay, time to try to get motivated or something like that LOL Hope everybody has a great weekend!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363

Jamestown, ND
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

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Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - May 17 2016 :  06:05:16 AM  Show Profile
Wow, where has everybody gone? It's sunny and a chilly 33' here this morning. Hope it gets into the 60's later today though.

I had a busy weekend. One of my projects for Sunday was to try canning hamburger. I've been watching Linda's Pantry on Youtube and she did a video where she dry canned hamburger so I decided to try it. It helps to speed up a meal if you're tired or forgot to take meat out of freezer but it will also be great when camping and we don't have much cold space to keep meat. Here's a picture of my finished jars. Each jar has 1 pound of meat in it. I used pint & half jars. The jars were filled when I packed them so they cooked down even more while in the pressure cooker. There's not a lot of grease in the jars either. If I'd taken more time and drained it better I could have reduced what little there is. I put the jars on a scale while filling to ensure I had a consistent 1 pound of meat in them.

I forgot to post about a yard sale we went to last week. I found an adorable cow butter dish for 50c. Of course I had to pick it up LOL

Update on my neighbor: I mentioned above that she's been having suicidal thoughts. She came over and told me yesterday that she'd gone to the doctor and he'd doubled all her meds and suggested she see a counselor so she's going to set up an appointment. It might be for the best.

Well time to get to work. Have a great day everybody!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363

Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
9397 Posts

Posted - May 17 2016 :  07:48:23 AM  Show Profile
Hi everyone! Been a busy time around here in between rain drops. Got a great start on my gardening. Almost set up and ready for seeds. Though I hesitate due the cool temps we are having. Glad I didn't put my flannels away!

PG Tammy, you have been busy too looks like. Great job on the burger! Will be so quick and handy. I have never canned any meat except vension. Lots of work there cutting it up and all.
Glad to hear your neighbor is getting some help. Suicide is a horrible thing.
Your cow butter dish sure is cute. What a great find.

I have got to get off my fanny and get things ready for my dd and her family's visit. I have a week and a half yet but procrastinating never gets me anywhere so.. off I go.

Hope everyone is well and having a great day.
Anyone heard from Shannon?

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - May 17 2016 :  09:18:26 AM  Show Profile
It is quiet around here. I've been busy too and came down with some allergy crud Sunday. I think Im starting to clear up but stil dragging. I believe I read on another thread that Shannon's internet isn't working right now.


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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