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Book Ideas: Farmgirls Bookshelf  |
True Blue Farmgirl
959 Posts
New Jersey
959 Posts |
Posted - Jun 02 2006 : 7:15:58 PM
I think it would be great to have a section in one of MJ books devoted to books that a farmgirl's bookshelf cannot be without - they can be non-fiction gardening/cooking/crafting/animal husbandry and so forth. Also we can include fiction and non-fiction (memoirs) type books that appeal to the farmgirl in us. For instance, my choices would include books by Rosemary Gladstar, Euell Gibbons, Gladys Taber, Tasha Tudor, Jeanne Rose and many many more!
Kathy of the Enchanted Wood
True Blue Farmgirl
349 Posts
Tampa 'Burbs
349 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2006 : 08:09:40 AM
Laura Ingalls Wilder....hands down is my favorite "farmgirl" series of books!!! :) (There's truly a lot of great information in them if you take the time to find it! :) )
The end will justify the pain it took to get us here. "Looking Toward the Son"----
Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl
9094 Posts
West Seneca
New York
9094 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2006 : 08:35:05 AM
So many!! But I did love "THESE IS MY WORDS" BY Nancy Turner, and the follow up book,"SARAH'S QUILT". Tasha Tudor, have most of her books. I did like "STANDING UNDER THE RAINBOW" BY Fannie Flag, nice story about a small town, She also wrote Fried green tomaotes, gotta love that one. The whole Midford series, about a preacher and his congregation. I could go on listing but guess this will do. NANCY JO |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2006 : 10:10:58 AM
I think that's a great idea, too! I'd add the Eliot Coleman gardening books and, wow, SOoooo many others!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
True Blue Farmgirl
149 Posts
149 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2006 : 2:41:27 PM
I agree with Nancy...the whole Mitford series by Jan Karon is wonderful. I also love The Secret Garden. But, for books that should be on a Farmgirl Shelf...definitely the Ball Canning Book.
"There is no teacup too large, nor book too long." BLOG WEBSITE |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2006 : 8:36:58 PM
I'd also add Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living - it seems to have just a touch of everything one could possibly ever need! Also, I absolutely LOVE, love, love Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan - it's full of natural cleaning ideas and "products" that you can make at home from nontoxic ingredients.
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
True Blue Farmgirl
8529 Posts
Green County
8529 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2006 : 01:56:11 AM
all books written by Janice Holt Giles .. stories of early farm life (especially in Kentucky). she has a humorous and 'down home' farmgirl quality to her writings. her stories make you feel like you are living those days. the good ones the bad ones the happy ones the sad ones. xo, frannie
True Friends, Frannie
True Blue Farmgirl
1681 Posts
1681 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 06:02:01 AM
love Laura Ingalls Wilder, Tasha Tudor,Thoreau,Whitman, Emerson etc.
she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands Prov.31:13 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1681 Posts
1681 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 06:11:55 AM
I have ALWAYS had a soft spot in my heart for Tash Tudor. She lives a life I have always dreamed about and she lives it where my heart has always been VERMONT. Even into her 90's she is active, she's slowed down of course but still does many things. I admire her so much and would love to meet her but probably never will. For me, Tash Tudor is a very real inspiration.
she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands Prov.31:13 |
True Blue Farmgirl
568 Posts
568 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 06:39:19 AM
Here is a recap of the titles & authors from the Handwritten Journals topic:
"The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady," “The Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady,” “Cookery Notes” by Edith Holden "Muriel Foster's Fishing Diary" Hannah Hinchman: "Little Things in a Big Country: An Artist and Her Dog on the Rocky Mountain Front" Anne Morrow Lindburgh Gladys Taber Annie Dillard "A Midwife's Tale" by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich LM Montgomery Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839 by Frances Anne Kemble A Year in the Maine Woods by Bernd Heinrich The Singing Creek Where the Willows Grow -The Mystical Nature Diary of Opal Whiteley "Diary of Mattie Spenser" by Sandra Dallas Love is a Wild Assault by Elithe Hamilton Kirkland about Harriet Potter in early Texas "These Is My Words," “Sarah's Quilt" by Nancy Turner Country Matters by Jo Northrop Sharon Lovejoy - A Blessing of Toads - A Gardener's Guide to Living with Nature Susan Branch - Autumn from the Heart of the Home Stepping Heavenward by Mrs. E. Prentiss. It's a little paperback. ISBN 1-57748-342-1
.·:*¨¨* :·.Rebecca.·:*¨¨* :·. Wife of Jonathan, Mother of Joel, Caitlyn, Elia |
Edited by - _Rebecca_ on Jun 13 2006 06:41:25 AM |
Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl
9094 Posts
West Seneca
New York
9094 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 09:15:45 AM
Rebecca, Good job, I was getting dizzy going back and looking, so much to read, which is a good thing. There have been times when I would be looking for a good book to read, now that is not a problem. NANCY JO |
Hideaway Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
1553 Posts
1553 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 10:00:57 AM
How about Under the Tuscan Sun (the movie was not, in my opinion, nearly as good as the original book) as well as other works by Frances Mayes, about her life transforming an abandoned villa in Tuscany - lots of wonderful recipes and gardening tips. I get hungry every time I read one of the books; but I will keep re-reading them!
Jo |
Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl
9094 Posts
West Seneca
New York
9094 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 12:01:14 PM
Rebecca I posted on your blog, but if you didn't see it, I was suggesting that you might like NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA, since you said the book about Russia you were reading was not what you usually like. NANCY JO |
True Blue Farmgirl
568 Posts
568 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2006 : 12:09:05 PM
okay, great! I will check into that!
.·:*¨¨* :·.Rebecca.·:*¨¨* :·. Wife of Jonathan, Mother of Joel, Caitlyn, Elia |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2006 : 4:42:19 PM
I know this is a topic revival, but I was just looking through my bookshelf, and I'll have to add "Chicken Tractor" by Andy Lee, "Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots" by Sharon Lovejoy, and the classic, "Country Women" by Jeanne Tetrault and Sherry Thomas, as well as "You Can Farm" by Joel Salatin.
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
Lovin Life
True Blue Farmgirl
103 Posts
New Hampshire
103 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2006 : 4:48:15 PM
Nancy, I am reading Sarah's Quilt now and love it. I read These is My Words a year or two ago and was hoping there'd be a sequel!! I really admire that woman, living that sort of life. She is my idol! I started my soap business because of the first book that mentioned her soap sales in Tuscon. I guess my favorites would include those two books, Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund (not a farmer, but a very strong female character), An Unfinished Life, Fifty Acres and a Poodle, The Road to My Farm, The Secret Life of Bees. I have read hundreds of books, but can't remember them all!
I'd rather live my life with a "full plate" than an empty one. Life is not a rehearsal... eat up! |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2006 : 8:38:45 PM
I just loved "The Secret Life of Bees!" I also really enjoyed "West With the Night," by Beryl Markham (I think if I had a daughter, I'd name her Beryl), and "Out of Africa," by Isak Dinesen - the book is wonderful, and it is still difficult for me to get the image of Denys Finch-Hatton washing Karen Blixen's hair out of my mind from the movie - which was wonderful, too!
Lisa - I've seen "Ahab's Wife" at my mother's house, and have picked it up a few times because of its interesting name and cover, but never actually brought it home to read - now I'm inspired to!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
2552 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2006 : 9:16:12 PM
I am a fan of classic lit myself. I was an English Major in college and those were always my favorite courses. I am a HUGE 16th and 17th century poetry buff. I love Tennyson the best. All of those old codgers, Tennyson, Shakespeare, Herrick, etc. I love them all. Their romantic baudiness is what gets me I think....
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose blog: |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2006 : 8:47:36 PM
Organic Housekeeping has just found its way onto the permanent "Farmgirls Bookshelf" in my house! I was so excited to find it, and...well... she's a keeper!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
Phils Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
1095 Posts
1095 Posts |
Posted - Nov 05 2006 : 11:10:08 AM
Rebecca, I am delighted to see "Stepping Heavenward" by Eliz. Prentiss on your list. I've read it three times...:) It's somewhat hard to find! When life's difficulties become hard to bear, I often think of what Katy would do, and am strengthened. Actually, I may start it NOW! Ann
There is a Redeemer. |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 7:04:51 PM
I really think the Farmgirls Bookshelf needs to have some good books on finances/budgeting/economics/money management, etc. Do any of you have recommendations? I have read "Your Money or Your Life," and I really like that one...
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
True Blue Farmgirl
2173 Posts
NC WA State
2173 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 7:37:48 PM
Libby, I recently finished reading this book by Joel F. Salatin -- You Can Farm
It's from a rather hard-core farming angle, but it is VERY good in that it stresses money management and working with what you have now to get to what you dream of. He compares different methods of doing things and analyses why one method is more cost effective than another.
It is one perspective to consider. I found a copy at the library. It's a start!
Humor is the prelude to faith and Laughter is the beginning of prayer. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 7:40:44 PM
Hey, thanks, Clare! I'll look for it at our library - I'm guessing I'll have to request and inter-library loan, because we're so small, but it sounds worth it -- thanks again!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
True Blue Farmgirl
2087 Posts
2087 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2006 : 08:03:20 AM
The Purpose Driven Life
"... to thine ownself be true." |
Farmgirl Connection Cultivator
3579 Posts
Anne E.
3579 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2007 : 10:27:06 AM
I re-read "You Can Farm" by Joel Salatin - recommended by Clare - it's pretty long and involved, but WOW does that man have a system! I'd also say that this one deserves a place on the "Farmgirl's Bookshelf" if that particular farmgirl has any plans to have a farm or already has one that she wants some new ideas for. Many of them are old ideas made new again - which is just what I think we need a few more of! I'd also recommend "Keeping a Nature Journal" by Clare Walker Leslie. It is so inspirational and has some great ideas to help us get OUT and get reconnected to the natural world around us. What a great legacy to leave our kids, too!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
Choctaw Mama
Farmgirl in Training
23 Posts
23 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2007 : 3:13:49 PM
Hi, This is my first posting online here. But I was born a Farmgirl. I bought MaryJane's book for my daughter and we both love it and have joined up to chatt with all of you. Praise the Lord, we are not alone here on this giant marble. I am an avid reader, by MaryJane really captures you and won't let you go until you join up. (Don't drink the Water, Ha! Ha!) Choctaw Mama.
Don't forget to breathe! |
Book Ideas: Farmgirls Bookshelf  |