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 One busy week at work and look what happens...

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graciegreeneyes Posted - Apr 04 2010 : 08:43:31 AM
My house looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months - eew - I don't even want to sit in it. I guess I know what I'm doing this morning. I try to clean half an hour a day, but on days when I run errands after work I leave at 5 am and get home at 6 pm, then feed the kid, the dog, the cat, the chickens, walk the dog, etc. etc. and then I don't feel like vacuuming for some reason. Gotta make some sort of change. I've been trying to figure out how to get all my errands done on one day for a while - does anyone else have this problem?
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
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graciegreeneyes Posted - Apr 13 2010 : 3:50:09 PM
Lainey - mine was exactly the same way. I went through and got rid of a whole bunch of stuff this winter because I realized that I was spending as much time moving and maintaining my piles of stuff as I was doing anything that I enjoyed and my house still wasn't clean. There are a couple of trouble spots left - I have been trying to use up all the extra food in the pantry so I can make the room that houses the pantry/laundry/sewing room more functional. And the mudroom is still a wreck because my husband's idea of cleaning out the car involves piling everything that was in the car in the mudroom either in front of or on top of the chest freezer, sigh..... I have definitely lowered my standards - on weeks when I work a bunch I just don't have the energy to house clean so I pretend I don't see the dog hair, and hope my mom doesn't stop by:) Then work slows down in the summer but I would rather be outside and I bring in dirt from the garden anyway....
I've come to a sort of impasse I guess, I spend one day every two weeks really cleaning, then don't worry about it in between. It is the constant errands that get me. I keep trying to get everything onto one day but just when I get ready something comes up so I can't afford to do all the shopping at once. Soon, I tell you!!
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
Lainey Posted - Apr 13 2010 : 10:34:03 AM
Amy Grace, I know exactly what you mean. I leave the house shortly after 7 in the morning and on nights when I work my second job I don't get home until after 9 pm. When I get home in the evenings the last thing I want to do is house clean. Sometimes I barely eat supper before I fall asleep sitting straight up. This past Saturday my hubby and I worked most of the day and tried to get the house cleaned but still didn't even get halfway finished. I'd like to have the weekend just for resting and church on Sunday. And then there's the garden and yard work to do. Sometimes I get disgusted and just feel overwhelmed.

I did pick up a bit before I came in this morning and we are trying to keep the order we achieved on Saturday. I think we are going to work a bit more this Saturday on the house. One thing I did notice is when I finished one room and went to the next one then came back to the first one there was still things to do that I didn't see before. I guess in a nutshell I need some organizational skills and the time and motivation to declutter my house. I can't seem to throw away anything. I have been thinking about having a yard sale and getting rid of some of the things that are cluttering up the house.

I guess I'm rambling here but my messy house is a big aggravation to me right now.

Farmgirl Sister #25

An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.'
natesgirl Posted - Apr 12 2010 : 09:56:24 AM
I can sympathize. My house gets trashed on a daily basis. I have a 16 month old girl that the entire family, even her great grandma, calls the monster. She loves the sound things make when they thump on the floor. I now have to bribe the older 2 girls to pick up after her. They say they do it 20 times a day. I believe them. I pick up after her every 45 mins or so. We decided that as long as the place is "clean" her toys and such can be stepped over. If anyone is coming over we wait till 10 mins before their arrival and do a running pick up of the house while the baby sits in her chair with a cookie. Then it looks like we got it all together for our friends. I don't know if that would work for you or not, depends on your messes and ability to tolerate them. Hope you can find your balance.

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
patchworkpeace Posted - Apr 12 2010 : 09:21:51 AM
That's hard, Amy Grace. I can understand the trying to get all the errands done on one day and being gone for long hours each day. It was like that when I was a single mom. Could your child do some assigned jobs each day? Maybe only do the essentials each day, and then do a good cleaning of one room a week, and a good-enough cleaning of the others. Hope things get better for you.


Success is measured not by the position one reaches but by the obstacles one has to overcome to reach it. Booker T. Washington
sw80689 Posted - Apr 11 2010 : 2:19:51 PM
Amy Grace,
Yes, oh yes, I am right there with you. I get really frustrated if I have to work alot and I end up needing to do most of the cleaning on the weekends along with yard work and errands! I try to do a little cleaning every other evening but sometimes it just doesn't work out. It is so important to have so "down time" on the w/e's and do the things I enjoy, at least for a little while. For me, it is a constant juggling act!
My sons have been really good about helping me more and that is helping. Is there anyone that help you share the load?


*We are all angels with one wing, the only way to fly, therefore is to embrace one another*
StitchHazel Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 3:28:20 PM
Hi Amy Grace,

I'm not sure if it will be helpful to you but has been helpful to me. Not only has she helped me set up housecleaning routines, part of the message is not to beat ourselves up if we miss a day. She reassures us that we are not behind, and to just jump back into that day's to-do list. My perfectionism and really odd work schedule resulted in my messiness, so it has really helped me to feel better about the whole situation.

Thought I'd bring it to your attention in case it might help! My house isn't always perfect now, but my routines have helped it not get quite so messy in the off days :}


"It's wonderful what we can do when we're always doing." -George Washington
chaddsgirl Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 2:38:12 PM
Yes, Amy Grace!! I do have this problem!! I had a super hectic week at work last week, even had two days where I literally stayed up ALL NIGHT working and back into the office at 8 a.m. And it looked like my house had been hit by a tornado. It was so disgusting!!! I know exactly what you mean.

A person is a success if they get up in the morning and get to bed at night and in between does what they want to do. Bob Dylan
ddmashayekhi Posted - Apr 04 2010 : 1:52:59 PM
I have split my house up for cleaning two days a week. I do the upstairs level and lower level bathroom, and two foyers on one day. Then on another I do the living/dining/kitchen level. It has worked out pretty good. The hard thing for me is all the errands I have to do too. They can take me away from the house for hours. I try to do them when I have enough energy on cleaning days. This is my attempt to keep the weekends open for yard and fun stuff.

Good luck finding the right balance for you.

Dawn in IL

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