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 Wax Paper Uses
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True Blue Farmgirl

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nutley nj
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Posted - Feb 28 2021 :  10:36:44 AM  Show Profile
chances are, if your like me you have an abandoned box or two of wax paper stashed in the back of your pantry. You know, either from that one time you made chocolate-dipped strawberries for Valentine's Day, or because you mistakenly purchased one, thinking it was parchment. Granted, wax paper may not be heat-safe (meaning, you should never stick it in the oven), but it still has so many more uses than setting chocolate in the fridge.
so here are some great uses for it.

1. Keep drawers clean
Line drawers, cabinets, and even the top of the fridge with wax paper for the easiest cleanup. Use a bit of double-sided tape to keep it tacked down.
Every month or so, just gather up and toss the sheets, then replace with fresh ones. Dust, dirt, and food bits will stick on the wax paper and not your surfaces.

2. Help a stuck zipper
Wax paper’s anti-stick properties help with more than just food items. Rub a piece along the tracks of a stuck zipper for an easier way to unstick. You can also use this trick for regular maintenance — try it every so often for a smoother zip.

3. Funnel spices and other small items
Easily transfer spices and other small items, like craft supplies, to jars using wax paper. Roll a sheet up (you can add a bit of tape for stability) to create a funnel and place inside the jar or container and pour for a mess-free fillup.

4. Make faucets shine
Erase fingerprints and water stains from your faucets with a quick rub of wax paper. Use a sheet to buff along the faucet for shine and banish pesky water spots. The wax will also act as a temporary moisture barrier.

5. Protect cutting boards
Juices from meats and high-liquid foods can seep into your cutting boards, stain them and even get trapped, inviting bacteria.

Before working with meat, cover your cutting board with a sheet of wax paper for an extra layer of protection. This trick works best when seasoning, as a knife could rip through the paper when cutting.

6. Stop microwave splatter
Keep your microwave from accumulating yucky food splatter that’s hard to scrub off. When reheating splatter-prone foods like pastas and sauces, place a sheet of wax paper over the food. Your microwave walls will stay grease- and mess-free. Note: while wax paper is microwave-safe, it is not safe for oven use, as the wax could burn or even ignite. The only oven-safe use for wax paper is as a lining for cake pans, since the batter covers the paper, according to Reynolds Kitchens.

7. Clean floors
If you run out of cleaning pads for your mop (like a Swiffer), wax paper is a cheaper alternative that works just as well. Cut to size and attach as normal. The paper will grab dust and dirt from your floors.

8. Clean gardening tools
Gardening tools are especially susceptible to accumulating gunk and rust. Scrub the grime from your tools with a balled up piece of wax paper. It will remove the dirt and also help keep them rust-free.

9. Make snow shoveling easier
Shoveling snow is difficult enough, without heavy snow sticking to your shovel and weighing it down. Before you tackle your driveway, run a wax paper sheet all over your shovel to prevent sticking.

10.Let Your Cheese Breathe
You know that fancy paper they swaddle gourmet cheeses in? It allows cheese to "breathe," which prevents harmful bacteria from sneaking inside the wrappings but it also helps prevent the cheese from drying out. Rewrap your cheeses in wax paper if you're planning to use them in the next three to four days. (Longer than that, and they should stay in plastic until you're almost ready to use them.)

11.Keep Ice Cream Fresh
We've all been there: you've spent all day craving a bowl of ice cream, only to pop off the top and find it covered with unappetizing ice crystals. Air and moisture trapped between the lid and the ice cream can turn into ice crystals. they aren't tasty or pleasant. To prevent that from happening once you've broken the seal and dished out a scoop, simply cover the leftovers with a layer of wax paper.

12.Can Openers Need Cleaning, Too
We get it, your can opener is probably on the bottom of your list of priority cleaning projects, bu just think of all of the fragments of food and bits of labels that can get caught between the blades. No need to break out the soap and water. Simply wipe with wax paper, and your opener will be good as new. The sticky wax helps trap the bits and pieces stuck around the device's rotating blades and hauls them out easily.

13.Roll Out Dough Without an Excess of Flour
It's tempting to keep dusting flour on your surface when you're battling a sticky dough, but by the time you're done, you might as well be eating flour directly out of the bag with a spoon. wax paper naturally provides a non-stick surface, it's perfect for slipping between your dough and rolling pin.

14.Photo Rescue
Spilled water on a special photo? Lay it out to dry on a piece of wax paper. The wax paper will help the photo dry out without sticking to it

15.Cork Helper
If you’re struggling to get a cork back into a bottle, wrap the cork in wax paper! The waxy coating will help the cork slide back in without compromising the airtight seal.

hope you enjoyed this

jersey farmgirl

Edited by - debtea2 on Feb 28 2021 10:39:28 AM

True Blue Farmgirl

4441 Posts

Jack Al.
4441 Posts

Posted - Mar 01 2021 :  06:25:48 AM  Show Profile
Awesome you posted Deborah!! I use wax paper QUITE often here for just about everything you posted! I keep several boxes under my cabinet and one for my crafting. If you cut out an 8x10 and tape it to regular printing paper, you can actually print on it and then iron the printed side onto material! I've done that several times for journals and such!! Works great!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
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True Blue Farmgirl

1853 Posts

nutley nj
1853 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2021 :  04:48:21 AM  Show Profile
Wow I never though of that thank you.
I think you can use it for some sewing projects too..

All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar..." - Helen Hayes

jersey farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarkesville GA
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Posted - Mar 02 2021 :  09:41:50 AM  Show Profile
Great tips! Thank you!

Keep shining!

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True Blue Farmgirl

1853 Posts

nutley nj
1853 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2021 :  6:08:33 PM  Show Profile

All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar..." - Helen Hayes

jersey farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Mar 11 2021 :  03:40:28 AM  Show Profile
These are wonderful tips, thank you!

Dianna, I'd love to know how you do that for a journal.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

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