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**News from MaryJanesFarm: Where Do I Start?  |
Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts
4 Posts |
Posted - Nov 17 2020 : 10:47:13 PM
Hello all.
I am new to the site and new to the community. While I lack land (and experience) I am hoping that my participation in this community is filled with learning and growth so that I may be able to call myself a true farmgirl someday. How does a young woman go about starting a relatoinship with the land, without land and without an agricultural degree? It seems as though many farms I have attempted to get in touch with for intern and working opportunities have not been persuaded by my can-do attitude and willingness to learn without prior experience on a farm.
I would appreciate any and all insight from my sisters of the earth! With gratitude, Bella |
Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts
8 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 08:33:58 AM
I don't have any land or experience, either, but what I did is get a book about Urban gardening, and since I'm very cautious I started growing succulents and other non-edible plants to try out. So far, they're thriving! Also, you could probably find a whole bunch of free gardening tips and resources on Youtube. If you can't find an internship or a job, have you tried volunteering? There's a Co-op urban farm near where I live that takes volunteers and that's how I learned how to compost. There might be something similar or a community garden near where you live? Or maybe an inexpensive gardening class for beginners? Check with your local library, since they often know of gardening groups and might even have a seed bank you can access. At the very least, you might find something posted on the libraries bulletin board. You definitely don't need a degree to get started.
Rachelle Sister #7640 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7215 Posts

7215 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 08:51:24 AM
Welcome Bella to the Farm from northeast Texas. First I want to invite you to check out the Garden Gate thread. I have learned a lot from the FarmGirls who post there. I live in a small town; in a small house; with small yards where I grow herbs, garlic, and container yellow roses. I grow mostly in containers and raised beds. Backyard is shady except for a part of the deck.
Another good source for info is your extension agent or agricultural department of colleges. Here in Texas I am fortunate to have Texas A&M as a resource.
Sara - FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts
4 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 10:32:29 AM
@FortifiedByBooks -- I've frequented Youtube to be sure, but the library resource idea is great! I'm a frequent patron at my local library but have yet to look at the community resources. Unfortunately in my region, COVID has dramatically diminished volunteer opportunities this is still a good reminder! Thank you for your insight!
Bella |
Edited by - FutureFarmgirl24 on Nov 18 2020 10:37:48 AM |
Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts
4 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 10:37:30 AM
@YellowRose - Hello, thank you for your suggestion regarding the Garden Gate thread, I'm still getting familiar with the site, but I finally found it! I live in a townhome currently and am just a renter so the HOA will not permit me to use any of the land for gardening. I also have a deck and it only gets sun for about 2 hours (if that) a day and is eastward facing. How do you manage with the limited sun?
Also, thank you for the tip about utilizing my local extension agent. Yet another good reminder of the resources I do have at my disposal.
With gratitude, Bella |
True Blue Farmgirl
7215 Posts

7215 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 10:50:18 AM
Bella, less than half of my back deck gets sun. A few container herbs and 3 container roses are there. My east side yard gets sun and I have 4 raised beds there. The sidewalk to my front porch gets about 6 hours of sun a day so it's lined with creeping rosemary and my grandmother's irises. It gets some morning and afternoon sun.
Two hours of sun is not much to work with so I understand what you are dealing with. I don't know of any herb or vegetable that will grow with that little of sun. Shade loving plants are your best choice. You also have to consider how you will winter over the plants. Looking forward to hearing how you are doing.
You mentioned you were a young FarmGirl - I'm a youngish 78 year old FarmGirl. One of the things I love about the Farm is all ages find a place here.
Sara - FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
7394 Posts

7394 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 12:35:45 PM
Welcome to the farm Bella! Its so wonderful to have you join us. I believe you just start out small. When I joined the forum years ago I was just the same as you with no land or gardens. But shortly after chatting with some amazing ladies here I had my first garden. Flash forward to today, we finally have some land and building correls as well as planning our garden for spring. This community is amazing and will help you get started and discover what you love. Good luck with your adventures! I hope to get to know you better.
Krista |
Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts
4 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2020 : 12:44:09 PM
Hello Krista, thank you for your warm welcome. That is exactly what I am looking for, I know this to be my calling but I just can't decide where I want to start and put my focus! I look forward to growing many relationships and learning more from you as well.
Bella |
True Blue Farmgirl
1334 Posts
Flat Top
1334 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2020 : 1:22:00 PM
Seems to me that when covid -19 is done with us---you could meet some locals who could introduce you to farmers. Just talk to people and you will meet many, friendly, kindly people. And I am sure you will also meet plenty of hateful people---LOL> Learning to grow things is really pretty easy---I grew up with gardening but I also learned a lot from books. Sara is right about no veggies in the shade. You could grow coleous, impatiens and begonias really easy. Just start and get going----baby steps. I live on a hillbilly farm in West Virginia. Welcome and hope you post many posts. Who knows---maybe you will meet a handsome young farmer and fall in love.
Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis |
Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl
6697 Posts

6697 Posts |
Posted - Nov 23 2020 : 3:53:18 PM
Hi Bella and welcome to our "Farm"! We are delighted you are here and guess what? YOU ARE ALREADY a Farmgirl!! MaryJane has always said that Farmgirl is a matter of heart. It sounds like to me that you are already a farmgirl!! I too don't have any land or garden, but I love this community and have found many new friends who like to do some of the same things I love to do. This is the beauty of our community, We are here because there are many topics and interests that bind us together. So a big welcome and just jump right in and join in on the comments of others on various topics. I think when you start to read the topics here and what others said, you will begin to see how this all works. I look forward to hearing your ideas and thoughts too.
Winnie #3109 Red Tractor Girl Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015 FGOTM- October 2018 |
Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru
4658 Posts

Sandy Hook
4658 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2020 : 11:14:35 AM
Welcome! I know you love it here. In the past ten plus years, I have learned SO much and am so proud to be a farmgirl!
Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole Farmgirl Sister #1155 Suburban Farmgirl Blogger Chapter Leader, CT Simpler Life Sisters Farmgirl of the Month, Jan. 2013
Suburban Farmgirl Blog |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2020 : 1:36:10 PM
Welcome, Bella! Your interest in farming will sustain you -- study and dream and plan your heart out! Your chance will come if you want it to.
Many communities have neighborhood or community gardens that use volunteers, or provide small plots of soil for a small maintenance fee where you can try your hand at growing for your kitchen.
If you are willing to drive a bit and commit to the work on the regular, there are rural community farms -- actual farms! -- that raise crops and other products for their county's schools or food pantries for food-insecure families. Often, all they want is people willing to work — they have knowledgeable people to point out what needs to be done and they’re usually happy to answer questions.
Though we're experiencing a double-whammy of Covid and winter right now, you might be able to dig into these possibilities by email and phone to get yourself lined up for early spring. It should be possible for you to participate in these programs virtually or in person, but while maintaining Covid safety measures.
Meanwhile, you could try planting Sugar Snap Peas and other easy cold-weather veggies in pots on a balcony or porch, if you have one. Depending on your locality, mid-to-late February isn't too early to start these plants from seed. Give them something to climb and be sure to keep them watered -- more easily said than done when it's c-c-cold out there! That's part of the Farmgirl experience, too. Amirite, girls?
Edited by - Rosemary on Dec 17 2020 7:30:19 PM |
**News from MaryJanesFarm: Where Do I Start?  |