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True Blue Farmgirl

17161 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
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Posted - Oct 23 2019 :  5:11:54 PM  Show Profile
Shannon,, just wrapping you and your family in love and prayers...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - Oct 29 2019 :  8:26:32 PM  Show Profile
Can't believe that October is almost over. Where is the time going? I think I need more hours in the day. My sisters' car broke down and I have been taking her husband to chemo and radiation until she can get it fixed. Monday is chemo and radiation and the rest of the week is radiation. The doctors think that it is going into his brain now. So very sad. I try to take her out to do something once in a while because she needs a break sometimes. The cancer is in both lungs and in his lymph system. They could use as many prayers as they can get.

I went out tonight and fired up our wood burning furnace. It is supposed to rain tonight and the temp. is supposed to drop. I think I've held off long enough on firing it up. LOL.

Farmgirl 7774

Never miss a sunset

Lori Beck
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2019 :  2:14:58 PM  Show Profile
Lori...I am so sorry to hear about your Sister's Husband!! And I am praying for them and you (as it hits so close to home for you) and you are a Love for taking him to all
his Treatments. May God wrap you ALL in his arms!

Hugs and Prayers,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Oct 31 2019 :  11:34:55 AM  Show Profile
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear this. Keeping you all in my Prayers. I too have been holding off on turning on my furnace.
I've been using a small heater in my kitchen and my electric fireplace in the living room. I like my bedroom cold, but warm the bed before I crawl in, with a mattress pad warmer. I put my flannel sheets and down comforter on this week. I guess it's time. Like you, we are suppose to drop into the 30's tonight and low 40's tomorrow. We are at 66 right now, rainy and gusty.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GIRLIES!!!(keep those pumpkins warm) hahahahaha heeheehee

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2019 :  3:50:54 PM  Show Profile
Praying for your sister and her husband. I wish I knew what to say but my sister went through this and it is so hard to hear someone else is going down this path. Prayers will get them through.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2019 :  07:12:19 AM  Show Profile
Well, we had some terrible rain and wind last night. Lots of limbs down but we still have power.

We went out this morning to take care of the hens and out of 18 we could only find 10 in the coop. We looked around and found two dead in the woods. We think it may have been a cat. We saw one on the wood pile when we first went out there.
So I guess we will have to figure out how it got them. They are quite secure except the top of their yard is open so we may have to put a covering over it. Though I can't imagine a cat could jump up that high with a hen to get it out of there.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2019 :  11:18:49 AM  Show Profile
Denise...if you are near woods it could be a Cougar. We have Cougars that come right into people's yards, School playgrounds, Parks and even into neighborhoods.
.About 3 yrs ago I was sitting on my porch and I saw what at first glance I thought it to be the biggest cat I had ever seen in my Neighbors yard. At second glance I
realized it was either a bobcat or small cougar. I live just outside the City Limits but still very busy Markets and Shopping Strip Malls all around me and a lot of housing too.
You wouldn't think a wild animal would come into a residential neighborhood but they do all the time here. Be Careful when you go really aware of your
surroundings...we don't want our precious farm sister to become big kitty food. LOL

Another nice sunny day today!!

My Sweet little Trick or Treaters...Elijah and Savannah came over last night for about a half an hour. My DIL posted pictures I took of them on FB while they were here.
I am the Official Family Photographer. I never get in the pictures but I take a lot of them.

Well, have a beautiful Weekend girls. Do Something fun!!

Love, hugs, and Joy,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Nov 01 2019 :  3:38:46 PM  Show Profile
The grandkids found a place where whatever it is has dug a hole. A very small hole. Too small for even a cat. We will have to fill it in.
We were ready to get rid of them but didn't want it to be this way.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

588 Posts

Alvordton 36
588 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2019 :  8:33:05 PM  Show Profile
Thanks to everyone for the prayers. It means a lot to my sister, her husband, and to me. We also had a lot of rain and strong winds here. No damage. Denise, I'm sorry to hear about your chickens. That is one of the reasons I don't have any. I would love to have some but with 5 bird dogs it's just impossible. We live right next to the woods so any wild animal could get them also. We have a lot of coyotes around here.

Another month has started and I am hoping and praying for a good month. It started out as a cold one, that's for sure. It got down in the 30's and snowed a little bit.

Lori Beck
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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2019 :  06:38:01 AM  Show Profile
I think it may be a weasel got the chickens. But they usually kill them by biting and sucking the blood and they will leave them not take them with. So who knows but we will just have to make them more secure.

It was quite cold when we got up this morning. 34 and we had a freeze warning. Fortunately everything was done and in. My roses are still blooming.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2019 :  11:23:23 AM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
Lori: So sorry to hear this. Been down the cancer road one to many times with loved ones. Never used to hear about cancer, now it's everywhere.
Love n hugs n prayers for strength for you all.

My fireplace is keeping my furnaces off for now. Love nesting on my couch in my blankie and a hot cuppa whatever.. Don't have my flannels
on the bed yet, but soon. Hate to give in. lo

My marigolds are still blooming. Can't believe it after we had wind chills of 21, but they are a happy bunch! Cheers me up to look at
their happy lil faces.

Denise: Sorry to hear about your chickens. We have coyote here but my coop is right behind my garage, so that keeps that keeps them
pretty safe being that close to the house, plus the farm behind me has big dogs the run loose..

Stay warm and safe til we meet again..

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2019 :  12:20:10 PM  Show Profile
Good Morning Ladies...

I just went to my first local Bake & Craft Sale. I bought 4 loaves of bread, 2 were Pumpkin & Apple & Raisin, and the other two were Meredith's Downton Abbey
Tea Cake Recipe. She had samples and it was delish. Kind of like an Old Fashion (heavy lb cake) but with a delicious Crumbley butter topping. Will be perfect with
Tea and I can drink that in my new Queens Downton Abbey Tea Cup, that my son bought me for my birthday!

It is another gorgeous Fall day! We have gone down to a couple of nights in the 20's and most nights in the low 30's...but it is not un-typical for late Fall weather
here. I hope to go do something with my kids in a while. If I do not hear from them soon...I may just go out by myself! I am in that Christmas Shopping Mood. I have
gotten a good start but I want to be done by Thanksgiving for the most I can just enjoy the Season.

Denise...I never thought of weasels! Are they big enough to carry a chicken out of a fenced coupe? So, interesting!! Like you said, that isn't really the way you wanted
to get rid of your chickens. Goodness.

Girls, I'm pretty sure that I shared with you about finding my cousin Nancy Ferrell after looking for her for 43 years...through DNA. Well, just to show you what
a small world we live in. I found out that Connie Warren (one of our Farmgirl Sisters) went to school with a gal who is named Barbara...and Barbara married my
cousin's Brother. (My Cousin). I just found that out yesterday on FB. LOL

Lori, continued prayers!!

Patsy, I love how you NEST on your sofa! I always picture you sitting in an Eagles Nest with your kitties around you, while drinking tea and reading! LOL



Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2019 :  1:07:08 PM  Show Profile
It was mostly likely a fox that got the girls. We patched up holes and are keeping them in now that it is colder. They are saying snow for us Friday early morning. We won't see it t least I don't think.
I too am hunkered down with my blanket and tea Patsy. Good place to be on this cold afternoon. Seems we had very few transition days of fall this year.
JT is doing better. I think 4 to 6 more days for rehab. Really can't do much until the swelling goes down completely.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2019 :  2:11:08 PM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEGGYANN.. whenever it was..

Just went around setting my clocks today on this nice sunny day. Can see a lot better in the day anyway.
Not going anywhere or doing anything so add it to my "puttering" list..

Getting about 1 egg a day from my 3 gals so they are slowing down too. They need a rest after what they've been through
with all that HOT droughty weather we had. Now they need their thermals. lol Can't win..

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2019 :  5:46:32 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for all the 'giggles' gals. Just picturing, nesting, hunkering down, roses still blooming, marigolds with happy lil faces, snow in some of your places, apple-raisin bread... so much to picture!
Peg, hope you got my Hallmark e-card I sent you. If not... Happy Belated Birthday girlfriend!
It was 46 degrees out today, but I bundled up and went out for a walk and I'm glad I did. It was sunny and felt so good!
I'll quit when the snow starts, but as long as I can still get traction, I'm out there pounding the pavement.
Hope it was a Wonderful, Blessed SonDay!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."

Edited by - herblady55 on Nov 03 2019 5:47:58 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3160 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3160 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2019 :  12:03:53 PM  Show Profile
Denise - we had a problem with something killing our chickens too. My father in law said it was probably a weasel (although I've never seen a weasel). Turns out it was a skunk!!!

Peggy - happy belated birthday. I hope you did something fun! I turn the big 4-0 at the end of the month. Not sure where the time has gone!

Lori - no I'm not a professional photographer. And I can't make the cats pose LOL!!! I just take a bunch of pictures and usually I'm lucky enough to get a couple good ones. That's what I love about a digital camera. I can see the pictures and delete the bad ones.

We've been super busy on the farm getting ready for the cold weather but I did take my camera out the other day:

This was taken through my screen door so it's a bit funny looking.

I've been trying to work on Christmas gifts too. I was doing good until we got busy outside. Hopefully next week I'll be back at it!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2019 :  1:01:16 PM  Show Profile
Judy...I did receive your E-Card. Didn't I send you a Thank You? I tell you I have been so busy that I barely know if I'm coming or going. I keep having to remind myself that at 68 I guess it is OK to
have some forgetfulness. OK...A Lot of Forgetfulness for a girl with Fibro Fog on top of age. They say you are as old as you, I'm really 110!! LOL

Denise...I am happy to hear that J.t. is doing better and that Therapy is almost over for him. It is a long mental healing as well as physical. He is probably feeling a bit restless too! Men are so defined
by their occupation and providing for their family. When my husband had his three fingers sawed off he was getting ready to sign with a Minor Baseball League...and that pretty much ruined his dream
of playing in the Minor/Major Leagues. But God had a different plan for him...He wanted him to be a Minister and Christian Counselor and Bible College Teacher...and that is what he became. Much better
use of his talents I believe. Keeping you in my Prayers!

Patsy...thanks for the Birthday Wish. It was a fabulous one. As I creep closer to 70 my heart starts doing palpitations! LOL. But I plan to live to be 70 is Okay, when I think about it. LOL ~ I just put outa
few Thanksgiving Decorations this morning...mixed in with the Fall ones that I had already put out last month. I have a Pilgrim Couple and 5 adorable sheep that I bought from one of our Farm Sisters.
Out of the 5 Sheep, one is Black...which is a fitting reminder that there is one in every family!!! LOL

Heather...Oh, look at those kitties of yours. So, Cute!!! Thanks for the Birthday Wish!! So, you will be turning 40 huh??? I will tell you right now ENJOY YOUR 40's they were the best years of my adult life. But once
I hit 50 it was all downhill from there. ROFLOL Just enjoy each and every day of all of your 40's!! I never felt more accomplished and alive than those years!

Hey Girls...our Shannon posted on FB that they are having a Funeral this week...for the death of the baby she just lost. Please remember to keep her and her entire family in your prayers!!! Especially Shannon
as she can no longer have any more children and when that is taken out of your hands completely...that in itself is a Great Loss. I really struggled with that when I miscarried my 4th and last only girl.
I mourned that loss for well over a year, maybe two.

Sun is shining here and I have a lot of work to, I better get on with it.

Love, Hugs and Prayers For All,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Nov 05 2019 :  09:33:58 AM  Show Profile
He only took one day off from work since doing this and it was Friday, the next day after it happened. I couldn't get him to stay home. Even when the guys were helping him he was going along on the jobs. Guess he just needed to be there.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2019 :  07:12:02 AM  Show Profile
Good morning my Porchies! Somehow life has continued going... we buried our Cassandra Grace, or Cassie Thursday... on Wednesday I found out my incision is infected, which I was worried about. And yet, life keeps marching on. We are all trying to handle this the best we can! Anyways, just wanted to pop in. Love you all and thank you so much for the prayers!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Nov 09 2019 :  12:36:09 PM  Show Profile
Denise...Well, Good for JT! That is just amazing...but you know what? I believe he will heal faster that way emotionally. That is just Wonderful!! My hubby had to find an entirely new career...but
as I said, I know God was leading him where he was really called to. How are you doing sweet girl???

Shannon...I just am keeping your family covered in prayer. You are a smart Mama to know that each person processes death differently. I do believe that it is hardest on the Mama as she has carried
that precious life. I hope the Funeral added the hope that you will see her again someday in Heaven and the comfort in knowing that. Take care of YOU!!! And we consider it a privilege to pray for
you dear sister.

Love, hugs and blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2019 :  3:07:55 PM  Show Profile
I am good. I won't complain because I can get out of bed in the morning and do most of what I need to.

Still keeping your family in prayer as grief is a long road. All you have had go on it will not only take time for physical healing but emotional as well. Knowing you will see your babe again someday is what you hold on to though I know it is a difficult thing to do at times. I do hope that will bring you some comfort.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2019 :  10:41:01 AM  Show Profile
Hi Porches, death comes sneaking in so quietly. Patsy and I lost a favorite Uncle Saturday morning. He had leukemia years ago and it was in remission... until he fell a couple of weeks ago. It came back and that was that. He was my Mama's half Brother, but she always said, "There are no stupid words like half or step in my vocabulary, they all were Brothers & Sisters to me! I helped raise them and we were close family!" She wrote letters and sent birthday cards to all 13 of them regularly and made phone calls when she didn't hear from them that way. That was Mama! He lived right here in town within walking distance of us. The funeral is Thursday, also within walking distance.
I'm going to miss his so much!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2019 :  11:10:10 AM  Show Profile
Judy...So very sorry to hear about your Uncle. It's like a lost link to your Mama. I loved her attitude about not having half-siblings. That was a Wonderful way to look at them. Sometimes death creeps to our
door and sometimes it is an all-out assault. Neither one is easy to deal with. My prayers are with you and Patsy and I pray the funeral will be a blessed time of celebrating his life. Hang in there girls!! I am
praying for you and the Services.

Denise...I'm glad you are doing okay! Thought you had sounded rather down as of late. My husband is bipolar and he has been down lately. Some of it is just the gray cloudy weather. He really needs to
sit under a Light in the late Fall and winter months. If I ask him why he is down or he can't really tell me...he just assures me that everything is good between us! ~ Just know I am praying for you and JT.

I can hardly believe that it is Veterans Day. I sure do Thank All Veterans for their service to our Country. My dad never served in the Military but my FIL did and many others I know did. My husband,
best friend and I went to a Gospel Concert last Tuesday Night and they had all Veterans Stand for each Group of The Military. It was so Honoring and I was so thrilled that they took the time to
pay respect for their service. The Oldest one there was 95 and served in WW11 and The Marines.

I went shopping with my little family and 2 grandkids last night for a couple of hours. I rarely say this about my Grandkids (who I think are PERFECT) but they were not well behaved in the Store and
my Son and DIL were about ready to run off together and leave the kids with both Grandma's (forever)!! I kept is going to be a long time until Christmas gets here at this rate. LOL Neither one
knows when to just STOP! It is funny because neither Shane nor Sadie were like that as how did they have children like that??? There is some strong DNA coming out of them from some-
where!! ROFLOL

Well, I am happy to say that it is a Beautifully sunny day today. Hope you all have a lovely week and that you find something to be Praise Worthy in your hearts and home!

Love, Hugs and Joy,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Nov 12 2019 :  07:43:42 AM  Show Profile
Thanks Peg, I appreciate that. My Dad bought my Mama some of those light bulbs years ago that mimic daylight. Then she bought some lamps for the same purpose. I have those now and whether or not they work, I don't know... but I feel that they do. If its a placebo affect...I'm going with it. Hahaha I told Patsy, she needs them, since she's so Solar, and can only function when the sun is out. Hahaha
Snow started last night as I was going to bed and we have 2" this morning. It's 27 n gusty so it looks blizzard-like at times. It's suppose to be around 15 tonight. YIKES!!! We are REALLY getting a taste of winter early! Winter weather doesn't usually start until January. Heathers poor cows! I'm so glad to be retired. No more driving and worrying about road conditions. Of course I still Pray for Dave when he goes to work, but I don't have to do it anymore. YIPPEEEE!!! hahaha

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

9454 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9454 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2019 :  5:08:39 PM  Show Profile
Judy, so sorry about your Uncle's passing. Today is the 6th year anniversary of my sisters passing. Time speeds by these days.

JT had an appointment with the plastic surgeon. She is very pleased with his PT progression and healing. He will continue PT for 6 more weeks , twice a week and see her again in 6 weeks.

Working in the office has been taking up a lot of my time. Getting my Christmas gifts and birthday gifts done. I may even be finished by Thanksgiving I hope. I will then be busy preparing to spend time with family for birthdays and Christmas.

I hope all of you are doing well these days.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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