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True Blue Farmgirl

694 Posts

Chambersburg PA
694 Posts

Posted - Aug 31 2024 :  05:01:51 AM  Show Profile
Welcome back to the Farmgirl forums, have I missed everyone, you have no idea. Life threw me a curveball and here I am in my own place, paying my own bills and being my own person. So what do I officially decide to do, I go back to my favorite farmgirl badges. So moving from Canada to the United States I got to find my own place. I settled in a townhouse, it is newly built in the last 3 years, so as I have begun to hang pictures etc, I found myself figuring out the insulation within my new home.

I currently have pink fiberglass insulation and energy efficient windows. I do not have access to the attic at this time, but reviewing my packet they used very good insulation in the attic and it qualified for rebates from the electric company when they built the townhouse. My favorite place that the double pane windows have effected is my wallet, for the first month of living, and way more air conditioning than I would like to admit, it was only $88.

As I work from home, another small way I have found is that I keep a small fan blowing in my direction, keeps me on the cooler side while keeping my electric bill lower. Air flow is the friend of cooling.

Glad to be back!

Farmgirl #2951
2012 Farmgirl of the Year
TikTok: Awakenthedeadexperiences

True Blue Farmgirl

7126 Posts

7126 Posts

Posted - Sep 02 2024 :  3:16:24 PM  Show Profile
Welcome back Emily! Congratulations on finishing your badge. Insulation makes a huge difference! 5 years ago when we bought our home we learned the importance very quickly. It was a new build and we moved in in December. We froze the first month and our gas bill was outrageous. After much investigation we found the whole front side of the kitchen and the room above the kitchen were not insulated. Not sure how it was missed on the inspection. Once we got that fixed everything was better! Insulation is very important.

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