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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 29 2019 : 12:40:08 PM
Peggy - hope everything is Ok!?! How is Larry doing?
Nora - Big hug!!!
Judy - These are Jerseys:
This one was a bull calf :( so we didn't keep him.
All the others we have are holsteins. There are the usual black and whites:
and then the red and whites:
They vary greatly in their color. Some are light red and others are really dark. Let me see if I can find a picture of Melissa, she's very dark.... It's not working and hubby needs the computer. I'll get back here to finish soon LOL!!!!
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts
Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2019 : 12:56:44 PM
Thanks, ladies. Love the calf pictures. Life goes on no matter what form. Name one Jesse for me,
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 29 2019 : 4:36:25 PM
Just popping on real quick. We had tornado warnings last light with a funnel cloud spotted and we under a tornado watch tonight.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
251 Posts
251 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2019 : 09:07:16 AM
Love the calf pics too! Rain here in MA and warm in the afternoons. Kinda icky but oh well! Learned a new limit this week! Repetitive motion is painful when you're over 55! Lol! I gave it my best but am looking for a job doing something less repetitive! Gardens grow and so do we! Checking my levels today hopefully I am not starting statins yet! It's all good and I am going to forward always! Appreciate all you guys sharing and showing on here! I will be checking in soon! Stay dry and smile! God bless us all!made these for the entryway!
Farmgirl#7588 Laughter makes the heart strong! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
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Posted - May 30 2019 : 12:51:50 PM
Hello, My Porchies...
The Emergency yesterday was a gal from my Bible Study Group, named Kathy. She was a nervous wreck as she had to have her husband admitted to an area Hospital as he had been slurring his words slightly and walking like a drunk for a day and a half. He didn't even have the normal symptoms of a Stroke but he also wasn't snapping out of it either. Well, I listened to her story and prayed with her. She has huge anxiety issues. And I put her on the Bible Study Prayer Chain. I just love her to pieces and needed to wrap her up in love and remind her that Papa God had her back! Today she found out it was a mild stroke with a bleed at the brain stem, which is not unusual I guess as people age. So Paul will be released tomorrow! And all he needs to do is to go on baby aspirin each day. So, that was my emergency. Sorry if I worried anyone. I wasn't going to just log off and lose what I had typed up to that point. You know me and my computer issues!! LOL
Denise...I have been praying for you and all those in the line of tornadoes. So Scary how bad they are this year too. And how many and how deadly. The Massive Destruction is so devastating too. It is hard to fathom! And hard to watch everyone left alive just walk around with shell-shocked faces. We Keep praying for you ALL!!
Vicki're a Crafty One! I Love Your Entryway pretties!! Nice Job! I know what you mean about that Repetitive Motion Problem. I have Fibro...and so, that repetitive stuff just ascerbates the pain! Give your body some tender loving care for a day or two and you will be better. I have had to do smaller portions on my Diamond Painting per session because of that exact same problem. I could work on it for hours and hours because I love doing it but then I would pay the price for about 3 days. LOL Getting Older isn't for Sissies as they say! your Farm Photos. I just love Jersey's they are so beautiful!! My husband lived and worked on a Dairy Farm on The Oregon Coast as a Teenager. He has always has had fun stories to share. He loved that time of his life! Were you the one that shared that Shannon had a Seizure? I pray she is going to be OK!
Not much going on around here. We are in the High 70's today with no complaints here.
My Husband who was a Minister/and Marriage & Family Counselor for many years...just started a new blog called God Applause (Awesome Stories of God Intervening In Lives) so here is the link if anyone wants a little encouragement in your week.
Love, Hugs, and Joy, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
Edited by - LadyInRed on May 30 2019 12:59:03 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
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Posted - May 30 2019 : 7:47:46 PM
I saw this cute picture of a little girl stacking bowls on a chair and the saying read:
"Sometimes life isn't a bowl of cherries. It's a chair of bowlies."
Isn't that just to cute?
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2019 : 08:46:12 AM
Patsy, that is cute and funny! Erma Bombeck had a book called "If Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries, Why Am I Always In The Pits?" hahaha Mama always liked her articles. Sorry to hear about the bad weather everywhere! We've had about 3 tornado warnings this spring ourselves. But they passed over(Thank You God) without much trouble. Just a couple of snapped-off trees around the neighborhood. Seems like we have a lot of wind in our area these days. I told Dave we should get a wind turbine and harness some of that. hahaha Heather, what is that cow that looks like a Jersey but is darker...Guernsey?...or something like that? They have the same gorgeous big eyes as a jersey too. Seems like there are more and more new breeds...or else (I'm) just noticing them for the first time. Hahaha (that's probably it) Ok Girlie... make it a great day!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
9453 Posts
9453 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2019 : 10:46:07 AM
Judy, Glad to hear those storms missed you. My daughter lives close to Dayton area. She was sharing pictures. I was so grateful they didn't get it where they are but there was plenty of damage in their area.
Have been busy lately. Time seems to fly by!
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2019 : 1:37:49 PM
Hello My Lovely Porchies,
I almost feel bad because we are getting Amazing weather. Suppose to change to rain the last part of the week but hey, I will love it while I can!!! I had a Wonderful Weekend with my kids and Grandkids.
Just got home from a little shopping for the Dog and a few things for us.
My husband is at ER and I just thank God he didn't ask me to join him there. I don't take waiting 4-6 hours well. With my Fibro...I just can't do that!
Son is off to the Dentist!
Me...I plan to do nothing besides my walk tonight when it is cooler out. It is rather on the humid side here. Have been choosing some new Bible Study Books for this coming Fall. I ordered 3 different ones all by the same Author that looked really good. Her name is Lysa Terkeurst. The books I will take to my gals to review are #1. Finding I Jesus fully satisfies the cry of your heart. #2. It's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY... finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered.#3. loved when you feel less than. Left out and Lonely. Has anyone done one of these Studies? I would be curious as to what you think of her Studies. ~ To this point we have been doing Beth Moore with other Studies thrown in here and there...but we need a break from Beth For Awhile. Her studies are becoming Mind Boggling. When the Teacher has to guess where she is going with a can imagine how the Adult Students feel...LOST and CONFUSED! LOL farm sisters...Enjoy your Day and do something Praise Worthy!!
Love, Hugs, and Joy, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 04 2019 : 6:09:31 PM
Hi ladies, Hope this finds you doing well. Just thought I would pop in and say hello. Been reading what I want to read, going to my bible study, doing a little tutoring and just slowing down. The weather actually feels like summer. We had to continue to deal with flooding and rain, farmers here will probably not get to plant much and still ,lots of roads closed because of flood damage. It will take most of summer to fix. I just thought in would say hello from my neck of the woods. Love and hugs, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 08:36:59 AM
Hi Tammy* waving madly* That's so sad about the farmers. I just read an article about farmer suicides because of all their troubles and debt. A lot of people don't support them like they should...BUT....we all wanna eat, don't we? So sad!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts
Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 12:34:16 PM
What a week! Last Wednesday morning I was awoken to a strange odor. When I got up the freezer in the kitchen was bad. By Thursday morning the refrigerator was warm. We had to go to Delaware for Sam's wedding. Friday night, after the rehearsal, we were asked to cook the ribs, burgers and dogs. At 3:30 pm, when Jay had to go be father of the bride, myself and his two brothers were left to man the grill. We didput stuff on hold to go see the wedding, we were on the grill for hours.
The wedding was good. Duke behaived, even though it meant being crated much more than normal.
We got back home on Sunday afternoin. Bought a new refrigerator on Monday. Hopefully it will be delive4ed tomorrow. I have had a groundhog getting into the copp and eating feed so today, I put fencing around to cover holes. Fingers crossed that will keep him out Hope the rest of June is calmer. Having some peppermint tea on the porch, join me,
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3158 Posts
3158 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 12:40:35 PM
Tammy - It's tough here for farmers too. We didn't have the major flooding like you, but it's been too wet to get anything in. We had a real hard time finding hay for our cows.
Denise - So happy to hear your daughter is alright. There was a lot of damage from that tornado! My husbands aunt and uncle live one street over from the one that went through Celina. There was a dairy farm in Indiana that was hit. I heard there were 51 tornadoes in 8 states Memorial day. Crazy weather!!!
Judy - We have the brown jerseys and a couple all black jerseys which is a result of crossing a holstein and a jersey. All the red ones we have are holsteins. The red is a recessive trait so it's not very common. My grandpa said back in his day if you had a red one born you got rid of it and didn't tell anyone about it. They thought it meant the cows weren't purebred. Now some people (like me) breed for it. They're a little behind the black and whites in milk production, but they're making a lot of progress. Some dairy shows will have the red and whites separate from the black and whites. It really is hard to tell just by looking at them. A lot of red and whites and Ayrshire's look the same. Guernseys are a little more red than jersey's but they usually have white on them too unlike most jersey's. They're probably what your thinking of. A lot of the "golden" milk is from jersey and Guernseys. I like the sleepy look of the brown swiss. They're kind of a grey color but they're big like holsteins. Maybe that's what your thinkin of.
This is a brown swiss
Peggy - what's hubby in the ER for? Hope he's OK. I think Nora's the one that mentioned Shannon's seizure.
Nora - we haven't had any new calves yet but the next one is for you. Hope you're still hanging in there.
Well, I need to get some laundry done and a snack before milking. Hugs to all!
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 1:18:47 PM
Good Afternoon My Porchies...
Suppose to rain today and I guess we need it for the fires burning already! But throws me into Fatigue & Pain... and tomorrow I am suppose to go to Elijah's Kindergarten Graduation at 10:00. I didn't get up today until 11:30.. so we shall see. I try not to drive when I am in heavy fatigue like that. your cows!!! I don't know how a lot of Farmers are going to make it this year. My prayers are with all of those caught up in the floods etc. My husband has a case of cellulitis on his left foot. Men never think about caring for their feet like women do. So, his get dry and cracked and he just ignores it and the next thing you know an infection has set in. He got this 6 months ago too. The redness started going from his ankle down his foot and then up to his leg. The Dr. said if he doesn't get it above his heart and get the swelling down he will need to go into the Hospital! So, last night and today I am being Nurse Cratchit and he is now back on the sofa. LOL Thanks for asking!
Teacher Tammy...I am glad that you are getting some relaxing time. Any Beach Trips planned this Summer??? Or any Trips at all??? Have you done any of those Studies I listed above??? Would love your feedback if you have. Well, enjoy your FUN reading and Tea Times.
Nora...sounds like you were one busy girl at the Wedding. Hope you got to enjoy some of it too. Well, a new Refrigerator is always nice but usually is a hit to the budget. Have you heard anything else about Shannon????
Judy...what are you up to lately??? Are you still losing weight? Somebody asked me the other day to join a recipe group for women trying to eat green. I almost gave them your name. I am eating everything in sight. But I have to say I have been healthier this year than years go figure. When everyone else was getting raging sinus infections and head colds, the flu and even pneumonia in my Family...I stayed well. KNOCK-ON Wood!
I am still learning about my relatives that are still alive. Only Cousins, and second and third cousins...but it is very interesting how strong ones Genetics passes down the family line. to do something productive. Have a Great Day Girlies!
Love, Hugs, and Joy, Peg
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 2:04:42 PM
God's mercy on the farm and farmers! Sad for the poor cattle and crops the hard times for families and our country! We like to eat! Sounds like everyone is in go mode for June. Sorry to hear about your hubbies feet! That sure slows everything down! Tammy is the year over Friday where you are? Hopefully you have a great summer!
I love the calming affect the cows and calves have on me! Just from looking at them! Well I just hate to give in to weakness and tried the cookie line one more time! Silly me! I thought about the ER After the 12hour shift but just went to bed then called and quit! Lol keep praying for me and I am praying for you and your family!
Farmgirl#7588 Laughter makes the heart strong! |
Edited by - Krissel on Jun 05 2019 2:11:56 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts
Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2019 : 4:25:21 PM
No, Peg, I haven't had an update on Shannon.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2019 : 12:03:56 PM
Vicki: Whatcha got in the planters?
Heather: Love all your info on the cows. My fav is the Jersey. The Waltons had one and I liked them long before that because they are small but very productive and high butterfat makes good butter. They also have those gorgeous liquidy brown eyes. Never had one but that's what I would have if I got one. They have mini cows for people like me who live on less than 2 acres. They are becoming very popular. Dexter is the breed.
We had a wind last night that whomped the house good and knocked over some plants and my water barrel (empty) but scary no less. We had very nice rain, not gully washing type and all plants love it. Problem is we have rain for next 3 days. Good grief! No happy medium! Thank goodness all my planters have drain holes!
Hugs & Prayers to all who want and need them. Take care and stay dry or cool or whatever the need is. My God is able! :)
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
251 Posts
251 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2019 : 7:49:11 PM
Patsy I planted lettus, radishes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and summer squash, peas, chives, Nasturtiums, and my other flowers. Been getting the Misfit's Market box of organic fruit and vegetables twice now and man that is so good! Barging for us!
Farmgirl#7588 Laughter makes the heart strong! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2019 : 4:24:11 PM
Howdy girls, Peggy that study by Lysa should be good that book is on my too be read list#129315;but I have done some hope her other studies and yes I have a trip planned to be a h first week of July and then maybe a trip to Colorado some of my dad's family lives there and hubby wants to see the mountains. I have been enjoying working n flowers and I have read so many books That is all I know today. Love and hugs, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
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9453 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2019 : 4:20:58 PM
Heather I love your cow pictures!
Vicki, such a nice looking place to relax.
Had a bit of a startle yesterday. I cleaned out the chicken coop while JT replace parts of the doors on the coop due to weather. Anyway, when I was all finished I fed the girls and went over to collect the eggs. When I opened the top on the nest boxes there was a big old black rat snake! I hate them. This one was about 4-5 ft long. The thing that struck me was that the hens were sitting in the nest while he was laying there across the inside ledge. Anyway I went and got JT to get rid of it. I am no sort of snake handler. I can't stand them.
I have been doing some hand quilting on a table topper I started last summer. Finally getting some ufo's worked on.
Thanks for the peppermint tea Nora!
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2019 : 12:26:53 AM
Had a Great Weekend with my Kiddos. And the two Grandmas and Mommy Sadie went and got Mani-Pedis. I got a pretty Pomegranate Red, Sadie got Neon Orange and Grandma Patti got French Tips. We tried to take Savannah in to get a little girl's Mani-Pedi and she was really loving the idea until we got in there and there was so much commotion it scared her and so we had to call Daddy and Elijah back to pick her up. But Bless Daddies Big Heart...he took his little girl home and got out Grandma Patti's FootBath and gave Miss Savannah her very own Mani-Pedi! You should have seen the picture...she was one Big SMILE! She is a Daddy's girl and he scored big points with his Daughter. Also, on Thursday Elijah had his Kindergarten Graduation and he got fussed over like Crazy and so that night Savannah and Daddy had a Date Night to even out the LOVE! He asked her where she wanted to go and she said THE Mall! So off they went and her first stop wasn't a Toy Store it was The New Shoe Store in the Mall. So she found a pair of kids Burkenstock Knock-offs and asked daddy if she could buy them. So, he gave her the money to go up and pay for them. And then they went to a Kids clothing Store and daddy bought her and Elijah some shorts and T-Shirts. Saturday when we all met and went to JoAnn's for their big weekend sale, the kids looked so darling in their new clothes. Savannah came in looking like the Mini-Me-of her Mom. She had her hair on top of her head with that Fanned Out Affect and her new clothes and shoes on, carrying one of Grandma Patti's old Cross-Body Bags. 3 1/2 going on 30, I declare. LOL ~ At the Craft Sale I bought some of the stuff to make a Fairy Garden with them next week. We will have fun doing that together.
Didn't make it to Church this week either as Larry's Foot is still bothering him. It is improving in leaps and bounds but takes all day long to take the medication for it and put on 3 different kinds of creams. So, I started my own personal Summer Bible Study called "Sitting at The Feet of Rabbi Jesus" - it is on the Jewishness of Jesus. Which sounds kind of Funny because he was a Jew...but we do often tend to think of him more as an American, or Hispanic or whatever our own Culture is. I used the first Lesson today as My Church Time and Jesus and I had a two hour Service together. And I learned some really great traditions of the Jews...which gave me an even deeper insight into Jesus. I have felt so filled up and blessed all day long.
OK, my Lovely Ladies...I have more emails and stuff to go through before I go to bed.
Denise...that was nice of hubby to deal with the Rat Snake. He sounded pretty big. I can't believe he wasn't bothering then hens of visa versa. Strange!
Love, Hugs, And Joy, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 10 2019 : 06:46:57 AM
Peggy, Your weekend sounds lovely! Yes I am glad JT was willing to take care of that snake for me.
I am headed to a funeral for a longtime friend on Wednesday. Her boys won't be able to get here that soon but will be having a memorial for their mom at church in July. Our Pastor will speak at both services. I found out Friday that contrary to what we originally thought she was able to talk to each of her 3 boys before she passed away. I am so glad because I know the relationships were not good for a long time due to influence of their dad when they were younger.
It is dark and dreary here today. So I have some house hold things to attend to and then I will pop in a movie and work on some hand quilting. Good day for hot tea, unfortunately not on the porch.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2019 : 09:32:32 AM
Hi Gals, enjoying all the chit-chat on here. Black/rat snakes won't hurt chickens...BUT they might eat the eggs... and they sure do keep down the mice n rats. They do seem to enjoy the warmth of the nests. I' surprised the chickens didn't see it. Of course their eyesight isn't the best. When they do spot one, they carry on something awful!!! I do remember that! Peggy, Savannah sounds like me when I was a little girl. Mama always told people that I was 5 going on 30. Hahaha Of course we weren't allowed nail polish until we were 13, and even then it had to be clear or clear tinted pink. How times have changed. That's so nice how your son treats his kids so special so that nobody gets that left out feeling. Sweet! Well ladies, Make It A GREAT Day!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
3158 Posts
3158 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2019 : 12:33:32 PM
Patsy - The Deter cattle are cute. Have you seen any pictures of MaryJane's miniature jerseys? They're adorable!! And tiny!!!
Denise - I got the willies just hearing about your snake adventure. I'm not a fan either!!! Luckily we don't have many around here.
Peggy - Savannah sounds so funny! What a wonderful Daddy she has. You'll have a blast making that fairy garden.
June is National dairy month and Winnie (Red Tractor Girl) is hosting a give away for Mary Janes milk cow book. Even if you never plan to get a cow it's a wonderful book. Lots of recipe's and cow info. Great pictures too. If you're interested hop on over and sign up.
It's been so crazy around here trying to get some hay made in all the rain. We're finally done and getting caught back up on the things that were not as important (like cleaning house LOL!!) Not much else to report. We have a couple weeks yet until the next calf is born.
Oh, I do have an incredible cat story - My husband's sister and her family got a few acres out in the country and my niece wanted some barn cats since they weren't in town any more. We gave them 3. The next morning they had one left. The other two ran off. 17 days later one of the cats showed back up at our house!!!!! I don't know how it knew to get here or how it managed to cross the 4 lane highway without getting hit.
Well, I better get the laundry switched before milking. Hugs!
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2019 : 07:24:22 AM
Hi gals,
Heather: Remember "The Incredible Journey"? Cats and dogs have built in GPS's. Looks like you have a cat for life, at least the rest of IT'S life. Oh, there are other forums? (just kidding) I'm always pretty much just here.
I'm fighting the urge to turn my furnace back on. 50s at night makes the house 68. Threat of T-storms makes it downright chilly.
Got all my flowers in the ground from the greenhouse. Now we shall see if they get to bloom before the 90s comes back.. sigh..
Think my peas are finally done. Such tasty treats. Managed to put a quart in the freezer. Ate that much or more myself! :)
Denise: I have seen blacksnake skins that were shed down at the barn, but never saw one yet. We were always told to never kill a black snake because like Judy said they take care of rats and mice. When I lived in NC, we actually saw a black snake swallow a rat! It was so cool! They never got in my nests though. I would be afraid they would swallow my eggs.
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us! |