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Cleaning Up: Moving  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2019 : 5:55:34 PM
Hi everyone, First the good news I retire from working after 43yrs. I have been working since I was 19 and have been working for my current employer for 23yrs. Boy am I ready.
Now for the other news. We are moving out of state as soon as our house sells. I knew packing and sorting 30yrs of living in our house wasn't going to be a picnic. I didn't realized how much stuff I collected over the years. Trying to sell anything on the bidding sites hasn't been working so probably 80% of my things have been sent off to Goodwill. A lot of it I got there so hopefully another future hoarder will be able to find new treasures in my trash.
It is bittersweet to purge and exhausting too. Looking at things and deciding to keep or not to keep and the memories. I am drained but it needs to be done because we can't take everything. Besides, I want a whole new look in my new home. I don't want the same look but different zip.
Has anyone had a similar experience and how did you come through it?
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
True Blue Farmgirl
2934 Posts
2934 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2019 : 10:18:27 AM
It is hard Nancy. We're clearing out my parents house and some things are just sentimental. I read somewhere to look at the item and ask yourself, "does it bring me joy?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2019 : 05:19:06 AM
I am doing the same as we are contemplating a move in the next couple of years. In fact yesterday I spent going through kitchen cabinets and downsizing. We have a small kitchen and only 2 of us now so it was time to shed the extra things. I have been on a constant declutter for a couple of years and it has been good. Now I know we are moving I definitely don't want to pack things that aren't important to me. I let the kids go through first and then the rest goes to donation. Hoping to hit the garage and storage/garden shed this Spring. ~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Edited by - levisgrammy on Feb 17 2019 05:21:40 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
437 Posts
437 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2019 : 11:59:47 AM
Hooray, you get a chance to live outside of California. Sorry sisters, I am a native Cali girl with many years living there. But wow, I had no idea the open space, the wild life, the flora and landscapes are so different outside of Southern California that I realized how small my world view was after moving. You are in for a real treat, first way less traffic, aahhh sleeping in with no alarm clock, it is the best! Now for cleaning out. What a job it is, but I have learned from staying at a vacation condo for three days that was supplied with the basic needs in the kitchen and bath that one needs a lot less than we think. But there are things that are important to one in life. My criteria for cleaning out is the following: Is it truly useful? Does it bring joy? I choose my most favorite items for each celebration that is important to the family i.e. Easter (choose one center piece for the table) one for the door, or end table) let the rest go. The linen closet, each bed gets one summer sheet set and one winter sheet set, a light blanket and a heavier one, bedspread. Let the rest go. 2 sets of towels for each person living in the house. Let the rest go. I still have yet to figure out what to do with the china sets from all my relatives after they have passed away. It is an on going process. Best to you and most of all have fun discovering your new home environment. Once you've moved work a little moving in then take a break, the go back to unpacking. We made the mistake of moving too much furniture on our move. We should have sold many pieces and not paid the moving expenses. I also have seen in our local Hospice donation store that one can find wonderful used items (such as what you are giving away to Goodwill) that can resupply any home you move into. Just pick your favorite dishes and let the rest go. Costco also sells so many things for the home such as pan sets, etc. It would be wonderful to earn a bit of money from your goodies you are letting go, but it is difficult through web sale. I always remind myself, Push it forward to the next person who may really have a need for the item and can't buy it new.
"The turnings of life seldom show a sign-post; or rather, though the sign is always there, it is usually placed some distance back, like the notices that give warning of a bad hill or a level railway-crossing." Edith Wharton, 1913 from 'The Custom of the Country'. |
True Blue Farmgirl
17172 Posts
17172 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2019 : 8:05:38 PM
Nancy,, it is hard to decide what goes and what doesn't... When we moved back up here, I brought way to much stuff,,, and like Annie, spent way to much shipping stuff only for the stuff to be still boxed up and out in the barn.. The things I wanted to get rid of, hubby didn't and the things he wanted to get rid of,, I didn't... Just remember,, you can always have Garage sales.. lol!
>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2019 : 8:31:05 PM
Thanks everyone. Great advice. Luckily we are taking little to no furniture. I really want a new look in my new home. We are also not taking any large appliances. I think we got it down to the absolute must haves.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl
6697 Posts

6697 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2019 : 4:20:14 PM
Good luck, Nancy!! I know this is hard but I am excited for you and your new retirement plans!! Where are you moving to? And I agree with what Grace brought up. If you hate to leave it behind, take it with you and give yourself a second chance before you part with it. A new home with all new furnishings sounds like fun!!
Winnie #3109 Red Tractor Girl Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015 FGOTM- October 2018 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2019 : 05:15:48 AM
We are looking for a few acres in East Texas. We visited Tyler about a year ago and loved it. While we continue to look for the almost perfect place we will be staying in Hubby's mother house in Fort Worth. Hopefully our house will sell fast and we will be there in a couple of months.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
True Blue Farmgirl
1145 Posts
East Texas
1145 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2019 : 12:05:07 PM
Nancy, you may want to stick close to Tyler due to the close proximity to I-20 to Ft. Worth, but have you looked around Nacogdoches? If I wanted to live somewhere else in TX, I'd pick there. Not that much further away and it's the oldest town in TX. Lots of history and it's surrounded by really neat rural areas. :) I don't know how far out you guys would want to live from a city/town. Anyway, I like Nac for several reasons but one big one is that they always get more rain than we do here in Cherokee county (just south of Tyler). Tyler will get it and Nac will get it and we won't. It's so weird!
FarmGirl #1390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2019 : 04:45:17 AM
Thanks Amanda I will do some research.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2325 Posts

2325 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2019 : 5:48:51 PM
I have gone through what you are planning. We moved from South Florida to Kentucky. The only furniture we took was a military footlocker, patio table, and step stool. As soon as we decided to sell, I began going through our stuff one room at a time and boxing it up and hiding the boxes in the closet. As each room was cleaned, the door was shut. The worst task was all the stuff in the attic over the garage. We had books from my late father-in-law who was a preacher, but I pointed out to my husband that they weren't being read in our attic, so off they went. Good luck and enjoy the new chapter in your life!
Farmgirl Sister #6754 Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs just need to relax and accept it.
The world is so full of a number of things I think we should all be as happy as kings. Robert Louis Stevenson |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2019 : 08:54:42 AM
Thanks Vanessa. Thursday was my last day of work so I have lots of time now to get it done.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
True Blue Farmgirl
17172 Posts
17172 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2019 : 07:50:07 AM
Hi Gracie Grace, It is going ok. Still have to pack the kitchen things. The house goes on the market today. It has been prelisted for a week and there are about 150 shoppers who are looking at our house. I ha've a feeling it is going to be busy this weekend around here.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
True Blue Farmgirl
17172 Posts
17172 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2019 : 2:35:14 PM
Oh for sure! from past experience (living in SO. CAL.) real estate moves fast... When we sold our house in Moorpark, it took a whooping 3 weeks,, and then our last house in Coarsegold(on hwy41 to Yosemite) it took 4 weeks,,, lol! up here, the average is 6weeks... I suspect you will be handing over the keys in no time soon... be ready for the whirlwind to begin! lol!
>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2019 : 08:58:34 AM
Yesterday was the first showing of our house. We had 4 appointments from 5:30 to 7:30. I am a little scared. I am sure we will get offers but I hope they will be what we are asking for. Today we have two more appointments. We are asking 20,000 below comps. It is a little scary selling our house because we won't really have a place that is ours. We will be staying at MIL's house in Fort Worth until we find a place we like in East Texas. I am also nervous about the long drive there. Favor, after you say your nightly prayers for the serious request please send one up for us. Thanks Gals you are all the best!
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
True Blue Farmgirl
251 Posts

251 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2019 : 6:08:43 PM
Nancy in Riverside County your on the list! God bless you and your family with clarity of mind and heart! Bring the right people and place to you at the best time. Know God is in your corner and look at this adventure in life with hope and joy of the opportunity to see the results of his love for you!
Farmgirl#7588 Laughter makes the heart strong! |
True Blue Farmgirl
588 Posts
588 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2019 : 7:02:32 PM
Nancy, I was thinking about about you and wondering how everything was going for you with your move.
Lori Beck |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2019 : 9:04:25 PM
Thank you Vicki and Lori. Somehow I missed your posts. We are staying at MILs house but found a property on 6 acres in East Texas. We placed an offer and it was accepted. Now we are gathering the documents we need and scheduling the inspections. Cute house with plenty of trees. I am excited but a little nervous but mostly excited. Hugs and kisses all.
The fun begins where the sidewalk ends. Shel Silverstein |
Edited by - Tumbleweed on Aug 03 2019 08:23:58 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
588 Posts
588 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2019 : 5:05:47 PM
I'm glad for you, Nancy. I hope it goes well for you. I was nervous when we bought this place a couple years ago. Once you get settled in it gets easier. Send pictures when you get moved in. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you well. Farmgirl 7774 Never miss a sunset
Lori Beck |
Cleaning Up: Moving  |