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Past Blessings Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 09:34:19 AM
I am so excited about the antique show we are having on our property! So many things to do to get ready. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! But the property is starting to come together and we have some amazing vendors!! Can't wait! It is August 18th & 19th here at Past Blessings Farm in Spokane! Here is a link with info. Hope you can make it!!/events/217001278362842/

Hugs & Blessings,


Come visit my blog at http.//
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katmom Posted - Aug 18 2012 : 9:33:27 PM
What a great show Brenda.....
So glad I was able to steal away and come visit & shop :>)
.... you put on a lovely show and the cool thing is...for anyone who wasn't able to sneak away today ...well they can on Sunday....
Oh and what lovely vendors,, they were all so wonderful, and friendly and a wonderful source of creativity...

Happiness is being a katmom.
"Is it time for my Dirt Manicure yet!" &

musicmommy Posted - Aug 02 2012 : 07:41:02 AM
Looks like fun! I sure wish I could head up there, but I think I've used up all road trip miles for this year. Will this be an annual thing? If so, I'm so there next year! (hopefully)

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Bob Marley
Sabrena Orr Posted - Aug 02 2012 : 07:24:56 AM
Wow! This looks like it will be so neat! I am really going to try to make it over.

Sabrena, Olympia
katmom Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 11:44:07 PM
Oh how I wish I could be a vendor,, but as it always seems, life just gets in the way of life....
Maybe I can sneak away from the goings on over here at our funny farm to come visit....

Happiness is being a katmom.
"Is it time for my Dirt Manicure yet!" &

Bear5 Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 11:22:40 AM
Good luck, Brenda. Keep us posted on the outcome.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
SallyT Posted - Aug 01 2012 : 09:58:21 AM
Sounds wonderful! Good luck.


Warmth of Friendship Necessary for Life

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