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 fence line
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True Blue Farmgirl

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gretna va
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Posted - Jul 04 2020 :  1:47:07 PM  Show Profile
my question for you all is " how do you keep your fence line clean"
We don't like to use round up so I weed eat the fence line. This can be hard on a Weedeater if you have a lot of fence. We looked at a zero point mower but they are out of our price range. Is their an easier way.

True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2020 :  5:20:40 PM  Show Profile
You can use a safer do it yourself weed killer. We use a combination of vinegar, dawn dish soap,Epsom salt and water. You can find lots of recipes on Pinterest for this.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

1334 Posts

Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - Oct 01 2021 :  7:26:24 PM  Show Profile
Goodness---is no way for a clean fence line. Weed eat or spray---and I hate spraying. I once helped my friend drive along and spray while we listened to Pink Floyd's" Comfortably Numb" song and I felt like a freak. I don't believe that there is an easy answer. I try to wait for frost and let nature take it's course.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
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True Blue Farmgirl

1145 Posts

East Texas
1145 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2021 :  10:08:18 AM  Show Profile
Bea, most of our fenceline is grown up (we actually can get a reduction on property tax here for leaving things "wild"...yay!) but husband weedeats the little that isn't grown up with trees. BUT...look into a propane torch for weeds. That's what I would do, provided that it isn't too dry. We have one that fits a 5 gallon propane tank. It's on wheels and it fries the weeds. I love it!

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

2460 Posts

Evanston WY
2460 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2021 :  06:44:55 AM  Show Profile
Cows....they keep the fence line clean....sheep do too. Teehee....if you have a small lot, get a tiny cow. They are too cute. The downside is poop...makes the grass grow.

Good luck on your endeavors. I once tried burning the fence line on chain link fence. Don't do this. I repeat, don't do this. There was not a good outcome.


Lean on me, when you're not strong, And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, For it won't be long, 'Til I'm gonna need, Somebody to lean on.

Farmgirl Sister #93
FGOTM August 2021

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Wisconsin
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Posted - Oct 07 2021 :  5:37:57 PM  Show Profile
I end up spraying or using the blade on a trimmer. Just don't do in the middle of summer, you got to watch out for ground bees. If you have them in your area.

Farming in WI

FGOTM June2019

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True Blue Farmgirl

4441 Posts

Jack Al.
4441 Posts

Posted - Oct 08 2021 :  08:33:53 AM  Show Profile
I agree with Denise! I have a LOT to weedeat with the weedeater but and I do use the weedeater as long as I can handle it. Never use chemicals cuz of the critters but Denises's concoction does work! I use it around the shop only.

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
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Farmgirl in Training

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Brookville IN
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Posted - Oct 14 2021 :  4:18:48 PM  Show Profile
We planted a ground cover under the fence, one with pretty little flowers, and we planted it thick. It took several years to plant the entire fence line and for it to grow in nice and thick, but since then we haven't had to weed-eat or spray. and the flowers don't grow out too far as hubs keeps it mowed along the fence line.

Carrie DeFossett

Farmgirl #8358
Member since March 23, 2021.

Rural Farmgirl dreaming of having a minifarm of my own.

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