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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 8:39:14 PM
yummmmm....spinach quiche, that sounds sooooo yummy! Peggy, that's such a funny cartoon! Megan-I'd say it should be mandatory for all guys to stay home a few days, but I'm afraid there would be total chaos! They really don't get how hard it is until they have to do it
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Jun 29 2010 8:39:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 10:06:27 PM
I am finally ready for the market tomorrow. Well almost. I always wait till the morning of to bake the cookies and prep the lettuce. My baby girl got very sick this afternoon. For about 4 or 5 hours she couldn't keep anything down, not even stomache medicine. Then she dosed of for an hour and woke up fine for the most part. I was awful worried about her for a while, though. She's 19 months old and was playin by the table when it hit her. She ran towards me with one arm up and one hand clutchin her tummy hollerin 'Momma! Momma!'. Then her knees buckled and she sank into a ball by my feet screaming. I called my DH in a panic, of course. He told me to give it 15 minutes and see if it let up. Then the vomitting began, but with no fever the dr said she'd have to be sick 24 hours before he'd see her. With it passin in just a few hours the dr said it was probably somethin she ate just made her stomache upset. If it happens agian she's goin to the hospital while it's still happenin. But, the whole thing set me behind for half a days work, so no weedin today. I'm gonna go crawl into bed for a few hours sleep before it's time to bake the cookies. It's 1am here and I have to get up at 7am to make my DH's lunch and start bakin cookies. Goodnight Porchies.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 10:10:45 PM
I am so glad she is ok Angela! Poor thing. Have fun at the market tomorrow! Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 11:32:46 PM
Angela...don't you wish you could trade places with the little tykes when they get so sick? I am glad that she was better after she woke from her nap. It probably was something she ate and she is just at that age where anything looks good enough to eat. By the Grace of God and lots of prayers we do manage to get them raised though...through all the minor and major crisis.
Hope the Market goes well for you today!
Blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 06:02:10 AM
Oh my gosh Angela, how scary! Glad she's ok
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Jun 30 2010 06:02:47 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 07:22:54 AM
Angela, I'm glad your little one is ok. God gave us a perfect body and when something is wrong he lets it try to correct itself. Therefore the vomitting to get it out! The main concern is to try to keep hydrated but is difficult when nothing stays put. Get Pedialyte liguid and keep it on hand so you can make frozen pops. It can be effectual in helping to rehydrate after the episode and it won't be taken as fast as drinking it, which could come right back up.
Peggy, I love cold meatloaf sandwiches with raw onion and ketchup! I'm very drug sensitve myself. I had 3 episodes of anyphylactic shock. It is not fun when you can't breath and your tongue is swollen. 2x I was already in the hospital and the treatment was fast. The very 1st I was taken by ambulance to the ER and the last thing I recall was the nurse yelling "Oh my God." I spent 4 days in the hospital and don't recall anything. Needless to say I never take anything unless it is necessary and I have liquid Benadryl on hand @ all times with an eppipen just in case! I don't know if my Fibro was drug induced by my Bp meds but I assume it was. I was diagnosed by a 2 Rheumatologists. The best treatment is whatever works for you. Nobody knows your body better. Hope you are feeling better. I like the dust as a protectant!
Dana, I wish I had a pink bike and pretty nails to break off but mine are old gardening nails right now. LOL!
Lin, My husband is grumpy all the time and getting worse with age. He's very controlling and on and on..... With the help of God I can bear it. I love spinach quiche. Sounds like I love everything doesn't it? LOL
To all you wonderful friends that help us sound off and keep it all together,I offer Blessings and Peace,Darlene
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 07:43:27 AM
I way overslept! No cookies for the market today. My Hubby said I was so tired and didn't want to get up so he let me sleep. I know he was tryin to be nice, but it messed up my plans a lot. I can't get mad at him when I know he was tryin to help. I guess it's load and go time.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
807 Posts
Sioux City
807 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 11:54:13 AM
Angela, so glad your baby's okay!! That's always such scary stuff!! So hard when they can't comminicate! It's hard to suddenly have to "shift gears".....sounds like your hubby was trying to be helpful and he was certainly being caring and loving. Guess you'll have to double up on your cookies next week!!
Darlene, I love everything food too!!! Grumpy and controlling.........ugh!! Not good and I wish things were different for you. I have an ex who was very controlling and one day I woke up and just knew I couldn't do it anymore. It's all so difficult. So glad you can come to the porch!!
"Our beautiful earth is worth saving"!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 2:56:42 PM
Darlene...I guess we can relate on a lot of levels do sound very drug sensitive.
Angela...sorry you didn't get your cookies baked that you wanted to but think of it this way... The Chocolate Chips would have melted in the heat! (and maybe your body knew what you needed most).
It is a Lovely day here today and they are forecasting good weather for the Fourth. Not too hot but no rain! That's almost a Miracle for us here in the Vancouver/Portland area. Yahoo!!
Back later with some Lavender Lemon Cookies and something cool to drink!
Blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 6:58:49 PM
I am home from the farmers market with a player piano! Now I have to rearrange the living room. I heard a song today that made me think of all us on the porch here and our men. It was Reba McIntyre's Keep On Loving You. I know it's on youtube if you haven't heard it. I was listening and just thought, gee, what a farmgirl kinda attitude.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2010 : 8:38:59 PM
Angela, I love that song! It is really good. Hugs, Channah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 12:52:02 AM
Angela...sounds like you had a good time at the Market. A Player Piano doesn't sound like typical Farmers Marker Fair to did that all come about? There must be a story behind the story. LOL
I love that Reba song too. In fact I think I will go to youtube and listen to it.
Blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Jul 01 2010 12:53:06 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 05:49:40 AM
Angela, Lucky you, a player piano. The only farm markets we have are with food!
Here's a really easy dessert you might want to try for the 4th...........
1 sponge or pound cake...cut in cubes and place in 9x13 dish 2 strawberry jello and 2c boiling water...dissolve and pour over cake...push cake down to cover with jello 1 bag frozen mixed on top...chill until set 1 cool when ready to serve and enjoy I use sugar free jello and fat free cool whip and usually sponge cake...less calories! This always gets rave reviews and no one realizes it's low cal!
I'm coming to the porch with some bananna muffins and a rich moist chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. Also some risotto to die for. So much for the low cal dessert! LOL
I can do ALL things through Christ who stregthens me! Darlene |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 06:55:25 AM
Well ladies, have a wonderful holiday. We're off for an 8 day vacation and no computers! I'll miss the porch but can't wait to have some real time with the hubby. It's been over a year since we've had more than 1 or 2 days off together. Happy 4th!!!
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 08:43:18 AM
Wow Angela! I agree with Peggy. Do tell how you aquired the player piano!
Oh Darlene, thanks for sharing the recipe. It sounds great but I am on week 3 of Weight Watchers and cannot be tempted :)
Dana, Have a wonderful vacation :)
It is so nice here today, everything is so green and lush, the Meadowlarks were singing while I was harvesting Violets for Jelly, Spearmint for Meadow Tea and some Yarrow to dry for decorating.
I will soon be making some Rhubarb Tea if anyone would like some :)
By His Grace, For His Glory |
True Blue Farmgirl
807 Posts
Sioux City
807 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 09:19:58 AM
Oh wow Angela, a player are wild!! How in the heck does a person come home from a Farmer's Market with a player piano??? Can't wait to here your story!! Player pianos are so awesome!!
Darlene, thanks for the recipe!! Sounds delicious and easy! Your porch food sounds amazing, and I'll be joining you all to indulge! Hmmmm, let's see, I'll bring Caramel Pecan coffee, homemade grain bread, Gouda cheese and baked turkey sliced for sandwiches. Oh, I better throw in some avacado and fresh spinach!!
Dana, have a wonderful, wonderful trip!! That's the best!! Enjoy and relax alot!! I'll be anxious to hear all about it!
Sharon, I've never heard of rhubarb tea, but can't wait to try it!! I love rhubarb!
Activities for the long weekend begin this evening, but am going to make sure we have a couple of days to just enjoy at home. We love being home and I have so many projects I want to work on! Flowers are thriving and our neighbors have brand new baby robins in one of her geraniums hanging on her back porch, so will need to spend time just watching the mamma care for them! Oh the wonders of nature!! Happy 4th everybody!! Lin
"Our beautiful earth is worth saving"!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 10:53:42 AM
Angela, I'm glad that your baby girl is okay and that the farmers market went well! I babysat my cousins yesterday, and boy do I have a greater appreciation for all moms. I do babysit for them often, but yesterday was just grueling. One of my cousins was in a mood, so that made it ten times harder. But it was a good day otherwise. For everyone heading away for Fourth of July plans, have a good vacation! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 11:03:19 AM
I have been talkin to everyone who comes to my stand to see what kind of leads I can get on nearly anything. I have several people who bring me jars and fruit to make my jellies with in trade for the things I sell. I also have had several people take my email and number to get back to me about shelves they don't want and stuff like that. I mentioned to a woman that we were settin up our new dining room theme to be musical instuments since my FIL had left us 9 string instruments when he passed. She said she had a player piano that needed a little work, but it could also be played by hand. Not all player pianos can be, so I was very interested. We traded a few jars of jelly and some veges for the piano! Her DH was thrilled to have it out of the house. He never wanted it in the first place. We have to have the hammers tightened and one stuck key unstuck, then it's a piano for the girls to learn on. My DH will be takin the player part out to work on this winter as his winter-time project. You never know what others have that they might be wanting to get rid of that you might need! I am learnin to listen carefully when people talk.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 12:22:29 PM
Angela...thanks for sharing the story behind the player piano. You're obviously a good business woman...who knows how to not only listen but to bargain. Way to Go Girl! you make your own rhubarb tea? If so, how? You gals always blow me away with the interesting things you cook-up. I guess I am kind of a plain jane when it comes to adventurous cooking.
Darlene...another great recipe to try this weekend! Sounds just great!
Dana...have fun with hubby on your 8 day trip. We'll miss you on the Porch, but I bet you won't be thinken' of us much! LOL 
blessing you all, ~peggy
"Here In America...In God We Still Trust!"...lyrics from Diamond Rio song
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
122 Posts
United Kingdom
122 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 1:50:34 PM
Hi - I'm off now for the weekend - I have a cabin in Sherwood Forest awaiting me.
Its nothing to do with the 4th July of course but I hope you all have a great time.
Dance like nobody's watching! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 2:25:26 PM
| there a real Sherwood Forest??? How Awesome is that?
Well, enjoy yourself friend and we'll look forward to hearing about your adventure when you get back. Are you meeting Robin Hood there or are you taking him with you? LOL 
blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 4:37:05 PM
Have fun Sue! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal. |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 6:39:08 PM
I've been so swamped today at work. I'm so glad to come home and sit out on the porch with you ladies. How absolutely cool about the player
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 7:15:47 PM
My Hubby was messin with the piano and found a few levers. He then found that there was a board that opens up with one of the levers and it revealed a bunch more levers. One was markes 'reroll, silent, play'. The lever was set for silent. He set it for play and flipped the other lever he had found under the keyboard. A door opened revealing a set of pedals that work the billows for the player. It works! The other people didn't know about the levers! We have a working player piano that only needs new billows! It seeps air pretty bad, but it still works. We found a place that is pricin the billows for us. The guy there said he could sell us a book that tells you how to tighten the hammers and unstick the keys yourself, then he can come out and replace the billows and tune the piano at the same time. It should only cost us a couple hundred dollars for a set-up that should cost a couple thousand new! I am so excited and so are the girls. It turns out our neighbor knows how to play the piano and used to give lessons. I bet we could get her to give us lessons, since she was gonna give my Hubby lessons on the dulcimer. Maybe we could make this a family thing. Her Hubby plays the dulcimer as well. I would love it if he could teach My Hubby and she could teach the girls. Then we could teach each other. That would be so fun!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 8:25:27 PM
Angela, you could have your own little band! That would be so cute having all your little girls play together! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal. |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |