True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts
3162 Posts
Posted - Aug 23 2018 : 6:43:43 PM
I don't know if anyone is looking for Nubian goats, but if so, and you are near Wyoming, we have an over abundance that we need to sell!!! They come from great milking lines!!! And all are able to be registered as the sire and dams are all registered. We have doelings, bucklings, and wethers!
True Blue Farmgirl
4441 Posts
4441 Posts
Posted - Aug 29 2018 : 6:13:32 PM
Hi Shannon!!! So good 'to see you'! I hope you and your family are well! I myself have been studying various kinds of goats for a soon to purchase. I was thinking about Nubian and then fell in love with the Angora as i would LOVE to 'harvest' the mohair from them since we don't eat any goat meat or drink the milk. I hope you can sell yours quickly! I can't wait to get mine!!
Farmgirl #7103 FGOTM January 2018 Dianna "Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Hi Shannon!!! So good 'to see you'! I hope you and your family are well! I myself have been studying various kinds of goats for a soon to purchase. I was thinking about Nubian and then fell in love with the Angora as i would LOVE to 'harvest' the mohair from them since we don't eat any goat meat or drink the milk. I hope you can sell yours quickly! I can't wait to get mine!!
Farmgirl #7103 FGOTM January 2018 Dianna "Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro