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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2010 : 08:01:24 AM
I had a wonderful day yesterday shopping in town. This morning woke up feeling lousy. I think I'm coming down with something. Right before my biggest yearly event of course. Thankfully I have help at the shop this weekend. I hope whatever I have caught just peters out and goes away. I told myself I don't have time to be sick and it's just not going to happen. We will see. It's cold this morning but lots of sunshine. It should be a wonderful day outside. My shop is all ready so today I'll just deal with loose ends. No hard work today at least. My son is going to start looking for a job in Oregon to be closer to me. I only hope he can find something. He is a cabinet maker right now. He knows so many other things he just wants out. I wish I could get him to go to school. But he made too much money last year for fed help. So now he is in a catch 22. At least for the first year. I'll keep working on him. Anyway, my energy level is down today.. so off to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2010 : 09:11:47 AM
Bunny it is amazing how quickly something can try to lay us low. Had that happen one day, fine in the am by afternoon sick. But I know about not having time for that junk. I do pray that your son will find something that brings him joy as well as provision.
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2010 : 11:00:33 AM
Thank everyone for your amazing words and prayers. They really help and keep my spirits up. I also did a little bit of a reality break and took a deep breath. I could feel your hugs and wonderful words surround me and Cherime-thank you so much for that verse. I am going to print it out and keep it with me.
Peggy-how are you doing with the weather changes? You have been on my mind. Let me know if you need anything. I'm just a phone call away! I ordered the book you suggested from the library along with Life is a Verb. Has anyone read that?
Bunny-I'm in the same situation as your son. I made too much money last year for financial aid but this year I am sure I will get some. Your son should check out the carpenter's union for some job leads. I hope you are feeling a little bit better and getting some rest.
I am so glad that I have all of you in my life. You are such amazing beautiful strong women. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.
True Blue Farmgirl
157 Posts
157 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 03:58:28 AM
Good Morning!
Pam- Life is a Verb, I like that title. I think I will add it to my reading list. I also have heard good things about The Help. I was going to read The Hunger Games, but DD said it has a sad ending and I already deal with so much real sadness with real people so why take on imaginary people with sadness?
Bunny- Glad you are all ready for the big shop hop. I am sure that the sandwiches and treats you have planned for the shoppers will be fine. How wonderful that your son wants to move to Oregon also! Ugh, financial aid; I couldn't get any aid except loans when I went to grad school because I went to a seminary, so no government aid was available.
Chermine- Sorry that you are having a difficult week. I read your post quickly and thought you were being sarcastic about a draft blowing on your legs while sitting on your deck! The I realized you wrote desk.
Megan- Yeah for weekends! Has your rugby team played any games yet? What position do you play?
Tammy- Hello and hugs to you!
Dana- Glad to see you on the porch! Your spot was waiting for you! Glad that Sophia enjoys pre-school. My DGD starts pre-school next week and is very excited about it!
Peggy- Yes! We are doing A Mary Heart in a Martha World! After we finish that we are going to tackle Amish Grace and delve in to forgiveness. The organization that I work for has an arm that offers creative and traditional therapies to people with fibro, Parkinson's, Alzheimers, RA, and some other auto-immune and/or movement disorders. We also have services for their life partners and caregivers. Our approach is service for spirit, soul and body.
Darlene, Channah & Angela- Your spots are waiting for you. There are extra blankets on the porch right now, with the cooler weather. I hope that your canning jars haven't surrounded you and blocked your access to the porch!
Hallelujah! It is apple season here! Rochester is surrounded by apple orchards, vegetable farms and vineyards. The Honeycrisp apples are available for picking starting this weekend! The fall raspberries are starting now too!
Yesterday was a long day. Started with leading devotions at a board of director's meeting, then immediately to the hospital to be with a young lady and her family as they make very difficult decisions about her medical care. She is extremely sick and medically unstable. Her mother's strongest desire is that her DD not suffer and that if she is going to die that it be while being held in her arms. All of the family knows Jesus, so they have hope.
From the hospital I went to a doctor's appointment. I was in a bicycle accident 3 years ago and one of my injuries was to my knee. The pain was dictating too much of my life, so I finally went to the doctor. He gave me a steroid injection and was very firm about the TLC I need to give my knee. However, even though he has been my dr for 25+ years, I don't think he understands how important physical activity is to me. No stairs? No running? No bike riding? No long hikes up the mountains? No cross country skiing and snowshoeing? Limited swimming? All of these things energize me (except for stairs, they are a necessary way to get to the next floor). Maybe I need a second opinion from a sports dr. I can't imagine my life where the only activity is a gentle walk around the block. Sorry to complain. I am just trying to process what his recommendations could mean to my life if I follow them.
Even though much of yesterday was not happy, the day ended on a great note because all of the kids and grandkids were here to celebrate our DGD's 3rd birthday! Lots of cuddle time with babies. I need a bigger dining room table!
Carpe diem! Lida
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 07:25:32 AM
Feeling a little better this morning. Still feel a little feverish. I hope I don't pass it on to anyone. Getting an early start. I have to be in the shop by 8:30am to get everything ready. It should be a fun day. Everyone that comes in is so friendly and happy to be on the shop hop. They will be sad to hear this is my last year. Lida, my son would be happy with even student loans but there are no loans for helicopter school. Salle Mae is the only one and they require a cosigner. With everything that has happened with my house, I'm not credit worthy enough. He doesn't mind loans. He knows he will have to live low for a while afterwards to pay them back. He just wants to fly. It costs $65,000 for a commercial pilot training and then you start working at maybe $15.00 to $18.00 an hour. He figures he will buy a trailer and just travel wherever he needs to go to get work for a while. Time will tell. You can't do it bit by bit either. He could get a loan for the private, but then it would take a few years to pay it off and flying. It has to be continuous to be successful. Lida, sounds like going to a sports doctor is a great idea. Think of the injuries that most athletes have and they find a way to keep going. I hope you can find someone to get you back in the swing of things.
Well, I need to get going. Working until 7:30pm tonight. I'll be beat for sure. Tonight will be a nice hot bath before bed. And then I get to do it all over again tomorrow. |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 4:34:06 PM
Bunny- Hope you kick your cold (or maybe flu?) soon! I'm so sorry to hear about your sons loan troubles. Things have gotten so difficult with loans that I don't know how anyone is making it thru those high dollar schools right now.
Lida-I completely understand about the activity thing (although the stairs comment cracked me up). I'm also so in awe of your career. I know it's rewarding but in a situation like the one you described, heartbreaking as well. Hope you enjoyed the family time!
Cherime-It sounds like you've been working non-stop...I don't blame you for saying you need a remodeling break
Megan-I'll take those rain vibes!! I love the rain and we don't get much in Nevada
I'm working today (outside of the home, so it's really my day off) so not much excitement. We did have someone get hold of our ATM cards and are making some bizarre charges to our bank account. I actually contacted the FBI because it's not someone just shopping at best buy. They opened an account with the post office in our name, sent stuff from washington dc to who knows where, bought a magic jack (alternative phone system), and have been posting job positions on a website, along with some weird craigslist stuff. Don't know what is going on but I'm concerned it may be something other than standard fraud. Anyways, when I get home tonight I have to file another FBI report for possible terrorist activity.
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 4:42:30 PM
Lida...What organization did you say you worked for? I really believe in the whole Body, Soul and Spirit approach to treatment and healing. I believe that was the very Title of the first book I ever purchased on dealing with Auto-immune disorders and it was totally the most beneficial. ~ I am almost through with the 3rd book in the Hunger Games Trilogy and I don't want it to end sadly!! But you might find you wouldn't like these books because as you said...'you deal with tragedy' everyday. You might like a more entertaining (happy) read. I have enjoyed them...because I could kind of see end-times prophecy in them. Sort of apocalyptic in nature. (I think that's the word I want). Fibro-fog day here! I didn't even get out of bed until 1:10 this afternoon. I just slept so hard and I hadn't even taken pain meds last night. ~ My Bible Study Group was great last night. We are loving The Mary Heart in a Martha World Study. Next Thurs -Sunday we go to the Oregon Coast for our Ladies Retreat. We rent a big house there every year in the fall for this Retreat. This year we have 13 Ladies going which is almost all of our Group. (This is an in Home Bible Study Group not a Church Group). Then the following week I take the Train to Seattle for the same four days to watch my GD while mommy and daddy move into the new house. I am excited about that too! But don't worry girls...I am taking my Netbook so I can keep up with you all! ~ Also, Lida be sure and do check with a Sports Dr. When I was walking 5 miles per day for 15 yrs...I started having foot problems (didn't know it was not just Planter-Faciatis but also I have Fibro and Arthritis in my feet) but my Podiatrist told me to quit walking and start riding a bike. I felt like you do, numb with shock. I had walked all my life and hiked and been an outdoors this was like a death sentence to me. 3 yrs later I had to go back and have arch-support molds made for my feet...and he asked me what kind of exercise I was doing and I said..."Well, non since you told me to quit walking. I don't like riding a bike that well." He said and I quote..."I would have never told you to quit walking." After I picked my mouth up off the floor, I said, "Well you most certainly did!" He said, "Oh, you must have heard me wrong" I did not hear him wrong! So, yes...go to a good Sports Dr. you'll be glad that you did. I was so mad! I now can only manage a mile and a half a day and only if it isn't raining but at least I can still walk (pain or not).
Pam...hi honey, how are you doing? Feeling any better? I am glad that you ordered that book and I too like the title of the other book Life Is A Verb, you ordered. I will have to put that on my reading list along with Lida's Amish Grace. Those both sound good. ~ I might get that "Thank You" gift done for you by the time you reach my age. LOL Sorry I am sooo slow. That is because I work on so many projects at once. But you will get it...I promise!
Bunny...sorry you are going into your Shop Hop Weekend sick...that does not sound like a good thing. But hopefully it will be so much fun in the shop that you will do what we Fibro patients call going into a "Zone"...doing something you enjoy so much that it temporarily takes your mind off your pain (or illness).I bet everyone will be sad to hear about you closing up shop.
Darlene, Channah and Angela have become MIA's haven't they? Well, I can tell you that Darlene has been having fun sending various people 'Funny' emails. I think it is good therapy for her and us. LOL She sent the funniest one today about a Dog Dancing on You-tube. You must go check it out! I loved it!
Janet, how is your DH and DD doing? Hope you aren't still worn-out. I tell you what...maybe I could put in sleep periods for all you women who don't get any...because I swear I get way too much! LOL My Dr. says it is from my body trying to heal itself...but I think it is just craziness!! Chronic Fatigue or not...I just don't see how one person can sleep so much and then have their body and mind still tired all the time!
Well My Porchies...I am really getting into the FALL mood now. I just love decorating for fall and going to some of the local and not so local Retail Farm Places. We will stop at a huge one on our way to the Oregon is just outside of Canby Oregon. We have stopped there the last three years and we just love all their home-made jams, jellies, breads, cookies, aprons, ceramics, and fresh produce....the list goes on and on. We take a good couple of hours there because it is such a huge place. I hope they never go out of so many different ones have.
Well, better move on to the rest of my email...even though MJF is my favorite!
Love All You Wonderful Encourager's on The Porch!
Blessings, Peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 10 2010 4:54:40 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 7:58:26 PM
Good evening ladies, I hope you all had a great day. It is beginning to look like fall. The evening are getting cooler. I cleaned out and cut back in some of my flower beds tonight. It is time to lay some flower beds to rest.
Bible study last night was wonderful. I love being in God's word and getting in the thick of tihngs. Met some wonderful ladies as well. God already showed me something on bravery.
The butterflies were wound up today as it is the end of the week and they are ready to have some days off. Crack me up somedays. Sunshine the fish is doing well. Glad about that.
Lida hugs back to you. Totally understand about being active. Hope you have a great weekend.
Bunny hope the shop hop goes well and you feel better. Being sick is not fun.
Peggy love fall too. I am enjoying the changing of colors as I go on my evening walks.
Pam how are you doing today? Been praying for you.
Angela see you are still MIA! HOpe you and the family are well.
Well my sweet things I am off for the evening. Time for tea and then read a chapter in my book before bed.
hugs and blessings Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 7:58:43 PM
Well, I survived the first day of the Shop Hop. Not many people. It was very disappointing. So many people just came in, got their cards stamped and left. Not even spending any money. I did $400.00 less this year than last year. This morning my hands hurt so bad but thankfully by the afternoon all the pain was gone. I had lots of help so that was nice. I'm hoping tomorrow is better. I heard from the other stores that there were lots of people that had to work today. So I'm going to keep good thoughts for Saturday! Peggy, sounds like a wonderful event going to the coast for a retreat! I wish I was going instead of being here. I'm sorry you felt so bad today though. I go through stages where I sleep a lot. But then it is over for a while. Anyway, I'm beat so headed for home. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2010 : 8:00:10 PM
Bunny, hope tomorrow is better. Praying more customers will come in.
blessings and hugs TAmmy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2010 : 2:24:12 PM
Hi everyone! The last two days were very busy. We played our first rugby games last night! So exciting! Anyways, for those who are wondering, I'm a forward who plays prop. We won both of our games last night, which isn't a big surprise, because in the past seven years, we have won 6 national titles, and only lost one game, which is why we didn't win nationals last year. It was a very intense game to play in. But I think I will like it. My schoolwork is going well. I'm getting along with all of my teachers, and the homework is the perfect amount. Sometimes I feel like I wanna pull my hair out, but I'm learning so much and feel so good about everything. Tonight is our welcome back dance, and I'm bringing one of my best guy friends. It's going to be such a fun night with an old friend, and all of my new friends. Whew, that was a mouthful! Talk to everyone later! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2010 : 6:28:01 PM
Hi sisters...
Megan ...Awesome on everything. You just enjoy every bit of your high school experiences because they will go by to fast. Don't pull your hair out because you'll want to do every week and then you'll be bald! LOL! I can totally relate to the divorce thing because I was 12 when my parents did it. It made me feel so disloyal if I said or did somrthing to one or the other. Don't do it to yourself. You can't control what they do and it isn't your fault. Love them both and stay as neutral as you can. You might have some rough times ahead so come to us and we'll help you through it.I involved myself in every activity in school that I could. Hang in there. Hope you have a blast at the dance.
Bunny...Hope you feel better and sales are better today. Things are so bad everywhere...people are afraid to spend their money.
Tammy...your Bible study sounds awesome. The butterflies are lucky to have you. lucky to be rejuvenating at your retreat. I am there in spirit. Hope the Fibro is laying low so you can enjoy yourself.
Pam...Hope you are better. We all get those times, I had it too same time as you. That's why I was MIA. Trying to pull it all together takes us all in a different direction. I always retreat and isolate myself. Not the best approach. At least you reach out to us. Tried to cheer you up with the emails.
Lida...Poor knees! I really am shocked that the Doctor said no exercise. The trend now is to keep people active and exercising. Limiting activity for a minimal time after the injection is normal. People with total knees are rehabed before they are out of surgery 24h and they are 80 and 90 yo. The key is to get the right Doctor. Do your research. I have seen sooo many people get the wrong one and it is a lifetime result. Word of mouth is not the way to go unless it's a nurse that has the inside info. Doctors refer to friends, good or bad. Sorry to say that but it's true. One hand wahes the other. Keep me posted. Email me if you want to ask me anything.
Dana...Scarey stuff you're going through. Hope the FBI can help you. Prayers for you.
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2010 : 10:39:50 PM
Dana...some how I missed all that FBI stuff at the end of your last post. Had to go back and re-read it. That does sound very concerning. Identity Theft for sure and maybe worse. I am praying for you! glad to have you back from the war zone girlfriend! Quit need us and we need you! I did love all your funny emails and the spiritual ones too. They were great!
Megan...aahhh, those High School Years! They are so much fun! Enjoy it all and live life to the fullest but remain true to yourself and your integrity. Have fun at the dance with your guy friend! sounds like your Rugby Team is excellent! Very exciting! YOU GO GIRL!
Lida...I finished reading the Hunger Games Trilogy and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I could read it again! I didn't think it ended sadly...I think you would see a clearer picture of end times than maybe your daughter would get from it. But would love to discuss it with you if you decide to read it. 
Well, today I had a date with my youngest son. My hubby had to work so my son came and got me and we went to Starbucks, to his new house, to his work for a minute, went to look at Some Fall and Halloween displays in some of our favorite stores, and then met my hubby, and son's girlfriend at Barnes and Noble. It was a nice day! I am wiped out tired though. I will really be needing that Retreat come Thursday! Looking so forward to that!
I am off to a couple of chapters in my next book and then to sleep...I hope. I felt the same tiredness last night and couldn't go to sleep until 4:30 in the morning. I hate nights like that! But I get up and do stuff not just lay there and toss and turn.
Sweet Fall Dreams, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 11 2010 10:48:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 06:47:06 AM
Peggy... Talk about brain fog...I thought you went on your retreat this weekend...Well then, I'm coming along! LOL! So nice to spend time with your son and his girlfriend. How's the other son situation doing? How old are your boys? My son will be 37 on YOUR birthday! My daughter is 33 and the mother is OLD! LOL! However there is an advantage to being old, I am wiser! LOL! I know I shouldn't isolate myself but I learned at a very young age not to make waves. Therefore I took care of myself and always tried to please others and care for them. It does become quite exhausting. More on this subject later, I don't want to think about it. I love your christmas stocking swap which has me thinking......
I think it's nice to do swaps with everyone and will still do them but we are such a tight group and have loved, prayed, cried, cheered up and supported each other that I was thinking that we could do some things amongst ourselves also. We could do RAOK, BD, holiday cards. Maybe each of us send a Bd card with a small gift and WOW our BD girl will be loved on by all of us. Do christmas swaps here and whatever. Just a thought. Those that would like to participate can and those that don't won't. Run a list of BD and email addresses and we can surpise each other with RAOK when the person needs them the most. If some can't afford to do somethings doesn't mean we still can't do for them. With postage so expensive the postal clerk told me to keep the package under 1 pound and it will ship much cheeper. I shipped to my SS in Oregon the same items by taking them out of a box and putting into a large envelope for $3 versus $10. Weight difference was only ounces. What do we think porchies?
Must get ready for church. I love my church and always feel so peaceful there.
It's raining here...O happy day!
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 06:51:03 AM
I told you brain fog...or is it old age? HMMM! I meant email each other our addresses. We have some from our picture swaps already.
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 07:49:12 AM
The heat came on for the first time this morning at about 5 am. Usually the coldest part of the morning. Bunny God is good all the time and I pray for his goodness, mercy and provision for you. I seems that He is shaking all that can be shaken right now. So many high fliers are being forced back to the ground. A big reality check for a lot of folks. Dana, may His peace and protection secure and surround you at all times. Megan my grandfather used to tell me that the first hundred years were always the hardest and from there it was a downhill slide. As for divorce stuff, I agree with Darlene, not your fault that their love no longer sustains them. Just love them both and remind them that is what you intend to keep doing if anyone gets a little testy. The break from remodeling will be over likely next weekend. Back to the hard push then. Winter is near.
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 07:52:51 AM
Good morning Porchies! Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days. I've been busy and regrouping. I'm glad to see everyone here and know that you are doing fairly well.
I love doing swaps! The shipping can be a tad expensive but Mark knows all the tricks and rules so I let him pack it up for me. LOL!
Peggy-it sounds like a wonderful day! You are so blessed to have such wonderful people in your life.
I want to thank you all again for the well wishes. They help so much! I am feeling spiritually energized from all your love and prayers!
Darlene-the emails definitely had me chuckling!
Lida-I would suggest a second opinion and maybe see if there are some stretches you could do to help the knee. I have chronic knee pain and once I do some stretching(like Yoga or Pilates) my knees feel 100% better and get me going.
Dana-I hope things are going okay. Have you heard anything else?
Megan-did you have fun at the dance?
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 08:27:36 AM
Peggy, it sounds like you had a lovely day with your son! Everyone, thanks for the support. I don't really talk about it all that often, and it's nice to know I have a neutral place to talk it out. As for the dance, it was amazing! I didn't meet any boys, but I had a wonderful time with my friends. The only downfall is that for the last forty minutes, I was sitting with terrible stomach pains. I had eaten earlier, but I hadn't eaten close enough to the dance, so I was starving! So when my Mom picked us up, I told her, onwards to fast food! So we stopped to get food, and then dropped my friend off. When my Mom and I got home, we talked for a while, and just reminded me that being the most popular cheerleader who gets all the guys isn't going to matter after high school, and I agree. That's not what I'm there for, and that's not what I aspire to be either. Well, today after homework, my dad and I are going to visit with my aunt and uncle and cousins for the Packers' game! Go Pack Go! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 08:35:02 AM
Darlene...I am totally for Swaps and BD's and Roak's etc among us. I think that would just be awesome!! Would you like to make that your little project to organize? I think it would be cool. My hubby gets on me a little bit about the whole postage, I try to think flat and light weight when I purchase. I just participated in The Halloween Goody Bag Swap and when it came to mailing...I had to leave the bag out and just send the gifts or else it was going to cost me way over $10.00 to mail it. So, yes...let's do this amongst ourselves but let's keep the cost down by mailing smaller items in envelopes etc. You would not only have to collect addresses but the Birthday dates. I think that would be so much fun...because we are a tight knit group on here. Let's hear from some of you other Porchies on this idea. I am totally IN!
Blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 12 2010 08:37:52 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 09:54:59 AM
Oops, I forgot to comment on that before! Darlene, I'm in. I think that would be so much more meaningful because we know each other so well. God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 10:45:08 AM
Well, shop hop has been a little disappointing this year. People are only spending money on the sale stuff. Good because it gets rid of it.. but doesn't pay the bills. I feel better but all of a sudden I'm having night hot flashes.. not sure what that is about. I haven't had anything for about 5 years now all of a sudden they are back. With everything going on my body has to decide to go wacky too! Not fair!.. (stamping feet and whining). My heart goes out to everyone having body and stress issues. Darlene, I tend to isolate myself too. I don't have many friends here where I live now and I find I just stay home with my 4 kitties. I'm kind of hoping moving to my mom's and it being a bigger town, I'll meet some new people. Megan, sounds like you are having a good time in school. Enjoy it. It's over too soon and real life kicks you in the backside. I'm interested in all the fun swaps I'm hearing about. I hope I can get more involved when I move. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 12:25:22 PM
Afternoon porchies, It is a beautiful fall day here. Went to church this morning and came home had lunch and now getting ready to head outside and enjoy the day. I would be interested in doing the swap thing and birthday but I agree it would be nice ot keep price down on mailing.
I just wanted to check in and say enjoy the day ladies.
blessings and hugs Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 1:31:07 PM
Interesting in the store today. I just had 3 muslim women here making purchases. 15 minutes after they drove away 2 Israli women came in.. a little part of me was glad they wern't in the store at the same time. Both groups were very nice to deal with by the way. |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 2:28:01 PM
Bunny- so sorry things haven't gone as well as you expected at the store, but I'm excited for you to start a new chapter in your life..who knows what exciting adventure lies ahead!
Peggy- Your day with your son on Saturday sounded like a perfect day!
Megan-Always love to hear about your school, just know boys at your age are a more hassle than they're worth anyways. Most of them don't even become decent human beings until about 30 so don't worry. I didn't even date in high school and now I'm married to a wonderful man (although they all need a little training)
Darlene-love the swap idea, consider me in too
Well, after two days of hubby home and me working, I've spent most of the morning cleaning up It's our anniversary this Friday so we're headed to the in-laws later this week so they can watch the kids for a few hours and we get a date day...looking forward to a little alone time for just the two of us
Hope everyone has had a great weekend
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Sep 12 2010 2:29:25 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2010 : 3:04:10 PM
Good evening porchies
Just wanted to stop by with a cup of tea and chat for a minute.
Megan: Hope you had fun at your dance. Sounds like school is going well. Glad to hear it!!! I'll need to look up Rugby cause I know nothing of the sport, but it sound fun and exciting.
Pam: Glad you are feeling better!! It's amazing how these ladies can make one feel better!
Bunny: I can't image how hard it is to own a shop in this day and age. Will keep you in my prayers that business picks up for you.
Darlene: Love the swap idea... I'm in.
Dana: Hope you had a wonderful anniversary.
I may not be able to log on much in the next couple of weeks. Going to a conference, and then a visit with my brother before I start my new job. Will catch up when I get back if I don't get to log on while I'm away.
Tell ya'll about the trip when I return.
Well my tea is cold and I have to get in from the porch to fix dinner for DH. Everyone have a wonderful week and will talk with everyone soon!
The well of nature is full today. Time to go outside and take a drink. Diane Ackerman
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |