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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Jan 26 2018 :  5:24:41 PM  Show Profile
Yes, a new batch will be coming in February. I'm getting 6 straight runs and 6 pullets. I need a rooster. All mine have disappeared this fall. Eagles we think.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

118 Posts

Armstrong BC
118 Posts

Posted - Apr 06 2018 :  1:08:23 PM  Show Profile
My 3 year old brother and sister rescue cats, Jada and Taag when not shredding the furniture.

Our chickens have the company of migrating Canada geese right now.

Farmgirl #7553
Living a creative life.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2018 :  1:45:08 PM  Show Profile
My cat and dog are very good friends.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2018 :  5:44:49 PM  Show Profile

Cat in a basket!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Apr 27 2018 :  04:56:26 AM  Show Profile
My cat said "You went all the way to Japan and all I got is this silly hat?"

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

17167 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17167 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2018 :  8:44:01 PM  Show Profile
"Cats were once treated like Gods,, and they have never forgotten it!" (author UNK)


my lil princes, peekaboo

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

17167 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17167 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2018 :  8:45:48 PM  Show Profile
Oh and our other late in life fur child...

Ginger... the frog dog... lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2018 :  9:08:36 PM  Show Profile
So adorable!!!
Thanks for sharing

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2018 :  09:38:57 AM  Show Profile
Someone dropped these young cats off near the local animal shelter and since we know they don't take cats we are trying to find homes for them. If you live in North Kentucky/south Ohio/south Indiana message me.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.
Cookie Monster
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True Blue Farmgirl

3043 Posts

3043 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2018 :  7:20:34 PM  Show Profile

My Sweet Boy...His name is Grey...but I have so many pet names for him that he doesn't know that is his real name!!! LOL



"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"...

"Country Girl at Heart...Blessed Beyond Measure"!!!

Farm Girl #5440
Farm Girl of The Month September 2013
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True Blue Farmgirl

13055 Posts

13055 Posts

Posted - Sep 05 2018 :  10:56:16 AM  Show Profile
What beautiful cats and dogs!!!!!
Thanks for sharing their sweet faces.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2019 :  6:33:45 PM  Show Profile

Hi everyone,
This cute little guy just joined our pack last Wednesday. His name is Sunny. He is pekingneezy and something. He is 11yrs old. He was my sis in law's dog. Unfortunately she has crossed over a couple of years ago. Sunny then became my mom in law's dog but she moved into an assisted living apartment. Sunny was then living with Hubby's older sis who really didn't have the time for him. She asked if we could take him. So.....he hopped in a van and headed for California with just one bag of stuff like all hippie flower power children do and arrived 463 miles off course from Frisco. Never said he had a good sense of direction. He has adjusted pretty well. I still need to look down when I walk so I don't step on him. We are big dawg people and not use to little guys. He also snores like a sailor three sheets to the wind.


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2019 :  6:38:23 PM  Show Profile

This is Sunny dipping his piggies into the ice cold stream by our house. Our big country girl loves the stream. City dog Sunny got out real fast. When he lived in Fort Worth he stayed inside mostly. He loves the new adventures as a country critter.


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein
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Simple Living
True Blue Farmgirl

1404 Posts

Staten Island NY
1404 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2019 :  12:42:20 PM  Show Profile
These photos of our furbabies lighten up my heart. I have a short hair cat named Cutie, but I can't for the life of me figure how to get my pictures from my Iphone to this laptap

Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee and handle it.
Farmgirl #3842
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2019 :  3:39:20 PM  Show Profile
Hi Joan

I am sure there is a better way but I simply email them to myself then go to my other device and download them.


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein
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True Blue Farmgirl

2569 Posts

Connie - Farmgirl #673
Hoosick Falls NY
2569 Posts

Posted - May 04 2019 :  07:24:20 AM  Show Profile
I have some funny action shots of Chase & Ellie playing, I can't believe we've had them for 4 yrs already, they are litter mates rescued from New Mexico.

Vintage Sewing Machines, Original Parts & Related Book Titles -

Handcrafted Artisan Soap

Lil' Chefs Cookbook- Delicious Recipes for Toy Ovens -
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - May 04 2019 :  07:43:53 AM  Show Profile
Hi Connie,
You can tell they are great pals and have a great life. Great action shots.


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends.
Shel Silverstein
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True Blue Farmgirl

2569 Posts

Connie - Farmgirl #673
Hoosick Falls NY
2569 Posts

Posted - May 04 2019 :  07:55:24 AM  Show Profile
Nancy they are inseparable. I love them so much. Look at these funny pics...

Vintage Sewing Machines, Original Parts & Related Book Titles -

Handcrafted Artisan Soap

Lil' Chefs Cookbook- Delicious Recipes for Toy Ovens -
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - May 04 2019 :  11:28:11 AM  Show Profile


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends.
Shel Silverstein
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Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl

2474 Posts

Minneapolis Minnesota
2474 Posts

Posted - May 04 2019 :  5:55:36 PM  Show Profile
Oh gosh cute!

grandmother and orphan farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2020 :  08:21:07 AM  Show Profile

Hi Girls!

This is our baby Bella... She entered our lives two years ago after a long time of convincing my hubby how much we needed her. As some of you know, my husband was diagnosed with frontotemporal lobe dementia about 6 years ago. It's a very aggressive form of dementia that changed our entire lives without warning. Four years in, my young, once virile husband was almost completely unresponsive, perfectly content to sit in his chair staring at the television watching the same re-runs over and over. We had discussed the possibility and benefits of bringing a new dog into our lives could be for my husband, but after losing our beloved Pawlee, he just didn't want to hear it. One day, however, he had an incident that really shook him - one of the first times he really noticed that he was changing. It scared him, and he asked me if I really thought having a dog could help him. My resounding yes was met with an extremely hesitant ok. We went and picked her up that evening, and our lives haven't been the same since. My husband took a while to warm up to her. But one day I walked into the living room and found her sitting on his lap, with him sneaking her a little bit of the snack on his plate, and I knew he was hooked. And I had not seen him engage with anyone like that in a month of Sundays. It was simply amazing to see how he slowly but steadily came out of his shell a little bit. She is a very affectionate dog and LOVINGLY demands everyone's love and attention, and he finds her absolutely irresistible. We had a little setback shortly after we adopted her; there was horrible accident left her with a broken leg. It made me heartsick and my husband was overwhelmed and had a big setback, but it didn't for a moment quench her spirit at all! She was truly an inspiration - nothing broke her stride! I, however, was ridiculous about her after that, spoiling her rotten - but she deserved it. As a result, we are pretty sure she doesn't know she is a dog. (Ssshhhhhh! Please don't tell her she isn't human! LOL!) Television became my husband's even closer friend for a while, but like the waves that return to a storm-stricken beach back to a natural beauty, Bella soon won his heart over again, bringing him a little bit out of his shell again, and became my husband's BEST friend. She will engage his attention in incredible ways. She stares at him, whines until he notices, brings a toy over, all sorts of things... It's like she knows when he isn't right, and she will do whatever it takes to "wake" him out of it. Some days he just sleeps and sleeps, so she will jump up on the bed and lick his ear until he rouses. Then she brings him toys until he gets up. She doesn't let up, and he may take a while to come around, but eventually his attention is turned to her and he loves it. When he is up and ready to start the day, he will give her a treat or take her outside for a short walk around the block. Even more incredible, every day as part of their routine, come sun, rain or snow, they enjoy a long walk along the lake at the local park. His favorite thing is sneaking her over to Dairy Queen on a hot summer day for a puppy cup. He will even pop into the back seat to hold her cup for her - lol! She never barks, we never taught her not to, it's as if she knows it would upset him. She never runs away from his side, even if she isn't on a leash. And oh, how she makes him laugh - something he doesn't ever do anymore... One day he caught her out in the garden eating our spaghetti squash and he just stood there watching and giggling! She is definitely Daddy's girl, and she is definitely an amazing gift. She is wonderful! It's very hard to see what this horrible disease is doing to my husband... but the way his eyes light up when he is with her is a blessing beyond compare! She truly is my man's best friend! Everyone should have a Bella! Hugs and love - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2932 Posts

Georgetown OH
2932 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2020 :  3:37:45 PM  Show Profile
Oh Nini! I am so glad to hear this. I like dogs more than most people, and you have a true gift there. SO glad to hear from you. She is most adorable. Where did you find her?
So glad to hear from you; I think of you often.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2020 :  8:15:09 PM  Show Profile
HI LISA!!! Oh my GOSH have I missed you!!! We really need to catch up! We actually got her at a local pet shop - one well known for taking good care of their rescue pets. She is amazing - AMAZING! We are truly, truly blessed to have her! Our son and I have been toying with the idea of adopting a little friend for her, but I'm not sure I can handle any more responsibility! She is just such a social girl, always making friends wherever she goes. I think she would do GREAT with a little sister or brother - she or he would be great company for her! I just honestly don't know if I can handle the extra work. I'm praying about it, for sure! ;)

Also, since she has had such a dramatic effect on my husband's health, his doctor did give us a letter recommending her as his emotional support dog I'm just not sure where to get her trained. I've called everywhere I can think of locally and in Pittsburgh, but nobody seems to know where I can take her. I know I can't afford to have her trained as his service dog - it is UBER expensive, from what I have been told. But it would be really great to at least be able to get her a certification so she can accompany him where legally permissible as his illness progresses. I was told by a lady I met in Costco that there are no real legal guidelines for an emotional support dog...She said you basically get a letter from the doctor, register her online and then buy her the harness. But that just can't be right. Does anyone know for sure??? I really would like to get this done soon.

Hugs and love -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2323 Posts

Brooksville KY
2323 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2020 :  05:02:02 AM  Show Profile

The things you can find on a walk!
Out in the middle of nowhere Oskar and I heard a meow, and out stepped this kitten. He followed us home, and i named him Trip Hazard. He was going to a friend's place to be a barn cat, but my husband decided to keep him. Shrek is not impressed with him.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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377 Posts

Esk Queensland
377 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2021 :  11:31:01 PM  Show Profile
Well, look who came to visit our backyard this week! We are very fortunate to live in such a peaceful place where the native wildlife find it safe to visit.

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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