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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Fulks Run
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Posted - Jul 29 2018 : 6:33:33 PM
Denise, we didn't even know we left the ground or return to it. It was really smooth. Try it if you ever get the chance.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2018 : 09:29:04 AM
Denise...have you down for the Book drawing! Will draw the last day of this Month!!! I have no fear of heights but my husband wishes I did! LOL I have made him and the kids do some things they considered risky just so I could get a picture of them doing it. LOL
Big Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 07:15:49 AM
Those balloons always remind me of the Wizard of Oz movie. LOL! Maybe that's why I hesitate as well!
Sure is warming back up here again today. Yesterday it was in the 70's today back to the 80's with the real feel in the 90's. 
I am so ready for fall weather. I even put out some of my fall stuff just to make me feel better. Will be going to Ohio the end of the month to celebrate our youngest granddaughter's 2nd birthday and to have a baby shower for her little brother coming in October. I love it out there. The weather is always quite nice.
I have started on Christmas things already and hope to be done soon. We have 6 birthdays before Christmas so I thought I had better get going on all of it.
Hope you all are having a great day and summertime!
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007 FGOTM~7/2013 "Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 08:24:25 AM
Happy Tuesday girlies, I hope you are having a great day. It is a beautiful morning here. The heat is to return later this week so I am enjoying the cool days while I can. I am officially back at school. Today we have registration day later and meeting rest of week and hang up art for the fair next week in our booth. Sheesh seems summer just flew by. But I am going in with a positive attitude. Anxious to see how many butterflies I will have, plus still doing 5-8 grade reading and writing and music. I so tried to get out of music. Just because I sing in choir doesn't qualify me for music direction...sighing
WE are still waiting for siding for our house. WE thought this week but so far nothing. Would like to have done before school. ok I have rambled on enough time to get to my list for the day. love and blessings, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 11:43:41 AM
OKay My Darling Farmgirls the Computer just ate my long post and I'm going to go kick some rocks! Grrrr!!!!
I will be back later to announce our Winner.
Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 12:48:27 PM

by the time my slow camera got this picture I had to clean it off LOL!!!! This is the girl that was over due and I said she would have a bull - it was a HUGE heifer! She's beautiful and ornery as can be. Her great-grandma was born on our anniversary years ago and was named Annie. Mama in the picture is Annalynn and the baby is Annika.
Then we had 3 more bulls

 That's the Mama cow from the last picture trying to claim this fella too!
 This guy was shy for a few days.
Gotta head out for milking - I left some holiday jam cookies (it's strawberry jam in them) for you to enjoy while looking at the pictures :)
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 5:12:51 PM
Good afternoon ladies! I'm back! Our 10 day vacation became 11 days and I wasn't sure we were coming back at all ... Benny was about to start house hunting in MT lol We had so much fun and our initial plans got changed with the wind blowing further and further west but it was all part of the adventure. Benny estimates that we rode about 2000 miles total.

Yup, that's us leaving Cody, WY. We stayed in Billings, MT Friday night. Thankfully someone approached me at a gas stop and asked if we were headed to Red Lodge and mentioned a biker rally there. TG for smart phones and I checked and all the hotels were sold out in Red Lodge which was supposed to have been our first stop instead of Billings. We then went to Red Lodge on Saturday and got to see part of the Beartooth Bike Rally with well over 500+ bikes. It was pretty cool. We then drove the Beartooth pass with scary switchbacks to Cooke City. Benny said never again lol When we got to Cooke City we went to a bar and were going down the stairs to the bathrooms when Benny got a full look at the guy's face he was talking to - it was majorly mangled. The guy had hit a cow!!!!! Did I mention the crazy switchbacks have free grazing cows on them! Amazingly the bike was okay except for his custom paint job he'd just had done. He's lucky he's alive. He'd hit a dog and killed it that morning too. He said he'd ridden for 30 years and never had anything like this happen then twice on the same day. From there we rode down to Cody, WY and spent 2 nights there. I also bought myself some hair bling.

Sunday we went to the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody and got to visit several other places. We stayed with Benny's sister Audrey in Cody. It was so nice meeting her and spending time with her. We thought she was going to kidnap us and keep us - she just didn't want us to leave lol She had a bbq Sunday night with all her kids and grandkids there. Monday she loaned us her truck and we drove that (sore butts lol) to Yellowstone National Park. Wow, there are crazy people there!!!!!!

Tuesday we loaded up and rode back through Yellowstone again with the plan to stop and visit some sites we had missed on Monday. We only ended up stopping at one site, Benny was so irritated by the stupidity of people he just wanted out of the park. People were just stopping in the middle of the road and running to see things making it extremely dangerous driving. We finally got out of the park and headed to Bozeman, MT where we stayed with Benny's nephew for the night.

Wednesday the wind continued to blow us westward and we heading to Canyon Ferry, MT and spent the rest of our time there with another of Benny's sisters, Connie, camping. Before we left Bozeman though Benny had to replace the brakes on the bike as our back brakes had worn out. Thankfully his nephew owns a shop so he could change them there and there was a Harley Davidson shop close by that had them in stock. He changed front and back to be safe. It was so much fun we really didn't want to come home. Canyon Ferry Lake is part of the dam and when they flooded the lake area a small island with the cemetery never got covered with water so you can go up and visit the cemetery. I was really surprised that they didn't relocate the bodies before flooding the lake. Sadly nobody takes care of it and headstones are fallen over and the wind has worn dates off the stones.

We finally left Sunday morning and got back last night (sniff, sniff). Benny returned to work today and I go back tomorrow. Yes, I would make another trip like this again :O)
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Wolford, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 6:21:01 PM
Nice pictures Heather and Tammy.
We've had another rainy day. Wish I could send some of it to the wildfires out west.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2018 : 11:57:40 PM
And The Winner is Teacher Tammy!!!! Sorry for waiting so late but I had a nicer day after I got mad at my computer!! LOL I will mail out your pkg soon.
Hubby and I ran some errands and then went to Barnes and Noble which we rarely go to anymore. I enjoyed it! A LOT! I am such a Book Person that I just have to be around them more than just once or twice a month. I picked up a Cookbook for my SIBO Diet. Looking forward to trying some new recipes. I think I mentioned that I choose a Word every year (after much prayer) and God Literally gives me the Word and this year my Word was "Unshakeable" and he kept giving me verses on being BRAVE. Anyway, at Barnes and Noble they had a Devotional called, guess what? Yes, UNSHAKEABLE. I didn't purchase it today but I will get it soon. Then tonight I watched a Webinar on LifeWay...done by Beth Moore on the very Book I'm Teaching this Fall called THE QUEST. So, I signed up for that and watched the first video tonight. If any of you are interested you can still sign up for it. But you will need to Order her Student Journal. All the videos can be done on your time table and she will keep them on-line through September.
Prairie Tammy...looks like you had a Blast! My butt hurts just thinking about riding for 2000 miles. But I am happy you guys enjoyed yourselves.
Heather...I always love your pictures. I look for the funny ones but this time there weren't any misbehaven! LOL They are just so sweet! I hope you can make it back on here a little we all miss you!
Nora...we would take your rain for sure. We had another Fire start in the Columbia Gorge yesterday around Wishram. I pray it doesn't spread too far or cross the river like it did last year.
OK...I'm tired from my good full day! I got my Voting done today and we took it to the Drop Box. I don't like sending it through the mail. I don't trust the Postal Service. LOL
Okay My Lovelies...I'm off to bed.
Sweet Dreams, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2018 : 06:32:43 AM
oh my goodness I won Peggy that is such a nice surprise. Thank you Unshakable devotion book is very good and I just did the quest study last fall...excellent. I understand your love for bookstores and being around books...I am just like that. Some people just don't get that lol
Just popping in before off to meeting at school. looks like I will have 17 butterflies...excited to meet them our theme this year is superheros. I am sure the kids will run with this.
well off I teapot is whistling so I best get to it. Yall have a great day.
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2018 : 11:53:18 AM
 Book Giveaway. I'll take names through August 20 then draw.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2018 : 12:10:33 PM
Nora...I'm in!!!
Big Hugs, Peg
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2018 : 3:55:44 PM
Jay's grandson, Buckshot (aka Jesse Robert) arrived yesterday afternoon at 1:13. Weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz. and 20 inches long. He's still having a little trouble breathing on his own Mom is doing fine. They had to do a C-section because mom was having sugar and blood pressure issues.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2018 : 1:54:22 PM
Books, Babies n Best-Buds..... what more could we ask for on here... right? Hahaha Loved all the pics. Heather, been missing you girl! So glad you dropped in! Nora, sweet baby! Awwww..... Oh, and count me in for your give-away! TLTammy, congrats on winning Pegs give-away! Prairie Tammy, I felt like I was there on that trip with you. When Patsy and I were kids we went out west every summer on vacation. We-loved-it... Heat and all! No a/c back then and camping every night(did I already tell this story? Probably... like 10 times over the years I've been on here). Hahaha We are having a 90 weekend but the humidity is only in the 40% range. I have windows open and the fans are doing a great job. After Monday, it's aback into the high 70's and low 80's. I am doing the happy dance!lol
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2018 : 12:51:14 PM
Judy - I totally agree that the trip was wonderful despite the heat. We camped without electricity or water hookup, just what was in their tanks, and loved every minute of it! If you've already told the story I haven't heard it so it was great to hear. Please tell us more! The trip was so special in many ways. I just want to go back and never return lol I got a good laugh when I read your tagline about the birthday cake LOL
It's been unbelievably hot with predictions of possible temps over 100 this week - rare for this area. I can't wait for the temps to get into more normal zones. Fall will be here soon thankfully!
The guys have been busy haying for a couple weeks now. It came to a standstill Monday night when the baler hit a rock which bent the shaft so they've been working on repairing that. As soon as I got home last night I had to help - all hands on deck to get things back on track. Harvest season will start possibly by the end of the week so the busy season is upon us.
Well, I need to get moving and do some cleaning before I get pulled to help with baler repairs. This keeps up I'm going to have great arm muscles after working with that 10 pound wrench LOL
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Wolford, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2018 : 5:34:54 PM
Wow! Lots of pics of lots of stuff! Very enjoyable and those jam cookies were very tasty Heather. MMmmm
Nora: Add me to the book giveaway list please? Looks really good.
Can't believe school started yesterday here in Ky. No wonder kids are burned out by winter. We always started after Labor Day. What's wrong with that? Fairs are over and kids are ready to settle down.. They always have to play around with dates. ok, getting off my soap
The humidity here is atrocious! I can take heat, but NOT humidity... so I do my outside work at sun set. My 2 raised beds are finally taking off and I have baby green beans and baby tomatoes. Of course, I didn't plant til June, so it's just now taking off. Watered with a hose but you know there's NOTHING like rain from the sky. Stuff just GROWS after a good rain. Hearing thunder. Been doing that and passing by today, but yesterday, my plants were soaking the rain up! Doing the happy dance too Judy!
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
3043 Posts

3043 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2018 : 06:51:48 AM
Patsy it definitely is miserable with the humidity here in Kentucky...Heat is one thing...humidity is definitely another...I love being outside but I cannot bear the humidity for very long...Have been putting tomatoes away for the Winter this week...About 18 pints so far...will be canning green beans next week if all goes well...We don't have a garden but thank the Lord for family...neighbors and farmers markets where one can get good quality vegetables for canning and freezing...We sure have had a lot of rain and storms here in Kentucky this week...I can't help but dream of cooler Fall weather...
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"...
"Country Girl at Heart...Blessed Beyond Measure"!!!
Farm Girl #5440 Farm Girl of The Month September 2013 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2018 : 12:21:46 PM
Hi My Porchies... Just wanted to let you know my husband had a Stroke MondAy night and we are still at The Hospital . More later #128546;, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2018 : 6:25:13 PM
Peggy I have been praying for you and the family. So sorry about this. Love and hugs Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
3043 Posts

3043 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2018 : 6:51:32 PM
Peggy...I am so sorry...Prayers that he is up and about soon...
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"...
"Country Girl at Heart...Blessed Beyond Measure"!!!
Farm Girl #5440 Farm Girl of The Month September 2013 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2018 : 09:46:26 AM
Peggy, Prayers going up for you, Larry and family!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2018 : 10:43:34 AM
He is going to go home today and doesn't have to go to a rehab facility as expected! He had a Heart Ultrasound and it shows vast improvement in his heart injection fraction! It use to be at less than 30% and now it is totally normal. It has healed itself! I give God the complete Glory in that!!! And all the many many prayers of God's Precious People! He will need to have an MRI done right away and a Cardiologists Visit to get him off most of his heart meds! That is where we are at Today!! Praise Our Faithful God!!! And His Faithful Prayer Warriors! Love YOU All#10083;#65039;#128591;#128519;#128591;#128519;#128591;#128519;
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |