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Farmgirl at Heart

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Essex MO
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Posted - Feb 12 2023 :  09:19:01 AM  Show Profile
I did not see this under any other chat so I started it so those who were working on the Public Service badge would have a place to post! I understand we need to keep it non-partisan, which is a great way to discuss the current issue in a non-argumentative way. So let the open communication begin!

To earn the beginning level for this badge we are supposed to report what we have learned and I had served on our small town(600population) alderman board for 4 years. What I learned is that it really is up to the people, even being on a board our hands were mostly tied by money flow and money flow was always in the hands of the community and whether or not they wanted something to happen.

I know it is most important to get out and vote in all elections big or small, it really does make a difference.

Wanda Sue
True Blue Farmgirl

1357 Posts

Murrells Inlet SC
1357 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2023 :  12:14:44 PM  Show Profile
So true Carmen. As American citizens, this is the thing that matters most. To vote is a privilege we shouldn’t take for granted. It should be a well informed vote though. Not believing everything you hear, but to do your own research.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
FGOTM August 2022
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Nancy Joplin
True Blue Farmgirl

315 Posts

Ontario California
315 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2023 :  7:06:24 PM  Show Profile
Voting is a privilege that people in many countries do not have! We should stay informed and vote thoughtfully. We need to protect our rights and privileges lest we lose them!

Nancy 8352
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