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 MJF~ Outpost Book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katmom Posted - Aug 07 2009 : 11:21:39 PM
ok, so I am a wee bit of a stinker.....Yesterday while in Spokane @ 'Aunties Book Store' I was browseing through the camping/fishing books when low & behold I came across an autographed copy of MJ's Outpost, Releasing your inner was tucked in back behind some flyfishing books, done so no doubt by some man who had no clue who MaryJane is!!!!
So guess what I did, yep I re-arranged the shelf & made sure MJ's book was front & center for all the world to see....
See, I told you I am a lil stinker! lol!

>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom.
"I've never met a sewing machine I didn't like!" &

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katmom Posted - Aug 08 2009 : 10:38:26 AM
hee hee hee,,,glad to see I am not the only one...giggle!

>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom.
"I've never met a sewing machine I didn't like!" &

Alee Posted - Aug 08 2009 : 07:28:01 AM
Grace you are so funny! I am glad you did that! I would do that too!! :D

Farmgirl Sister #8
Put your pin on the farmgirl map!
peapicker Posted - Aug 08 2009 : 06:15:23 AM
My I do have kindred sisters. I do that too with Victoria and Mary Janes when I find them in stores. I also take the magazines with the photos of pracically naked women on the cover and put them way in the back. No since in poisoning kids minds at the family store.
Mumof3 Posted - Aug 08 2009 : 06:07:39 AM
Haha! I would have done the same thing, Grace! In fact, I do that with her magazines at our local Kroger. Take the Country Livings and put them in the back and replace them with MJF. They sell better that way. ;)


Farmgirl Sister
# 18 :)

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