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 Interior home decorating
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Simple Living
True Blue Farmgirl

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Staten Island NY
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  3:11:19 PM  Show Profile
How about a forum pertaining to interior decorating? I'm love colonial /primitive decor in my home and feel this is a very popular way of decorating. ..please

A Life Without a Friend, Is a Life Without Sun
Farmgirl #3842

True Blue Farmgirl

7175 Posts

Paris TX
7175 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  3:21:45 PM  Show Profile
Joan I like talking about home décor and your colonial/primitive style sounds great.

I would describe my style as a little bit crazy quilt meets Texas farmhouse with a smidgen of English cottage thrown in for good measure.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.

Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
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Simple Living
True Blue Farmgirl

1404 Posts

Staten Island NY
1404 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  3:28:46 PM  Show Profile
Oh thank Sara. Decorating and crafting are my life.

A Life Without a Friend, Is a Life Without Sun
Farmgirl #3842
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  5:12:48 PM  Show Profile
You already know how I love colonial and primitive decor! LOL!! Over the years, we have purchased some antique furniture and inherited a piece here and there. While I do not have anything near one authentic look, I tend to have a blend of things that sort of all go together. For crafting and seasonal decorating, I love simple and natural items. Currently, I am reading more about very modest furnishings of hard working people from about 1860-1930 and find them fascinating and beautiful even though they are quite rustic by today's standards. Even though I have never lived on a farm, I love red barns, chickens, red tractors, pick up trucks and hand pieced quilts. I have always fantasized about living in a log cabin in the mountains and cooking on a wood cast iron stove like my Grandmother used to do. I wonder what it would be like in reality?

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
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Simple Living
True Blue Farmgirl

1404 Posts

Staten Island NY
1404 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  5:39:43 PM  Show Profile
I hope this forum gets approved Winnie

A Life Without a Friend, Is a Life Without Sun
Farmgirl #3842
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Holden MA
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Posted - Jun 15 2018 :  7:03:32 PM  Show Profile
I live in a ranch-style house in Massachusetts. It's the house I grew up in. I've never liked it because it's all one one floor and I've always prefered two story houses with a lot more character. Actually, what I'd really love is a farmhouse that's a replica of my grandmother's house in Vermont, but that is not to be. Also, most of the houses on my street are ranches and practically identical. They were all built in the 1950s. Like most ranch houses they are simply one room after another off a narrow central hallway. I find it a bit claustrophobic.

I moved back in about 22 years ago to help when my dad got cancer. He died shortly thereafter and I've stayed ever since to care for my mom who is now 91 and still going strong! Because the house is now in my name and my mom is more than happy to let me take over, I decided that since it seems I'm here for life, I should get busy make the proverbial lemonade out of lemons. I started by removing the wall paper and painting every room in the house (except mom's - she likes hers the way it is and that's just fine). Then I ripped up much of the wall-to-wall carpeting to uncover the beautiful hardwood floors. Next came the addition of some new furniture and the rearrangement of a lot of old furniture to give the rooms a different look and feel. What I'm going for is a more "cottagey" feel. The color schemes are a gentle yellow in the living room, which is a large enough room that I could split it into a sitting area and dining room. It does have a gorgeous fireplace as a focal piece. I painted the hallway a color called "Alpen Glow" which is sort of a warm apricot. I turned that long hallway into a photo gallery by filling its walls with framed family photos from several generations. The den and bathroom are both lavendar. My bedroom is a soft rose with light green trim. The kitchen is white, green and yellow with a strong apple theme (apple decals on the walls, an apple-shaped clock, and apple knickknacks).

One thing I love doing is changing the accent pieces with the seasons. I have loads of decorative items for each season so the decor changes on a regular basis. Of course, decorating for the holidays is a major, but much loved undertaking! There is still much more I'd like to do, but can only afford a little at a time, so I continue to dream and plan.

Next I started working on the outside. I've always loved porches so I had a front porch added along with a porch swing. Just today, I added a scrollwork white bistro table and two chairs to the front porch. Last summer I had a white picket fence and arbor installed. A landscaper came up with a lovely plan for the front lawn. Again, I can only afford to do it in stages, but that's just fine. It gives me something to look forward to each year. Once the fence was up I had the landscaper plant perennials outside the fence and climbing roses inside it. They were planted in the fall so they didn't look like much until this spring when they have bloomed profusely and are absolutely gorgeous. Between those and the lilac bushes beneath my bedroom window, I just adore the scents wafting all around my yard! In July the landscaper will return to put in more perennials in the front yard. I already have two apple trees, a peach tree and cherry tree so the new plants will have good company! They will go on one side of the front yard. On the other side I'm planning raised beds for vegetables. We have woods behind our house so the front yard gets a lot more sun than the back yard, making it a much better spot for veggies. I will get to the back yard one of these days, but since the neighbors have to see the front yard, I figured it would be the better place to start! My goal is to eventually get rid of the lawn completely and turn the front, back and side yards into gardens. I'm allergic to fresh cut grass, so mowing is a real problem. But gardens complemented by beautiful hardscaping seems like a great solution.

I just discovered this forum. I noticed that last post was in 2016. I hope it gets going again. Home decoration is one of my passions and I'd love to share and exchange ideas with all of you!

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